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Friends of Soompi
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Posts posted by andsharonx








































































    That is such a huge transformation. She looks so doll-like now and her eyes are like woahhhhh
























































    Well, just shows there's hope for everyone ;]








































































































































    (Though I'm kinda late :sweatingbullets:)
























































    They really deserve all the awards they got =) So happy for them. And their orchestral perf. of Lies was gooood ~









  3. Finally decided to do a mail auditon for JYP other than SM lol

    Oo.. a chinese UCC thing? Aw, they should do auditions in England lol *cries*

    I think this video is about the UCC thing too? Wonder Girls know chinese? o__O Sun Ye's chinese is good man lol

    Yoobin doesn't really say anything lol ^^;
























































    Does anyone know how to do edit photos of people in Photoshop... like... changing the face shape, size of eyes etc etc? Thanks in advance ^^;







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sharon - my name































































































































































































































































































































































































    x - for a kissssss xP































































































































































































































































































































































































    and - because sharonx was a bit boring















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Asian Fanatics





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    are the main ones ^^
































































































































































































































































    I should be going to sleep lol... *yawn* infact.. yeah.. imma go sleep now haha xDD
















































































































































































































































    Ohmigosh~~ Everything's so CUTE! Can you get these stuff in England? Cos I haven't seen any of these =( Might just have to order online then lol












































    Well.. I don't personally think there's "one" most beautiful woman in the world.. Lots are beautiful =)















































    I think Lee Hyori, Song Hye Kyo, Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron are all beautiful though.. And many ideas but can't think atm lol






























    I think.. the majority of asian parents disapprove of their kids having art careers.. I remember reading a similiar topic on another forum. I'm planning to go down the art and design route myself lol My mum's pretty fine with it which is kinda a relief cos she's more or less a typical Asian mum




























    Erm.. the fact that I speak fluent english? lmao











































    I have more english friends than I have asian....











































    I don't dress like a fob. But I think fobby clothes are quite cute, I just can't find any over here lol

    ..........so everyone thinks that being good at math is "asian"-ish? o-o;
























































































    It's just an Asian stereotype...




























    Omg.. all the accessories, tunics and oversized tops look so cute.. I want some =O






















    I don't know where to get "fobby style" clothes like these in England though >__<"





    Are there any Cantonese dramas that have English subtitles? It would be easier for me to learn that way by watching.






















    There are loads if you browse Crunchyroll.. but.. a lot of them get dubbed into mando I think >_<"


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Name - Sharon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gender - F
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Age - 15
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ethnicity - Chinese
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Location - SE England =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm chinese.. and I've been asked before if I was japanese..
































































































































































































































    And I used to sit next to this guy in my maths and history class who always thought I was like just.. white/british.. which I blatantly don't even look like lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Name: Sharon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Age: 15
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Nationality: Chinese British
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What company you want to audition for: SM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What your talent is: Singing.. & kinda dancing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    How do your parents feel: They don't know >_<" I once mentioned it to my mum but she was like.. please think of a more stable job =S
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What has been holding you back: Well.. I'm not sure even where to go to audition and I'm quite shy >_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One: When did you first start playing the piano? Were you forced to or did you really want to learn how to play/someone or something inspired you to?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I started at like 8... I played violin before that but then I quit cos it got boring.. and my mum suggested piano.. and I also found it somewhat amusing at that time too lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Two: Who taught you how to play? If you took classes, how much did it cost for the classes?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've had the same piano teacher for like 7 years now. I have my lessons at a music school. They get more expensive each term >_< It's like £15 for half an hour now
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Three: When first starting out to play, what did you find most difficult?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't really remember.. it's not really that difficult.. but sometimes learning hard songs can be I guess..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Four: Can you read piano notes? How long did it take you indentify the notes & what's the best way to fluently read them?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been playing for like 7 years now.. I'd be a bit worried if I couldn't read piano notes haha xP I don't remember how long it took me to identify them though.. I got taught some rhymes to learn all the notes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Five: How many songs can you play and what's your favorite?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can play quite a few.. Songs I learn in the past I tend to forget though >_< And I mainly play like.. classical songs because my piano teacher picks them and the ones I do for grades are all classical.. but in my spare time I learn ones I like. I'm learning Only Human by K right now =) I also know Tong Hua by Guang Liang and Yiruma's Kiss The Rain. Kiss the Rain is probs my favourite to play ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Six: What's your advice to beginning piano players?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just practice and practice really. Practice makes perfect =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well.. my mum doesn't really care lol She watches the dramas with me ^___^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My dad.. finds it annoying? lmao 'Cos I always play my CDs in the car.. like Kpop and Jpop.. and he likes to sing along o__O but he can't when it's in Korean lol Then he's like "Why are you even listening to it.. you don't even understand it" xP

































































































































    can someone translate this please :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    呵呵 are just... sounds you add on the end of a sentence? I'm not sure they have actual meanings.. not... that I know of anyway lol ^^"

































































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