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Posts posted by illay

  1. More update ......




    기다리는 갤러들 있을거 같아서  후기 올려. 사실 후기랄거 없지만..

    나도 발로 뛰는 서포터는 처음이라 사실 가기 전 부터 조금 걱정을 했음. 다른 팬 분들도 처음 뵙는 거고 어색하지 않을까 생각도 들고

    운전해서 오시는 분이 있으셨고 나는 마지막에 픽업 당해서?? 차에 탔는데 

    쿠를 위해 모인 사람들이라는 공통점 하나만으로 전혀 어색한 기운 따위 느껴지지 않아서 기분좋게 출발.

    탄현제작센터 들어가니 경비 아저씨들 어디서 왔냐고. 

    사실 바로 안들여보내줄까봐 조금 걱정했는데 머 그런거 없이 엔아 쿠 서포트 왔다 하니 흔쾌히 들여보내주시더라고.

    들어가서 조금 기다리니 커피차 오셔서 준비. 오늘 촬영이 A팀 B팀 모두 세트여서 A팀 세트장이랑 B팀 세트장 중간에 커피차 준비했고

    사진들은 커피차 준비하고 찍은 사진들. 쿠키도 세 종류로 준비해 주시고 케이크도 이쁘게 준비해주시고 신경 많이 써 주셨더라고. 

    커피도 원두 바로 로스팅해서 오셔서 신선한 커피였어. 커피차 준비 다 하고 서포트 시작.

    계속 촬영중이었기 때문에 스텝들 중간 중간 나오셔서 커피 드시고, 배달해가시고 그러셨음 

    다들 잘 마시겠다며 기분 좋게 인사해 주셔서 기분 좋았고, 쿠 음료도 매니저분들이 가져가셨고.

    커피차 한창 진행 하다가 스티커 퀵 오고, 홀더랑 물이랑 커피에 스티커 작업 시작. 

    스티커가 시간이 촉박해서 조금 늦게 받게되어 처음 홀더엔 스티커를 못붙였지만 중간이후 홀더엔 스티커 잘 붙여서 나갔어.

    도시락 서포트 시간 한시간 전쯤 삼계탕이랑 아웃백 도시락 배달되고 그때부턴 정신없이 스티거 붙이고 하느라 개인적으론 사진을 못찍었음 ㅠㅠ

    도시락 스티커 다 붙이고 세팅하고 하니 A팀부터 스텝들 나오기시작. 젊은 분들은 아웃백도시락 선호하셨고, 반반씩 가져가서 같이 나눠드시기도 하고

    그랬음. 도시락이랑 물이랑 챙겨드리고, 쿠원팬 분이 기부해주신 커피도 원하시는 분들은 하나씩 가져가셨고.

    쿠 도시락은 스텝들 나오기 전에 매니저가 쿠꺼랑 스텝들꺼 같이 가져갔고, 쿠가 맛있게 잘 먹었다고 하셨음.

    밥먹고 다시 감정씬 들어가야해서 매니저분 통해서 사인만 받았고 이부분은 횽들이 이해해줄꺼라 믿어. 

    초생방이고 내일씬들도 아직찍고 있고, 이번주가 중요한 감정씬들이다보니..

    A팀 다 나눠 드리고 조금 기다렷다 B팀까지 모두 도시락 전달 완료. 아무래도 배달온거라 금방 식을까 걱정했는데 보온팩에 넣어와서 시간 지나도 금방 식지 않더라고. 드실 때 식지 않게 드셔서 다행이야

    스텝분들 다 너무 잘 드셨고, 잘먹었다고 인사도 해주시고 엔아팀 스텝들 다들 훈훈하시더라고. 

    커피차도 스텝들 식사 거의 끝날때쯤 마감 했고, 커피차 사장님들 끝까지 서비스도 주시고 너무 잘 해주셨음.

    생수가 조금 남았는데 남은 물들은 스텝분들 다 드리고 왔고.  

    사실 일정이 너무 급하게 진행되는 바람에 걱정도 많았는데 다행히 큰 변수 없이 무사히 잘 마쳤고, 스텝분들도 다들 맛있게 식사 하셨으니 다행.

    쿠에게 큰 힘이 되었을꺼야.

    참여해 준 모든 갤러들 쿠원. 해외팬들 덕에 이렇게 무사히 잘 진행된거 같아. 다들 고맙고. 마지막까지 쿠 응원하자!

