Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

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  • Last visited

Posts posted by andsharonx

  1. It's kinda sad to see so many singers going for the cute look, buttt I guess that's what the korean audience love

    The song... may grow on me. Was really hoping for something like Mia lol But her voice is still good

    And her skirt in the perf today was so short! D:

    I'll wait to see what the rest of her album sounds like


















    i'm so behind with the girls atm D:














    but aww, the fancams and pics from their seoul concert look awesome














    their messages were so <3 especially the fancams of sunye and ye eun crying <3














    man, i can't wait til the release their nobody in US




















    aww the concert looks so great, judging by the pics and stuff














    i'm gonna watch all the fancams tomorrow














    but they look so gorgeous in the pics<3 and miso!














    i'm liking sunmi's hair better here than the other concerts xD
























    ^ 2ye was crying? cr.sunmijjang















































    oh man, i hope our leader is ok. she needs some rest <3 fighting!














    that sunmi vid is LOL our 4-d alien <3














    some new icons














    please credit/don't hotlink (:




















































































    And also....? (:














    http://z9.invisionfree.com/spectacle/index.php?showtopic=172' rel="external nofollow">




















    wow... sohee looks gorgeous for that mv - i'm anticipating it now xD














    i keep rewatching that teaser... her crying is pretty convincing D:














    and all the photos and fancams of NYC concert - makes me wanna be there D:












    im surprised nobodys posted this!




































































    Credits: BoAspika










































    SunMi: "BUT! The question is, How long will you love us?"



























    WonderFuls: "FOREVER!"



























    awww that video is so incredibly cute














    "this song is more than a song to us, it's our heart for you guys"




















    wahh, looks like you guys who went to the LA concert had fun xD














    glad to see another successful concert ^^














    the english speaking in wonderland was major lol "i'm saying you're stupid"














    our girls have worked so hard <3



























    (Credit: ProStar @youtube)



























    (Credit : Mallyjung @youtube)



























    woah.. they should sing like this more often! didn't know they could harmonize so nicely D:




















    gahhh i'm so behind with wg news atm!














    but wow... omg, their concert looks so good. i'm so proud of them that it was so successful














    and all the fans cheering and screaming was <3














    the saying i love you was beautiful, with their white dresses and shooting stars in the background














    and they finally performed wishing on a star! though the fancam was quite shaky ):














    a sorry heart was beautiful; i forgot how awesome ye eun's voice is in that














    their solos were nice too. i really like the song that sunmi sang














    i've been missing the girls so much, but these performances have totally revived my love for them




















    from the new pictures, ye eun looks like she's getting more and more gorgeous














    and bb cream for men? lol i'm sure loads of guys will buy though knowing wg are endorsing them ;D

    ^ sharon are you looking for these? hehe <3














    yesss, thanks kam<3














    aww their speeches are so sweet... and woah... long list of people to thank aha














    oo leader doing a 90 degrees bow?














    so humble <3





    New picture released of Hyunah for TBJ..

    She's got some really skinny legs.. O_o









































    she models for tbj too?! woah... she has such nice legs.














    was she skinnier than sunmi? i don't remember... they were probably about the same lol

    ummm....i agree with that sunye should be first, not because i'm sunye's shipper,

    i think you know "why?" ... ^^



























    lol.. because she's leader? ;D














    it'd be nice to arrange the profiles in the order of their fan chant actually xD














    min sunye, park ye eun, sunmi jjang, ahn sohee, kim yoobin (:














    are there translations of their daesang speech yet? ^^;














    has anyone noticed sunmi makes a really weird noise after each breath lol














    and woah.. 100 pages already?




















    ooo the graphics are up xD leader's profile should be first =P and it should be centered aha sorry, ocd-ness














    but seriously.. wow; the wonder lives on














    triple crown! i'm so proud of them! (:














    nobody is most definetely a memorable song. their speech was so <3

































    Since I've yet to contribute, here's another to the collection of anniversary posts...














    everybody's wanting me... cos i'm hot hot
















    So it's been 2 years...














    We've admired their talents, danced along to their iconic songs, sang along to their














    music regardless to whether we can sing or not, awaited their comebacks, watched their














    shows, and fangirled and spazzed like crazy. We know how much effort and hardwork














    they've contributed.














    wishing on a star
















    But the road to success isn't easy to achieve. And these girls have managed it














    because of their determination and strive to do keep trying and doing their best.














