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Posts posted by intrariver

  1. Hiiiiii

    Sorry for my absense, been so busy.

    Here let me share this curious thing that recently happened on YIN variety show With Funding:


    The other female in the room:  *Gets suspicious about YIN eagerness about marriage/honeymoon related things* and so asks:

    ....:scream: "Is someone coming after you?"


    YIN: (doesnt confirm or deny anything just) Giggles       


    :ph34r: hmmm..... 


    Suspicion mode ON for us too not just for that female there :sweat_smile:  :tounge_wink:

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  2. I could go on and compare also to how SJS has behaved w. costars (Jung In sun and Son Ye Jin) once started dating JEJ proably even before MySecretTerius started. No giving hints or hopes nor doing things that public associates to costar(s). But especially there isnt any super exta caretaking mode ON towards costars, he just behaves normally. (And SJS is the very caring type too!) (Son Ye Jin was also obviously more comfortable w. HyunBin than w. SJS in interviews and now SYJ & HB have been spotted together twice lol) .SJS Protecting the GF and being normal w. the rest. Actually he even behaved almost like siblings w. JIS LOL 

    Seriously SJS and JIS is so diffetent than uri Pichi!
    Actually before TeriusBeindMe started I was a bit tempted to ship SJS and JIS because why not could be fun lol but then already since day 1/presscon of MySecretTerius SJS was very clear. JIS really looked more just like little sister since day 1 LOL. Compare w. Pichi whose  behaviour only made me further ship/more supicious of them since day 1 LOL. :sweatingbullets:

    For SJS and Terius costar, there was no serious hope for shippers (nor where there many serious shippers probably for this reason). So I stopped any shipping of them RIGHT AWAY LMAO. Actually SJS even avoided having any kiss scenes in Terius LOL. He was really looking after his real girl.
    Even w. Yejin it was just because of knetz own delulu assumptions and not because of any behaviour by SJS toward SYJ. No supercaretaking behaviours or extra attention. He was just normal w. her. Unlike our guy LDW here who is being so very sweet to Inna and did all that super sweet caretaking.


    ....So if Pichi truly not together, then why is LDW leading us on then and not being clear like SJS? They are BOTH the very caring and HONEST type who really seem to price being genuine.
    Hmmm...SJS vs LDW  behaviour is really clarifying things an giving high hopes for our couple.

    Can't wait to find out the truth.
    Simply comparing to SJS behaviour it seems now more likely that we are indeed correct. 

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  3. And I cheat by adding TOP 3 RECENT reasons too :joy: :

    Why I think Pichi is real.


    1. LDW getting so emotional on PDX01 about a love song. And the lyrics fitting Pichi relationship. And no "IF" I have  a lover but If "I was a singer" and "to my lover" like he indeed HAS a lover lol. Even to the point that LDWonly fans suspect he might be dating now.

    2. The Frequency of the pink. and YIN post on confession day including things associated w. LDW. The public knows very well especially who Chanel watch is associated with.  YIN happy dance along reactions to Goblin and TYH OST songs she played on her 4 days radio special, tells theyre relationship is good and not bad blood, while they now pretend to be strangers lol.  She even played his favorite song by Twice (&then smiled at a text she got after putting on the song. Possibly/probably from LDW).


    3. But especially, the contradiction.:
    They avoid each other in public and even mentioning each other in any way.(Also compare this to during and after Goblin and during TYH lol so different)
    so either

    A) theyre dating and they avoid for privacy purposes or

    B  )  theyre not and they want rumors to stop and not lead on people, and are using really bad "stop the rumors/speculations were NOT dating!" - methods that only create more speculations :sweat_smile:

    And still waiting for a very DIRECT "WE'RE JUST FRIENDS. STOP THE RUMORS/SPECULATIONS.", that you'd expect if NOT together. The type that Jinshim was all ready to make even before their drama ended. :sweatingbullets:

    Still none lol. Who woudo want false rumors, especially in k-ent  where it's bad for actor's careers. :sweatingbullets:
     I mean please remember how in TYH story too OJS was all upset about the false assocations w. her costar and wanted NOTHING to do w. it, all worried about her real boyfriend and wanting to RUSH RIGHT AWAY to CLARIFY VERY DIRECTLY the rumors as false. No leaving people hanging what's the truth. Or making post that can be directly associated w. the costar.


