Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by melkimx

































































    ^ I just noticed that it's outdated when I'm not logged into the main site. =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    interesting O_O so when you log in, it's fine?

    Will users still be able to submit news stories ("soompi scoops") that might be chosen for the front page' date=' or is that no longer going to be available?[/quote']

    Oh no, that's gone... you can't know how much trouble Soompi Scoops caused us. We had many people copying and pasting stories from other sites, and because they looked like legitimate news, people would accuse us from plagiarizing. Or people would use it to try to get some spam onto our news lineup... anyway, sorry, it's gone for good. If you're interested in writing articles, though, just send an email to media@soompi.com to find out how to become a real news writer!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know if this question was already addressed' date=' sorry if it was. I have at least two threads that I manage in the k-actors & actresses section, and I know I edited the first post in that thread this year (to update about the actresses' new drama), but the first post only has the edit in 2011. Like the edits I made this year are no longer there.[/quote']

    we have the same question and it was not yet answered.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's been answered. Check out our Forum Launch FAQ!
    Is the sign in anonymously different from the old forum (sorry if this sounds like a stupid question) because I noticed that the 'who's online' stats have no anonymous users, just users and guests.

    Kind of scared me to see only 300 users on soompi and including guests! There is usually 2000. I don't think anonymous users account for the missing chunk but it does account for a big chunk of the fanfic and artwork forums that I hang out at.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also, is the thread descriptions on the forum browsing page going to come back? I know that fanfic authors (includes me) use the descriptions to post information like 'last updated on X/XX' or 'featuring WonderBang' or other info that readers would look at before actually clicking into a topic. Sorry if this has been asked already.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think the way IPB and Vanilla records it is different. As for the thread descriptions, sorry, don't have the answer!
    I was browsing the topics again and I realized that there is no way to indicate whether we rated a comment as 'Insightful' 'Awesome' or 'LOL' already. I had rated a couple of comments a few hours ago and when I go back, there is no indication that I had already rated it. So when I click the button again, the numbers go down but it still looks the same... Is there any way to make the buttons look different after rating something once already?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe that's a bug. I noticed that when I first started posting, but these days when I do it, it sticks.
    ^ I noticed that too. It's gone right away. Also' date=' I don't think I can rate a post both insightful and LOL. Has that been disabled for now? [/quote']Oh, sad T_T you're right. Is this true?
    Is my email able to be viewed publicly on my profile? I can't find the option to disable that feature' date=' so I just put in a fake email for now lol.[/quote']No, it should be private by default, of course. http://forums.soompi.com/profile/edit































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @iSimplicityy -- we'll look into it and I'll include it in our requests of things to change, but it's not going to be first priority (like being able to edit and format posts).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @shipperr -- we're really sorry, that definitely should not have happened!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @sudu.won -- yeah, the nonalphanumeric characters we worked so hard to keep on our last site just aren't transitioning over very well. In a way, that's kind of expected these days. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but would you consider updating your name? Just PM me with any options you might have (several of them might be best). Thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Definitely please read the FAQ to see if your question/observation has already been addressed! In particular, the issues about the parent/subforum content should be in there, as well as updating some of the outdated posts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @shipperr, umm... no, definitely it isn't part of the coding that there should be profanities in your fanfic. That would be really weird. Can you send me the link to your fanfic? Let's see if someone was messing around.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @rectitude*, that sounds pretty unusual. Let me ask the developers what's going on here. And as for making yourself invisible, yes, it's possible! http://forums.soompi.com/profile/online
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @iSimplicityy, by topic filter, do you mean filtering by open/closed topics? It's not honestly at the top of our list, but I've already included it as a suggestion for the Vanilla forum team!

































































    I don't really like the "LOL" option. It can give "haters" the possibility to ridicule serious posts. The others are ok but the "LOL" thingy irks me.
    Wow, I hadn't thought of that. But are people actually using it in that way?

