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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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daydreamsindecember said: Morning (from Singapore)! Hope everyone's feeling better and more accepting after ytd's bout of news indigestion. I'm still struggling to come to terms with the massive skinship he's gonna be doing though. Wonnie if you want to learn about kissing/ahem stuff I'm sure the noonas here will gladly show you a thing or two :((

Anyway, random but I was just thinking about the type of role I would love JW to play before he enlists into the army. A VILLIAN would really let him go out with a bang! Perhaps something creepily evil like a psychopath. I think Yoo Ji Tae is a fine example of an actor who can do both baddie and goody. What do y'all think???

PS: Thank you so much for that bum-bum pic @crazyoverkdrama. Best way to wake up hehehe. & Welcome @LightGrace!

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Even with the lots of news about cutie, I'm still craving for more. omona. what has Joo Won done to me??? 
Joo Won: what do you mean what I have done to you?
*sigh* I miss waiting for a new ep of L7CS, no matter how silly the plot it.And seeing Cutie 3x a week. Now all we have is 1n2d. Is it Sunday already?? I need my 1n2d Joo Won fix. --- Joo Won addict
btw, anybody got news if he's filming the movie? seems to me he's on vacation. Which I'm thankful for as he gets to rest and spend time with his family and friends.
photo credits to the uploader

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Guest Mishiellie

oooo JW's tweet... just read the translation..(Y MUST U TWEET WHEN I WAS IN DREAMLAND*)
basically he said he finally went back to morning calm village and it is very comforting/calming.. strangely makes him feel like home
*insert pic of him at morning calm village in 2011*

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U know, pororo, in the past I always wonder watz so good abt this bear tat I see him everywhere I go. My friends like him very much... but now, this little fella keeps appearing where cutie is... I sort of starting to like him too... maybe I shld get one too as a substitute for uri cute darling :) since we cant hug the real Cutie, we can hug the bear bear and still not break the law :D


Lol.... I was out shopping with my siblings when i saw Bear peeking at a shop window.. Imagine my thrill in seeing the bear! I knew i had to get one at least for my car (i can only imagine my officemate's WT* faces if i bring that to the office! =)) ). i bought the stuff toy, but i have to content myself with the phone strap since i draw a line at getting the same mobile case that Cutie has. But now i'm kinda regretting not getting that phone case too! =))

Am i the only one here getting obsessed ot what?? :-O

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We love K ユンシユン×チュォン 来日取材PART 2


We Love K “Yoon Si Yoon x Joo Won” interview in Japan Part 2 - Translation 

Japanese MC Kawahara Minami:  Joo Won ssi, Baker King was your first TV drama.  The role you played was a lonely villain, I think it must be difficult.  Before filming started, did you worry about whether you would be able to play the role well?

J:  I wouldn’t say I didn’t but I had confidence.  I was confident to deliver the character of the role no matter what it takes.  Certainly, I was under big pressure.  Also, that was the first time I played an important role of a TV drama.  Even in the middle of filming, I faced lots of barriers, I kept repeating asking myself whether this was alright and that was alright.  Fortunately the drama received popularity.  The role was a lonely villain but it was also a villain being loved.

Korean MC Kan Hana: I had a chat with Minami earlier and heard something about Si Yoon ssi.

Y: What sort of badmouthing did she do?

M: No, I didn’t do any badmouthing.

Y:  I am relieved.

H: She said the character of Si Yoon ssi and Kim Tak Gu do look similar.  How did you do your acting?  I think the character of Tak Gu is really similar to yours.

Y: Well, he is not a handsome guy.  Character wise, I certainly think Kim Tak Gu and I do look similar.  I just tried to harmonize it to fit mine in his character.  Joo Won ssi had the ability to build up that villain role.  For me, I think I had the enjoyment to live in this role based on my own feelings.  Joo Won ssi would have some fun in building up that role and I think he did well with building it up.  But of course he is not a bad guy at all, he is a very nice guy.  The villain had got his own reasons why he was bad and he acted really well with the role.  Well, as for me, I just acted like how I was, showing my favourite expressions and when I was in love,  I just acted it out naturally.

M: In my opinion, there are really lots of areas which Si Yoon san and Kim Tak Gu do look similar.

H: I see.

M: Things like he is doing his best to live his life, I can feel his kindness…..

H:  His seriousness

M:  His sincerity.

Y:  Please add the subtitle “kind” to where you say “feeling of kindness”.

M: (laugh)

H:  kind (laugh)  You are really kind.

Y: Thank you.

H:  I think you also have a charm of being mischievous.  For the feeling of “seriousness”, I reckon it should be applied to Joo Won ssi because he has a pure image.

Y: Does that mean I am not pure?

Everyone laughed

H:  See, Si Yoon ssi is like a mischievous boy.  How do you say “jangnan kkuleogi” (mischievous boy) in Japanese (asking Minami)?

M:  itazura ko

H:  itazura ko

M:  Let’s ask them about their ideal type.

H:  Ok, what is your ideal type?

Y:  I like someone who is feminine and quiet

H:  Do you care how she looks, or would it be better if she looks alike someone?

Y:  I like someone who is feminine and who can give me a fresh and neat impression.

M:  So that means you like woman wearing a skirt than a pair of pants.

Y: I won’t say yes.  Anyway, I like woman who is feminine.

M: How about Joo Won ssi?

J:  I think men are all like that, aren’t they? (laugh)  I like someone who is feminine and cute, respects and be nice to the seniors.

M: I read an article saying Joo Won ssi likes chubby female than skinny female, is it true?

