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Posts posted by ohgee

  1. 26 minutes ago, cedarwood said:

    You know I got so used to see him in "new drama pics - Joon Gi wearing a hanbok" that I can't get used to see him in jeans. Although this is beautiful view too. :wub:

    Also I'd like to share one thought (you don't have to read it). LJG makes a modern drama - he wears modern clothes now, right after he was our most beloved Wang So. Maybe this changing of clothes, drama genre, drama times etc. will help me let go of Wang So. This character is still in my heart. *sigh* I don't know if I made myself understandable...

    Haha true, I need to get over wang so as well. He's one of those characters that take a while to get over especially with how the ending didn't give him his happily ever after despite everything he went through:bawling: I'm loving his new wardrobe since I've been deprived of Joongi in modern dramas lol my fav dramas of Joongi are two weeks and TBDAW, he's just too handsome in those suits and jeans :wub:

    • Like 10
  2. 7 minutes ago, antoniaclamens said:

    Thank you so much!!!! :kiss_wink:

    I have to agree with the massive eye-bag comment... still i love to see him smiling. I wish he could have some rest. He's been working nonstop since last year, and he has so many things to worry about right now. Even if i tried to see the upside (tired and all he's doing one of the things he always says he loves the best: filming a drama) i worry cause i want him to be well

    I know he's too thin, but with so much stress over him i doubt he will gain weight even if he eats a lot (i talk from experience). Anyway i wsih he's eating all his meals (healthy food please) so he stays healthy

    did i say to you that i thank you so much? well i'll say it again. THANK YOU!!!!

    Your welcome:heart: I agree with you he has a lot of stress and there are fake articles produced everyday which people keep believing for some reason then getting upset and bashing. Hope CM promotion starts soon so we have something to look forward to and forget all the negativity and joongi and can put his mind at ease.

    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, missmaudy said:


    Plastic surgery. LJG is a very handsome man and beautiful at the same time. But I think many Korean don't like the single-eyelid.

    I feel sad reading many fan comments about LJG eyes look tired. Though his eyes look beautiful but it would easily look tired esp. as he get older. That is why many resorted into PS. 


    I'm actually very happy he didn't get PS, I think it's amazing how far he has gotten in the Korean entertainment industry without PS since it's something they obsess about. The fact that everyone marvels at his beauty and eyes most of all which I actually think are unique although common in Korea since he has made them his own with the way he uses his eyes to show the deepest of emotions shows you don't need PS to succeed. I love how he is getting old naturally and it's just a part of life. I mean he is 35 and has gone through a lot in life so his eyes starting to look tired NOW is actually not bad. He isn't getting younger lol but really I love his cheetah like eyes. Usually I find a lot of Korean actors look alike but with joongi I haven't found one who looks like him especially in the eyes n lips department. Joongi joking about how working late got him a double eyelid :D


    • Like 11
  4. I don't know who but one of you wanted joongi to perform fiery eyes again, including me lol. Well he finally  did I hope someone will upload a clearer version:D

    @pixelsticks I don't think he will do those live water shows/showers anymore, the fans wouldn't appreciate it from what they have told me hahah although I would and his fan service will change cause the dating news is out, maybe in his drama CM we can get some :wub:

    • Like 11
  5. 18 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

    Yes @ohgee I am.  I know the drop seems big but it's like less than 3% change when you look at the big picture.  Good riddance to the fair weather fans, I say. He still has over 16 million in weibo (which I can never access for some reason)...and is maintaining daily average of adding around 4000+ followers daily to his IG.  If it's any damage, it's pretty minor to non-existent in my eyes.  A blip on the radar.  

    I cannot see the png you posted.  

    I'm frustrated by the lack of officially released photos of JG (for the script reading, getting ready for Encore).  Is this part of the Korean strategy to lay low after a controversy...and how long is long enough?  You would think the powers that be would want to promote the actor doing what HE is supposed to be doing...working hard, getting ready and show that image to the world!  


    Oh I see. Same here I'm so annoyed the pic leaked today is the only one i have seen since announcement of his dating life. i fixed it now, it's there, just check my post again.

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