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Posts posted by park2park

  1. 5 hours ago, snitchdream08 said:


    See the difference? :wub:

    For some of u that haven't seen the pic and since this is small I'll just tell u, in all the pics PSJ held his female costars by the shoulder but with PMY it was by the waist but he super ninja'd about it so u have to zoom in to see it LOL


    And I just wanna add to other posts about how his acting was in WWWSK compared to others. Tbh as I rewatched the drama, I started to realize PSJ was no longer VP around ep 9 with the closet scene. From there I think he kinda went down spiral and shown a lot of PSJ in small glimpses (Big time with the bedroom scene). PMY on the other hand was the opposite, I have to give it to her for nailing down her character from ep 1-16 all the way. I was only able to see PMY during intimacy scenes, but it was barely.


    Ik I'll look like a fool if this doesn't become true later but idc, mark my words PSJ & PMY will get married lol u just wait.

    • Like 3
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  2. 21 minutes ago, Cheryl295 said:



    It took them around 1 and a half year after the drama before they admit dating


    But they did not hide the way PPC are doing. They attended Award Shows together, guested at Fan Meetings of each other despite all the rumors.

    But their situation is a bit different compared to PPC right? It seems like PPC is getting weird dating speculation already even before the drama started and the flame just get bigger after drama.


    if so, I can kinda see y its hard for PPC to admit even if they want to.

    • LOL 2
  3. Idk if u guys are doing this but recently I've been going back to their bts scenes and I get so much butterflies from watching it.

    I'm not talking about that ooooOOoooh feelings from seeing intimate scenes but its a feeling u feel so much chemistry, burning desire between the 2 even thou they're not explicitly saying anything. It's all in their physical interactions.


    Anyone noticed how when PD slapped PSJ's hand, instead of laughing, he became more serious and locked her in. and anyone noticed how when PD slapped PSJ's hand, PMY gave that nervous look real quick to PSJ. I have many more clips I want to share my opinions about it but since I'm kinda busy rn I'll do it later but after looking back at all of them, I think Ik why PMY can't resist PSJ. He's a real leader lol. She's no doubt a fearless gal, but idk if u guys can agree on this but for me, when she's with him, he's making her (as in bringing out the side of her) do things I think even she doesn't realized it. and believe me, I see it in her eyes, she likes it that he's leading.



    • Like 5
  4. 2 hours ago, GraceW said:

    Hi Chingu,

    Just want to share my story why I board this ship...for me it was BTS ep 12 "the one that VP will have overseas trip" they did the backhug and punishment kiss. I think the BTS showed a lot of emotions...well at least for me. first, when PSJ gave the backhug on the BTS, for me the way PSJ backhug PMY was too below the backhug "area" it was so low that you can see his hand was on half-of-PMY-front-body Second, on that punishment kiss...the way PSJ grasp PMY neck was so intense-yet-firm-but-sweet also when the PD say Cut/good for couple seconds PSJ still put his hand on hold and then release PMY's neck with SUPER SWEET EYE CONTACT. Then after that THE-REST-IS-HISTORY LOL...I was start to re-check all the interviews,press conference,kakao live,viki,and God knows how may times I was re-checking all the BTS as well. This is my first EVER ship Kdrama couple.....not sorry for me :)

    What i think was that the rest of WWWSK casts are somewhat has the past working experience with either PSJ or PMY, what I feel is they all know that PPC in the relationship....CMIIW. 

    Anyway that closet kiss and bed scene was THE BEST I EVER SEEN in my 15+years watching K-drama....its not about LUST, its about LOVE.So i dont think if you dont have any feelings,you can "act" like PSJxPMY done during that scene.

    What I found also that PSJ was always happy during filming WWWSK, so shy like a puppy....you know the boyfriend whose madly in love with the girlfriend feelin, while PMY was the boss for me since she can hold the feeling (better) not to mention ep 13 I think they both lost control LOL.

