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Posts posted by park2park

  1. On 10/16/2020 at 4:22 PM, denira2104 said:

    @firebabe thanks for the update, dear


    I love reading @boredadvocates thread on twitter about our Hyunji speaking banmal to each other. I wanted to share on this page:wub:


    "You're telling me nothing happened after that one-day CF filming in 2014, and they just happened to be in the same agency & the same drama in 2020? So, how does yeji suddenly talk in banmal with soohyun despite the age difference?  Don't attack me, I'm just a clown" 


    Reponse from NN280194 on twitter:

    "1st I wanna talk about the interview. In this interview their 1st mission is to talk in banmal not just to each other but also when answering the questions. 2nd: Yes, SYJ n KSH speak in banmal in as shown in many of their BTS video. Usually u speak in banmal when you are really close with the other party. As a hoobae usually u don't speak in banmal with ur sunbae (especially whn they r older thn u) UNTIL ur sunbae asked you drop the honorific, thn u can speak in banmal with them. In SYJ case, u can say it's quiet unique because even though they've worked together prev., judging frm their interaction, they don't even talk much n SYJ is very shy with him. Plus, it's a CF shooting which meant it only took 1 day to film....so it'll b kinda hard to gt close to n know each other to the point u speak in banmal in ur 2nd meeting.. I'll give you example. Lee KwangSoo in running man. He who also met KSH twice during RM filming, debut in the same year as KSH and OLDER then KSH...even asked KSH permission to drop the honorific n speak in banmal with him during their 2nd meeting. Plus usually a hoobae will normally behave like Juri does adding the "sunbaenim" at the end of their name. SYJ addressed OJS as sunbaenim but not with KSH. So, for SYJ to actually speak in Banmal with KSH who's 2 yrs older n 7 yrs her senior in the industry can be said very unusually special. Here at 4:32, Lee Kwang Soo asked KSH permission, whether he can drop the honorific to him and speak comfortably to KSH. But YJS told him he can't bcs he only met him twice and KSH is a top star (more famous than LKS).


    To be honest in that TVN interview, if you watch the full vers. at 6:26 she actually use "No (you)" to KSH... the word 'No' is used when both of you hv the same age or whn the older person talked to the younger one. She could just call him "oppa" there but she doesn't B)"


    Response from Skyeblueberry on twitter:

    "It's a big deal for korean. You can't drop honorifics w/ anyone. 1st, they've 3 yrs korean age gap. 2nd, he's a big sunbae, he debuted 7 yrs before her. Also a hallyu star. It's impossible she dared to talk casually w/him if they're not really close irl & have known e/o for years"

    Everything so accurate. I'm not korean but i actually took korean classes and it is 1000% correct that honorific is a BIG BIG must when it comes to k culture when addressing someone older, status, etc. Banmal is rarely ok in korean culture, unless super close, even friends sometimes u have to see if banmal is ok.


    You can also see at 8:10 SYJ corrected KSH and he immediately panicked and agreed with her, this would never be ok during public events between a sunbae and hoobae LOL at least from this clip we knows who wears the pants in the relationship


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  2. 3 hours ago, Private10 said:

    this is spot on.

    Now I have a really high level of certainty that these two had something before he joined the military because how was he certain that she would wait for him for two years what if she fell for someone and started a relationship and also what if he came from the military and fell for someone?

    So unless both parties were taken or had an understanding or promise of some sort then its really hard.

    Like would you wait for someone for two years without any prior promise or agreement?

    I am currently imagining how he worked up his courage to approach her the first time hahahaha. It must have been a very funny affair.

    omg so spot on with that analysis lol


    Totally right about the 2yrs waiting thing. Now I'm REALLY REALLY curious how did it all started. My guess is after cf, they've been friends and somehow someway it led to unsaid mutual interest, but probably nothing serious yet. However, when he entered army, he was 29 and she was 27, that's a decent age to get serious so he probably courage up and told her how he feels and asked if she would wait for him, she said yes obviously lol. When he was in the army, she visited him or they constantly kept in contact, hence, fast forward, they're now in same agency and locking lips like there's no tomorrow. i bet that 2 yrs waiting was tormenting for both.