    ...Here's the contradiction:
    If all avoidance is just because theyre NOT dating and dont want any false rumors/dont want to lead on ppl.... then why contradict your super careful behaviour of avoiding topic of each other and avoid seen together by then making a post on CONFESSION day about "CONFESSING" which includes things which the public knows very well is assocaited w. the other (ahem Watch. Even a Pichi cap there too lol)??? Ppl will SO stop thinking that youre dating by doing this YEAH RIGHT  LOL :sweat_smile:
    Or him starting to AFTER TYH wear someth much more frequently than before (PINK. He didnt do this after Goblin) which fans associated AFTER TYH  w. the other (YIN) 
    ...YEESHS you two, ppl will totally STOP thinking that you're dating! :sweatingbullets::joy:


    or... consider this: Would Oh Jin shim have made any type of post which can be associated in any way w. the costar w. the false rumors she had ?
    OF COURSE NOT. Especially not after the drama has ended. She'd be nowhere EVEN NEAR to doing this. She was all ready to rush and tell "NO WE'RE NOT DATING. STOP IT." even before their drama was over. :sweatingbullets:

     It's upsetting for the actors for false rumors to continue, especially after the drama. Especially when there's another significant other.
    ...so what's up w. Your post YIN!?? CONFESSION post that can clearly be associated w. LDW, Hmmmm....:ph34r:



    And some other things making me supicious Im not ready to talk about. yet. Maybe later. Maybe.

    Now LDWOnlyfans thinking he might be dating. Then just thinking about it from LDW point of view, why wear that pink so much now, talk about and get all emo about that love song which sounds like describing ldw&yin relationship, talk about hurrying up on Vlive fanship (which looks like he's hurried about celebraing YIN birthday w. her), NOT avoiding things assocated w. YIN  (Whilst avoid directly talking about her).  He could've made it clear that he WOULDN'T be spending YIN birthday w. her, like I've BTW seen some k stars do when in false rumors w. other k stars. They made it VERY CLEAR no birthday spent together to dimsiss the rumors and speculations. Unlike our guy here who is doing the very opposite and almost like hinting he's in a rush to spend YIN birthday w. her LOL.


    So if theyre NOT dating why would LDW falsely lead ppl on, which wouod later only create more hate for real gf later if there is another? Where is the "protection instinct" for said possible gf? All protection instinct I see here so far is towards YIN on the other hand.


    So let's wait and see what happens. We have to wait to know 100%.

    One day we'll know the truth.

    If the ship sinks I'll just move on then. and enjoy them separately as actors. If we get the news we hope for I''ll be happy but also move on eventually, while casually waiting for their cute kids and possibly Variety show apperances together.


    Once the truth is out, shipping isnt as fun anymore.  Once a ship has sailed all the way until marriaige you get your PEACE OF MIND over the situation and stop caring so much and only casually wait for the cute kids.

    This has happened w. my previous shipping expriences. It's after all another person's love life, so why care so much once it' all clear and happening or when it's sunk. Unless you're totally crazy, you move on either 1st saddened by sunken ship or you eventually only care casually about the alive and married sailing ship. Human nature. Unless you've really lost your marbles.

    Nothing lasts forever. My married ships will always be cute but that's it. No need to be so invested in the relationships. Of course you may always really look forward to variety show apperances and the like, but the initial super excitment and mega investment over the ship doesnt last. Not even to the very cutest ones.


    I'm mainly waiting now to find peace of mind by seeing the ship either sail or sink.

    Now LDW & YIN please dont make it 3 years. I hope it's all clear by end of 2019 or start of 2020.

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  4. On 6/18/2019 at 1:09 PM, Heart_note said:

    :wub:If you guys had three major reasons to believe that they're together what would it be?



    LDW's ahem...interesting behaviour toward YIN even already since Goblin days (& even before).
    - Telling her "I fell for you 1st" on 1st day of filming Goblin BTS
    WHAAAAT WOOKIE LOL!! :scream::sweatingbullets:

    - His reaction to her cuteness/messing up her line in MAMA2014 is really whoa


    It also reminds me of the "Lingering look which is the tell that a guy likes a girl" that YIN talks about on Cafe Amour lol. From own experiences I agree w. what Inna said as a great tell.

    - "Let's go back and forth" trying to make the kiss more hot/real on 1st kiss  filming already  :sweatingbullets:
    - "I need to look good!" (for filming kiss scene w. YIN in Goblin ep 12) which had KGE all giddy and BTS staffs stare and go all "OMG!! WHAT?!!" :scream:w. their reactions :joy:
    - Goblin presscon the overt praising of YIN by LDW that had even KGE and GY roll their eyes 
    - LDW blushing so hard in Goblin special commentary when YIN called him cute :relaxed:
    - KGE shipping them moments.

    -Some interesting Goblin presscon behaviours

    -Some things that happened between Goblin and TYH

    -In Goblin presscon, LDW Unable to take his eyes of off Inna when she was smiling all embararsed when they talked about YIN smile being so amazing. The others= normal. LDW=Wont stop staring w. admiring look LOL.