    OMG I can keep Go on and On......But anyway, so thankful that I have this forum to share my craziness, they both good people....I hope the are truly meant to be (after so many many many coincidence in life for both of them) Time will tell for sure :heart: 

    you literally took the words out of my own mouth. I also questioned those back hugs tbh. He has done so many back hugs scenes with other costars already so I don't think I can buy the PSJ touching her there was accidental lol Another thing was the back hug  during the scene when he said he wants to hold her just a little bit longer cause she's leaving soon, he literally snuggled his face into her neck that some fans concluded he might've slightly pecked her neck. The grip of his hold of PMY towards his body is totally like dating mode rather than acting to me. Oher shippers can tell me differently but I have done enough research to know PSJ back hugs to PMY is totally different than PSJ to his previous costars.


    Whether they've been dating for 3 yrs or not is still a mystery, but for sure PSJ has some sort of strong feelings for PMY that honestly I think if they weren't dating at the time of filming, it was his perfect chance to make her falls for him. PMY's body and reactions during bts clearly showed she did in fact.


    Some one was amazing enough to compiled all the BTS together in one clip. Have fun watching it shippers!


    • Like 8
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  5. 8 hours ago, fasiou said:

    Share it with us my dear friend you made us more curious:rolleyes:

    I will take rational one but both idea are interesting:)

    This is just my thought ok? dont take it too serious.


    I used to think the system was rigged, etc that PSJ and PMY seem to be running into voting problem. But lately, with how the media has been, I questioned sometimes if behind the whole voting thing, if its intentional done by PPC's companies. I know its a crazy idea but whenever I think about it, I'm almost convinced to believe that PPC companies do know the deal between the two and it is agreed between the 2 to avoid PPC in the limelight as much as possible to avoid their professional work and probably business contracts that they're obligated to fulfill so getting into a scandal right now will not be good for the 2. Also, I somewhat have a feeling they might've bought out media outlets to hush it as well. Some of u said dispatch probably don't have a photo of the 2 that's why they cant prove anything. I'm starting to think differently. I feel that they have already, but for some reasons they cant release it either. Idk how to explain it and I hope I made sense but it's just a hunch that I have.

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, kdramalover0216 said:

    Hi dolls! I already did an investigation and here I go :D


    I was curious about the behavior of PMY and PSJ during others dramas' interviews (that's because I think the interviews of them together for WWWSK talks much better than the bts about how they feel with each other) so I want to make a comparison of it. I wanted to use all of their dramas but It's hard to find the old ones so I decided to use those with the harder shipping for PMY and PSJ ^_^


    ****WARNING: I don't mean to offend others shippers so keep it cool if you are one of them. Also, If I'm using these dramas is because there isn't another way to know how they are in certain situation***


    -HEALER (PMY AND JCW) You can watch the videos in youtube.


    The first thing I noticed is there is some gap between them and they are sitting in a very professional way. Someone can say: "Of course! They in a chair not in a couch :angry:" and I agree but I'm not just talking about their position but about their body language as well. Look how neither of them are leaning the shoulders at least. When she looks at him while he's talking, she doesn't lean her head like a little kid would do it to be cute ^_^ When YJT compliments her she leans to the back and to the front not toward JCW 


    PMY is talking in a very neutral way, very professional. She smiles if it's needed but there is not extra emotions


    She compliments him in a very superficial way. She talks about qualities anyone can see even if that person ins't close to him 



    -FFMY (PSJ AND KJW) You can watch the videos in youtube.