    @*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.*, yes, following/followers have been removed. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Since we no longer have blogs or statuses, it seemed not very useful to have the following feature (because there's not much to follow). And from what we could tell, it wasn't used very much anyway.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @johananv., sorry, there seems to be something where the new members aren't changing to members. Someone has upgraded your status manually. Other people can feel free to let me know if they need to be upgraded too! This will definitely be fixed!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks, everyone, for your comments. Even if they've already been mentioned before, it's still helpful to know how many people have the same opinion or are experiencing the same problem. It will help us prioritize and make better decisions. As of now, this is what I have:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Lack of contrast/too pale colors makes the site difficult to navigate. We will probably address this by tweaking the color scheme a tiny bit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Forum/subforum organization confusing (the parent forums are containing all of the subforum content as well). We will need to do some reorganizing within the next week or so.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Signature editing is limited. (I believe this is related to the post editing being similarly limited, and this is something that will be addressed.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Some layout issues.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Jump to post # missing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - FOS hearts are gone... yes, they are. I can't say that bringing them back is at the top of any to-do list (just because we have too many other things to fix), but I will ask about returning them. In the meantime, you may have noticed that all FOS are marked with a purple background.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Flagging feature might be abused.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Need topic markers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please also read our FAQ because it answers some of the questions you've been asking, such as editing and logging in anonymously. Thanks for your support!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi all, we've written up a quick FAQ to address some of the repeated questions in this thread. Check it out! http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2000084/forum-launch-faq
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For those of you who wanted to be able to follow an entire forum, try going to the notification preferences on your profile. There's an option there to follow certain forums. I don't think it works in quite the same way as IPB (not sure because I never tried to follow an entire forum before), but try it out!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  7. i had to make a new account because it wouldn't let me log in with my old account. i tried my username but it keeps saying username box is empty. when i tried my email' date=' it said no such username... yet when i tried to use the same email again to register this account, it said its already in use. O_o i even tried to reset my password and when i go to the link from my email, it says the link is invalid. what to do? i really prefer to use my old account. D: i'm wondering if its because my old username begins with a character instead of a letter? [/quote']hi, i think that probably explains it. can you please send an email to support@soompi.com with your profile link and we can reply to you there? thanks!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi, thanks for your feedback! To answer your questions:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I see the completed fanfix subforum as usual. The link is in light blue, do you not see it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Following/tracking topics: Yep, as someone helpfully noted, there is a bookmark feature. Don't quote me on this, but I think there used to be a link you could click that would take you to a list of all the topics in which you posted, so I'll ask about having that return. I found it quite useful. As for topic markers, we are looking into getting those back. And as for bookmarking entire forums... now that I don't know about, but I'll look into it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pinned threads: Yes, we will work on pinning those back! Sorry!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Post URLs/Permalinks: There should be a link icon that you can click above the thread that will allow you to get the URL of the post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edit: Yes, we'll work on getting it back!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Welcome back, Soompiers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We are excited to present the open beta version of Soompi 3.0! Our new site has been built from the ground up to give you an improved experience in terms of stability, speed, and design. We hope you will find it to be faster and more stable. We also hope you will enjoy all the new features we have to offer, such as autosave drafts, tags, badges, and better integration between the main site and forum content.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The site is still in beta mode, and as such, there are still a few problems we need to solve. The most significant issue is that users cannot edit their forum posts. (During the closed beta, it seemed that users were able to edit their posts, but when we were migrating the data, we noticed some problems for the first time. At that point, it was a choice between keeping the site offline until we could fix it, or opening up the site but not allowing people to edit their forum posts; we went with the latter option because we thought you would prefer it.) Other issues are that the old reputation points do not currently show up on the posts (though they do in people's profiles), and there are also some problems with formatting in certain posts and signatures. We expect to solve these problems within the next few days and weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those of you who are having trouble logging in may need to try accessing the site through the left panel, as shown below:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Other than that, please let us know if you find any errors or have any questions! You can reply to this thread or start a new topic in this forum, or you can email support@soompi.com with your input. For technical issues, it helps if you can provide screenshots as well as tell us which operating system and browser you use. Your input is necessary for us to be able to identify and fix the problems, so please help us by letting us know what we need to improve!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for all your patience and support! Our staff has worked very hard to bring you this site, and we really hope that it's been worth the effort!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Team Soompi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi all, thanks for your entries! can you please mention which concert date you're interested in attending? i updated the article as well.

































































































































  11. Hello Soompiers,

    "Soompiers of the Month" is our feature in which we pay tribute to some of our most dedicated and esteemed members! Every month, we will select one person who has contributed greatly to the Soompi community -- whether by giving people helpful advice, posting fun things for everyone to browse, providing entertainment resources when needed, or in other ways not mentioned. We will interview them so you can get to know more about these people whom you have probably seen around the forums. We will also give them a $30 iTunes or Amazon gift certificate!


