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So why haven't you given up yet?


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This is directed towards guys but girls are welcome to participate too.

I'm just curious as to what keeps you in the game despite repeated rejections, dating failures, relationship failures or even if you're a highly sensitive person and have trouble either approaching girls or taking rejection or both.

Me personally, I'm highly sensitive. I don't take rejection well. For me, there's no such thing as a slight rejection. Every rejection is a rejection. For example, my friends tell me it's nothing if a girl I barely know didn't respond to my interests. But I still consider that a rejection because she probably wasn't physically attracted to me or actually found me repulsive in that I wasn't even worth exploring or getting to know. Also, for me, there's no such thing as "not taking it personally." It's not like a job interview where you're assessed mainly on your professional credentials. In dating, you're being assessed on things very personal to you and a lot of things which are not under your control. For example, if you're short or you're the wrong ethnicity or if you're just not her type. These things are personal.

Also, I don't buy into the whole thing about if a girl rejects you, it's just HER. See, if you're attracted to a girl, it means you tend to like girls of her type. By type, it could mean anything from physical characteristics to personality. So if a girl of her type rejects you, it's very probable that girls of that type just aren't attracted to you. So it's not just ONE rejection, it's actually maybe a 100,000 rejections. There could be a total of 100,000 people in this world who are very similar to her and none of them like you.

Despite all this, I don't think I've totally given up. The reason is simple. I'm not content being alone. I still want someone. As long as I have this desire to find someone to share my life with, I'm going to keep trying despite all the pain and hurt. One thing is true though. I'm very cautious now. I won't show an interest until I get some sort of feeling of interest from the girl first. If a girl is just cold and totally indifferent to me, I'm not even going to try.

I don't buy into the whole thing about how girls actually are interested but are too shy. An interested girl may not ask you out directly but she will do small subtle things that show she's interested. Even the most shy of girls do it. So if a girl is just completely oblivious or cold towards you, it means she has NO interest. Anything else is just wishful thinking.

Knowing this has dramatically reduced my potential targets. But at least the ones I DO approach will have a high chance of saying yes.

This is the 21st century. Women for the most part are quite liberated. They have jobs, careers and are for the most part self-sufficient. Their livelihood does not depend on finding a man. Therefore, most of them, when they see a guy they're interested in, they're going to display some sort of interest. I strongly believe that.

That's my advice for guys out there who are close to giving up. Approach only girls who show a slight interest.

Girls out in the real world aren't like the ones here on soompi and specifically in that thread about Why Women Don't ask Men out. Yeah, they don't ask men out. But they do things that will show a man they're interested.

And this works conversely for girls. Girls, if you're interested in a guy and you do small things to show you're interested and he doesn't take the bait, trust me, it means he's not interested.

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Guest chindarella

As a girl I can confirm that if I like a guy, I will do small subtle things that I would not normally do. However, the guy may not realise these small subtle things are out of the ordinary for me because they can be absolutely normal (if you get me). 
For example, if I like a guy, I will start a conversation. The guy may think I start conversations with everyone and just trying to be friendly, but no, I do not generally start a conversation unless I have something to say to that person. For a guy I like, I will start a conversation with the intent of just chit chatting and not really having a purpose. Possibly to get to know you better I guess? 
Another example is: If I like a guy, I will usually respond to your message in like... 0.5 milliseconds. Which can also be interpreted by the guy as something totally normal because its a conversation but usually when I am messaging my friends it is all over the place (unless there is something important we are discussing) and I will be messaging them back sometimes in an hour, sometimes in a day, sometimes in 0.5 milliseconds, but not always constantly 0.5 milliseconds! 

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back in my younger years, i have many experiences being rejected.
the usual insecurities crop up as you mentioned after each rejection. am i too fat? too skinny? 
even till this day, i don't really know why i was rejected; but what i do know now is that it doesn't matter.
every girl is different, so regardless of your failed approach 10 minutes ago, your chances of success with this new girl is unaffected.
the only common denominator in each approach is yourself. therefore, don't dwell on your previous rejections and put yourself down. be optimistic, lively, confident in each new approach to guarantee you the best chance of success. so many women out there.
but to answer your question; why didn't i give up?i really like getting BJs. 

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