    I have to say that PSJ and KJW are more closer than the others in the interview but there is some gap yet between them and they are not leaning to each other. PSJ rarely watch her and when he does it, it's maybe one or two seconds. He is very quite and he's not constantly fixing his clothes. In the press conference you can see how he gives her his back when he's talking to the MC. You can say: "he had to do it since the MC is to his right". I agree with that but once again: the body language doesn't lie. When we like someone all our body is toward to that person, or at least we try that most of it to be toward to that person, so he could just turn his head to the right but not almost his entire body to talk to the MC. It's not that hard. He did that in the WWWSK press conference when the MC asked him something (watch the first video down where I talk about WWWSK)


    He acts like a man when he's with his male friends especially in the second video, I mean very carefree,  but very professional in the first one. He's not carefully and serious trying to take care each movement he does


    He didn't have the chance to complement her but this is what he said in a interview:  “I enjoyed watching ‘Descendants of the Sun.’ In that drama, Jiwon is a girl-crush character. I can’t forget the scene where she kissed [Jin Goo] in the army dining hall. When I saw it, I thought, Wow! A modern woman! She is a fine woman!”  https://www.hellokpop.com/featured/park-seo-joon-kim-ji-won-kiss/


    I have to say that it calls my attention that he talks about her more recent drama to that moment and he doesn't refer to an older one. Also, he talks just about the character, Ae ra. In a shell, he compliments her work in DOT not to her as a person just like a co-worker would talk about his/her job partner who is not that close.


    What I see is that PSJ treats KJW like a younger sister or maybe like one his male friends but (don't hate me PSJ and KJW shippers :sweatingbullets:) I would dare to say that KJW is the one who has a little bit of interest to him maybe at that time. I mean, I don't know if she is always shy since I'm not her fan but she behaves that way in both videos. (If you know her better than me you can correct me about she being shy)








    Do you know when you are very close to someone (man or woman) and you smile even before he/she finish to say something because you kind of know what she/he is going to say? It's like you say: Of course she/he is gonna be cute and funny ^_^ Just look the reaction of PMY in the minute 0:52.


    About PSJ, his body language can't lie, especially in the first video. His subconscious is giving it away. When a man is in front of the woman he likes he stand up straight, can't help but stop watching her and keeps fixing his clothes. PSJ is doing all of it! He's sitting straight, can't stop watching at her while she is talking and it looks like the clothes he is wearing is bothering him, he can't leave it along. I think he wasn't too carefull in here because they did this conference before the dating rumors. 


    In the first video PMY sounds very professional and kind of neutral which I find it very normal since there is more people from the media (In the healer interview she was professional and very neutral while she was talking even when there was just one person making the interview) but in the second and third videos she is the one who doesn't keep the distance between them. She keeps bumping him and she is all over him :sweatingbullets: Also, in those videos she is very hyper and bright when she talks. If you saw Busted, you will know that even there she wasn't that natural.


    In the second video minute 1:28 you can see how she leans toward him but them kind of remember where she is and lean to the front and back instead. 


    Minute 1:42, second video, she leans her head to look at him (she reminds me a friend who is getting married in a few weeks and she is so inlove, that's the way she looks at her boyfriend sometimes when he's talking), the time she keeps looking at him and the fact that she even makes a disagree sign with her eyes when he says he doesn't look like his character (meaning that he has her full attention). I love the way she helps him in the minute 1:59, her voice sounds sweet (I don't know but her voice in here remind me the episode when JY returns from his trip and kiss her but she says with a sweet voice they shouldn't do that in the office)


    OMG! Third video minute 1:04 the glance of PSJ looking for PMY approval about what he said is just...ahhhh :wub:


    When they've been asked to compliment each other, third video minute 1:11, how the h**l did she know about his exercise routine and why she had to refer to that when talking about his self-managing instead of talking just about how he self-manage very well at work where she should know him better? (even him talks about his work when he is talking about his good qualities ;)) That means often personal talks between them ^_^ and I think that her first though was about his body when the question was made since she even talks about how hot he is B) (I think I'm kind of pervert :sweatingbullets:) Anyway, I noticed that she didn't complement him in a superficial way but in a personal way and you just talk like that about someone who is really close to you. 