    For our first 2012 Soompier of the Month, our staff chose one member who's been with us for quite awhile! ~Bunnylicious~ has served as a role model and helpful resource for many Soompiers in the beauty and fashion forum, as well as being someone who provides a lot of advice and input in our various lifestyle forums. At the same time, she has somehow managed to do so while abiding by all of our rules and always remaining polite -- a rare feat for someone with over 26,000 forum posts! Congratulations, ~Bunnylicious~! Let's get to know you!



    Background info:

    Hello, my name is Susan. I'm 30 years old. I'm currently working as a temporary office worker at a local university, at one of the accounting departments. I'm Chinese, born and raised in Indonesia. My parents sent me to USA after I'd finished high school. I went to a university in Oregon, and  have been living in this state since then. I am the youngest child. I have two sisters and a brother. My oldest sister and my brother live in USA, my second sister and her husband currently are living in London. My retired parents are still living in Indonesia. I'm married to my college sweetheart. We are currently having our first child together. We don't know the gender yet, but we will know in a week!

    What are three words that describe you?

    Quirky, funny, klutz.

    What brought you to Soompi in the first place?

    I was browsing Xanga blogs, and came across of a picture of a female singer in an interesting-looking outfit. I commented on the blog about the picture, and then the blog owner said he/she took the picture from Soompi forums.

    What keeps you coming back to Soompi?

    • Love the atmosphere, it's entertaining and relaxing.
    • Wide selection of sections/topics that are organized neatly.
    • I've met some great people at Soompi. Friendly, smart and funny members. 
    • I like how the conversation here is kept PG-rated.
    • I've  learned many things here, especially from the beauty & fashion forum. Though that section is also bad for my wallet :P

    Name five facts about yourself that most of us don't know.

    • My  mom said when I was little I never listened to Indonesian children songs, mostly American. Yeah, I remember I always listened to Michael Jackson and New Kids on The Block. :P I sort of remember I liked listening to Japanese cartoon soundtracks too.
    • My favorite celebs of all time are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pamela Anderson, and Vin Diesel.
    • I  like playing Words game on my iPhone app. I also like playing Word Jumbles. I think I'm pretty good even though English isn't my first language and my English vocabulary is limited, a few friends told me that.
    • One unusual experience that I can remember now, I guess  it's the time when a representative from Rachel Ray emailed me to ask for my permission to use my curling iron tutorial video for the show. She emailed me a release form to sign. After waiting for 2-3 weeks, I thought they decided not to show it. Then, a Soompi member linked me a YouTube video of the Rachel Ray show. They only showed my video for a good two seconds, but it's something!
    • My favorite book is the "The Confession of a Shopaholic" series by Sophia Kinsella.

    What do you do in your spare time?

    I'm active on a couple of websites which people collect points by completing random offers, surveys and tasks and then redeem the points for gift cards (e.g., Amazon, American Eagle, Starbucks). Easy way to earn extra shopping money! I also read books on Kindle and read mangas online.

    Favorite TV show?

    Currently I like Dexter, Big Bang Theory, White Collar, Royal Pains, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate  Housewives, and American Horror Story. Past TV shows, I like Pushing  Daisies, Nip/Tuck, and Not Ordinary Family.

    Favorite movies?

    My favorite movies are the Terminator series, Harry Potter series, Lord Of  the Rings Trilogy, Wall-E, Hangover 1 and 2, Residents Evil 1 and 2, Beauty & the Beast, and Tangled.

    Last meal on Earth?

    Sushi and dim sum.


    What is your current desktop wallpaper?

    Mario Bros theme, I grabbed it from Deviant Art: http://i44.-/34hudyv.jpg

    Is your house neat or messy?

    Fairly neat house, you can walk around without worrying about tripping. ;)

    What are you wearing right now?

    A sleep dress and a Gryffindor hoodie. ;-)

    Last purchase?

