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Posts posted by AABattery

  1. 2 hours ago, Ahnyaseyo said:

    This is why they are called teasers. I kept looking but  didn't quite catch Garden right up until the VERY LAST second. And in that split second, I can't describe the excitement I felt! 

    Or was it because while the other 99z would continue to have their mentor / mentee relationships with the interns / residents, JW is the only one that would have a quite different role to play when it comes to the one and only GS princess:cutekitty:... ha ha ha just kidding... It appears that GU would not be the only resident at GS any longer in S2.  


    Joking aside, I do feel that the short teaser so far have not really given much highlights to JW / GU.  They were practically muted (while others all had dialogues in them) and as much as the crew should know by now the power of WG (i.e. how much people crave for them), there have barely been any scenes of them interacting together as a couple (okay, we do have the ER back scene and the fact that at least we have some... there has been no Iksun so far.. poor Bidulgi..).  I wonder why.... is it possible that there will be a special loveline teaser?  LOL.. need to remind myself it is not a rom com and keep my expectation low.  It will be a great season, regardless, though, as the last one :wow1: !

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    Saw this preview comment that S2 will unravel whether the WG kiss "was the start of something new, or a tease of what might've been"... I sure hope that after all the crumbs they have been feeding us, including the recent dvd version, as well as the full kiss scene, we would not start S2 to find out that it was all a "tease":dissapointed_relieved:.  While it would be sweet to see a whipped JW trying hard to pursue GU now knowing how great of "what might've been", I personally would still much prefer that no time was wasted and they are already in a stable and thriving (albeit still with lots of challenges given their jobs, differences, and the fact that it is part of a normal relationship) partnership after the time jump (if there is indeed one).  


    But to stop myself from spiraling, I am telling myself to keep my mind open and just trust in the PD, Writer, Crew and Casts... and take whatever happens in S2 with gratitude.... (like this is easy, LOL)




    Can't believe we were just (officially) less then 7 days away from S2 E1!  

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  3. I enjoy the clips here and there in the Thursday videos where we get to see glimpses of who SHB is outside her TV characters.  I feel that many of her former roles had a melancholy undertone, but what we see in all the HP BTS clips is a bright person - not bubbly, but very warm, confident, talented (wow, her sketch note card!) and radiant!   @JungRok I also felt that Shin PD seemed to be treating her a little differently, probably because he recognized how unique SHB is!  His comments about her at the end of the show was also very touching and to a degree, a little personal.  It could have come from the perspective of a mentor, sunbae or oppa, but there could be other possibilities as well. :tounge_wink:  


    Now with KJH not returning for S2, some suspect that there will be a time lapse.  I really hope not. But I believe in the writer to continue to impress us.  Regarding the character ACH, I just hope that no matter what the reason is for him to not be in S2, it is a good reason for him as a doctor.  I appreciate this character from the perspective of his personal and career development after having to switch gear at the age of 29.  He has worked so hard to become the CR, and I just hope that no matter what happens to him, it is only something good.... yes, I know it is all fictional, but these HP characters have really become real to us!  


    Hard to believe it is September already... but still 6 months away from S2? :crybaby:  

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  4. 14 hours ago, lurker___not said:

    I wonder if that is the reason why there is ZERO WG promotion "off season"... They're worried it might make HP a romance drama, and not what they plan it to be? And they don't need it to boost ratings anyway.

    I also wonder if they are deliberately avoiding any appearance together / promotion since the WG ship really just got confirmed at the end of S1, so S2 is practically a blank canvas and anything could happen, so to keep the anticipation high, and not to create any ideas / assumptions that might not come true (I think the script is still being written as of now), not having any actor interactions outside the actual drama for now might actually be a smart idea.  


    Talking about S2, where do you all think the timeline would start with - immediately after the Christmas scenes, a few months after that, or even later?  I am really curious how GU would react after the kisses and hug, so I would like to see it just continue from there.... I actually wondered if she would run out of the room after snapping back into reality, since she had zero expectation this would be JW's reaction, and hence, no planned reaction, ha ha.... :heart4:

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  5. On 8/28/2020 at 10:40 AM, lurker___not said:

    Therefore, I think their personal lives, that are unrelated to the hospital, will not have much screen time.. or will be drawn out for the entire season (exhibit A: WG). 


