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Posts posted by ohgee

  1. 13 minutes ago, moon_nebula said:

    I re-watched some scenes from the finale and I realized that Hae Soo is actually pretty lucky even through all the pain she had to endure. I know I found Jung annoying throughout the series mostly because of his stubbornness and unwillingness to side with logic, but in the last episode he more than made up for it. Even through everything, even if he had to love her in silence, he still did it all for her. Even if he hated his brother he still sent all her letters to him, in hopes that she can see him before she dies. He gave her space, never forced himself on her, and he kept his promise and raised her daughter as if his own. I am quite touched by how selfless he was. 

    What kind of confused me was, in the scene when she died...Jung asked her "In your next life, you'll remember me won't you?" and she replied with "I'm going to forget you. I will forget everything." 

    I'm not exactly sure what she meant by that -- to not get his hopes up? I feel kind of bad for him. This guy's going to spend his whole life protecting your daughter...the least you could do is tell him that you would remember him in the next life??? That was my reaction lol I'm not sure if anyone else felt the same way? It was such a touching and sad moment but I felt like she was being a bit too cold to him by saying that. 

    i understand what you mean hae soo was lucky to have jung by her side when she died and someone to care for her whereas wang so had no one. And i for the first time felt sad for jung when she said she wouldn't remember him, like come on the least you could do was lie to him if it made him feel better. Anyway hae soo is just one complicated women for someone who is a damsel in distress cause usually those characters are easy to read.

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  2. I dont think i can rewatch MLSHR for a while as well cause i know the ending is sad. That ruins my re-watch cause i keep thinking whats the point of chasing soo when you are only gonna be happy for 2 episodes. Even though a week has passed im still saying WHY WRITER-NIM WHY! To pass time till joonU news or the cut scene im reading vampire stories since they're my favourite.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, briseis said:

    I think this is merely one point of view, then there are those who have spend the past 2 months complaining that Kang Ha Neul had too much screentime, that he was the PD's favourite, and that LJG's role felt more like a cameo appearance than a lead role. Actually, I think most of what people perceive as "tailor-made" role for LJG is actually LJG BEING SO SUPERIOR TO ALL THE ACTORS AND MAKING THE ROLE MUCH MORE THAN IT WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN.


    Personally, I think that the screentime and attention that Wang So's role received was appropriate to that of a male lead and pretty regular to what all kdrama male leads receive. The reason why most of the side characters felt underdeveloped wasn't because LJG had too much screentime but because THERE WERE TOO MANY SIDE CHARACTERS FOR A 20-EPISODE DRAMA. For instance, if there were 6 more episodes, it wouldn't feel like that. Unfortunately, the writer didn't take this important difference into account while writing the story. She should have simply done without some of the characters, and that would have given her the possibility to develop more characters.

    I agree with your post 100%. The way joongi plays wang so overshadows all others which makes people think the drama is too wang so centric when in fact that only started happening in the second half of the drama. If you think about it many of us wouldn't have sympathised with wang so or liked his character as much even if his story is tragic if it wasn't played by joongi. I personally wouldn't have continued the story after the a while considering how annoyed I got with hae soo damsel in distress scenario but I did it for wang so/ljg.

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  4. I dont know how people watch joseon era kdramas, i for one cant handle the hat and puffy clothes the men have to wear. Thats really annoying cause i really want to watch ljg other sagueks and so far i was only able to watch ilijimae but not arang or scholar. If he does do more sagueks i would prefer it if they were goryeo era but his modern drama two weeks is so good, the only thing i re-watched after MLSHR.

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  5. This new insta update is killing me. Joongi is so hard to read especially with how his personality is so cheerful and outgoing i think everything he does is just for fun until i come on this thread and see there could be a different reason. I wish koreans didnt mind dating so joongi could openly state what he wants to and woo jieun without putting his career at risk. So many people preventing my joonU ship from sailing.

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