Victoria's Secret Maxi Tee Dress. It was an impulse buy. Shame on me.

    What beauty and/or shopping advice do you have to give to our members?

    When  you're shopping online, always compare prices with other websites, read reviews, use online coupons (if there are any), and ALWAYS shop through the cashback websites for extra saving such as fatwallet and ebates.

    What general advice do you have to give to our members?

    Be yourself. Be confident. Age is just a number.

    That's all for January! Be sure to check out ~Bunnylicious~'s blog at http://bunnyliciouscloset.blogspot.com!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi Soompiers,  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We're presenting a weekly online debate for those who love interactive discussions. All members are welcome to assert their own points and counterpoints. Feel free to express your views without worrying about whose opinions are better. Here are the rules: No bashing or flaming (either the celebrities involved or your fellow members), elaborate rather than just stating your position briefly, and stay on topic. The moderators will get involved if things get out of hand, but they will remain objective.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This week’s debate: Which actor will be the next biggest superstar – Lee Min Ho, Jang Geun Suk, or Kim Hyun Joong? What qualities does he possess that the other two don’t?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  13.   WILD ROMANCE (난폭한 로맨스)

    Title: Wild Romance (난폭한 로맨스)
    Chinese Title: 暴力罗曼史
    Also Known As: Aggressive Romance
    Genre: Romance & Comedy
    Episodes: 16
    Broadcast Network: KBS2
    Broadcast Period: 2012-Jan-04 to 2012-Feb-23
    Air Time: Wednesday & Thursday @ 21:55 PM KST
    Producer: Bae Kyeong Su
    Screenwriter: Park Yeon Sun


    Wild Romance tells the love story between a baseball player and a female bodyguard who is a former judo athlete.

    Sometime early in the morning, Kim Tae-Han (Kang Dong-Ho), the director of communications for professional baseball team the Red Dreamers, visits baseball player Park Moo-Yeol's (Lee Dong-Wook) apartment. Kim Tae-Han shows him a video clip from the internet that has gone viral. The video shows a female judo throwing Park Moo-Yeol to the floor. Tae-Han wants to know where the video is from.

    Meanwhile, female bodyguard Yoo Eun-Jae (Lee Si-Young) stands in front of her boss Kevin Jang (Lee Han-Wi). Kevin Jang also shows her the same video of Yoo Eun-Jae throwing a man to the floor. Kevin Jang demands an explanation.

    It all started the previous night, on her father's birthday. Yoo Eun-Jae, her father, and her younger brother went out to a karaoke bar to celebrate. The same night, baseball player Park Moo-Yeol and a woman were also planning to go the same karaoke bar. After Yoo Eun-Jae's father, who was a bit drunk, came out of the bathroom, he entered the wrong karaoke room. In that room, Park Moo-Yeol and a woman were there. Yoo Eun-Jae's father apologized and left their room. Then, Yoo Eun-Jae's father remembered who the guy is in the other karaoke room. Yoo Eun-Jae's entire family are diehard fans of baseball team the Blue Seagulls, arch-rivals of Park Moo-Yeol's team, the Red Dreamers. During the 7th game of last season's championship series, the Red Dreamers and the Blue Seagulls faced off in the decisive game. During the game, Park Moo-Yeol and the ace pitcher for the Blue Seagulls fought after Park Moo-Yeol threw his bat at the pitcher. Both players were ejected from the game and the Red Dreamers would go on to win the game and the championship title. Yoo Eun-Jae's father, now even more drunk, went back to Park Moo-Yeol's karaoke room. Yoo Eun-Jae's father yelled at Park Moo-Yeol for making the Blue Seagulls lose. Park Moo-Yeol and Yoo Eun-Jae's father stepped out into the hallway and got into a slight physical confrontation. Park Moo-Yeol pushed Yoo Eun-Jae's father and he fell down. Right at that moment, Yoo Eun-Jae saw her father on the floor. Yoo Eun-Jae became angry and then tossed Park Moo-Yeol to the floor.

    After hearing Park Moo-Yeol's explanation, Kim Tae-Han tells Park Moo-Yeol that he has to find the woman from the video and clear the situation. To avoid the media, Park Moo-Yeol hides out at the apartment of his teammate and sunbae, Jin Dong-Soo.