    Having said that, I do think there is a lot of potential topics and stories that the writer can have with WG. As others have mentioned, they might focus more on the impact of their new relationship in their careers.

    The romance part, I think, will probably continue to be shown in "crumbs".

    This is what I am telling myself as well.  HP1 was a great drama not only because of WG, and HP2 will continue to be great and probably would have the lovelines only being a very small part of the plots.  So, as much as we love WG, I am prepping myself to appreciate S2 as how HP has been set up to be, and not as a spin off based on WG only :doggie:.


    Having said that though, if with these few WG interactions in S1 we have experienced such a great impact (again, kudos to the writer / PD / actors), one can only imagine what the little crumbs in S2 could do for all of us gardeners.:kitty:


    Enjoy your weekend! 

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  6. On 8/23/2020 at 8:28 PM, kiklaminHo said:

    Another question that I have is as much as I love that Wintergarden has sailed I try to understand why director/writer sailed this ship so early.What else they have in their minds for WG OTP? Jeong Won has a steady career but Gyeoul has few more years ahead to finish with her studies.

    Do you think season 2 and 3 will be smooth for WG?

    @kiklaminHoLOL.. I was just thinking about this today as some recent FF updates seem to focus on past secrets, insecurity, and not very direct communication between the two.  As much as I was attracted to the WG dynamic, there are indeed several gaps between the two - ages, career status, family background, personalities, etc., and I wonder how they would learn to be equal partners while leveraging these differences, or would these differences cause tension?  For example, would people around them think them as an unlikely match solely due to how popular he is and how much they may not know about her (1. although based on what the show has expressed, most of the people that know JW well and truly care for him seem to believe that GU is the one.. and the only one after all this time! 2. and we don't even need to wait for S2 to see this possibility, aren't there already viewers finding the kiss "odd" and not able to accept the love line due to the perceived gap)?  Would there be insecurities in her thinking that she is not a perfect match and insecurity in him worrying that he might slow her down in her career pursuit?  And will they be able to communicate openly?  


    Of course, I do want everything to be smooth for the two of them, but thinking realistically, as actors, SHB and YYS probably also want to have some challenges from the story line, vs. just being lovey dovey the whole time (although we probably would not protest :tounge_wink:).  While this is not a melodrama and there can certainly be a lot of developments in other areas where their theatrical talents can be demonstrated, I do believe in the writer's ability to intertwine their career / personal growth through experiences at the hospital with their love line, especially how they would use those opportunities to deepen their relationship and smooth out conflicts, and eventually, become great partners in life.  


    And I totally agree with @leftphalange that doctors should not have to wait till they finish their study before they can get married.  I do think GU, if so she chooses, can pursue both at the same time.  It might slow her down a little, but career and marriage / family should not be mutually exclusive.  I actually think it is a great plot to show her thought process, and again, if she chooses, how she tries to tackle both and experience difficulties, how she learns she is not a super woman and she needs to accept her limitedness (if that is a word, ha) and potentially adjust her plans, but also appreciates how fulfilling it can be when you have a supportive partner that continues down the path with you, one that would also adjust his pace and plans, so you could merge two independent individuals into an inter-dependent, ever growing unit.  


    :bashful:@kiklaminHoI chucked at your comment about life imitating reel life, 'cause you are definitely not alone!  They are both amazing artists and delivered such an intricate and captivating dynamic with the limited scenes in S1, as well as more sweet moments in the BTS / relay cam clips, so it is easy to start thinking that way (and it does not help when there are already several well written fanfics about them).  But I am also telling myself to keep the boundary clear, focus on the drama, wish all the cast good health and happiness, and patiently wait for S2.  

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  7. @40somethingahjumma I just read your most recent blogpost on WG and totally loved it!  I have always enjoyed your posts on the show and the WG dynamic and this one was no exception.  You so eloquently described the ideas I was never able to articulate with this post about GU.  I love your comment that her teachability and lack of resentment being your favorite things about her.  Ditto here!