    후기가 별거 없어서 미안 ㅠ ㅎ

  2. Here's update from SnowSummer
    도시락 서포트 완료했습니다.
    아웃백 스테이크 인기 최고였구요
    삼계탕도시락도 한개 드시고 하나 더 드신분들도
    많이 계세요.

    오늘 감정씬 촬영중이라 사진인증은 못받았구
    사인은 쿠갤, 쿠원, 숨피 이름으로 받았어요. 나중에 올릴게요.

    스텝분들이 맛있게 먹었다고 인사해주시고
    쿠도 삼계탕이랑 스테이크 반씩 나눠서 잘먹었다고 합니다.

    도움주신 분들 감사해요.
    자세한 후기는 나중에 올릴게요

    The lunch box support is completed. The lunch box is samgyetang. Since  today they were shooting emotional scene, she couldn't get photo but she got signs for GHS DC, Ku One & also Soompi. She said that she will upload them later. The staff enjoyed the lunch and also gave greeting. Hope @cheerkoo will translate the sentences more detailed later hehe.Too bad she can't get GHS's pic kekkekee



  3. Hello, here  the support project for GHS from GHS DC, Ku ONe and GHS soompi .These photos are uploaded by a staff on his instagram....On the sticker, it's written : DC Goo Hye Sun Gallery,Ku One, Soompi Goo Hye Sun Forum.
    This one is the coffee truck.



  4. 안녕하세요
     급하게 글 올립니다. 
     도시락으로 준비해달라고 하셔서 그렇게 진행중이었는데 방금 드라마 담당자분께서
     저에게 전화주셔서 이번주 목(내일) 또는 금요일(확실한 스케줄 아님!) 영상 스케치 따는 일정이 있다고 하네요. 
     그래서 이왕이면 쿠의 팬들이 좋은 마음으로 준비하고 있으니 스케치 화면상 도시락 보다는 간식차가 더 나을 거 같다고.. 
     혹시 저희쪽 사정만 괜찮으면 도시락 말고 간식차로 변경 가능하냐고 문의하셨습니다. 
    제 생각에도 영상에 우리가 쿠 응원하는 모습이 찍힌다면 간식차 + 커피차 가 괜찮을 거 같습니다.
     인원수는 A 팀만 할 경우 70~100명, A+B팀 함께 할 경우 100~150명 정도 입니다.
     밥차는 어렵다고 하십니다. 그리고 저희쪽에서 간식차가 어려우면 도시락으로 진행해도 괜찮고 
     그렇게 하면 일정은 다시 조율해서 알려주신다고 합니다.  1. 도시락으로 그대로 진행 (날짜 미정) Lunch (date undecided) 2. 간식차 + 커피차 변경 (목 or 금. 정확한 일정은 아님) Snack truck + coffee truck (Thursday or Friday.. schedule is not exact)3. 간식차 + 커피차 + (추가) 쿠 도시락(무인키친 '사랑해 도시락'은 1인분 부터 주문가능) (Snack truck + coffee truck + lunch box) 
    Update from snowsummer...I opened DC from my phone...I hope the malware will not affect android system...phewwww They are voting about the menu...there are 2 teams on the production. A team 70-100 persons. A+B team around 100-150 persons. .Most of them voted for Coffee truck + Lunch box   @cheerkoo

  5. @cheerkoo I am absolutely agree that they should give the director & writer gifts especially if there are still some amount money left. I will send her e-mail too suggesting her to do it in politely way kekeke. Yes...sam gyetang is healthy, delicious and also expensive keke. The last time I ate at seoul in 2012,it's about 11.000 won.Hopefully KuOne can get the right time where both of the teams are on the site so all of them can enjoy this special meals.

  6. @cheerkoo  i am actually a bit confuse ...the thought about giving the writer & director gifts previously...does it come from GHS DC or AE-DC? With the amount of money collected, it will be good if they can provide gift for LSY, writer & director too kekkekeke. More over, i bet they don't need to provide meal up to 100 people since the staff is divided into 2 team when shooting

  7. S_sun said: ...I am happy to see GHS enjoying herself at the filming .Just a small point. There were some comments about her hug at the reunion not being passionate but I felt it went with the story. Now we can see she was doing as directed.Here's GHS watching intensely what the director showedHere's her hug after watching. Just as directed. :)

  8. geumtrangdi said: Good Morning Sunnies,

    Just finished watching raw epi 12.   LSY did so well, and yes our Hyesun and the rest of
    AE team too!!  Can't wait for subbing.