    In another hand, in the first video PSJ talks about her first drama (long time fan boy?:P) and refers to her, in the third video, as a great inspiration when he's complimenting her (minute 2:06) and love often comes from the admiration you feel to someone. It calls my attention that even when he's a man (mostly, men doesn't know how to compliment others in a deep way) he tried very well to talk about her and not just about her character in the drama. By the way, I love the way PMY pull out from him that she has a beautiful smile in minute 2:34 third video. It's like he says that to her very often on set and he almost forget to mention it one more time :wub: and in minute 3:26 she practically has her head on his shoulder


    In conclusion, when you see the three dramas bts (I think they can fake chemistry in the bts since they are aware of the cameras and have to sell it to us) you will be a hard shipper for PSJ+KJW and PMY+JCW because they all behave like lovers in the bts but if you see the interviews (where actors/actresses, in my opinion, sometimes are more off guard) then you will be a hard PSJ and PMY shipper.


    I need to tell you this, I have a friend who used to treat a guy in a very close way in my eyes. Others thought that, because she is kind of childish and playful with men, she didn't have any romantic interest in him but I didn't think so and they are know about to marry in a few weeks so I now what I'm talking when I say that PPC behavior is different from previous partners.


    I mean, when you are with someone you like, you can't help it but you are a shining and hyper person and that's what I see in the second and third video in both of them. In healer and FFMW interviews I don't see that spark and happiness in PMY and PSJ. What I see with PSJ and PMY is that they compliment at a point that they can even kind of finish their sentences. You can feel the intimacy between them and I'm not talking just about physical intimacy, which is undeniable. It's like the entire world disappear around them when they make eye contact or talk to each other.


    PS: Sorry not sorry for the long post. Long posts are kind of my thing :sweatingbullets:  I'd like to know your opinion once you see the videos I posted

    Amazing my friend!! Such beautiful analysis! 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 15 hours ago, tali58 said:


    I agree with everything you said about the acting and the chemistry, and I enjoyed your take on everything. I thought I was the only one who noticed that PSJ does all the work in a few of his dramas when it came to kisses to make them look real. Lol. The funny thing,  to me anyways, is that all his female costars afterwards speak very highly of him and say their hearts fluttered during those scenes, even though they seem to just stand there. Maybe he really is as good at it as his reputation claims and they're shell- shocked. LOL. 

    I totally, 100%, agree with you that his kissing scenes, before, during and after, with PMY have an entirely different "something" to them. There were times that I felt like I shouldn't be watching and needed to leave to give them their privacy.  


    The only thing I disagree with basically just has to do with preferences of drama types. :)

    The seriousness and heaviness of the situations the 4 main characters go through after the first light-hearted episodes are very true and real to young Koreans, which is why the drama was talked about positively so much during its run. The unblinking, stark,  realism of the struggles the 4 go through was, and still is, regarded in SK as one of the reasons for FFMW's huge popularity and high ratings among the demographics of ages 18-45. 

    The key scene where Dongman stops right in the middle of the crosswalk, stands there, frozen, in the middle of traffic, and finally tells his supervisor that he's quiting his dead-end job, then turns to walk the opposite way, signaling that he's going to fight for his dreams, was discussed in a number of talk shows and even by psychologists, sociologists,  and reporters on SK tv and other media. It became an iconic scene,  and was often cited as the best, most important, and as the favorite scene in the drama by many viewers, critics, professionals, and many actors and TV personalities (If I remember correctly,  even PSJ said it was his favorite scene)  because it represented the dilemma faced by SK young people of the same generation. I think viewers outside South Korea might have different opinions, but for many Koreans, this scene, and the struggles in the later, more serious episodes, truly struck a chord and spoke to them. 

    I was talking about this scene with a fellow professor,  a Korean who teaches Asian Film Studies, and she told me she even uses this scene in her college courses on K-dramas and how they reflect South Korean current society. She's a big PSJ fan, btw, lol. Dongman is her favorite performance by him because he's so realistic in it, and so representative of young men like him in real life. 


