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Posts posted by heistheway

  1. Wow!   What a way to end this drama.   I'm in agreement with most of you that they wrapped up many of the storylines in a rushed, questionable way.   It still strikes me that Dae Ran seemingly gained forgiveness yet SR left in exile without Cha Gun or anyone.   Despite being arguably the cutest couple outside of the OTP, Jun Oh and Mi Rim also got shortchanged.   I will say that Dae Bum and Se Ryeon have really grown on me.   


    Even though the AK storyline had to end in her death, I still thought that they milked it far more than necessary.   Specifically, the seemingly endless angst it caused DD, YG, and others.   Although I appreciate how DD forgave AK, it was still raw to watch.  


    Well the OTP certainly knows how to put the exclamation point to a series.   The cuteness overload was awesome!    The wedding was simply beautiful.   I've said it before and I'll say it again.   This particular OTP certainly ranks as one of my favorites.   Yes, it was quite the roller coaster but the payoff was worth it for me.   Furthermore, because of Lee Se Hee and Ji Hyun Woo, it's too bad that we can't see them star in another drama (or even a season 2 of YL&G).  Of course, it would have to be a different writer but imagine just how good a 2nd season could be!   Anyway, major kudos to them both and all best wishes to them and the rest of the cast.


    Here's a video that well captures them.   On a side note, I thank you all chingus for this forum and putting up with my thoughts and rants.   It really was fun to share my thoughts with you every week.   Hope to see y'all in another forum sometime.  



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  2. @LunkeraI echo your sentiments completely.   In fact, I certainly did not mean to shortchange my guys, the Cupid brothers.   Indeed, they, Jae Ni, YG, and DD truly make a wonderful family and their chemistry is amazing.  Heck, a shampoo commercial showed this to be true!   I should re-watch those just for fun!  :glasses:


    I did want to expand on episode 50.   Specifically, the three scenes that reset, renewed, and rejuvenated relationship between YG and DD.


    1)   The opening back hug.   I cringed when I watched this because I've seen it so many times.    The dreaded "I'm sorry/ I love you / please don't leave me" back hug.   How seemingly every time the recipient tearfully breaks and walks away.    Still, it did serve its purpose on waking YG up from his trance and realize that he would lose her this time unless he came to his senses.


    2)   The church scene which I've already touched on.  I think the fact that this scene followed DD and Jae Ni's heart to heart added to its significance.   I'm convinced that if they had shown 5 more minutes of YG and DD staring at each other by the pew, it would have made for powerful viewing!


    3)   Their embrace following the AK news.   This one was different because there was no SR lurking in the background and no more instances of YK not remembering his 22 YO self thoughts.   He was 1000% there for DD to comfort her in her moment of sorrow.   


    Taken all together, these three scenes symbolize the roller coaster nature of their relationship and how far it's come.   Once again, kudos to Lee Se Hee and Ji Hyun Woo for making this come alive so tangibly.    I do realize that it's probably a long shot that they'll ever appear in another drama together.   Even if they did, it would be well in the future.   But, we can still dream, can't we?

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  3. Well 49 was quite painful to watch.  Even though we knew it was coming, it was still difficult for me to get through it.   Episode 50 was better but still leaves some scars.   So, here are my thoughts.


    Poor Mi Rim.   She has now gotten in the middle of Jun Oh and his mom.   Even though her own family basically ignored her, they still treat her like a little kid.   As far as Jun Oh, while I can understand why he'd be upset with his mom, he still shouldn't demand an apology from her.   While I hope I'm wrong, I'm suspecting that this all gets resolved with the "Ok mom.   If I agree to go back to medical school, then will you let me be with Mi Rim?"   Let's see how this ultimately turns out.


    Cha Gun really cares for SR, doesn't he?   He's really willing to go with her to Vietnam?   That's true dedication in my book.  While she should never gotten pregnant in the first place, I have to applaud him for trying to make things right even with all the things SR has done to date.  


    How does Dae Ran keep staying in that house?  Why isn't she and Ki Ja cellmates?   SMH.


    I'm still in shock of the behavior of both Yeon Sil and Soo Cheol.    He absolutely invites scrutiny and distrust by how he clings to AK to the end.   Still, I don't believe that Yeon Sil's behavior is commiserate with what's actually happening.   So, the trust between them is broken.   How can they restore it in the end?


    I really like how Se Ryeon has become a true champion for YG, DD, and the kids.   She's changed my attitude about her 180 degrees.   She and Dae Bum really are a cute couple after all.