J: Yes, the girlfriend I previously dated had put on 7-8 kgs of weight because I made her eat too much.

H:  Did both of you like eating?

J:  Yes, I like eating.  Because I am going through weight management at the moment, I can’t eat too much now but I did eat a lot before.  Normally at the most, people order 2-3 dishes for 2 persons but we ordered 5 dishes for both of us.  We always ate that much.  Because I liked her being chubby, we ate together and both of us put on so much weight. (laugh)

H:  So cute.

M: I see.  Si Yoon, do you eat a lot?

H:  Do you like eating?

Y:  I want to try out the Japanese “bowl noodle competition”

H: Do you really like eating that much?

Y: I want to challenge the competition at least once.  In America, they have the hamburger eating competition, I know the winners are all skinny.  So I want to represent South Korea to compete in “bowl noodle competition”

H: I think it is ok if all four of us go and compete.

Y: All of us?

H:  We also can eat a lot.

Y:  I know Minami teacher can.

H:  She can eat a lot.

M:  I can eat a lot.

Y:  When she eats salad, she can eat a serve as much as like a tree.  She is amazing.

Well, actually, where did the food go?

M:  All the fat is stored here. (pointing to her body)

H:  Baker King Kim Tak Gu is to be aired in Japan now.  I really look forward to it.  Did you meet lots of fans in Japan?  Today, you performed at the “Mezamashi TV” event,  what do you think of the response of the Japanese fans? 

J: I am very thankful for their warm welcome.  Although we prepared lots of things to show them, it was a shame that we didn’t have enough time.  A lot of people came.  The weather was so hot, they were fanning the fans while watching our performance.  I was very thankful to them.  If there are chances in future, I want to meet them again.

H:  Do you have schedules coming to Japan?

 J: Yes, I want to come.

Y:  I was very worried about the event today.  The staff did lots of various preparation work for us beforehand.  In order to repay them, I could only put in my best effort to perform.  Suddenly when I saw them, they were moved to tears.  I just felt it this way when I saw that.  The Japanese staff who have been working on Kim Tak Gu project are treating it like their own project and are really doing their best and worried about us.   I saw the staff were moved to tears when they saw that many people were in front of us at the event.  I was very touched.  I wonder if they did yawn?  No. they didn’t.  I was very touched.  I was very thankful for them.

H:  Will you come to Japan more often?  Is there any plan in relation to Japan?

J:  There are certainly some activities about Baker King.  When I came to Japan yesterday, I found I like it very much.

H: You like it.

J: I like it.  I think Japan is beautiful.

Y: Who?

J: Me.

Y: Who is beautiful?

J: I mean the scenery is very beautiful.

H:  He is not talking about who is beautiful.

J:  I am not talking about who is very beautiful.  This morning, I rang my Mom and then I made a video call to Jeon In Hwa who was my Mom in Baker King.  I showed her the scenery.  I think I want to come here for sight seeing with my family.

H:  Si Yoon ssi, you also sang the OST of Baker King. (note:  name of the song is “one star” which is OST for Japanese version of Baker King)  Are you going to have some activities in Japan and what is your plan?

Y: Yes, I want to have some activities here but I want to do some other things during my break, I want to live like how Japanese people live, not like a Korean living in Japan.  I want to go to restaurants which Japanese people normally go and places recommended by fans.  I want to take the pictures to prove I have actually been there.  I want to challenge myself to see how quick I can go from one tip to the other tip of Japan.  There will be lots of fun.  I want to travel with enjoyment.  It is not like I want to show all my fans how cool I am, I just want an enjoyable trip. I will take my first step to make friends even from this kind of work.

M:  We still want to chat for a bit longer but time is nearly up.  Do you have something to say to your fans?

J: Thank you very much to all Japanese fans.  Thank you for giving lots of love to Baker King.  There will be lots of interesting and touching scenes to come, please continue to watch the drama.   Also, please give more support to both Si Yoon hyung and me.  Thank you very much.

Y:  Everyone, thank you very much for watching Baker King.  We did really look forward coming to Japan.  Thank you for your warm welcome.  The drama will be getting more and more interesting.  I am confident the drama will be able to deliver you a message about hope and happiness.  Please give more love to Baker King and I hope more people know about this drama.

M:  Thank you very much.

J & Y:  Thank you very much.

M:  Well, let’s do it together.

All:   We love K.


Not sure the event mentioned above is actually this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoCTNHRLozc. 

I posted it here before but couldn't find the post of its translation.



Thanks so much @manyearsago, I miss reading these translations of yours. I really love watching YSY and JW's interactions with each other. I read somewhere that they used to live pretty close to each other in the same neighbourhood. Looking forward to part 2 :D but take your time if you are busy, we are such a ravenous bunch here eagerly lapping news, pics and translations
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mrdimples said:

Hmmm.........found some dazzling white tight delights in my treasure trove

Err....is it my imagination or is that pants rather translucent?

If it isn't your imagination or mine, then someone post the front view ASAP!

With pants that tight, I'm surprised that there appears to be no seam of his undies. Is he wearing any? 

photo credits to cadence @ soulsrebel.wordpress.com

Oh gawd... And that question launched a thousand moatie thoughts, my brain going on overdrive.... I need to take a cold shower... It's getting REALLY hot here... *runs*

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manyearsago said:



Thanks so much @manyearsago, I miss reading these translations of yours. I really love watching YSY and JW's interactions with each other. I read somewhere that they used to live pretty close to each other in the same neighbourhood. Looking forward to part 2 :D but take your time if you are busy, we are such a ravenous bunch here eagerly lapping news, pics and translations
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