    After Yoo Eun-Jae explains what happened the other night to her boss Kevin Jang, Mr. Jang orders Yoo Eun-Jae to go into hiding and not reveal her line of work or it will ruin their business.

    Yoo Eun-Jae goes back to the karaoke bar to get rid of any records the club has of her from the previous night. In front of the karaoke bar, Yoo Eun-Jae sees a man and mistakes him for the owner of the karaoke bar. The man is actually Kim Tae-Han, director of communications for the Red Dreamers. Kim Tae-Han is at the karaoke bar to find the woman from the video. Yoo Eun-Jae takes Kim Tae-Han to her boss's office. Kevin Jang and Kim Tae-Han both agree to do whatever it takes to calm the situation down. They agree to hold a press conference and that they will tell reporters that Yoo Eun-Jae is Park Moo-Yeol's bodyguard. The video clip of Park Moo-Yeol being thrown to the ground was just practice on Yoo Eun-Jae's part. They also agree that Yoo Eun-Jae will really work as Park Moo-Yeol's bodyguard to squash any further doubts.


    Lee Dong Wook as Park Moo Yeol
    Lee Si Young as Yoo Eun Jae
    Oh Man Suk as Jin Dong Soo
    Hwang Sun Hee as Oh Soo Young


    Kang Dong Ho as Kim Tae Han
    Jessica Jung as Kang Jong Hee
    Im Joo Eun as Kim Dong Ah
    Lee Won Jong as Yoo Young Kil
    Lee Hee Joon as Ko Jae Hyo
    Lee Han Wie as Kevin Jang


    'Alone in Love' Writer Returns with 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Si Young Cast in 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Dong Wook Added to 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Dong Wook & Lee Si Young Tapped as Leads in New Series
    Oh Man Seok Cast in "Wild Romance"
    Kang Dong Ho as Chic City Guy in "Agressive Romance"
    "Wild Romance" Adds Hwang Sun-Hee
    "Wild Romance" Lee Won-Jong
    "Wild Romance" Lee Dong-Wook and Lee Si-Yeong
    Lee Si Young Looks Cute with a Perm on "Wild Romance"
    Lee Si-Yeong, 'Chic Bodyguard'
    Im Joo-Eun Follows What's Up with "Wild Romance"
    SNSD's Jessica Offered a Role in KBS' 'Wild Romance'
    SNSD's Jessica Confirmed for KBS' 'Wild Romance'
    Teaser and Stills from KBS' 'Wild Romance'
    'Wild Romance' Releases Posters
    Im Joo Eun's Stills for 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Dong Wook on Action Scenes with Lee Si Young
    Lee Si Young, "I'm not afraid of Jessica's fans, they are helpful."
    Lee Dong Wook Pulled off All Action Scenes for New Series because of Lee Si Young
    Lee Si Young Goes to Bat for 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Si Young Reveals Her Childhood Photos
    Han Ga In, Gu Hye Sun, and Lee Si Young Battle It Out in New Wednesday & Thursday Dramas
    Lee Si Young: Lee Dong Wook is the Most Interesting Actor Ever Met
    Gorgeous Lee Si Young & Lee Dong Wook Promote 'Wild Romance'
    Three Viewing Points of 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Si Young as Tomboy for Male-Male Couple with Lee Dong Wook
    Lee Dong Wook and Lee Si Young as Baseball Players
    'Wild Romance' Viewers’ Response: Sign of Big Hit vs Forced Punchline
    Comical Plot of 'Wild Romance' Fascinates Viewers
    'Wild Romance' Continues to Have Miserable Ratings
    Funny Acting of Lee Dong Wook & Lee Si Young Makes Audience Laughs
    Oh Man Seok Talks About His Ideal Woman and 'Wild Romance'
    Many Expressions of Lee Dong Wook Kill Women's Heart
    Earmuff Fashion of Lee Shi Young Shows Charm of Character
    Lee Dong Wook is King of Expressions in 'Wild Romance'
    Mysterious Stalker Debuts in Wild Romance for Higher Tension
    Lee El Cast in 'Wild Romance' as Femme Fatale
    Lee Dong Wook Does Not Frustrate for Poor Ratings of 'Wild Romance'
    Lee Dong Wook with Sexy, Injured Lips
    Fair White Complexion Skin of Lee Si Young & Hwang Sun Hee Revealed
    Lee Si Young & Lee Dong Wook to More Violently Vandalize