    BTW, i dont know about you guys but I love the fact that not a single media outlet or interview has dared to mention the D word with Hyunji LOL very weirdly interesting

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  3. 2 hours ago, Private10 said:


    I still don't get it. But if he had gone then couldn't he have seen her and spent more time with her then? :sweatingbullets:

    I think that is why when they asked if she has made any sacrifices, she looked over to him. I think the whole point here was that she made the sacrifice for him. Maybe because him leaving could cause attention, so it was better he stayed put and she just quietly come visit him instead.


    thats just my 2 cents about it lol

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  4. 3 hours ago, boredadvocates said:



    Remember the NOW radio interview? KSH was asked whether he has ever made any sacrifice for someone else. He gave an example of him not taking any vacation leave so his fiends can. Pretty sure he was talking about not taking his vacation leave in 2019, because he did take his vacation leave in 2018. Not sure how long it was, but the news said he took his leave since Feb 18th 2018, which is two days after his birthday. I wonder if he met SYJ during his leave. Of course this is just my delulu mind talking :)


    1 hour ago, szne09 said:


    Haha, quite possibly :rolleyes: *delulu alert*


    And if I remember correctly, when it was YJ's turn to answer, she kind of side glanced at SH. :wub:


    Are they only allowed 1 vacation leave a year (e.g. 2-week stretch)? Or do they get days off too? I was just wondering.

    Wait can one of you explain what's going on.

    I'm confused what do you mean she sacrificed for him...and how is it relatable to his leave days

  5. Love seeing everyone's opinions about how Hyunji happened.


    It's just so unexpected and until today I still can't believe it. I hope one day they'll reveal how it all started. Like some of you speculated, it must be an attraction at first sight kind of thing cause I can't wrap my head around how one CF leads to today. You have to have some type of attraction that's why there's continuous interest in wanting to court. Seems like Yeji was just someone he was always attracted to, and it was just a matter of time before he built up some courage to make it happen lol


    To be honest, before I sailed the Hyunji ship, I was a bit cautious about Soohyun because he's always so friendly and being so handsome, I was sure he has a lot of girls chasing after him so I felt maybe he's not the serious dating type. So I didn't really like pairing him up with Yeji. I learned of her past history with bullies and how fragile she is so I just wanted her to be protected. But then days went on, I feel like that friendly side of his is actually somewhat for the public to be seen only (somewhat fooling them tbh lol). Meanwhile, what he really wants, he does it secretly lol Plus it was also Yeji's trust in him that somewhat converted my impression of him.


    Antis and haters still want to deny Soohyun's involvement and power with GM but I beg to differ. There's a thing called one man agency or something like that; it means the artist wants to go solo and because they have established a comfortable amount of cash, they are able to establish their own agency (i.e. Hyolyn from Sista, Psy, Park Seo Joon, etc.). The whole point of one man agency is they have more control of their schedules, projects, etc. and its also a business plan that one day it becomes an investment. In Soohyun, the path is obvious, Yeji didn't join GM just cause its some agency approaching her. Soohyun and her must be super super super close for her to join. Deny it all you want but I think she joined GM cause Soohyun lol. And I have to say Soohyun is doing one hell of a job at protecting her.


    I'm really excited to see this ship harvest into a blissful marriage one day:loveu:

    1 hour ago, firebabe said:

    About not confirming or denying, I read somewhere in one of his interviews that he is being told by his manager to deny or not confirm if he is in a relationship. Or something like that or was it even if he is in a relationship he should deny it? But since he is under GM now, I don't know if that still applies.

    U cant confirm nor deny if the question is never asked. Thats how GM play, good luck getting dirts on Hyunji antis lol

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  6. 3 hours ago, firebabe said:

    I am still back reading hahaha! Nearly there.

    She's flexing the ring because it's her way of saying "I am taken and NOT available" Just my delulu mind talking again. LOL!

    haha that was what I was secretly thinking too lol


    There's a speculation that there are actually 2 cartier rings. There's another one with same frame but in the middle there's a heart, some said the one with the heart is customized. Cartier does a lot of customization too so I wouldn't be surprised

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  7. 1 hour ago, boredadvocates said:


    I have a serious difficulty with differentiating between personal items and endorsement products.


    I would like to believe the Cartier ring is really hers, but then why did the camera focus on the ring for a number of times? and, if the ring is her personal item, why would a worldwide-hit like PBIO give away free ads for Cartier? Why would the stylist allow her to wear it?


    But then, if the ring is an endorsement product, why would SYJ wear it in offscreen moments? Does she like it so much that she wears it everyday? Oddly, she was sort of flexing the ring when she took picture of the gifts from her fans. 


    As for the bracelets, apparently there is a PR agency for Hyeres Lor. My questions are:

    (1) When the PR agency posted KSH's photo with the bracelet, does it mean KSH was endorsing the brand? Was he getting paid for it?

    (2) What about those fancy clothes that SYJ were wearing throughout the drama? 

