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Posts posted by cherkell

  1. @baduy at the 5F Forum shared his translation of Ji-hoon's letter with us.  Isn't he the bestest in the whole wide world?  Show him some love when you get the chance!!! :x

    Hello, Ji Hoon here!

    Yesterday, the long journey we embarked on last summer finally came to an end. Yesterday afternoon the final footage was shot, and on viewing that final episode, Ji Ho's life, and the sight of him sitting at the piano and smiling, gave me many sad feelings. I'd been rather anxious about meeting the public again in the role of Yoo Ji Ho, but I think it taught me a lot of new things.

    Thanks to all the good wishes and messages of encouragement people sent me for my screen comeback, I was able to put every ounce of my strength into it right till the end. I thank everyone for all the warm affection you showed Yoo Ji Ho and "Five Fingers" throughout the whole 30 episodes. I'm more grateful than any words could say. I look forward to repaying my debt to you all through my future work.

    The weather's getting really chilly now. Take care not to catch colds, everyone

    See you again soon

    Ji Hoon

    P.S.  Our Boys together for the last time?  I HOPE NOT!!!  :((


  2. And here's one of the events Changwook-ssi has planned post-Five Fingers... MORE Five Fingers-related stuff!!  Because of the huge fanbase that both he and Joo Ji Hoon have in Japan, it was a no-brainer for Yein E/I (the production company for 5F) to sell the rights to the Show as soon as it started airing in Korea.  Here's the official announcement from DATV that it will begin airing on Sunday, 27 January 2013 at 9:00 PM (Japan Time) on their TBS channel.


    Through his handlers at EMI Music Japan and in advance of the 5F airing, JCW also has a fan meeting tentatively scheduled for 21 January 2013 in Tokyo.  The meeting time and venue have yet to be decided (and since I already have plans to be in Japan at the end of April 2013, if I could, I would SO make room in my hectic schedule for such a trip!!!).

    EMI Japan is promoting this appearance as the first time he will be able to meet with his Japanese fans in such a capacity, because he's receiving lots of press with his three prior dramas ("Smile, Donghae," "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" and Bachelor's Vegetable Store") all airing over there at present.  Other dates were discussed prior to January, but with the heavy filming schedule for "Five Fingers," a date was not able to be secured.

    So I'm going to assume that the recent negotiations for his next show either fell through or have been pushed back a bit in order for him to make this fan meeting on 21 January -- he's always said that he doesn't want to get distracted during a drama filming and just concentrates on his character development, so any promotions outside of Korea were always postponed until he gave the word.

    And yay that I understand Japanese much better than Korean, so there shouldn't be any translation problems coming out from these new promotions (チ・チャンウクis Ji Chang'uku in Kanji).  CHANGWOOK FIGHTING!!

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  3. Welp, that's a wrap people!  JCW's last scene for "Five Fingers" was filmed with Joo Ji Hoon at 4:10 AM on 25 November (yes, the same day the Finale Episode aired).  Here's some BTS shots of what ended up being a 14-take situation, since Our Boys couldn't stop giggling to get a proper take done.  But when everything finally calmed down and the last clapper sounded, they both broke down in tears and sat on the stage hugging each other for the longest time.  :(:(:((



    So what's next for our little Warrior Chef Bachelor Pianist?  A few things, of course -- this boy never rests!!  More to follow shortly!!  :x

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  4. Tarits said: The finale did not disappoint me, no fairy tale ending, leave it to your imagination, nothing corny, nothing mushy but the ending is sweet.

    cherKell - I shed the most tears in the finale. What a way to start my Sunday morning in tears!  Thanks for the 5F thread and for dropping by here every so often.  See you again and your Chang Wook in another project, one where we will see men we love smile and laugh a lot!

  5. Cross-posted from the "Five Fingers" Forum:  Watching the raw of Episode 28 last week, I noticed Changwook-ssi's face welting up from that slap Chae Si Ra belted him with and thinking "did she really hit him that hard or is it makeup?"  In this BTS clip, I thought both of them were going to break down in sobs after the cameras stopped rolling.  Where he tells her to not hold back and slug him hard... wow.  It's just another example of how amazing these actors are at their craft.   And I can't stop crying now. :((

    (credit to Amy from the Joo Ji Hoon Forum)
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  6. And even more news!  Does this boy ever sleep?!?  Even with 5F filming around the clock on its last episodes, Changwook-ssi has been tasked to participate in the SBS reboot of the Korean version of "We Are The World," entitled "Beautiful World."  Several K-pop stars (B.A.P., Secret, Insooni, Alex), other actors and athletes are also performing in this event at the request of the Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy as a public campaign to raise awareness about global warming's effect upon natural disasters.  The song itself and music video is set for release on 28 November (for FREE, so grab it when you can), with BTS footage to be dribbled out over the next few days.