    Omg, I didn't mean to write a reply as long as a novel, but your review inspired me! Thank you for your analysis, and for taking the time to share it! I love reading other viewers full analyses of dramas I like. :)

    dont worry about the disagreeing

    It's just a matter of preferences (:

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  8. 51 minutes ago, snitchdream08 said:

    Love your analysis :D

    But if you watch bts of Healer, you will that PMY more comfortable with JCW. In WWWSK, she looks more cautious with PSJ in BTS. But I feel why she looks more comfortable with JCW because nothing happened between them lol. I can't tell that they don't have chemistry because their chemistry are amazing too but I just can't feel something happened between them. I'm not biased but it what I feel :rolleyes:

    Kinda reminded me of her chemistry with WJ from QO7D. She was totally fine with touching him and stuff simply cause she has no feelings lol.


    Girls are like that, we like u, we try to keep our distance as far as a trillion miles away, but if we dont like u, we stay as close to u as u want LOL boys are the opposite. This is why u see one pull one push in our PPC. 


    Btw some of u are amazing for spotting the ring. It seems more than a regular accessory to me based on how she is normally and even in that pic. Promise ring perhaps ? Lol soon it'll be a permanent one. 

    • Like 4
  9. Alright here is my honest take on FFMW vs. WWWSK. Warning!!! comment is super long lol



    Plot: I jumped straight into FFMW without watching any trailer, bts, interviews, etc. I started watching from ep 1-8 without skipping any second. Laughter were definitely heavy at first but then by the time I got to ep 9-10, I noticed I lost interest. I couldn't bring myself to watch full episode anymore. (and no, it is not due to being bias cause I jumped into WWWSK without knowing the plot or anything about it too). I got bored because at first it started out with a lot of fun scenes but then the mood started getting heavy where it kinda turned into korean dramas like back then where power, sadness, lead characters are getting into repetitive ridiculous scenes. I simply don't like dramas that dont have some realistic sense to it. Also, it started out with a few problems then suddenly a lot of other things got involved and they kinda turned messy. I think the plot or how writer/director started portraying the last couple of eps was the biggest mood killer for me.


    WWWSK, no need to say much. WWWK simply delivered for me because it was simple. Not difficult to digest. It wasn't too cheesy, too happy nor too sad. The mood throughout the drama was just light for me as a viewer who doesn't like too many things at once and just keep it simple. I think I can speak for a majority, esp. non-PPC shippers that WWWSK hit homerun with its viewers because of its simplicity.


    Acting: Not much to say, both dramas had amazing actors and actresses.




    CHEMISTRY: Ok to keep it short, I will leave minor characters chemistry out of the analysis cause obviously I didn't plan on writing this as a professional movie critic lol.


    PSJ w/ KJW: I admit I did feel shy when they had intimacy scenes. However, the feelings was more like "omg this is so embarrassing to watch" than "omg what is this, what are they doing, is this really acting?". KJW acting was definitely good. She delivered her character perfectly. It wasn't cringing or boring watching her. Same with PSJ. Then comes their chemistry, I predicted that I would not get the same heart fluttering as WWWSK because obviously we got 2 different plots here. FFMW is where 2 main characters started off as not romantic, more like buddies than slowly like each other. Their intimacy is kinda more puppy love so I already expected I wasn't gonna feel much. But the chemistry I'm mentioning here is a real chemistry u just feel it by ur sixth sense. I definitely felt the chemistry of dongman and ae ra as a couple but I didn't feel the chemistry of PSK and KJW. I wanted to prove myself wrong so I went off watching their interviews, bts, etc. The more I watched, the more I questioned whether I'm just being bias or I really don't feel the chemistry of PSK & KJW. You have no idea how many times I've watched their kiss scenes to force myself to feel something lol we'll discuss this a bit more into details below.


