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i didnt think so much can go wrong in a matter of days.. but you proved me wrong. i hope things get better...

& remember, im one call away.

i somewhat wish you came to me for some sort of help or at least comfort..

but whatever, at least you did end up coming to me for a bit of help..

thanks for the hug btw. i needed it too ~

& to those that stalk my posts..

read it if you must.. but try not mention what i write to me..

cos it bugs the shiet outta me. kthxbye :)

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Guest lli_a

i cant believe i acted how i acted towards you..

things like last night just screws up everything.

& i really think you should think before you post/say anything..

stop jumping to conclusions cos everythings on xanga anyway T__T

i hate it how you get so agitated over such small things.

you are no more superior than anyone else.

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Guest pucastar

stop talking to me people! i'm trying to do my asisgnmetn and study for ym exams :(

on the otherhand,

i wish i could go on tuesdya but i have to go to the dentist instead....

see you next time i suppose

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Guest Jesszic@

You need to speak-up! You seriously need.

We respect your decision and we know you need that. Just remember we are always here for you. Don't keep all your sadness to yourself. Pretty please? Our heart aches seeing you like this. :tears:

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Guest es623

dont you ever blow me off like that. especially not to protect HER.

you told me you dont like her anymore, you told me you stopped talking to her. i believed you.

i never asked you to stop talking to her, you were friends after all.

you're not protecting anyone, we're all hurting now.

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It's always you, and your little world. It hurts me alot, it really does. I dont think we can have something that we can agree on. I wonder how am i gonna fix this up. But i'll try, i'm not giving up on you yet =)

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Guest whiterainbowx

Why do you make me want to give you everything..

I want to take care of you..

I want to do things for you..

I wonder when we can meet again...

Thank you

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Guest to.angie

I'm trying so hard not to resent you but you're such an immovable dense piece of rock. Why the heck are you so indifferent towards everything? Towards me...this whole thing is pointless. It's a lost cause. It's all so stupid. And yet, I don't know what I'm still doing here caring. He was right, you're just making excuses.

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Guest Purple.Orchird

wtf is worn whith you? stop stalking me and pretend nothing is wrong. even though we are related that doesnt mean u can do that. i mean it's SO obivous! are you trying to be myterisous or something? well it's not working! i cant even tell my sister or she'll just back you up. cant wait until this school year is over so u can stop following me.


you are so adorable.. i thought i was going to forget about you, but when you just keep showing up in my face.. argh! i want to forget about you! and yes i'm jealous you too are working on it together... you too look realy compatiable together... :(

also i think my other friend likes you.. she always bugs you and stuff like that.


i know that bathing suit is pretty expensive but like look at this place! there's nothing cheap around here and if it were they would look crapppy and ugly! i told you how much i wanted it so much! and becuase there's no good store here i cant get a swimming suit! and i have freaking one week left!!! i have no idea how to make my crappy old one into something new!!! and i want my money back since you didnt get it for me.

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Guest lovenotee

i really hate the fact taht you always take your anger out on me and you can never put yourself in my john teshting position

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Guest angeliquelle

I hate it when you look at me like that

because it makes me wish thing were different

since you drive me absolutely insane

I hope I can do the same

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