    ....all of these is like a guy who is crushing and not just a friend.

    ....but the cutest ever and most telling imo of has to be When LDW was filming Goblin last day  on "their bridge" alone and throwing a tanthrum how  :tears:"YIN SHOULD BE HERE WITH ME! (Should be there filming w. him on last day) *insert sad puppy eyes*  :joy::heart:



    2. TIME or rather the more objective lens gained by time and non-attachment: 
    Sometimes ppl get overtly eager and biased caused by how excited by this "recent exciting thing" only to later on realize it wasnt so great as they thought and they we're just on a temporary  high over something. Or their emotional attachment clouded their judgement, only seeing things more clearly and objectively once calmed down and attached less emotionally.
    ...I watched quite alot of pairings before and after and in between Goblin and TYH, even shipped some others too in between yet the suspision over these two never went away. In fact considering how many onscreen  pairings I watch I rarely seriously ship actors off screen. 
    Yet w. these two... even during periods when during these 2 years betw. Goblin when I wasnt as emotioanlly attached to Pichi as a couple even liked others more at that time, yet I could never quite say these two where behaving like two normal costars and instead always felt different. More like the ones who actually ended up dating than the majority of normal behaving boring ones who off screen had nothing.
    ...Time passed, less attached yet never could quite say there was nothing, the supiciosn always remained even when my priorities lied elsewhere.  Something always felt fishy about this just "friendship".
    My intuition about these two just says there's something here.


    3. Their difference in behaviour in TYH compared to Goblin times.
    Wookie was always nice to her. But now suddenly in TYH era he is  being overt taking  care of her suddenly like a bf lol. (btw even for him Mr super nice, I dont see this overt caretaking behaviour w. other costars of his. Just to Inna and the ex. Can talk about this more some other time)
    And before in Goblin Inna was all fine kissing him but suddenly in TYH she is all shy shy shy giggly girl in their 1st kiss filming. WTF?? :ph34r:BTW she was giggling nervously too when filming kiss scenes w. her ex. in QINHM too. (I rewatched some QIHM BTS after TYH)....
    so supicious much lol :ph34r:

    So wtf...She was able to kiss him and be normal in Goblin now suddenly she gets all nervous???
    Saw her getting shy shy around him on other occasions too during TYH era.
    And he too. Lol what's up w. the nervous awkward rambly behaviour in their kissing BTS lol. And the way he looked at her...

    And the openmouth kisses in TYH too like mentioned by others too lol. The alley reunion kiss and sofa kisses still get my heart razing, now that im more unattached to the story. It looks more and more like Wookie and Inna kissing w. feels rather than their characters...It's so different compared to for example Bubblegum where I needed to be attached to the story to get the feels over their kiss scenes. Later rewatching long after finishing BG I felt no feels over those kisses lol, even while some of the kisses are hot.

    Frankly before TYH started airing I was going to be all low-key shipping and keep low expecations whilst suspicious but not really expecting anything BUT THEN SUDDENLY these two started behaving so suspiciously starting from day 1 of TYH LOL
    Not to mention that Live drama chat which meant no edited but raw LIVE behaviour yet their behaviour there the most suspicious one lol. Their bodylanguage especially...interesting lol.


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  5. 18 hours ago, cherrinekim said:

    I heard many top actor n actrees will leave YG ent.. how about inna? Any news?

    I think its better for her to leave too..

    Koo hye sun had already left last month i think..



    According to this



     "Actors A, B, C and D" are considering leaving and are in contact w. other agencies". Since theyve now begin cancelling/not make some deals out of fear w. YG artists.

    ...Since they dont mention names and keep it anonymous for now as ABCD, who's to say who they are as of yet, maybe Inna is among them considering leaving.

    Hopefully.  At this point I'm practically begging her to.

    Unnie please just do it ok ok! :cry: (I even had a dream last night that she left YG...the level of disappointment once I woke up realizing it was just a dream! :sweatingbullets:)

    and while at it, drag Jang Ki Young and Cha Seung Won out of there too...

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  6. Hello older HJM fans!  :lol:






    So I just finished my 1st ever project that Ive seen HJM in a couple of days ago (Cain & Abel w. SoJiSub. Im Jisub fans thats how I watched CAA and discovered HJM. Before this I'd briefly heard her voice only in MasterInTheHouse, where I really liked her easygoingness, so I thought "okey one day I should try watching her in something"), and I'm really liking this newly (for me) discovered actress.