    There's been critics, harsh comments and obstacles, but they've managed to pull through.














    There have been hard times. They've cried; we've cried along with them. And you














    know you're a true fangirl when you feel upset because they are upset.














    my all, i will be the same...
















    Sunye - Our Leader Min with great dedication to music and as good as leaders














    get. You know you love her heart of gold and passion for singing and dancing.














    you are so wonderful to me
















    Ye Eun - Our Park Oppa with the amazing, powerful voice and composing skills.














    You know you love her aura and the way she chomps her food.














    tell me, tell me, t t t t tell me
















    Sunmi - Our 4D angel with the husky voice and the hidden sexiness behind her














    aeygo charm. You know you love her weirdness and how she loves to protect Earth.














    irony / it just doesn't make sense...
















    Sohee - Our little maknae with the smooth dancing skills and charisma.














    You know you love her ohmona! and mandu cheeks.














    hit me one time baby
















    Yoobin - Our sexy rapper with the deep voice and sexy legs.














    You know you love how she's just as cute as she is sexy.














    i want nobody but chu ~
















    2 years and still going strong.














    It feels like only yesterday that I caught the Tell Me virus.














    I love their personalities, their determination and their music.














    I am truly proud to be a Wonderful.




























    and to Wonderfuls <3

































    aww them facts things are cute. miso wants to go england! i'd totally stalk them aha














    and our yennie has pretty high IQ, and she wants to do volunteering work too - how sweet














    a very bad gif i made lol i was going through random wg videos and sunmi's face caught














    my attention in one of the ee babo perfs when sunye's singing LOL






















    just some icons cos they looked so gorgeous in the valentine's photo














    please credit/don't hotlink (:








































    Trust me..you guys want to check this out:



































































    aww their message is so cute ^^ did they write it themselves?














    their english is improving so much (:


































































































































































































































































































    i feel wonder girls deprived ): lol
































































































































































































































    but i'm proud to say that 'tell me' has reached a 1000 playcounts on my itunes and it's also the first song to do so aha
































































































































































































































    WHICH HAIRSTYLE from WHICH CONCEPT did you like on each girl?
































































































































































































































    Sunye - Tell Me. Gahh, I miss her long hair ):
































































































































































































































    Ye Eun - Tell Me or Nobody. Her hair during So Hot days was ><" (stupid stylist)
































































































































































































































    Sunmi - Tell Me or Nobody. Well, she actually looks great whatever her hairstyle lol
































































































































































































































    Sohee - Irony. I think Sohee looks good with long, wavy hair
































































































































































































































    Yoobin - Tell Me. I miss her long hair too!
































































































































































































































    Who’s “omona” is the best?
































































































































































































































    Sohee - it's her trademark!
































































































































































































































    Who's cutest in pig-tails?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the mbc star battle parody was actual LOL kinda disturbing, but hilarious nevertheless - i'm sure our girls would have loved it aha the wonder lives on fosho
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SunYe's "Come On" collection































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    there was an "Omona!" collection somewhere aswell but i cant find it x_x































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that is hilarious; it sounds so awkward at times lol oh sunye<3

    Since the WG 1st CONCERT is coming up, what song would you like to see them perform?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    a sorry heart with yoobin (: (ye eun's voice in that is just<3) and also wishing on a star!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    as for more dance-y songs, i wanna see them do irony again because they rock the uniforms ;D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    gahhh, why is their english video on their yt channel gone?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    their english was so cute - i wanted to watch it again lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but wow, they're getting a lot of subscribers and views (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Which one is your most favorite to least favorite outfit(s) during "This Fool"?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sun Ye - I loved the jackets she wore. And jeans. Everything goes with jeans ;D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sun Mi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ye Eun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    gahhh, the girls speaking english! so cute lol it's pretty impressive; so proud (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    IMO, ye eun and sunmi sounded best, although sunmi's line wasn't that long
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they sound like they're selling something - i can totally imagine them being like "so call now today for cheaper car insurance!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sunye has a pretty heavy accent, but she's so confident and cheerful lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wow, a 2nd thread already? me and linda are still working on the graphics.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    some of you guys should remember not to spam and post more than one-liners.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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