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Posts posted by parkparkloveu

  1. 6 hours ago, mimixemix said:

    It has been like 8/9 months, And we still don’t have evidence like photos of our Captain SJ n My being seen together ,

    can we still hoping for them? 


    About 90% of Korean celebrities dated and broke up without their fans knowing they ever dated. We just have to keep wishing PPC are indeed real and keep praying PPC will be strong together and will finally get married someday. 

    • Like 3
  2. The fangirling scenes are not the ones I do not like but the fantasy scenes are OA for me. I do not watch dramas or movies with a lot of imagination fantasy scenes. This is why I dropped TYH. I forced myself to continue watching HPL for PMY only. Because even if I can relate about the duality of being a fangirl and an office girl, the scriptwriter and the PD are disappointing me.

    • Like 2
  3. Not all webtoons are romcoms. Itaewon Class does not sound like romcom to me. I already have the link I will check it out. It is a Daum Webtoon. It looks like an action revenge story. He suffered hardships after the death of his father and he went against his father's enemies. PD is very good. The PD of Love in the Moonlight. 




    Gwang Jin’s Itaewon Class centers around Saeroi Park, a young man who opens a restaurant in Itaewon against all odds. In the story, Saeroi has lost his father due to the actions of his adversary, whose father happens to be the chairman of a major food service company. This web cartoon topped the weekly sales chart of the Daum Webtoon site. Its main character frequently fights social irregularities and his cutting lines are loved by readers. 

  4. The info I learned from solid Korean PSJ fans are true that he will make a drama before the year end. It is based on a very popular webtoon. the webtoon author of "Itaewon Class" drama once said he wanted IU to be the star when the webtoon will be made a drama but IU already has Hotel de Luna so I guess it will be somebody like her? Singer actress? Or looking like IU? Not Suzy too she has Vagabond. Hmmm.:o

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, tali58 said:

    @zashi23, with all due respect, I disagree with you.  Many of us are interested in information like that.  It's fun as well, and I think we can all differentiate between fun facts and fun "deulu" comments.  Please don't tell people what to post if you're not one of the moderators because doing that really takes the fun out of this group. As far as I'm concerned, @parkparkloveu can post whatever she wants, as long as it's not negative about PPC, PSJ or PMY.

    I actually found her post interesting, and it doesn't take anything away from the fun of shipping. :)



    LOL some people who are new on this thread are dictating what to post. I have been posting here long before she even watched WWWSK.


    I posted it because the way @zashi23 said it is like taking it as real fact. Like it is really true that PSJ  CF was meant as support for PMY lol. 


    Remember not all people here are fluent in English some cannot get the humor. 


    Say, WHAT IF, not really true about PPC dating? How can you explain it later on to the shippers who became very obsessed and made PPC their only source of happiness because of your delulu that they thought as facts? :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  6. I chatted with a PSJ solid Korean fan yesterday. She told me other PSJ fan leaders in Korea told her he will make a drama late this year or next year. Also a movie next year is being considered.


    About the non renewal of CF it is always the case in Korea whoever has new or upcoming dramas will have more CF. I think it applies to all except Gong Yoo because no matter how many years it is from Goblin, he remains among the top endorsers. 


    Once PSJ will make a new drama, he will have plenty of CF again. 


    It is not easy to make a drama, it takes several months for pre production - that is, if you want a quality drama. The most PMY will shoot this year is one drama toward year end. So this means she will be working too next year for the lined up projects. (Unless if the dramas to be shown this year will be her pending dramas not yet shown in China so there will be no more need for filming, what happened to Braveness of the Ming? Was it shown already in China?)


    That said, I don't think fan delulus of them marrying in May 2020 is correct. It is too early for Korean celebrity couple standards. They usually marry late 30's. In fact, PMY said that she once said she will be married by 35 but now, she changes her mind that it may not be 35. (Which means either both ways, before or after 35, and based on the status of her rising career right now, my guess is what she meant is AFTER 35).

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  7. I honestly do not like the top comments whether Korea or international fans that they are only watching for KJW. Very frustrating that PMY is always overshadowed by her partner. 


    For some solid PMY who do not like PSJ, you should be thankful that it is only in WWWSK that she was not overshadowed by her drama partner even if PSJ has bigger fanbase than her. 


    That is why PPC is a dream team. They compliment each other perfectly.