    I have a good feeling that rating will be good because this epi had unknowns revealed, 
    a lot of emotional scenes and new developments unlike epi 11, which was more predictable
    and calm- kind of in the lull.  It also set up for suspenseful expectations; viewers will
    definitely tune it next week :)

    Things are looking up Sunnies-  I'm glad or else this week would be not so happy.

    AE, GHS, Sunnies fighting and ....praying kekeke.   I think our prayers have been
    heard- at least a little :)

    @Illay - thanks so much for all your work.   It's wonderful that we'll be able to
    participate to show our love & support to AE, GHS, LSY.   I am not familiar at all with
    Paypal.    Please, someone writes of the steps soon so that I can contribute to
    the campaign.  I am still not sure of deadline date; is it dependent on AE's response?

    Have a wonderful week :)

  9. ais730 said: Annyeong sunnies! EP. 12 is awesome! My heart breaks when YSW had nightmare. It felt like DJ is gonna leave him again. For my fangirl heart's sanity, I hope not. 
    Regarding paypal, I also haven't tried receiving money from it but I always send money through it. I am from Manila and when I send money for example to someone in HK, I send money in HKD dollars (based on the merchant's billing form) but I get billed in my credit card in USD. It will be based on the conversion rate that day. I am think the recipient will get it in the currency you chose to send it. Correct me if I am wrong.
    Is fantasia_s@naver.com the email of the DC admin? We can send money to that account? 

  10. @ghsforever she said that If they received support event date from Ku hye sun's manager that will be closed.
    @chyne22 As i know, you will send the money in USD but when the receiver withdraws it to the local bank, paypal will convert it to Korean Won. isn't it like this?? anyone who is familiar with paypal??

  11. Hello Lee Sang Yoon fans,Maybe some of you already know that DC galery fans want to provide meals to support Angel Eyes and they also want to give gift to the director and the writer.
     For some of you who want to contribute you can send money through paypal account  fantasia_s@naver.comPlease visit GHS thread to know the story.Here's the confirmation link about that paypal account. Read in the comment area, okay ^^

  12. Okay gals....snow summer replied that she just paid 1,95USD for paypal. That means the account is already verified. You all can start to transfer the money. She replied in English. Before, i asked her about the deadline date and whether her paypal account is already verified since she will can not withdraw the money more than 50$ if the account isn't verified. Hope this helps. Thanks
    @GHSforever @cheerkoo @myonenonly @chyne22  @s_sun


  13. cheerkoo

    said: OMG thanks illay!!Wow!!I really am not good with computer..I have been saying that all along.How did you get into DC??I tried for so many months when I first became GHS fan and never worked for me.I read your post in DC----Woah,,You can speak Korean better than I can!!Thanks so much!!

    It may not be snow summer but there is someone who understands English on that DC page. She or he is the one who must have gotten your message first because her post mentions that soompi's Koo fans want to contribute and that you are talking about paypal. They say they will check into the link that you gave them.Bravo. It is this person in DC:

    ㅇㅇ숨피쿠포럼 내에서 여기연합서폿에 참여하고 싶어하시는 분들이 계시는듯 잘은 모르지만 페이팔?? 뭐 그런걸로 해외팬들도 입금할수 있는 방법이 있나본데(타팬덤에선 페이팔 로 해외모금도 하더라) 긍정적으로 고려해보는것도 좋지 않을까 125.184*.*
    Thanks so much.

    I was just thinking to call the NYC Hana bank office on Monday and get more information. But thank God you are here to  take care of it.!!!Thanks again~~~This is an exciting day!! 

  14. all,  snowsummer already made an account in paypal but she said that she will learn about paypal rule kekkekeke....
    papal account : fantasia_s@naver.com

    You all can check DC link that i posted before to confirm this account. DO you think she can verify the account? kekekkeke. I told her before that she will need credit card number just to confirm the account.

  15. One of soompier @misstear (hi misstear ^^ ) told me that everyone can post on DC without Korean ID. Anyway, Snowsummer replied that she already looked about paypal on Naver but it seems that she still confuse and think it's really difficult. She asked me 2 things but i only understand the last question. @Cherkoo please, help  =))


  16. Hi.....I have already written on DC about  all of your wish  to contribute to the project. Hope someone will answer it. The problem is, snowsummer doesn't know what is paypal. And before me, a kind soul already mentioned that soompi member want to participate...i just realized it after i posted my comment because I didn't read their conversation beforehand( I just opened the link from cherkoo and posting without reading kekekke). 

  17. Gals...as I know, even though hana bank has branches outside South Korea, their system are not connected each other. Basically, it's the same thing like you transfer money from your local bank to bank in South Korea. The fee is not cheaper.

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