    Really seems like her personality is very lovely and easygoing too. Actually I found her quite relatable, I think she's similar to my own personality,  only less introverted and more easy going. But I'm appreciating the difference, her easy-goingness really makes her look so lovely. <3

    Anyway since I'm such a SUPER ROOKIE when it comes to HanJiMin could I ask you older Jimin fans to share any recomendations of which of her older projects to watch 1st?

    I'm going to watch the LightInYourEyes drama next, her latest costar is a bit boring to me (but Ill prob watch that drama too at a later time), but from  her oldest projects are there any must watch stand out dramas? How about movies? My prefernce is darker tone and less comedy type projects.


    Also if there is any interesting trivia/info about her that you older fans want to share and/or links to it? I'd really appriciate it.


    Also I'm really looking forward to seeing her cast in a new project soon enough, since that will be the 1st live watching Ill get to do w. her. :love:

    Also im not so into posting in actors threads so maybe dont expect me to be active here, (much more into following my faves on IG and having more of the visual experince and discussing more in the drama threads while a drama is airing) but Im looking forward to live watch discussions of her upcoming projects in the project threads :)



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  7. On 6/15/2019 at 9:39 AM, Mrs G said:

    Ooohhh...why are they avoiding in even talking about each other? I'm sure they know this will raise more suspicion like their wrap up party. This suspense is really killing me!


    I know right #SuspicionsRising lol

    It's not like they asked Inna "Are you dating him? "Do you have a boyfriend?" "What is your irl relationship like?" or anything personal. Actually the question "Would you work with him again" is just a very professional question lol


    and easy to answer with something like "Yeah I dont know if producers would cast us again a 3rd time its so rare but who knows could be fun/I could consider" and the like. No "giving away personal info" or any of the sort w. that kind of answer. Actually that would have looked less weird so why not answer like that lol

    Skipping questons about each other honestly just looks awkward :sweat_smile:



    My delulu take on why she couldnt answer the question:


    In K-ent industry there's a really stupid rule of irl partners not being able to work together in dramas/films. (Variety and reality shows however are acceptable). I heard from someone who knows their stuff that this is an absolute rule, there is NO bending of it whatsoever, no exceptions, so sadly if Pichi do date and admit it they wont be able to work together anymore. :cry:

    Or at least not the ones who have already admitted being together. Since koreans view it as too unprofessional for them to work together, once ousted by Dispatch theyre against a irl couple together on screen...(unlike THE REST OF THE DAMN WORLD who actually understands that actors can be pros lol).....

    ...so If LDW & YIN really are dating and planning to oust themselves soon, she COUDLNT answer normally that shed possibly work w. him again without lying because once ousted she couldnt work w. him again:P And then once ousted shed be branded a liar by hateful knetz so she avoided lying alltogether and so simply didnt answer.


    ...so a K actor saying they'd work or consider working w. someone (again) that they're dating irl = will not settle down/marry/oust themselves/take the relationship to serious level anytime soon or for a very long time.

    Avoiding saying they'd work together (again)= might settle down soon.

    This is K-ent 101.

    No bending of their stupid no-'"real partners"-under-any-circumstances rule means they cannot have an intention of settling down any time soon with the person they said they'd work with at the same time as wanting to work with them again.


    However in this case w. Pichi, take it as just PURE SPECULATION, not too seriously but just as a POSSIBILITY. It may be avoiding it because theyre really together, so avoids it for settling down purposes (lets hope!) or theyre not together and she's simply playing it safe thats why no answer.

    ....Either way, Im actually happy she DIDNT say she'd work w. him again cause that equals KILLING THE SHIP or at least NO OUSTING THE COUPLE FOR VERY VERY LONG, when you take into accaunt the k ent background that you have to take into account when considerkng K actors. Strict Knetz are very strict about it like they are about many things sigh

    ....So pheeeeew for us on that one, I honestly wouldve given up the ship had she said that :sweatingbullets:




    Or it's just


    she avoids saying shed work w. him again because then thered be articles saying shed want to work w. him again (you know how media exaggerates their article titles too lol). Even SongHyeKyo was once asked if shed ever consider working w. GongYoo and she simply said politely that shed consider it yes (why rudely say shed NEVER even JUST consider working w. someone lol) and it got super exaggerated as "SHK wants SO DESPERATELY to work w. GongYoo" LOL. :sweatingbullets:

    So maybe Inna doenst want any articles stating shed want to work w. LDW again cause that would only worsen their dating rumors/speculation, which is bad if theyre just friends or bad also for privacy if theyre dating.

    SongHyeKyo DID however answer about GongYoo and not avoid lol. But then she didnt have dating rumor w. him before...until AFTER she said this LOL

    Possiblities possibilties....Hard to know for sure w. these two very private persons. We can be certain only that these two are now being VERY CAREFUL when it comes to each other.