    And thank you @Doesntmatter @lurker___not for the warm welcome :bashful:


    Now about the question why JW waited for so long after he decided to stay... I actually wondered if in his mind he still had a lot of time since now he would not be leaving and could plan for a perfect occasion for the talk.  However, it then caused me to wonder if his potential departure was a known thing among his friends and circle of colleagues.  I do not remember that being announced, and if it was not well known, and he had no idea that GU learned about it from his mom, then why would he need to "tell her first"?  Or, was it possible that his intent to become a priest and hence, open potential to leave the hospital, was a well known (for even people outside his closest friends) thing but just not with a clear timeline?  It is not likely based on what Ikjun told GU in Ep 3, though... :blink:  Any thoughts?  

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  8. Hi.  This is my first Soompi post and my first ever involvement in Kdrama chats!  I found it quite surprising, and a little embarrassing, that at my age (I am a mom of two teens), after casually watching Asian dramas here and there for years, I would be so moved by HP and WG to the point of creating a Soompi account :relaxed: and following different WG threads and ff, but HP indeed had been a pleasant surprise for me in a challenging period for most of us.  It went totally the opposite from some typical, over dramatic plots, and lifted up my spirit with the warm stories, the genuine goodness of people, and the love between friends and family.  Of course, the actors were amazing in delivering the stories in such a natural, yet impacting performance.  Now I look forward to Season 2 and my expectation is high!  


    I do not remember exactly when I started seeing WG as a firm loveline in the drama.  I have to say that above WG, my true following is for GU.  Her character really surprised me, starting from how she responded to JW in Ep2.  She explained herself, not to talk back or defend, but simply to explain her reason while at the same time assessing whether she could do better in the future.  Then she owned up to her mistake about the CPR comment. While I was shocked by how she hurt the mom's feeling by her comments, the responses to JW showed that she had no malice.  She was simply delivering her honest observation without the needed filters.  I think enough has been said by many people about her transformation so I will stop here, but she really has been one of my favorite characters in all the Asian dramas I have watched!


    I was reserved on the WG relationship for a long time, more to protect myself :tounge_wink:.  While it was clear to me that GU liked JW and JW saw her as someone different, I did not want to jump in too early since JW was quite repressed most of the time (actually, till the last few minutes!).  What I did see is that GU is really a force of unexpected impact to him.  There were a few scenes where I observed him shifting in his stands after witnessing what GU did, including the maggot scene, the DV father chase, etc.  It must have been nerve wrecking for him to see himself being impacted so much by her.  Then I think the shocks gradually transformed to comfort and trust, as evidenced by how well they worked together in the OR, a restricted space for JW, and how her steady presence became a source of comfort and stability for him.


    About what I look forward to S2, I am trying not to keep my hope too high, knowing that HP is not meant to be a romantic drama, and JW is only one of 5 main characters.  However... 


    I would like to see both of them continue to grow within and outside the relationship.  I would like to see how they make adjustments for each other and learn to fit each other in their current circles and future planning. 


    Being such a GU fan, I would really like to see JW come clean and be bold in sharing his feelings with GU.  The affection is no longer one-sided and she needs to know - she not only deserves to be loved, she deserves to be assured of that! 


    It would also be sweet to see a protective and caring JW and how they negotiate the proper boundary for his protectiveness (especially with their age and professional position gaps).  I wonder what he would start adding into his pocket / bag... definitely the right pain medicine for her, some hair ties, hair clip, and of course, choco pies? 


    I also wonder how she would help him deal with loss and sadness, including by just being there in his life and making him realize that he can no longer put his patients first without regards to people around him or his own needs - he now has another person to care for, and his well being is one of the key factors for her happiness.   


    The confession scene definitely left me in awe, not just the plot, but how both YYS and SHB delivered the scene.  Not a word was vocalized by YYS, but so much was expressed through his eyes, the kiss, and the embrace!  If I have to pick on one thing, I would say that some of the last scenes made me feel that JW was choosing between faith and love, but I really believe he could have both, and should have both to continue being a whole person.  I was a little puzzled as to why he had to clean up the entire drawer, as I think God's presence in his life should not have been lessened by his decision to stay, instead, he should be more at peace and be even more intimate with the Lord now he is able to recognize his true calling, and be blessed with the affection that he thought he would never experience.  So I hope in S2 there would be some more development about that as well.  


    So sorry for such long post... I have been quietly reading for a long time.  I found the original thread and was making plans to read them in my spare time, then it disappeared!  I was so glad this new forum was created.  Thank you all for the wonderful postings; I really enjoy reading them.  We need S2 to come quickly! 



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