    The heart to heart between DD and Jae Ni went about as I expected.   While it might have seemed underwhelming at first, I still believe that Jae Ni is sincere in her acceptance of DD and her dad.    Wonderful scene!


    Now, on the OTP.   Episode 49 really tugged at my heart strings with how YG still pushed DD away but then DD finally gave him the symbolic bucket of ice water and poured it on him to wake him up from his trance.   Episode 50 represents that turn in their relationship we've finally been waiting for.    In particular, I LOVED the church scene!   Understated but still powerful with YG's words, their love stares at each other in the end, and holding hands in cathedral silence.   It's scenes like this that remind us of the insane, off the charts chemistry between Ji Hyun Woo and Lee Se Hee.   I would give anything to see those two work together on another drama (but one with a better storyline and writing).    Who else agrees with me that these two really make an amazing couple!   Can't wait to see these last two episodes.


    My final musical selection for these two lovebirds is one of my favorite songs to this day.   Bring on 51/52!



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  4. 5 minutes ago, Lunkera said:

    @heistheway There are talks about JN finding her mom's will. not sure if it's true though. Her mom did say to YG on her deathbed to just miss her for 1 year and move on and find someone. Took him 2 years+ though.

    @LunkeraThat would be interesting and makes sense.   Either way, I just feel that scene would provide complete closure of the soon to be happy family.

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  5. Well since YG and DD are indeed bound to live happily ever after, I'm really looking forward to these last 4 episodes.   SR is no longer a thorn in their side, DD is now all in to get YG to say yes to her unconditionally, and YG will finally cave soon.


    I will say that the only other scene I really want to see is DD and Jae Ni have their heart to heart about DD becoming Jae Ni's mom.   Yes there's bound to be tears there but I just think it would be so heartwarming to see Jae Ni come around like her brothers.  


    True love always wins!  Always!


    So, in honor of the OTP, here's my music selection of the week.   Can't wait for tomorrow and Sunday!




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  6. Episode 45/46 certainly delivered on drama, didn’t it?   Where to begin?  


    Leave it to Dae Bum and Cha Gun to bust Jun Oh and Mi Rim.   If anyone deserves to be together, it’s them.   Still, like most of the couples in this story, they have their bridges to cross.    And, of course, Mi Sook still has no clue about this.   I still root for them, but it will be interesting to see how things end up.


    Speaking of Dae Bum and Se Ryeon, I’m genuinely happy about their nuptials.   Although we know that it will be awkward with Se Ryeon living with her in-laws, I still applaud her for at least making the attempt.   Plus, as some have already mentioned, she will be a critical ally for YG/DD.   In fact, I really appreciate how much closer Se Ryeon and DD have become.  


    Soo Cheol and AK deserve each other.   My idea for sending all these evil folks to another planet still holds.   I’m not wanting to see either of them for as long as I live.    Don't even get me started on SR!  


    My heart simply aches for the three adorable kids.    Although they're each mature beyond their years, they're still kids.  Having bad/poor decisions made by adults that consequently affect the little ones always breaks my heart.   It's bad enough to see it in real life.   It's doubly aching in a so called family drama.   Unfortunately, we know that this will not be the last moment of heartbreak for them, but we still love those kids, don't we?


    It’s remarkable the power of fear still taking hold of YK.   We know the history of his family – from his parents to his late wife.   He still holds a fear of becoming his dad.   He also holds the fear of losing DD just like he lost his mom and wife.   We know that the last thing he wants is to hurt DD in any way.   So, he’d rather live in misery if it means DD is spared any further pain.   This is his idea of love at the moment.  It's painful to watch but it does help explain why he’s pushing her away now.  But now that he’s regained his memories, he will hopefully see no further reason to cut DD out anymore.  


    Speaking of DD, she truly is a fighter.   I wonder how many of us can still stand if we went through everything that she’s gone through.   In a different place and time, I might be inclined to say that she and Hyun Bin would be a natural couple.    But, as we know, this is just a big fat nothing burger with a side of nothing to boot.   She gave her heart already to YK a long time ago, and it still burns for him despite the stops and starts they’ve had.   It will be a slow burn as far as YK/DD rekindling their romance, but it’s a burn to look forward to.   As I’ve stated repeatedly, true love always wins.  Always!


    I’m still praying for full recovery for the four cast members who tested positive.   We’ll enjoy the remaining episodes as they come.   For now, bring on 47!