    What's very funny though is even during TYH Live Drama Chat they were asked very personal questions of how they get along irl/their irl relationship LOL....and (while still looking careful then) they didnt skip even personal questions but actually carefully answered them.....Unlike now when the questions are even very IMPERSONAL they skip them, when before they could answer even private questions :sweat_smile:


    Whatever the real situation, it's clear they're both  now suddenly, unlike before, being very careful... even TOO CAREFUL  w. skipping questions, their behaviour only looks funny and weird LOL :sweat_smile:



    OOOPS Sorry I wrote like a novel. :sweat_smile: My only excuse is I really like writing, but oops so sorry lol


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  8. 1 hour ago, Minyeonie said:

    Thank you for this ^_^ May I just ask, if it was captured in the video that was subbed by sinamoles-nim??? I'm curious about that part. Thanks!



    Ooo I forgot to mention where. Yeah @pichicouple specifically mentioned the question was in Sinamoles vid. Inna simply talked about her character instead there lol.

    But it seems in the actual Sinamoles's clip that part was cut at the beginning and only Inna's avoidant non-answer remained.



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  9. On 6/12/2019 at 9:27 PM, intrariver said:

    Also Goblin and TYH gets mentioned. Luckily for her no questions related to LDW :sweatingbullets: she gets to avoid that in line with avoiding being seen together/mention each other directly other than in indirect hinting that theyve maybe been doing lately lol


    Okay so I accidentally lied there without knowing.

    Amazingyooinna @pichicouplejust messaged me to correct this.  :


    ...It turns out Inna actually WAS asked by the host about LDW. :joy:   She was asked if she'd work with LDW again because TYH so popular over there in Taiwan. But Inna pulled her Pro Ninja :ph34r:and completely AVOIDED ANSWERING that and just said what she said of Jinshim instead. :sweatingbullets:


    Thanks so much @pichicouple for correcting my error.


    Now for my own add in about this new info:

    I did wonder why she suddenly looked so troubled and nervous there but couldnt place it/come up with why, especially since I dont speak the language made it hard to know for sure. ....She was asked about LDW LOL thats why nervous there :sweatingbullets:  Innaaaa-shiiiiii hide your nerves better girl I not only saw it but also empathetically felt it from you very obviously and intensily!! :sweat_smile:





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  10. The 3rd slide, so interesting:


    YIN mentions how the best traits of Jinshim is her honest and sincere and hardworking character. She especially kept repeating how attractive the sincerity is.


    Cant help but notice how "most attractive traits" that she wont stop gushing about so eagerly, are exactly what LDW has in spades!.... :ph34r:

    Then I also remember her ideal type being "the honest, simple and natural type who makes her laugh and takes very good care of her"  *ahem ahem* Literary descibes LDW *ahem ahem*



    Btw has that "takes good care of me" being part of her ideal type being mentioned here before? I think it hasnt. Sometime after TYH ended I saw some old article where she mentioned this. Totally squee-worthy considering who takes indeed "very good care of" her. ;) 


    Sidenote: She looks very happy here. :) .  Also Goblin and TYH gets mentioned. Luckily for her no questions related to LDW :sweatingbullets: she gets to avoid that in line with avoiding being seen together/mention each other directly other than in indirect hinting that theyve maybe been doing lately lol


    Looking forward to hearing about her next project. Hopefully this time sooner than 2 years, Im too impatient to wait another 2 years (or 2 years can be good too for next drama/film if her next news after TYH is marriage :p )


    Thanks sinamoles for the Engsub :kiss_wink:, so nice to hear her talking again and to actually understand .



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  11. 51 minutes ago, Minyeonie said:

    Just like during their Kakaotalk live: Yoo In Na, saranghae~ ^_^B)


    Are they copying Junrok&Jinshim's incognito "I love you" during a live fan chat :ph34r: not only once but twice now? :joy:  Especially since Inna has said that she likes it if a BF does that lol


    Hahha maybe maybe not. But since the writer wrote that and because of what Inna said, now were always gonna wonder if any of the things said there are really secretly meant for each other and not just fans, everytime there's a chat with fans wont we? :sweat_smile:

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  12. Still cant get over this:



    How happily she was even glowing

    And this was in the middle of filming alot w. LDW/Spending lots of time together.  Being so happy at that time.


    It reminds me of this Bts too, where you can see her turn around and you can see how happy she is.:

    It's different than when the cam is straight on your face where youd be more on guard right but here she seems to have forgotten the cam for a few seconds (because it's around her back almost/she was looking the opposite way focusing on LDW so she cant see it yet so easily until turns around) so there's a no-holding-back-happiness vibe.




