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lmao
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just wondering - when we get this kinda hairstyle... do they only thin the bottom layer? Or do they thin all of it? Thanks (: I've kinda noticed that when I go to a non-asian hairdressers.. they don't thin my hair o_O;; lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I smile with my mouth closed. Some people look good smiling with their mouth open,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but idk, I've just never smiled with my mouth open lol It feels weird
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg o___O;; so many trainees lol - so many girls
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and some of them are so young =O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    crystal is following her sister's footsteps xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    joo kyung hee's eyes kinda scare me lol ^^;;
















































































































































































































































































































































    Aw, Taemin looks so young and cute =P I think I prefer how his hair
































































    was before than it is now. He looks quite handsome in the 2nd pic (:
























































































    I can't believe I've left school for real. Things will































































































































    never be the same again - it felt like yesterday I































































































































    had started secondary school. Today after the leavers































































































































    assembly we all got into a group hug and just































































































































    cried :'(
























































































    I can't believe 5 years has gone so quick. Thank you guys for being an important part of my life - words can't express how I feel. I want to cry looking back on all the moments we've all had together. I know some of you I will probably never see again in my life, but I hope you'll remember me like I'll remember you...
























































































    It's my last day of school tomorrow and the messages people have written in my leaving book are so sweet.































































































































    My teacher said she'll always remember my "immaculate presentation" lmao and one friend who I used to































































































































    be extremely close with when we first started wrote that I was a major part of her life and she was like "I really































































































































    do love you with all my heart" - actually... it makes me wanna cry more lol :tears:




























    What Ethnicity are you?
































    Are you a maths or an English person?
















    Hmm... both kinda lol Though I probably prefer English - it's easier lol
















    But... I'm not science person aha =P


































































































































































    I've been using the eyelash serum for about 2 weeks (which I bought off angeland) - I'm not really sure if it's working lol I think they're kinda getting longer maybe... or maybe it's all psychological lol I'm gonna give it a month or so and see if it's made a more dramatic difference lol

















  19. QUSTION:

    I have a qustion, does anyone know whats the address of JYP the company in korea, where i can send my tape. & is there an application fourm?

    thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What's the address of the building in Korea? :D

    I don't think you need an application form...

    if you do, then I didn't use one lol

    I just wrote my details on a sheet

    Artist Training and Development Team

    P.O Box 25

    Seoul Yong-Dong Post Office





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