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Posts posted by aznchic209
































































































































































































































































    Lois is a GREAT liar!! lol. She soooooooo DID NOT do what she
































































































































































































    said she did...she was totally covering herself up because to think that
































































































































































































    she MIGHT have romantic feelings for Clark is just PREPOSTEROUS!
































































































































































































    The look on Clark's face when Lois said "yes." -- PRICELESS!
































































































































































































    The look on Lois' face when she caught Clark and Maxima in the elevator last week -- PRICELESS!
































































































































































































    These two are soooooo MEANT TO BE!! if the ring fits!!! lol.
































































































































































































    Ew, does anyone else think TESS is super ugly...and not worth kissing
































































































































































































    the gorgeous JUSTIN HARTLEY aka Oliver?? yuck!! Her nose is disgusting...
































































































































































































































































    This week's episode with Lois and Clark was like, "WHOA!"
































































































































































    Yes, the writers are rushing Clois, but I believe every minute of it...
































































































































































    Clark and Lois have always had this love/hate relationship...it's totally understandable
































































































































































    if they fall for each other later...
































































































































































    I loved what MAXIMA said about Lois and Clark...makes me
































































































































































    want them to get together soon...
































































































































































    how about it if Clois got together...and Lana comes back??
























































































































































































































    This week's episode was like "WTF!" Next week's episode is even more "WTF!"
















    LOL! I hope it's ONLY because Halloween's just around the
































    Urghhh! Dean found out about Sam's powers...and what he's
















    been using it for...I thought it was too soon! I wish he could have found out
















    at a better time...better place??




























    I like how they tied everything from Dean's mom's death to how
















    Dean got his demonic powers! I'm sure they didn't mean for it to
















    turn out this way...but it works out PERFECTLY!
















    MATT COHEN is sooooo hot as John Winchester!!!! LOL!
















    Supernatural is getting really INTERESTING!





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