    Credits: DramaWiki
    "Wild Romance" Lee Dong-Wook Quarrels with Lee Si-Yeong
    SNSD's Jessica to Appear in 'Wild Romance' as Secret Weapon
    Beauty Bodyguard Lee Si Young Bets Herself on 'Wild Romance'
    Girls' Generation Member Jessica & Kim Jin Pyo Release “What To Do” for ‘Wild Romance’ OST
    Check Out a Preview of Girls' Generation Jessica in 'Wild Romance'
    The Cute Shape of Lee Si Young’s Hat Attracts Attention
    Jessica as Ex-Girlfriend of Lee Dong Wook – Savior of 'Wild Romance?'
    Jessica & Kim Jin Pyo OST for Wild Romance 1st on Music Chart
    Lee Si Young's Heart is Not Calm as 'Wild Romance' is Ending
    Kang Dong Ho & Lim Joo Eun Kiss Wildy Till Blood on Lips
    Hwang Sun Hee Self Luminous Selca Revealed
    Jessica Thanks Lee Dong Wook & Lee Si Young on Acting Debut
    Cute Pose of Lee Si Young & Jessica
    Jessica: Kiss Comfortably Under Guidance of Lee Dong Wook
    Viewers Want Sequel Despite Low Ratings of 'Wild Romance'
    Spoiler: "Wild Romance" Lee Si-Yeong and Lee Dong-Wook Share a First Kiss at Last
    'Wild Romance' Comes to a Happy Ending

    (Click to View)


    Filament - Im Jung Hee - 필라멘트
    Perhaps – SNSD Jessica & Kim Jin Pyo
    Because It’s Still You – Byul “Star”
    Hello, Love - J-Min
    Does It Hurt - Dong Woo
    How Could I Change - Oh Man Suk


    Trailer I
    Trailer II

    (Click to View)


    Episode 1
    Episode 2
    Episode 3
    Episode 4
    Episode 5
    Episode 6
    Episode 7
    Episode 8
    Episode 9
    Episode 10
    Episode 11
    Episode 12
    Episode 13
    Episode 14
    Episode 15
    Episode 16


    Episode 1
    Episode 2
    Episode 3
    Episode 4
    Episode 5
    Episode 6
    Episode 7
    Episode 8
    Episode 9
    Episode 10
    Episode 11
    Episode 12
    Episode 13
    Episode 14
    Episode 15
    Episode 16

    Credits: HanCinema































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi guys,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sorry for cutting in here. soompi is running a contest with the wonder girls to support their comeback. you probably already saw their video shout-out to soompiers (if not, you need to watch it)! but since the process of entering was a little confusing, we changed things. so basically, if you wanted to enter before but you were put off by the rules, you should definitely reconsider! we've moved the photo upload process to facebook (which almost everyone is pretty familiar with) and are now allowing edited photos as well. JYPE wants to know how many photos they'll get, so we really want to show them how many fans they have on soompi. please support both this site and wonder girls^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    we're allowing entries until 11/24, so please try it out! thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You probably already know that the biggest K-Pop event of the season, the SMTOWN NYC concert, is completely sold out! If you don’t already have tickets, don’t cry anymore! Soompi is giving three lucky people a chance to win a pair of tickets each! One of the winners will be chosen for the quality of his or her writing. This is the thread for you to show off your writing skills and your love for SNSD!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Reply to this thread and explain, in 100 words or less, why you love SNSD and want to see them live in concert.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If writing isn't your thing, or if you just want a better chance of winning, we’re giving you three different ways to enter: writing, photo, or video. Pick the method that best suits your talents, or just enter all three categories. Check out our contest article to find out the details!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hahaha! i'm sorry but am i the only person who thinks this commercial is really funny? it's really that bad!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi guys, I would trust Jaeho with the information.  If his information isn't totally clear, it's kind of because things may be decided as they go along.  We apologize for any inconvenience.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We have an interview with David Oh, who was one of the top five contestants on "MBC Star Audition's" first season.  Since appearing in the show, David has signed with record label Big Hit Entertainment and will star in the upcoming season of popular reality show "We Got Married" (in which he will be paired with fellow "MBC Star Audition" contestant Kwon Si Rae).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    David says that he used to visit the auditions forum here on Soompi!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "At Soompi, in the forums, there’s like performance and audition information, so I would go in there and find out audition information and see other performances and  stuff like that. And find out there’s really good people out there, and I guess I would get inspiration from those people too."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello, as many of you have already realized, YES!!!  There will be online video auditions as well.  Starting July 7, MBC will accept submissions via YouTube.  We will give you more detailed information as we have it.  Good luck!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just so you guys realize, there is still a second contest so you still have a chance to enter that and win your CD plus video shout-out...? Hope you can participate!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PleschTheLimits, can you please stop spamming now? Thanks!

