    (3) How do you tell which one is the actor's personal item and not endorsement? Is the PR Agency's Instagram page a valid receipt to confirm this?

    pretty much everything worn on PBIO was sponsored lol yes, including KSH's clothes, the car, everything.

    Viewers don't need a disclaimer that its being advertised cause in showbiz, people already know brands offer to dress the actors/actresses in their brand so it can be marketed to the viewers. Nothing new so not much to discuss as to why she wore certain brands on screen. Simply put, Cartier probably was probably one of the endorsers to have their brand show on the drama, that's why in certain episodes we saw her wore the ring and their bracelet. As to your question why PBIO would give away free ads for Cartier and such, I hope you understand that it's not just Cartier, but all brands were doing it. It might not be PBIO giving free ads, maybe the brands have to actually pay the actors/actresses to wear their brand. The other option would be "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" as in "we will let you wear this $10,000 dress, if you show it on one of PBIO eps".


    However, what we are talking here is why she's wearing it off screen. The ring doesn't appear constantly with her everywhere off screen, it's just sometimes we see her wearing it. I think in the picture it looked like she was flexing was because of how she positioned her hand and the way she took the picture lol. She was actually pointing at the wordings on the sheet.


    Normally, when you are being sponsored in Korea, the company will show some ads or something related to you on their page (kinda like how the bracelet KSH wore was featured on that company's page) and often when its a sponsored, the actor/actress only wear it when they make an a public appearance because that's where a lot of eyes are on them. SYJ in this case was at home taking pictures of her gifts and the pictures she posted was literally on a fandom or gallery page only, so not that much publicity if you ask me.


    My theory is the ring was a gift from someone. That someone obviously could be KSH (if they're dating of course or he's courting her, trust me koreans have a thing for couple's jewelry or similar clothing when they're dating lol) OR it could be Cartier just gifted her that ring cause they like her lol it's also something brand does when they like the individual enough and believe the person could give them free publicity in return. Personally, I think the former makes more sense since SYJ off screen does nothing but stay at home and obviously if she's busy shooting or filming CFs, she's not gonna be wearing the ring 24/7 so she can't really show it off to the public.

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  8. 10 hours ago, szne09 said:

    Hello @Curlyheaded!


    Omo that audiobook is such a pleasant surprise! And with JJH!


    Can I just cry at the fact that SYJ still wears this ring after PBIO??? So does this ring mean anything else...or was it a gift from somebody? I know she can afford it herself but still..I can't help but wonder...:wub:


    And she's wearing it on her middle finger.....!

    if you look at SYJ off screen, just FYI for those of u that don't know she doesn't wear flashy, most of the time she only wears a watch, rarely jewelry. ESPECIALLY Cartier! it is a brand known to be gift to someone you love (mostly for lovers tbh). So I believe someone dearly to her heart gifted her that ring and yes the middle finger has a meaning lol


    Some of you might question well what if its just to promote the brand Cartier, knowing SYJ history with brands and how k-industry works now, I think the ring is a gift rather than promoting the brand because SYJ anything off screen rarely promote anything, especially if its taking a personal picture of gifts from her fans. Second, right now k-industry is really against celebrities or famous influencers secretly promoting products without mentioning its ads so once again I'm 99% sure its a gift.

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  9. 55 minutes ago, Private10 said:

    True and fans of other ships too. I think they might have gotten away with not being detected because they were the least expected couple. The reason I  started shipping them was because of the drama hadn't they been so obvious I wouldn't even have known that they are that close hahaha. I think I wouldn't have even been suspicious if she had signed for GM.

    Same. I started watching simply cause it was trending on Twitter and I was like wow her character is so attractive.The whole time I watched, I simply thought "these 2 have really good chemistry and look very good together, they would make a cute couple".


    I did not had prior knowledge of their 2014 cf, didn't know they're under the same agency and the whole timeline about how they became under one agency. I literally thought IONTBO was the first time these 2 paired up together. It was literally like 2 weeks after I finished the drama, I became a bit suspicious of why the lack of bts cause it's very unlike of k-industry showing minimal bts of the couple, photoshoots, interviews, etc. when all those things help contribute to overall ratings.


    So bamm I did my research and of course now I know why LOL they're the typical "potentially dating secretly" which is why no contents whatsoever.

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  10. It will forever stay a mystery at how Hyunji became so close. I seriously would crown them as King and Queen of ninjas.


    I know they met through 2014 cf, but you guys between 2014 and 2019 is a 5yrs difference. How were they able to slip under all radars like that. There's absolutely no trace of how they became so long and then fast forward to 2020, they're practically flirting left and right with each other.