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  13. 8 hours ago, nyzah13 said:

    I can't believe our out of the world delusions and ninja detective moves with their "in a relationship gestures."

    Our OTP is like giving us so much hints but because also of their out of the world ninja moves, even dispatch hasn't gathered evidences..


    Should a few of us apply at dispatch and do the undercover for this couple? :D



    Now dont be too convinced Dispatch doenst have any info, they may just choose to be quiet about it still or be payed to be quiet. We cannot know.


    For the general public it may just look simply like Dispatch rushes to dating locations and ousts couples right away, but in fact the industry is such that they alot of the times take their fine time to actually oust a couple lol. 

    I happen to have found out some time before the exact number of couples Dispatch had yet to oust at that time. Dont ask me how I know this, I cant tell okay. ...Now since then some have been ousted, and I already know the identy of some couples not yet ousted, there should now still be 2 couples left whose identity I still dont know about. Hopefully uri pichi here is one of those 2 not yet outsted couples.


    And as for being ninja and very private. If they are dating we should be happy for them for being able to keep it private. Especially given Inna's previous dating experience. Even if indeed very annoying for us shippers sigh.


    Then suddenly SJS admitted dating. I had no idea that SoJiSub was among those not-yet-ousted dating couples. He was THAT good in keeping his privacy.   So clearly sudden announcements can be made and actors turned out to have kept their privacy so well that it neednt be obvious to fans. Jisub even apologized to us fans for being so private and the announcennt being so sudden lol


    As for working for Dispatch, as much fun as it is investigating and finding out the truth, I could personally never actually work for Dispatch as I wouldnt want the couples ousted but for them to have their privacy as they like. If anything I'd rather work for the couples helping them against Dispatch lol.


    ...Now let's wait for those not yet ousted couples to admit their dating. Hopefully among the 2 unknown couples one of them is Pichi. Im so curious who those 2 are anyway and have been for a while.  As for those I know about. Wait for it. Korea will have some huge news later. :)








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  14. On 6/4/2019 at 6:37 PM, louie_999 said:

    LDW with other actress: professional

    LDW with YIN: not your typical actor-actress relationship. At the very least you can see that they really are very close, be it as friends or as lovers. Kyaaaa!


    LDW's fanship signup in VLive just ended last Friday! I'm looking forward to what he posts there. Maybe we'll get something related to YIN. 


    Yes exactly what I meant.  :)





    1 hour ago, louie_999 said:

    Hey, in his Live Chat last June 5 in his VLive Fanship, LDW said that he likes Strawberries+banana juice.


    Could this have any meaniiing? Hahaha! #delulumodeon


    And mentioning Strawberries on JUNE 5TH YIN birthday of all days omo :joy:


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  15. I mean even one of the titles for the drama that she was considering before (but didnt accept) was My SECRET Terius. :sweatingbullets:


    Should we keep a look out for any new not yet cast dramas/movies with title "SECRET" in them, for clues on her next project? :P


    ....I'm calling it, considering her ninja skills :ph34r:, her next project will be called "Me The Total Pro Secret Agent" or "The Secret Ninja" or something like that :tounge_xd:

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  16. GOSH!!
    Okay guys so I just semi-accidentally uncovered something Very interesting.


    So in my attempt to go backread the pichi forum from the beginning to try to find the Pichi cap to compare with that pic just now, I found evidence of something more interesting.


    ...Do you guys remember that in the TvN official Youtube channel playlist for TYH some videos got deleted/privated?

    I just saw from this post on page 3... which video was the one that got privated!:




    Link to post w. the privated clip:



    Link to the privated video:



    So it was that BTS clip where LDW&YIN comfortably spoke to each other in banmal (while YIN also spoke to AlwaysCeo actor more formally/not as comfortably) 
    & where


    LDW looked at YIN in suspicios way and too long.
    Actually I watched this BTS 1st with a friend irl who doenst even ship them and she went "Does he like her or something!?" when he looked at her like that lol

    ....so very interesting how TvN thought this clip was TOO PRIVATE to continue to have on their channel LOL, especailly given what that BTS clip contained :ph34r::sweatingbullets:

    Now going back to that playlist to try to find that spot where the privated video was marked in grey, suddenly that has also been deleted by TvN! :




    There used to be 2 Spots/Greyed out videos before, 1 deleted video and 1 privated video.
    Now suddenly there's only the 1 deleted video left and the privated greyed out video IS GONE.
    LOL TvN :sweat_smile:
    So they decided to private the video. But then realized the evidence they left behind of having the privated video marked in the playlist, so theyve deleted that Greyed out video too.  :joy:

    ( EDIT: So I realized this part of my post was just EXTRA INFO/RAMBLING, so I put it in tag to shorten my post. Read if you care:


    And before anyone accuses me of remembering incorrectly, NOPE. I visited that playlist quite frequently at one point, replaying videos alot. I clearly remember there being 2 GREYED OUT VIDEOS before. 1 Privated, and 1 deleted.