    But is it really wise to stick a 6' tall guy in the front row? :-/

    JCWSaveTheWorld2_zpse90fa2ad.jpg  JCWSaveTheWorld_zps8e5e1cee.jpg


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  7. OH GOOD GRIEF!!!  Is there no other news in Korea that people should be talking about?  You have to put up something like this instead?  But it's news and I guess I should report it.  Sigh.  Does give me a reason to post this tableau again, so something good comes out of it... :x

    Apparently the gossip making the rounds overnight was the dramatic weight loss that My Precious went through before starting to film "Five Fingers."  According to the reports, he dropped 10 kg (a little over 22 pounds) prior to the first day of shooting.  When JCW was filming "Warrior Baek Dong Soo" (first two pictures), he was so bulked up with muscle that he clocked in at a whopping 72 kg (almost 159 lbs.).  You can see the weight gradually going away as "Bachelor's Vegetable Store" was being filmed (and his February accident didn't help much either), but as of this report, he's now down to his biography weight of 63 kg (139 lbs.).  Geesus, for a 180 cm-tall guy, that's too freakin' thin!!!


    You can definitely see the gauntness of his face in the first couple of episodes after the adult cast was brought in, but I call NO WAY on a 22-lb. reduction.  And I am going to assume that this word didn't get out until now for two reasons:  (1) Joo Ji Hoon had gone through his own drastic weight loss regimen right after accepting his role (6kg / 13 lbs.), and JCW didn't want to upstage him for his comeback drama; or (2) something like this is going to drum up more viewers for the show's final episodes this weekend.  Granted, it's got people talking, as the netizens approve of the news saying that it has just enhanced his acting abilities and the subject is trending well on the usual webportals.  YOU be the judge!

    But sweetie, come over to the States so I can feed you In-N-Out burgers and Pinkberry frozen yogurt.  Let's put some meat back on those bones, ne?  ;))

    Original from newsen.com:  Ji Chang Wook's 10kg Weight Loss is Perfect for Drama

    • Like 1
  8. Tarits said: cherKell - had I known you wanted the IAKing poster, I would have given you one. I had 3 of those. I used to await posters in my neighborhood DVD rental making the clerk promise to give me posters after use. They usually do but I only want only those of my favorites.

    Yes, I look forward to meeting  you at the next K pop event. Who were you particularly cheering for on the BBang guys?  I was mesmerized by GD but have been dazzled by Top's face, esp. his eyes. What about you?   IAKing may most likely not be shown here but though I feel a bit angry, can't do anything about it. However LBY's Masquerade is still showing much to my surprise. I think it has been showing for almost 2 months already. If Jihoon makes any movie again and I just know he will, let's meet at CGV. Or any of our fave movies, if ever. My treat!   :)

  9. Annyeong Hunnies!!  I just had to share this picture from my recent trip to NYC after the Big Bang show.  We were walking around Koreatown and stumbled upon a bookstore/video rental store where Jihoon's poster for "I Am The King" was posted out front.  Not being able to control myself, my chingu snapped this as the store owner came out to see what all the commotion was about and was laughing so hard... and then he took the poster out of the case and gave it to me!!!! (They were getting ready to swap out posters anyway for the latest batch of releases.)  Too bad all the video copies they had were not subbed and available for sale just yet.  Rats rats rats!!!


    @Tarits, the next K-Pop concert in SoCal I will make sure to hook up with you -- or if the movie ever makes it to the theatre I will have to be sitting in the seat next to you!! :x :x :x

  10. And also since I celebrated a birthday earlier this week, this is what my Korean friends surprised me with at dinner -- Changwook-ssi's picture is actually printed on a sheet of sugar!!  I have the BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!  (And it's also really really scary how well they know me too...)  :x :x :x


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  11. And even more news!  Changwook-ssi was a guest on 21 October for MNet's "News Wide" program (kinda like their "Entertainment Tonight" clone) to discuss all things JCW-related, I guess.  They just 'happened' to catch him in the recording studio where all the 'Five Fingers' OST releases have been produced... so does that mean we might be seeing a tune out of him for the soundtrack?  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!  (Although I would pay good money to hear him in a duet with Joo Ji Hoon instead...)

    No air date for this segment has been announced yet, but I'm sure it should be within the next few days or so.  There's only 10 more episodes of 5F left, so they'd better get it in fast!