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  11. 2 hours ago, boredadvocates said:

    Objectively speaking, if they are not dating irl, what's the point of this limited content? They'd be losing lots of cash. 

    It’s because there’s something going on thats why. Losing out on a bit of cash is betted than risking the chance of exposing their relationship Lol


    Hyunji is indeed the most starved couple contents I’ve ever seen. 

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  12. 14 hours ago, boredadvocates said:


    Could you please enlighten me? Why is it harder for Dispatch to catch a couple from the same agency?


    So, yesterday, I did some digging on Kceleb couples who are/were housed under the same agency. I was surprised that there are actually a lot of them. I found 14 couples, not including Kpop idols. Some prominent names are Park Soo Jin & Bae Yong Joon and So Yi-Hyun & In Gyo-Jin, who are both from Keyeast--coincidentally, KSH's former agency.


    Like Lee Na-Young & Won Bin, Soo Jin started dating Yong Joon a year after joining his agency. While the former got married two years after going public, the latter jumped straight to a marriage announcement after dating for three months. 


    Is it a norm to stay in the same agency as your significant other? Is it because it is easier to control rumours?


    So true, she did not have any dating rumour with her former costars, except Yunho where both parties eventually denied. She is pretty much clean from dating scandals. 

    In K-Industry, when 2 artists are under the same company, majority of the time, the interest is to simply to protect both artists vs. if 2 artists were under separate companies, sometimes one of the other companies could try to exploit the situation instead (leaking stuff, giving out information, passive responses, etc.). So when its one company, that company has major power in filtering what's being interviewed, what's published, so they will do all that they can to make sure no scandal breaks out. It's just harder for Dispatch cuz everything is super secretive. In order for a leak to happen, some one must give some type of information for follow-up. But with one company, everything is basically sealed shut.


    Looking at GM, you can tell they're prepping up for war lol hiring a prestigious law firm to obviously squash anything that brings negativity towards KSH x SYJ.


    Personally for me, I would love to find out Hyunji been dating for awhile; however, based on their actions, interviews, and crumps of bts, I can tell they're either just starting to date slowly or still in the process of courting (mostly KSH pursuing hard for SYJ). You can tell no doubt SYJ has feelings for KSH, but she's a woman of discipline. She knows the consequences and details of getting involved with him, so I think her signing on to GM was out of the close friendship they've always had, but whether if they can end up together or not, its a matter of how well GM and KSH can protect her tbh.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Private10 said:

     And they weren't even costars but they just did an cf together. These two are very suspicious hahahha



    3 hours ago, denira2104 said:

    I read from twitter:

    "... Yeaji was nervous about the kiss scene in lawless lawyer because she “didn’t have a lot of experience with kisses,” WELL CAN SOMEONE PLS EXPLAIN HOW SHE KISSED KSH SO WELL SHDHFHDHAJSHS"

      Hide contents


    And to think that kiss scene looks so real B) Maybe bcos they got used to each other's lips??? lol

    They are both good actors but the kiss scene alone is something different that you can't say otherwise. For me, the scene was "THAT" real because subconsciously I covered my eyes while watching because I felt like I am invading their privacy:sweatingbullets:

    And this is why GM shut down all post interviews, photoshoot, cfs of the two of them together. They be like “hah! Good luck finding crumbs on Hyunji”


    So at this point, the next time we see Hyunji together again is when they announce marriage news (if they dating now). Or Dispatch somehow manages to catch them, but when a couple is from same company, all I can say is Good Luck to Dispatch. Lol

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  14. I just realized one of Yeji's old interviews where she said after filmings she often doesn't meet up or stay close with costars because that's how false rumors spread (so im assuming she's referring to male costars); yet, we saw she accidentally spilled her relationship with KSH by saying they've been close. LOL


    So they been keeping in touch after all then, way before IONTOB...

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  15. Based on the timeline it is definitely suspicious, but imo I don’t think they were dating. Knowing fans, if there was ever records of dating, they would find something that would trace to hints of dating. However that doesn’t mean Hyunji weren’t talking, cause it seems to me they’ve been talking for yrs (remember SYJ exposed KSH for saying they’re now close??? Haha she’s an honest person I love it!)


    To me, forsure KSH is chasing SYJ now. As for SYJ, she might’ve joined GM cause 1) KSH won her over so by joining GM, all lips sealed so they can both be safe OR 2) since she n KSH are close, she thought of joining his agency for a change. 

    Regardless of what their status is right now, it’s definitely interesting how these 2 managed to do literally just one project together yet 6 yrs later, they came together and we learned how close they are out of the blue. They should be crowned queen and king of ninjas lol

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  16. 1 hour ago, boredadvocates said:

    Hi @park2park, thanks for sharing!


