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Posts posted by 9tRedFox

  1. Of course it is always a speculation. Do we expect anyone to step up and admit the truth or take the blame? No. But it does not mean that we don't have right to voice out our thoughts. Did we see the leaked scenario? Yes, we did. Did V+R admit the directors wanted more passion? Yes, they did. So, we have an awesome scenario and green light for steamy stuff that never came to life. Well, apparently we cannot put the blame on the screenwriters or the production team for this one ;)


    And just to bring some sort of closure: since the audience has been going crazy with FJ+DH for years now, even if you are missing the fine tuning/bonding with the audience skills, it is pretty much clear what fans expect and yearn to see. It's not some sort of newcoming drama that you don't dare take risks with or you don't know which basket to put your eggs in.

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  2. 21 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

    I envy you ..literally.. your tolerance and forbearance  ..


    Don't get me wrong, patience is a virtue I do not possess :D


    Truth is I'm so pissed that I cannot get past these remaining episodes. Was trying to contain my emotions but after the leaked scenario version of the consummation scene they are all over the place again. Why? Why do you throw away the chance to make your emblematic role an unforgettable one?! Because of morality? Sorry but I don't think the entertainment industry is a place for nuns and virgins, at least not 26-year-old ones. Because of trying to protect a relationship fans won't approve of? That means personal stuff is coming first which is not very professional. After all, tomorrow you can change your partner. But you won't get the chance to change how your performed in a drama which thousands of people waited years for. Or is it because you're trying to keep this very relationship in deep hiding? Well now more than ever fans will get suspicious that there is actually something between those two. And then you are complaining of poor management. At the end of the day, there are not many options to deviate from the "girl next door" stereotype. And when you certainly missed to chance to prove that you are  capable of going outside of your comfort zone, what do you expect? Cause passionate makes unforgettable. Tragic (like their fate in TMOPB) also makes unforgettable. But sweet...erm, sorry but not unforgettable at all.


    Sorry but I needed to vent it out. 

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  3. The thing with ELOD is that unfortunately we all knew what will happen and how the drama will end. Since the suspense was missing, we concentrated on how the story would be presented and if V+D would deliver. And we know that the production team messed up, for once. Compared to TMOPB however, for me TMOPB was the boring one cause I was not invested in Bai Qian+Ye Hua. It was just its luck to be the first one released, when no one knew about the 3L3W thing. If ELOD was broadcasted as widely as TMOPB it would have definitely gathered enough views to make it to the top 10, which is very unlikely to happen now.

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