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  7. That's why we should do our best to focus on the now and potential future.   For the moment, SR is with YG but we all know that's on borrowed time.   The fact is that YG/DD are madly in love with each other and will be together.    SR will be kicked to the curb again.   YG and DD need and deserve each other.   Love is in the air folks!   Let's enjoy it because that's really why most of us are still tuning in.   

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  8. Like most of you, I found 44 especially frustrating.   Still, I'm keeping in mind the endgame.   SR's lie will be exposed and DD/YG will be back together in due time.   It's a mantra I've been saying and still believe in - true love always wins.  What YG and DD share is a love so true.   Yes, it's beyond annoying to see the fake constructs this writer uses to keep them apart but in the end, nothing can keep them apart.   YG will remember everything and DD will insist that SR is lying about the baby.  I can understand how some of you have jumped ship already.   I for one can't wait to see how everything gets resolved.   my new prediction: we'll see at least 1 more kiss between YG/DD but in a much happier light!

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  9. @Banshee DragonThat's what I'm thinking and counting on too.   Although both DD and YG were separately fooled by SR in the past, both are in a position where they really should not fall for her schemes anymore.   I may be overly optimistic, but I feel that the SR fake pregnancy angle will go nowhere fast.    DD and YG have to know that all they have is each other (and the kids).    It was striking to see each of them stand up to both Soo Cheol and AK. 


    @rolisrntexYou're so right about DD's comfort in YG's home.   Also, now when they stare and smile at each other, there seems to be an extra gleam in both of their eyes.   In particular, it's so refreshing to see how YG treats DD like a queen, doting the ground she walks on (and I applaud him for that).  Also, DD is fully opening herself to YG and showing those kids a love unexpected but pure.   In short, these two are perfect for each other and they better show more of this or I'm threatening to continue my fanfic!!


    Still, I do wonder why it takes near-death type experiences for these two to tell each other what they mean to each other.   This is the 2nd time that YG waited on DD in the hospital.   Each of them did the "meet me on Mount Nam" gambit in frigid temperatures.   Or they'll spill stuff while drunk.    So, it's really refreshing when they can just tell each other how much they adore while sober and alive!  


    One final thought.   Again, I'm probably being greedily optimistic.    But I have a feeling that YG/DD might actually kiss in either 43 or 44.   I realize the preview won't show it, but I just have a funny feeling about this.   Not that y'all would complain though!  

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  10. That was quite a weekend.   Lots to absorb and indeed lots of anguish.   Rather than get into details, I wanted to highlight one specific scene that I somehow feel was my favorite.   When I watch this scene, I'm thinking that its truly well done all the way around.  The reason I take to this particular scene is because I feel that it represents a renewal in the love between DD and YG.   Not that they ever stopped loving each other but it symbolizes a new step in their relationship.   From his rescue of DD on the beach to his praying for her recovery to their holding hands, you can see that their love for each other can only blossom from here.   It's as though I could watch them hold hands in the still of the night and they'd still demonstrate a love some couples never reach.  


    Maybe I'm overthinking all this but I can't believe that I'm alone in this reaction.   Let me know what y'all think.   For the record, I did enjoy their other scenes together too!






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  11. I am so appreciative of this thread.   It's been especially awesome seeing the topics and discussions the last few days.   Overall, I'm in full agreement with what's been mentioned so I'll put my 1 1/2 cents worth.


    DD is such a fascinating young lady to me.   As she told YG, she's really never had a true independent life up til now.   We're seeing it dramatically play out with SC/AK conspiring to keep her away from YG.   Plus, the life she has lived has been filled with pain and turmoil.  Yet, what has helped to provide a sense of stability, purpose, and love?   YG and the kids!   And this will continue to be true as long as she remains strong in her love for YG.


    YG also fascinates me greatly.   We see a widower who, while he loves his children, struggled to relate to them before.   He had many women, including SR, pine over him in hopes of being his 2nd wife.  His mourning over his late wife understandably created a wall with the outside world that fueled a slight misconception of coldness.   Yet, what has helped him not only get over his 1st wife but be willing to start over again in love?   Of course it's DD.   In fact, I truly appreciate how much more vulnerable he's allowed himself to be not just with her but with the kids.   Is it any wonder we truly can't wait to see them all become a true family?   


    So, DD and YG, we're know you're listening!   Stay strong in your love for each other and the kids.   Fighting!   With that, here's my song for the week to celebrate this amazing couple!  Enjoy!



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