    It is interesting you pointed out that parkpark got more bts than hyunji because the dating rumour didn't come out until the whole drama production was wrapped up. This is another thing that is odd to me about hyunji. As we know, hyunji has no dating rumour to this day, yet we already get very limited bts and no bts for the kissing scenes (except that one second bts for ep 16 kiss, which does not count). Why is that?


    Like you said, KSH knows all the nooks and crane about this industry. Given that he has never had any dating scandal, probably he is really good in managing these kinds of rumours?


    I am not saying having no dating rumour is bad. It is actually good especially if KSH and SYJ want to make their relationship private. 


    I am just puzzled by the fact that we get very limited contents despite there is no dating rumour between the lead couple.


    1 hour ago, szne09 said:

    Thank you for sharing, @park2park!


    Also just to add, and I don't mean to bring this up again since it is an UNFOUNDED RUMOR but a rumor nonetheless -- there was that news regarding SH and YJ dating before so I think that made them even MORE cautious with the release of subsequent BTS/interviews/content.


    Hyunji is only the 3rd couple I seriously shipped since I've been into kdramas/kpop since ~2001. The first couple did date but eventually broke up. The second I shipped because of their drama but looking back there weren't really a lot of crumbs/evidences to support them haha. They've since confirmed dating other people :lol: But Hyunji is different, I just feel there are too many signs and coincidences out there and my feeling this time around is just different.:wub:

    No problem guys! Just wanted to share my opinion about it. And to be honest, I’m kinda glad I became a parkpark shipper because u really learn how the kindustry works when it comes to dating. Without parkpark, I wouldn’t have learned how agency and connection work to be honest.


    I know a lot of us questioned why Hyunji gets no dating rumor, it simply because devil works hard but GM works harder if u get what I mean haha. GM already prepared everything before smoke could even start, that is why Hyunji forever will remain as colleagues in public eyes (until wedding announcement one day LOL)

    Look at Seohyun n Kyoung Pyo, the drama hasn’t started yet there’s dating rumor? Why?  Attract attention towards drama of course. 

    Parkpark had no dating rumor until some news media wrote about them AFTER drama ended, but guess what, as soon as that news came out, absolutely no post contents, no events together, no pictures together at all. But fans actually dug up a lot of evidences n connected them together. 

    Hyunji is simply another parkpark except GM knows how to play even better in protecting both SYJ n KSH.

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  17. Idk if any of you guys shipped any other couples before but personally for me, Hyunji is the only 2nd couple I've ever shipped in my entire lifetime. So here's my 2 cent about Hyunji after my first experience with ParkPark couple.


    Their case was very much similar to ParkPark (Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young) couple as to why we have no post contents (i.e. photoshoots, interviews, etc.) from Hyunji. Rather, we see individual schedule instead. All I can tell you is when it comes to couple contents, it comes down to the artist's agency. Normally, if there's no suspicious activity between the artists, you ever notice how the agency would push for couple's contents and events because that's how they boost attention for the drama starting with that couple. However, when there is something suspicious (for example, possibly dating), agency will minimize post events and contents as much as possible because they're scared the artists might slip (trust me, they slip easily by actions and words lol). I admit parkpark couple got more bts slips than Hyunji, but then again it was because the dating rumor didn't come out until the whole drama production was wrapped up, and of course after that dating rumor, netizens became really RickRoll'D at Parkpark because they felt cheated  that the two were possibly dating while filming already (idk y they felt cheated, fangirls are crazy sometimes lol). As for Hyunji, with KSH being in the industry for a long time, obviously he knows all the nooks and crane so pretty obvious why Hyunji got literally no revealing BTS, no post events, no post interviews because 1) GM/KSY wants to protect both of them 2) most importantly, protect SYJ (anyone know her past with stupid haters attacking her on social media would know why protecting SYJ is very crucial).


    All I can say is they're more than friends, if not already lovers, they're working on it. lol

    FYI, SYJ is a very honest person, if you know her well, she will tell it like it is so she kinda exposed KSH while he's playing the 'idk anything' card, cause he knows better.


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  18. On 9/6/2020 at 11:11 AM, TiNaDo said:

    It's Okay To Not Be Okay: Kim Soo Hyun, Seo Ye Ji starrer receives a warning for sexually inappropriate scenes



    It's Okay To Not Be Okay was slapped with a warning from Korea Communications Standards Commission recently. The show, starring Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji in the lead was under the scanner for sexually inappropriate scenes.

    those narrow minded potatoes, they just don't get the underlying message.

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