    In bts, PSJ is the same just as he was in WWWSK, playful and teasing. But, his playful and teasing is the same with every costars, I couldn't differentiate any special teasing he does only to KJW. Then I analyzed their skinship off screen, both seem somewhat awkward and uncomfortable then going into an acting mode or something to make it looks like they're comfortable. Esp during interviews, I think PSJ at some points forgets that he has to sell the idea of a cute couple to viewers so his tone sounded really professional talking about her here and there, then he snapped out of it and put back an acting mode where they'd seem like a cute couple. Honestly, I really didn't feel PSJ as an actor until watching FFMY lol. Not saying he was bad in WWWSK, just saying I felt like I was watching PSJ in WWWSK and in FFMY I felt like I was watching dongman. After watching all the bts, interviews, and even fanmade love videos, my honest take on their chemistry is PSJ & KJW have more like an older brother younger sister / good friends type. (Sorry FFMW shippers, I just dont feel it)




    Jeez where do I even begin. Honestly, after watching FFMW, I felt like I've been lied to by PPC lol. Needless to say, their chemistry as VP and Miso delivered just like dongman and aera. However, like I said when I watched PPC, I had multiple thoughts like "is this serious? are they really acting?". They made my heart fluttered. I felt like PMY composed her acting better than PSJ in WWWSK. I watched PMY as Miso but I got confused sometimes w/ PSJ whether I'm watching him or VP sometimes. Just something you weirdly feel and you know it without really being able to put it into words meanwhile when you know they're doing the exact same acting as they've done with previous partners. Now off screen, its totally opposite from PSJ and KJW. PPC tried their best to act somewhat awkward, new to each other, maintain professionalism here and there but problem is they let it slipped few times that they're actually comfortable with each other but they just be lying to us. Then we have skinship, if you go back and rewatch and compare, whenever PSJ and KJW were close, as soon as they're done, they extracted from each other and be normal. But then for PPC, I noticed one or the other always still has some hold (whether its physically or through some secret looking) on each other. Like com'on u can't deny that secret smirk PSJ gave her during Viki interview, that look after they kissed for the first time, and how PSJ completely zoned out during pre-bed kissing and I thin he unconsciously stroke her arm. Btw idk if its just me, but I noticed PSJ kissing w/ other costars are very much him doing the work and since he has thick lips it looks like they're really into it, but if u look closely, I think  PMY is most likely the only person PSJ actually really kiss kiss. He goes for her upper and bottom lip evenly and another thing is he parted his mouth pretty big that the corner of their mouths locked if u'd look closely.


    I'm gonna keep it short here now cause if I go on anymore it'd become a crazy PPC analysis and not a fair comparison between 2 dramas.


    Bottom line is when I watched FFMY, I was fully conscious and knew the whole time I was watching a drama. But when I watched WWWSK, I had a lot of after-effect like I wondered "what did I just watch? why do I feel weird". I still don't buy the 3 yrs dating but I'm 10000% sure they're dating now.



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  10. I'm gonna watch FFMW and will let u guys know my honest opinion about the whole shipping deal about it.


    I've watched QO7D and for some of u that haven't watched it. I can tell u, PMY was seriously amazing in it. Her acting is no joke. She makes u feel that old love lol her lead co-star seemed to adored her but how was she was around him off screen seems like nothing but an older brother. Just exactly like some of u said, I saw that feminine shy girl being brought out when she was w/ PSJ lol. Go PSJ, u lucky dawg



    • Like 3
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  11. I think w/ PPC u can go both ways.


    Honestly, its pretty obvious to see that PPC are avoiding being seen together (sorry super hard delulu shippers but its the truth). At the same time, you can't denied that they're not showing subtle hints that they are probably together.


    I think this ship will require time. Just when you're least expected and on the verge of giving up, watch, they'll come out with marriage/dating  news. lol

    • Like 5
  12. Idk about u guys but I think PPC cant be anymore obvious than they already are in terms of their status. Like com'on people what else do u want?


    We are talking about super private girl PMY here, who doesn't show anything but her professional side yet at her FM, we saw little hints of stuff that she knew would remind us of PSJ yet still do it. AAAAAND can I just say how many more "accidental" IG incidents for PPC shippers to open their eyes that obviously its not accidental that she followed then unfollowed PPC IGs. This is PMY we're talking about guys, she was never the rash one to me.