    So I have to confess that I actually suspected quite a long time ago that the privated video was this one, but I wasnt sure. ...until now when I semi-accidentally found the evidence of it LOL



    It was like that childhood game of "1 item gets removed while youre not looking. Now try to remember which item is missing". 
    I remembered before that the video missing from that spot, which got marked as private had been the Banmaltalking/suspiciosStare Bts, but had only my memory to rely on so wasnt 100% sure. But NOW!!! OMO. Yes they privated THAT video and then removed the evidence of having privated it. 




    So now the video is completely deleted and not just privated. Try clicking the link to the video which was posted on that post I posted above (found on page 3 in pichi forum) (aka. this video link:


    It now shows it has been deleted.
     And then look at which spot on the TYH playlist the deleted video is on, the deleted video which is still left now that the other greyed out (privated)video has been deleted:




    This was NOT where the privated Banmalspeaking&LDWStareAtHer BTS was before it got deleted.  From my memory BUT ALSO if you look at the other videos and think about which scenes had aired at that time. The playlist shows quite logically the clips in the episode airing order.  

        ...That yellow couple shirts kiss aired and its clip was published AFTER this Banmal&StareBTS clip was published, yet the greyed out video still left in the playlist  is AFTER the yellow shirts kiss BTS. AKA. THAT deleted video still in the playlist is something that got published AFTER the yellow shirts kiss.

    Banmaltalking&stare BTS however was published BEFORE the yellow shirts kiss!
    So conclusion from this: The deleted video still left in the playlist is NOT the banmaltalking&stare BTS but a DIFFERENT CLIP.


    ...I regret so much now that I never screenshoted the playlist before when both 2 greyed out video where still there, I always meant to but kept putting it off lol. So now I have no picture proof of how the playlist used to have 2 GREYED OUT VIDEOS, HOWEVER you can see from the LOGICAL CONCLUSION that can be drawn (see above), that the greyed out video still left in the playlist IS NOT THE Banmaltalking&stare BTS but ANOTHER video.

    Then look at the link of the banmal&stare BTS video now and see it no longer works. Then I think you people can also (not just me) remember it having actually BEEN part of that playlist before, but now it isnt there anymore.




    FINAL CONCLUSION: There was 2 greyed out videos. One deleted one (identity of video still unknown) & privated one (BanmalSpeaking&stare BTS). Sometime after the privated one got privated, they realized their mistake in still having the greyed out privated video in the playlist and deleted the evidence of it from there too.

    SPECULATION TIME: Why does TvN see the BTS as TOO PRIVATE ?  and why later even hide the evidence of having privated it and then deleted it? Especially if supposedly there is nothing going on between these two? :joy:

    Shoutout of THANKS to @Far^away for sharing that video on your post, (even though you innocently just shared that video before not knowing what will happen because of this action in the future. Life is so interesting, 1 action can lead to more than can be predicted&intended :P )  ...without your innocent post I wouldnt have found the evidence of the video being the privated one and 2 videos being privated&deleted.  :sweatingbullets:
    Shoutout thanks also @MsMagic   , without you mentioning the Pichi cap i wouldnt have gone to backread and woudlnt have found the evidence either. Oh life.  :sweatingbullets:


    and btw sorry for VERY LONG POST   EVERYONE, I wanted to make sure to be clear and include everything important. Started rambling a bit too because just so fun doing detective work :sweatingbullets:




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  17. 2 hours ago, MsMagic said:

    And by the way - isn’t it strange the “reveal” of the J12 Chanel watch is for a Confession Day post purportedly dedicated to fans? B)


    YIN was wearing it during their Jeju Trip, but she kept it hidden with sleeves until the Confession Day post. I love it. It’s such a Jung Rok/Jin Shim move haha


    YIN: "Fans, I hereby confess to wearing couple watches with LDW!" B) 


    ...Hmmmm especially  the part about wanting to "EXPRESS HER :heart:" to us is....especially interesting :joy:

    "I declare my heart belongs to LDW, just look at my watch!"  :P



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  18. 47 minutes ago, michsg said:

    Its about the image..if u opened up..can see at the edge of both pics - the same blue white striped shirt.  So the post conclusion is that LDW and YIN were actually seated next to each other at the wrap up party