    • Like 8
  8. I am also not into cheezy corny romcoms. I did not find WWWSK too cheesy as it did not have crazy imagination scenes and it has serious scenes like Lee Young Joon's kidnapping. That is why I dropped Touch Your Heart because of the parodies and imagination scenes and shifted to fantasy melodrama The Light in Your Eyes which turned out to be a good decision. But I will continue to watch HPL because of PMY. I hope the script and the directing improves but whatever happens if I won't like scenes, I will just fast forward later on but still I will support this drama till its finale :lol:


    I do hope the international fans will really watch, the target new audience of this drama are Kpop fans but many KPop stans are only spreading the HPL memes but no time to watch dramas because they are so busy with their idols. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, mimixemix said:

    Hi guys so I’m trying to change my user name from mimixemix to overanalyze  but I can’t, they won’t let me change.

    Does anyone here knows how to change the user name?



    I tried to change my username before too because I posted in some other couple's new shipping threads not just here but I was not able to change it. 



    HPL ratings for Episode 2 is 2.4% that is not very low, it is already ok for a cable drama. Waikiki 1 ratings are only at range of 1~2% yet they made a season 2. And it is very popular internationally.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, twoparkcouple said:


    but i think the rating will not go up highly. because already the time of tvn wed~thur was sank and HPL is only for young people in10~30s. if a drama wants high rating, it can appeal to people in 50s. because people in 50s  were so important in the measurement rating. this is why kbs 8p.m weekend drama always has high rating(basically 20~30%)

    but pmy is receiving good reviewing. it's okay. :D



    Yes I agree because older people are the ones who like to sit and watch TV but many of the younger generations prefer to watch online at a time convenient to them. 


    That is why many historical dramas and family dramas are high ratings as it can appeal to older people. 

  11. I have many complains on the drama too that if PMY was not in this, I will not watch this. I wonder if PSJ was watching and what can he say as the RomCom King.  :lol: 


    I did not finish watching TYH as I think so corny. But this HPL I will watch to support PMY. The things we do to fangirl. :sweatingbullets::lol:


    Some said it will help the ratings if we watch via TVN official livestream? I don't know how true. HPL fangirling memes are very popular now with International Fans maybe the LS views can help ratings.

  12. Shipping is fun but please DO NOT OVERANALYZE EVERY MOVE.


    We do not know them personally so none of us are 100% sure of their status. 


    We will just have fun and wish they will end up together someday. For the meantime, chill and just go with the flow. They are actors they are even trained to do intimate scenes. (Yes, many acting workshops include intimate scenes). So, the casual closeness is nothing to them. 


    Even if PPC will get married someday, they will remain to be paired with other people. So, just sit back and relax and enjoy the show. So to speak. :lol:


    • Like 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, leek said:



    WWWSK and HPL comparisons are expected especially Park Min Young still looking like Secretary Kim.


    But I hope the fans here will not make comparison between HPL and Encounter because not comparable:


    1. GENRE is very different. 


    2. Encounter has very high pilot ratings and good Episode 1 KNetz comments. 


    Encounter =8.683 vs 2.667 of HPL


    3. SHK fans will get angry at you here for dragging down her drama to justify HPL's lousy Episode 1.  





    I agree with you and I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO FIRST BROUGHT UP ABOUT ENCOUNTER. I am not dissing Encounter and I watched and liked the drama Encounter although for those fans whose main focus always is shipping, they cannot do it because of SHK marital status lol. :lol:


    WWWSK comparison is understandable as  both romcoms and PMY dramas. Touch Your Heart is a romcom also and PD is PD Park of WWWSK and likewise a Wed-Thurs TVN drama so more or less the comparison for discussion purposes is reasonable. 

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, snitchdream08 said:

    If we watching tvn drama from third platform like viu, is it calculated for rating?


    I decided to watch encounter because I interested with pbg-shk chemistry but I don't like the story, too much drama and boring so I stopped watch it.


    I decided to watch TYH because of ldw-yin chemistry, love the story but I can't feel the strong chemistry couple from them so I stopped to watch it


    Because of pmy, I think if hpl doesn't go well because of the plain story or their chemistry, I will continue watching til the end:tears:  hope the director can bring the amazing stories from this interesting issue about fangirling


    No. Only Koreans who watched TV in Korea are counted in the ratings.


