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    omg LOL taek is such a dork
































































































































































































    his 'AWW YEAH' in the mnet ranking thing made my day
































































































































































































    the one day perf was great ;D
































































































































































































    and this thread moves too fast! *backlogs* lol
































































































































































































































































































    saturn thanks for all the lowdown ;D































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg bummie did a marge simpson impersonation?! MUST WATCH aha































































































































































































































































































































































































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    must see if anyone's uploaded on YT lol
































































































































































































































































































    yesterday's mubank was <3 they're getting more creative with the stages now ;P and junsu's mic actually
































































































































































































    worked! aha their lives are so <33333
































































































































































































    and the 2pm d-day video was so cute - one day love! ^^
































































































































































































































































































    their perf on mnet countdown today was good - the diff. cheography was nice (:































































































































































































































































































































































































    although mnet really need to fix their mic problems T_____T;;































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg i love the BUTT-SLAPPING :rolleyes: aha - v. 2pm style ;]
































































































































































































































































































    awww poor bummie - he'll feel our love and get well soon ;]































































































































































































































































































































































































    just watched MTA, even though i didn't really understand any of it apart from khun's cute english ;P































































































































































































































































































































































































    i love how the beginning bit is like mtv season 1 of

    wonder girls
































































































































































































    with the black background































































































































































































































































































































































































    and dancing under the spotlight ;D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ok, i will have to go on a saving spree when i have free time and make icons =DDD
































































































































































































    their outfits look great (: but gahh.. the annoying watermarks ><" lol
































































































































































































    jaebum looks <3 i love his hair more and more lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg man, this thread moves hella fast































































































































































































































































































































































































    their perf. today was shipjeom xD apart from the mic problems... and apart from jay's outfit o___O;;































































































































































































































































































































































































    he needs a new stylist *cough*me maybe?*cough*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    andsharonx, I don't blame you stalking Jay's myspace. I did that a few days ago and man, he has some really hot friends. Judging from that comment, he's still repping the art of movement! LOL. I was reading a lot of his comments (Man, I feel so bad looking) and he's such a laid-back, down to earth, just chillen' type of guy. He's a real sweetheart deep down.































































































































































































































































































































































































    yeahh haha i feel like.. i'm invading his privacy.. BUTTTT i'm only doing it cos i lavvv him <3 ahaa
































































































































































































    omg major crisis ~ jaebum or taekyeon? i can't decideeeeeeeeee
































































































































































































    taekyeon seems so cute after reading his xanga questionnaire need to find that and stalk it too
































































































































































































    EByul - nick khun, taek & jaebum are (:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. bummie































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. taek































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. nick? wooyoung? can't decide - i like them all xD






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    best looking































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. taek - ohmygahhh his jawline is like <3































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. nick































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. bummie






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    on jay's myspace, i was erm *cough* going through his comments and one of his friends posted a pic of































































































































































































































































































































































































    him and jay pulling off each other's socks lmao and then jay commented him back saying "next time we































































































































































































































































































































































































    should take off each other's pants - i'll let you unbuckle my aom belt" paha our leader's a bit of a joker































































































































































































































































































































































































    right? i stalk too much
































































































































































    it just popped into my head... when they wear necklaces and stuff like wooyoung did today and taekyeon did































































































































































































    yesterday... do the necklaces like.. hit them in the face when they do flips and jumps and stuff lol































































































































































































    cos the dance is pretty... fierce and jumpy lol














































































































































































































































































































    edit:// oh man i topped a page.. brb with something lol































































































































































































    my first page i topped, so here are some gifs i just made (badly ^^;;)














































































































































































































































































































    the beloved butt-shake - you know you love it ;]





























































































































































































































































































































































































































    lalalalalalala pretty baby ~





























































































































































































































































































































































































































    slight crotch grabbing from our sexy leader ahaa































































































































































































    and his pants totally look like pyjamas =PP






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Credits: andsharonx































































































































































































































































    mitchybits gahh the first gif is <3! xD














































































































































































































































































































    wow this thread moves so fast... i'm gonna have to backlog later lol































































































































































































    just watched their perf for today - they get better & better ;D































































































































































































    didn't particularly dig their outfits lol but their singing/dancing/hotness made up for it i guess ;P aha































































































































































































    and i loved the stage - it was cool































































































































































































    and aww they zoomed out on changsung's solo bit.. i wanted to see jay's

































































































    -ness face lol

































    Whats your favourite track on the single?































































































































































































    Shipjeome Manjeome Shipjeome is addicting and great to dance too buttt I equally love Only You































































































































































































    I can't really differentiate their voices but Jay's part (I think it's him anyways) sounds so awesome <3 I'm in love































































































































































































    with his voice aha The song's soothing to listen to (:










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "this cars not mine but i look good washing it"































































































































































































    "while other boybands are competing for their gay crown of the year"































































































































































































    ahaa my fave lines xD































































































































































































    what's 'wayder'? ^^;; lol

































    lol, why's taekyeon described as khun's gf in the description box of him on the 1st page? is it cos they're usually seen together the most or something?































































































































































































    lol yahh since they both speak english, taek can help khun with his korean xD














































































































































































































































































































    wahh this thread moves fast =O































































































































































































    omg i look forward to their perfs everyday <3 i love taek - his voice is sexy aha































































































































































































    but my fave has got to be jaebum ;P i stalk his myspace lmao he said to his friend ages ago that he
































































































    might just quit and go back to america - GOOD JOB HE DIDN'T (:
































































































    i'm in love with that butt-shaking move in their dance aha
































































































    and when jaebum made that face during the shipjeom bit in changsung's solo

































































































    sprung to
































































































    mind cos she makes that face in the so hot dance =PP
































































































    to spread the love:
































































































    please credit & don't hotlink ^^
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    翠翠 why my parents let my grandad name me that i do not know o______O;;
































































































    i'm not sure what it even means lol and it's the same name as one of the miss HKs lol

















  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..