    Them actually being seated next to each other makes the taking SEPARATE pics w. the SAME ppl look all the more funny  :sweatingbullets:


    Isnt it much more convienient to take the pic just once rather than twice lol. Since sitting next to each other it would be the much faster way lol. And also with 1 pic show theres nothing to hide, rather than take separate pics and none together making things only more complicated. If they want to show there nothing there simply take pics normally and dont behave like ninjas:ph34r: , that would actually work much better in making the dating rumors/speculations die down lol


    Last tlme I saw this type of inconviently taking SEPARATE pics w. SAME ppl rather than the much simpler and faster 1 pic, while the two were still seated next to each other too in wrap party....it turned out to be 1 of their tactics to hide their relationship and only months and months later did they stop hiding it from us fans.


    ...We can only hope that if theres something between these two too that they one day tire of hiding it too.

    But it's also good to price privacy and not have a relationship under the public scrutiny ala YIN and her ex. That obviously didnt work.


    Now SJS has admitted and is dating publicily but I think that relationship probabaly has been going on for a while. Much better to only admit a relationship once its stabilized going for at least semi-long rather than too soon admit to anything which only screams doom to the relationship.


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  19. Ok bit of an update that's not directly related to Pichi but then again it is, so putting it in tag :



    Today SJS got ousted by Dispatch as dating a reporter. (Congratz to him btw :kiss_wink:, the woman seems really cool too )



    Now for how this relates to Pichi....

    Look how different this dating news was from the Suzy news:

    Actual PHOTO PROOFS of them dating by Dispatch.:

    and more importantly SJS HIMSELF ADMITS it and wrote A LETTER to us fans about it:



    Thanks JiSub for reminding how REAL dating news looks like :kiss_wink::sweat_smile:


    (Also no "just getting to know each other" or "We werent dating but now only decide to date because got caught" but a balsy honest "We are dating. Deal with it.")

    Sidenote, saw some ppl still worried LDW might be w. Suzy because of some random recent thing thats not even worthy to explain further. Well that would mean:
    LDW: *Has dating news w. Suzy. No photo proofs whatsoever yet his agency admits it. LDW leaves no letter to fans nor admits to anything himself, thus causing more hatred to his GF Suzy.
    Then some w. ship him w. Inna childishly threw hate at Suzy.
    Then despite this he accepts to work w. the woman who can give even more hate to Suzy because of fans and even sends a shared foodtruck (to a PD who previously worked w. Inna and her ex BF LOL) and accepts several shared ones w. her, and takes care of her to the point it leads on many fans, causing even more hatred to Suzy. Even says how Inna is  a big reason he accepted TYH*
    ...yeah makes sense. NOT. What do you think of LDW? That hed be a jerk like that to an actual GF? He wouldnt be a jerk, especially not to someone he actually dates lol. Case closed.

    On a very unserious note, since reporters can apparantly suddenly snatch away an actor and date them (like the case w. SJS & reporter woman), should we be worried about this then :tounge_xd:   :

    Another reporter woman also got along well w. Wookie hell she even flirted w. him (1 sidedly though, didnt see Wookie respond lol):  



    or this reporter who flirted w. Inna in her IV LOL  :   



    ...I'm saying this guys as someone who noticed before the interview chemistry of the reporter & SJS but DIDNT THINK ANY OF IT...Never knew hed end up dating her LOL    



    Disclaimer: Just a joke , dont take too seriously this latter part of my post ok :P









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  20. 5Rz8Ih.gif


    If LDW has not yet pursued/got YIN, now would  be a good time aldready. With so many attractive eligible men (still none of them can live up to Wookie imo) in marriage age returning one after the other from the military lately and forward better be quick :P:sweatingbullets: Lady's options are constantly expanding ya know, and the men have been without a woman for 2 years.....The hungry huenas are coming :P:tounge_xd:



    But then again... "Ive never met an actor like LDW" "LDW is irreplacable, the only one" "His smile makes me faint"(insert the giddy fangirl expression she used while saying this) "He makes my heart beat so fast" "LDW is like Superman" "The poster isnt good. LDW is much more handsome than that"  -YIN  :wub:


    <<< she was like (even looks like her w.

     same hair and all lol)



    thank goodness I stopped shipping YIN w. her ex long ago. Otherwise I'd be so superhurt over these statements. :sweat_smile: Poor those very few ones who still ship it :sweatingbullets:  YIN's blatant fangirling over LDW :joy:

    and especially since "YIN always gives compliments sincererly. She really means what she says" -LDW and KGE who were fanboying and fangirling over her sincerity. :love:




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