    If you like romcoms and action dramas, you won't like Encounter because it was slow paced love story melodrama. But SHK is long known for the genre, That Winter The Wind Blows and Autumn in My Heart were good but slowpaced so her long time loyal Korean fans prefer it and so, Encounter still had a high ratings. It holds the highest Wednesday-Thursday drama ratings record as of now. 


    I preferred Memories of Alhambra because it has a bit of action but on the finale, I was disappointed with Alhambra and preferred Encounter finale. 


    Radiant/ The Light In Your Eyes of Han Ji Min and Nam Joo Hyuk was a slow burn drama. With KNetz commenting on NJH acting on Ep 1 but plot turned out to be soooo gooood!!! with the twists that it ended with very good reviews and high ratings! I recommend this drama to all of you! :) 


    As for PMY, although she has lesser fanbase as SHK, I guess her long time Korean fans were more into melodrama genre also. So basically if her new Korean fans were from WWWSK, they cannot help but compare HPL with the drama that made them love her which is WWWSK.


    For her solid fans who got angry with comparisons of WWWSK and HPL: This is why comparison was unavoidable since she gained a lot of new fans in WWWSK. Just take her instagram followers growth before and after WWWSK for example.

    • Like 2
  15. 15 minutes ago, seoseo said:

    S That all the drama you talk about story not really good actually accept MOA..but reviews for epi 1 it good so rating cont good but overall boring..but hpl epi 1 it already plain..it just funny..that all..so for sure rating will cont slow..the chemistry look like trying so hard it different from wwwsk so natural..i think tvN have high expectation to hpl but turn to out of knetz taste..start from sky castle knetz taste more to real life story and serious genre.. i pmy fan but hpl really not my taste 




    Memories of Alhambra has so-so ending. Not good. I am saying this not as a hater. In fact, I like HB and PSH together, you can go to their shipping thread and you can see me there posting in the first few pages while MoA was airing  :lol: but I was super disappointed with the finale of MOA. In fact I preferred Boyfriend finale it was more satisfying than MOA and Naver KNetz comment that way too. 


    As a fan, I wish HPL plot would turn out good eventually.


    Sky Castle started at 2% ratings too. I know it is incomparable and impossible knowing the difference in genre. But my point is, the ratings can be improved if Korean viewers will eventually like the story. 


    Let us be fair to PMY too. Let us not judge HPL based on Episode 1 only.


    as fans we are not required to be Blind Fans but please let us wait few more episodes before we can get definite conclusive comment about HPL

    • Like 2
  16. 34 minutes ago, seoseo said:

    After epi 1..chemistry pmy +psj are better..pmy + kjw not natural..i think hpl will cont low rating..popularity actor was not effect rating..but most importantly story line..after 1 epi hpl story line not good..dr. prisoner more good n stong competing than hpl..so sad pmy choose this kind of script..this is same criticism to song hye kyo boyfriend..congrats ppc for win better chemistry 


    Not the same actually. Because aside from difference in the ratings, 90% of KNetz comments in HPL Ep 1 are not good. :( 


    Boyfriend/Encounter had good KNetz reviews in Episode 1 although compared to DOTS quality, there were DOTS fans disappointed. Encounter ratings went up from 8% episode 1 to 10%  episode 2. The "boring" comments from Knetz happen in middle episodes of Encounter but ratings went up again at the finale. 


    Actually same thing also happened with Memories of Alhambra the middle episodes got negative reviews but it peaked towards the end ratings peaked to 10% towards the end, but very disappointing ending. But Memories of Alhambra had positive Episode 1 reviews too. 


    Same with Touch Your Heart. There were Goblin fans disappointed with TYH cheeziness. I can compare Knetz comments of HPL with TYH many disappointed in Episode 1

    • Thanks 1
  17. Korean viewers are hard to please and they are more into satires than cheesy comedies. But HPL is surely gonna be a big hit internationally. 



    34 minutes ago, Matilda_Anne said:



    well, he’s doing a horror/thriller movie right now so i think maybe he will choose a different genre for his drama later.. 



    PSJ fans requested him to do a melodrama next. Let's see if he will. 

    • Like 2
  18. I feel bad seeing comments and tweets that they only watch HPL because of KJW and the relatable fangirling plot. No mention about PMY credits. :( I really do hope the story improves and PMY will show her Remember and QF7D acting in this drama despite it being a romcom.  After being recognized in WWWSK, she does not deserve this kind of treatment again as if she does not exist. Heck, just like WWWSK, the drama title is her. HER Private Life. 

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