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i really hate the way you are nowadays.

you think everything is fine with us.

i really want to believe you.

but i think different.

i think we're falling apart or something

but i can't tell you because you'd just get offended.

everything i say offends you.

i should have not been given the ability to speak or think..

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Guest cheerydumdum

there you are flirting with other girls, while i'm here still thinking about how there used to be an "us" and wishing i had the power to turn back time and redo things over again properly. what do you really want? do you want me as a friend or not? i want to know, but your actions confuse me. i should listen to my friends who tell me to just not think too much into things and let our relationship (or lack of one) go with the flow. i'm a little bit jealous, but for some reason, it doesn't really hurt. i just feel slightly sad that i don't hold a special place in your heart and never really did. when people mention you, i find it so strange that i don't feel pain. my eyes feel like they want to cry, but inside, i just feel kind of empty. nothing comes out. nick, you're still my special someone, but i'm going to forget about you, okay? i put away mr. squirrel, the blanket, all those phone charms, and the pillow. i'm letting go. thanks for keeping some distance between us to help me do that. i still miss you, but hopefully that'll just turn into friendly missing you. haha. i wonder if you still have the bracelet or if you'll ever wear my scarf again. don't burn it or throw it out, okay? i put my heart into making those. :/

so basically, everyone knew that we weren't anything special and just lied to my face. greaaaat. i feel so pathetic because what you guys saw was a girl who was so freakin' "smitten" over a guy who didn't really like her. what a lovely bunch of friends i have. ugh. iono if i'm mad or not. i just feel so embarrassed and sad that nobody thought we'd last and that they could see that guys don't have that much interest in me.

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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

you're a effing a-hole. you're a jerk. you're a player. How can you even ask if I'm mad at you? WHO THE HELL DOES THAT? Confessing then in less than 10 hrs say your emotions were "too strong" yesterday then get a new girlfriend. What. The. Hell. But you know, it's going to make me stronger. So thanks for the experience you stupid freaking jerk. oh by the way, I hope that new girl realizes what kind of a guy you are. Because you're a big fat JERK.

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isn't it sad it has come to that? where we don't even talk unless you're not occupied with him? additionally, i scoff at your so called relationship. i'm surprised after that chaos that you guys are still in denial and still together.

don't be surprised when your heart breaks. i'm not going to shun you, so you can come crying. but just know, you are basically setting yourself up for heartbreak.

no matter what i'll be here for you best friend. but you make me sad these days.

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Guest bloopy_babo

when i leave, i hope to find someone who will be like me or better than me.

no more petty emotions, no more negativity, no more drama, someone who can handle things.

i dont even know why i worry for everyone when no one worries for me.

but i guess that is my fault since i never say anything. but at the same time,

i hate being one of those people who complain about every problem.

i always have to be the one to hold it in to be mature.

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^ i agree ._."

thought you meant you werent in the mood to go out.. guess i was wrong.

i thought you might come see me & talk things out.. or even call.. but nothing...

so i called to apologise & talk.. but your too busy with your mates. whatever.

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Guest WYtherapist

Where the freak are you? You promised to go buy somethings with me at 5PM. lt's now already 6PM! )-:<

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Guest ny-sw / ny_sw.

I'm mad at YOU#1 for not asking me out when you were ready.

I'm mad at YOU#2 for asking me out when you weren't ready.

I hate my life so much right now.

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Guest Romancer.

So... you're really not going to talk to me, huh?

I guess I was wrong. I read into things too much. I'm sorry. I'm an egotist after all.

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Guest Miss.Understood

1. It hurts knowing you're gone. :'( I don't believe I'll ever have another friend like you. But no worries, I have a strong feeling that one day you'll be able to smell my aromatic farts again. And you won't have to ever stress about not having any of my "homemade lotion." I'll share my recipe! Friends forever. <3 When I read your email, I couldn't have been any more elated to know that you're happy there, as well as your family. Have a nice and refreshing start to a better life, you deserve it. I know that you'll make tons of friends, but you better not forget me nor anyone else here for that matter! =)

2. Thanks for your help, and wow, I appreciate you calling me a lazy bum. Gee, you're such a fabulous motivator. T__T But seriously, thank you so much Mr.Miracle workin' "magician." Better now?! Just out of curiosity: Did you miss me? Were you expecting me to say anything else? Did you WANT a more lengthy conversation? Did you feel like I was using you? Hmm...

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Guest cambochinkanese

Mama, thank you for trusting me. I won't abuse this opportunity.

Best friend! Can't wait to seeeee you!

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Guest babii.lani

so today i let my self think about things i've tried so hard to block out of my mind these past months. it still stings, but i don't make stupid decisions about my pain anymore. But i know who i am and i know my personality better than anyone else, i do things knowing it'll hurt me after but i take chances i risk.. things happen and i believe what goes around comes around. i don't believe in promises, i don't believe in forever, cause everytime i do everytime i trick myself into believing your words and realize you never ment them i cripple in pain. i try to be strong but i realize i'm not. i tell myself we're done with -forever. i tell myself you were right when you said you didn't deserve me that i'm better than that. i tell myself i just need somebody new to replace you. I'm only strong to the point i don't see you but when you appear everything i built up falls back down and i'm vulnerable again. it's true how good guys finish last. i don't let myself think anymore because all it does is bring memories back that hurts me over and over- i think i've felt every emotion possible for you. and i truely want this to be over with. sometimes i wish i was the type of girl who never gets her first kiss, her first boyfriend till colledge, the type of girl nobody notices the one who blends in the background, the girl whos name never rings a bell.. i'm sick of what i always have to go through, sick of all the fake people i face, sick of all the drama that never stops. i think i've tried to be that girl, but i know i can't ever be someone i'm not. i'll never understand you, or them. and maybe you guys will never understand what goes on inside me, i just know we live to die. we're just puppets living by other peoples rules

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Guest cheerydumdum

and maybe sometimes the beauty isn't in the attempt. i'm sorry that this is what our friendship has become now. easily forgotten.

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