  21. Let's see a Soompier take home the prize!

    Ready to be a Star?

    Soompi is now the official partner of the second season of Korea’s most celebrated audition show, “MBC Star Audition”!  We have teamed up to give YOU the chance to become a superstar!

    Apply, rock the audition, and if you make it into the first round, you will be invited to Korea (flight and room & board will be provided for by MBC) to compete with other participants on live television in an elimination-style competition-- where only one person can be left standing. If you are that person, you will receive a large cash prize, and the opportunity to debut as a singer in Korea! 

    Check out our official MBC Star Audition page for more details.  There's also a fun video shout-out with some of the members of SNSD, Super Junior, f(x), and 2PM, as well as Jang Woo Hyuk, all encouraging you to audition (and do some other fun stuff too) so check that out as well!

    Audition Process

    Open auditions will be held in Los Angeles on July 16, and London on August 6. Please prepare to sing about 1 minute of your best song for the audition (at least 1 or more Korean songs). Auditions will be conducted in a cappella with the exception of you playing your own instrument (provided by you). If you decide to prepare a dance or other skill that requires music, please provide your own CD/MP3.

    Starting on July 7, there will also be online video auditions via YouTube.  We will post more details as we get them.

    Please check out our official MBC Star Audition page to download the application and learn audition dates, locations, and more details!

    Participation Requirements

    • Must be able to sing at least one song in Korean, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity
    • You will be disqualified if you are a professional singer and/or have some kind of recording contract

    Application Submissions

    • Download the application on our official MBC Star Audition page
    • Applications will be accepted from June 9, 2011 through July 15, 2011
    • Don’t forget to provide at least TWO different ways to contact you (cell phone number, home number, email, etc.)
    • After you have downloaded and completed the application form, email it to usa@mbc.co.kr

    Forum Thread

    We are opening this forum thread in the auditions subforum to allow you to discuss the show and the audition process! We hope to see you at the auditions!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Want to win a 2PM prize package which includes (but is not limited to) a personalized autographed 2PM CD and a personal video shout-out from the members of 2PM to you?  Of course you do!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    1. Create an original video or photo that represents the concept of "Hands Up"!  How?  Put your hands up -- literally!  The video or photo must contain 2PM's "Hands Up" dance motion.  (Don't worry, it's super easy!  Can you put your hands up?  Then you can do this dance!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Video length must be two minutes maximum.  All videos must be uploaded to YouTube with the title "Soompi 2PM Hands Up Contest Video".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. Post your photo or the YouTube link to your video in our contest forum thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. 2PM wants to know where you're from, so use your entry to show off your love for your hometown or country!  Whether it's by filming in front of a local landmark, or wearing national costumes, or even just waving a flag, special consideration will be given to entries that show their location in some form.  (However, if you have an inspiration that excludes this motif, go with your instincts!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5. Entries will be judged on ONE of three criteria: creativity, humor, or number of participants.  (For the last criterion, you must indicate how many participants there are!)  Videos and photos will be  judged as two separate categories.  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    6. JYPE will have rights to use the entries for publicity purposes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    In order to win, you must be a registered member of Soompi.  The contest begins on Tuesday, June 28, at 12 AM PDT and ends on Sunday, July 10, at 11:59 PM PDT
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Check out our discussion forum thread to collaborate with other members or just ask questions about the contest!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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