    Then we have PSJ, who Idk much about but seeing how his fans are reacting, I think I can concluded that something is up with him too lol esp when its related to PMY.


    I said it once and I'm gonna say it again. This ship has sailed long ago already, it will land safely one day. BE PATIENT lol

    • Like 6
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  13. 13 minutes ago, kdramalover0216 said:

    Hi dolls! Lets figure out if PSJ really like PMY :D Men do this when they like a woman:


    1. "One of the most common signs is that he looks at you a lot. I mean, like a LOT. If he’s looking at your face a lot or making a lot of eye contact, that’s a sign. Also, if he’s leaning towards you or positioning himself close to you, it’s a major sign. When he first sees you, does he groom himself? Does he straighten a tie, or fix his shirt, or smooth down his hair? Pretty dead on sign that he’s thinking about his appearance while you’re near – because he wants you to find him attractive."


    This remembers me the press conference for WWWSK...His body language can't lie. His subconscious is giving it away. When a man is in front of the woman he likes he stand up straight, can't help but stop watching her and keeps fixing his clothes. PSJ is doing all of it! He's sitting straight, can't stop watching at her while she is talking and it looks like the clothes he is wearing is bothering him, he can't leave it along. I think he wasn't too carefull in here because they did this conference before the dating rumors. He's so falling for her!





    2. "Touching someone else and being touched is a super important way of gauging how interested and how intimate he wants to be with you – and a great way to figure out how he feels is to watch how he reacts to touching you and being touched by you.

    Guys who are interested will generally find excuses to touch you – like touching your hand when he laughs, or brushing your leg with his without moving it away, or even giving you hugs for the flimsiest of reasons.

    Next, watch what happens when you touch him. If you brush your hand gently against his neck or hold his arm gently with your hand – does he flinch away? Does he move his hand away from yours if you touch him? Or does he move to stay in further body contact with you?"


    In this video you can see how close they are and how confortable they are. Swipe to the left to see the second video where PYM almost put her head on PSJ's shoulder.




    3. "If he teases you at all – definitely pay attention. Is it a fun, gentle tease? If so, it could totally mean that he’s attracted to you. Be aware – younger guys are the most likely to use this tactic to demonstrate interest.

    However, if he teases every girl he flirts with, it might just be his style. But if you’re the only girl he teases, chances are that he’s got feelings for you."


    Here she says he teases her a lot. You can see it in all the BTS as well.



    I've noticed too that PSJ's IG looks more like PMY's IG since he deleted / hide his photos. Also, you can sence he looks more mature after filming WWWSK. It's like he's trying to be more the man he thinks PMY wants. 


    So, what do you think, does he likes her? B)


    • Like 3
  14. Can I just say that instead of forcing or feeling like PPC owe us fans something, just appreciate them for them.

    They are actor/actress on screens but behind it, they are still human beings. Their feelings and actions can be very different than how they are on screens. None of us are PMY or PSJ so we don't know the whole story. They might be together and announce marriage this yr, next yr or even 5yrs from now. OR just a reality call they might not be together at all. Point is PPC shippers should just stay positive but at the same time keep a level headed mindset while shipping.


    It's so ridiculous for me to hear fans leaving PMY or PSJ just cause they dont see PPC together every second of the day or something. Then how on earth did you started liking them in the first place? Clearly it was through their acting from WWWSK, not from their personal lives first right?


    Just stay positive people! This ship will sail and land safely, it's just a matter of time lol





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  15. My fellow shippers let's stay calm.

    There's already plenty of haters using this whole award thing to start into a negative commotion to our PPC so let's not add in more fuel to the flame.


    In my opinion, let's just be happy and grateful our PPC were recognized for WWWSK, thou I still have to say that whole stupid Starple app did PSJ dirty and kinda frustrated how PMY is always being downplayed for her work. How is it that she didn't win an award for her acting skill still amazes me.


    Cheers to our PPC still! Hopefully many more awards to come :blush:





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