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  12. And I'm sure everyone has seen these shots a million times by now, but just in case, here they are again!!  Changwook-ssi's management company posted these BTS photos from the 5F set ostensibly to show that even though the makjang gets heavy on set, the actors still have time to horse around and stuff to stave off the boredom of waiting around all the time.  He tweeted that one picture where he's sitting on the dog statue by saying "I apologize for this; this man is deranged.  Don't look!!"  BWAHAHAHA!!


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  13. OH CRAP.  Soompi just Tweet-promoted this forum, so I'd better get cracking on posting more often!!  So here's some recent Twitter shots from the scene in "Five Fingers" Episode 17 where Woo-jin and In-ha get into a fight.  The caption states "It looks like an early winter this year."  Yannow, since he's all covered in dust and it looks like snow and... okay, I'll shut up now and let you all stare at The Pretty. :x

    Precious101712_zps4ae57b5e.jpg  Precious2101712_zpsc5527a9b.jpg

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  14. Tarits said: Still enjoying my brief pleasure trip here in Seoul! Tomorrow Busan is my itinerary. I have difficulty posting my photo at the Keyeast office since am just using my iPad. My Samsung Galaxy S 3 won't help too. (sigh) well many have seen it in my FB I hope! @lualm will try to find this mag here. I saw Cecil selling for $6 only whereas in LA it sells for $20! The visit? He has to visit one filming location too soon, I am sure he will!

  15. Oh I'm a bad little Jibaewoonim Fangirl, aren't I?  I've been spending way too much time on Real Life and the "Five Fingers" forum and neglecting this one as well.  But in all honesty, the new Soompi GUI leaves a lot to be desired -- the posts I put up two weeks ago and earlier this week have gone missing.  And it takes at least 20 minutes before a post actually sticks itself into this thread.  Pulling my hair out left and right!!!

    Let's remedy that right now, arraso?  FINALLY he's back!!!  Uri Changwook's first appearance in the preview for Episode 5.  DAEBAK!!  ::faints dead::


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  16. Annyeong chingus!  It's been awhile since I've been on this forum, so I apologize for having Real Life interfere and will swiftly bring everyone up to speed shortly.

    As you may or may not have heard, JCW has been a busy little guy since BVS wrapped up on 8 March.  He has appeared at several promotional events since then which I will (hopefully) put up pictures and narratives herein.  But the most important news is that he's been cast in a new 50-episode makjang drama to be aired on SBS beginning 4 August 2012 entitled "Five Fingers" (link to Soompi Forum here: Five Fingers).  Starring as the Dreaded Second Lead, My Precious will be playing the younger brother to Joo Ji Hoon's character (YAY JOO JI HOON IS BACK TOO!!!).  I'm not gonna clog up this thread with new drama stuff, so go visit over there as more news gets posted hourly!! :)

    More to follow -- stay tuned!!

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    Sorry guys, ep21 softsub's link points (first page) to ep20 softsub.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Sorry about that -- my provider gave me the wrong link.  All fixed now, but the only link I have is to a x264 (Khai) softsub (and I've posted a 720p RAW torrent link).  Give me a few moments and I'll make it all better.  As always, if you guys see any more links that are wrong and/or broken, please let me know!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What's the name of the actress that plays Nam Yoo Bong's girl friend. I can't find her name anywhere





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's Kang Ye Sol (강예솔) as Yoon Seo-young.  She was in the 2011 MBC drama "My Princess" as the little sister to Kim Tae-hee's character.  The PD-nim really made her look so angelic in this show -- a lot of people are asking about her now, so hopefully this will be a springboard up from the bit parts she's been known to play.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    With all that being said does anyone know if the book is in English and what is the title?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There is an English-translated version out there, which I picked up at my local Korean bookstore back when Changwook-ssi was rumoured to accept the lead role back in September 2011.  The title was loosely translated to "The Bachelor's Grocery Store," but I haven't been able to find another copy at that bookstore nor anywhere online anywhere since finding my copy.  I'll ask my chingus and see if they can point me in the direction of another source...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope to get my last thoughts up soon, but I've been laid low with a case of strep throat and haven't had the strength to do anything except sleep and cough up a lung.  I'll surface in the next day or so, but in the meantime, everyone stay healthy!!

































































































































































    For those who didn't miss an episode, what did you think of the dramas, it's characters, or the writing? [snip]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm going to wait a few days before adding my 200 won to this, as others who have not watched the Finale can get to do so and chime in first -- because you all know I've got some comments to add as well!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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