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I kind of like you now after what happened and I wonder if you feel the same.

But then sometimes I feel like it's either I'm overreacting or that was just a hook up.

But the thing is like you talk to me every single day and we flirt all the time and that just confuses me.

Because sometimes it feels like you do the same to other girls too.

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Guest mr&mrslee

to tell you the truth my energy is slowly being drained i am close to dying from missing you the person i love so much... i seriously need help.

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Guest Mademoisella

i had to say goodbye to you..

although, you're the one who didn't want to make it work..

and i'll have to say goodbye for whatever we still have..

or maybe you and i don't even have anything left anymore..

regardless the facts, the new years beginning and i must say goodbye truly and start anew..

maybe our paths might not ever cross each other now...

don't wish me to find someone better..

i don't need your sympathy...

nor would i like your empathy...

i don't wish you well..

nor do i wish you hell...

i just wish you goodbye...

we were 'almost lovers...'

once upon a dream...

but you know,

almost doesn't count...

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To her~

I wish that you'd see how much this relationship is hurting me. I've told you that I'm just a kid, I don't want to have to be responsible for your life. Threatening me with death and suicide won't make things better. Holding me here as a hostage to your mindgames and endless mentions of the future burn through me. I love you, and I always will - that's my downfall. I can't leave you crying, because I'm not that strong. I tried once - I tried twice - and both times I walked away the same as when I started.

So for now I will hurt - tomorrow, I will hurt. But sooner or later, if your selfish game doesn't change, I'm done. done with you. I can't see us being together forever if you have to threaten to kill yourself over the smallest problems. If me losing my phone is much more than a small problem to you, I don't want to see the day when I make a real mistake that actually should have some effect on our relationship.

Have an anxiety attack, pass out over the phone - I can't care. You've done it so much that your overdramatic-drama-queen acts have no effect on me. I don't know why I'm still with you - probably because I'm an idiotic moron who can't do what he wants to, caught up in his own righteousness and being manipulated into a boyfriend. After this, after you, if and when it does end... Nevermore.




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Guest evilrobots

You don't know how relieved I was after hearing your words.

It seems like every time I'm on the edge of the cliff, you say something reassuring to bring me back.

It's that easy for you.

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Guest silverpromises

freaking loser why do u make me fall for u and then not catch me??

freaking loser r u tired of me already? how can it be over when it didn't even start?

freaking loser...i'm a freaking loser too for liking u. :/

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Guest qquinto

i feel so john teshing miserable right now.


i hate this. hatehatehate it.

this isn't worth it.

to wish i was someone else.

just for you.

This is the last goodbye I'm ever gonna say

This is the last goodnight I'm ever gonna waste.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

i'm done depending on people.

believing in people.

trusting people....

there's no point anymore.

there are friends who are by your side, and then turn their backs.

friends who were never really there to being with

friends who apparently have your back, and then poof, when you need them most

they're too busy off doing other things.

losing friends suck

drifting apart sucks.

everything sucks

if knowing that having friends who would turn out like this...

i would have rather have them greet me by stabbing me in the back to begin with.

just so i would know.

the year is about to end

and i'm putting all this dead weight behind me.

if you feigned friendship

then you are no longer a friend to me.

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I am SO SICK of your "Oh, I'll take you out tomorrow" and then CALLING IT OFF the next day

I already told my parents about it last night, they said i could go to the party. Then you cancel it. Then you say "how about I come pick you up in the morning and we spend just the day together instead?" so i told my parents that and they also said yes.





and then you JUST CALL IT OFF?!?

man, im seriously very pissed at you. You dont know how close i am to breaking it off with you. I'm being DEAD serious. I'm seriously sick of you now. Did i ever tell you that I HATE your organisation? WHY do you always call things off last minute? ITS VERY ANNOYING. AND NOW ITS MAKING THINGS HARD NOT ONLY FOR ME BUT FOR OTHER PEOPLE TOO!

And now I can't even CONTACT that person I'm meant to meet up with. GOSH. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I reallly really hate you right now <_<

So right now, i dont care what you want to do. Go and do whatever. I don't care anymore. i'm not going to pick up any calls that you make today. I'm not going to reply to any messages. not that i can anyway, but I'm going to ignore you completely now. I hate people who are so unorganised. I got ready to leave and everything, then you just call and tell me you can't come anymore. You just made me so angry to the max today.

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Guest greentea:vee xo

he is just every bad emotions you don't want to feel .. and he doesn't even know it ... </3

I was in a little over my head and I'm so damn glad I caught myself before I fell any harder. It's all on me, it's always because of me. It's not your fault, you never realized what you can do to a girl. You think it's all fun and games to mess around and hope to get all these little fans that will worship you, but it is pretty pathetic to me that you're letting all these girls hang all over you, giving them so much hope and then shooting them down ... hard. You're a horrible person, I hope you know that. You've brought me up when I was down, and I thank you very much for that. There will always be a part of me that will always have that soft side for you, I mean .. it is you after all .. what would I do if I have never met you? cleaner books that's for sure. Who is the pathetic one here really? you ... or me? So funny how I told myself to not be someone you're just wanting to play around with .. but someone who actually is part of your life .. I'm a bigger fool. You've played me good. Congratulations.

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