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Guest --infatuated.

goodbye 2007, HEEELLLOOOOO 2008!

major memories that would never fade, but in the end, we can't always be right.

a renewed friendship due to the devices of baars! hahaha. can't believe we let an obstacle so SMALL (kind of literally) get between us.

heeeeella sht tho, NO DOUBT. but it just builds character. hahahaha *excusesss my niggggs! aaay.

PAJAMAS JAMAS day! CAN'T WAIT. celebrating off 08 JUST FCKN RIGHT. hahaha.

unplanned but all worth it. WB07. heeeellsofcute.

hollllers. forreals tho, I ACTUALLY DID IT. hahahaha! new things.

yous hella of cute. interested baaaby. ;] you gots me addicted, yougots me good.

abS. SECRETIVE. BXC&BAAAD. loves my guy. yous just right.

ima take you thereeee. gonna head to the tropics. sippin pina coladas. makin' our love JUST FCKN RIGHT.


appreciative. pain in the richard simmons ALL OF MY LIFE. but it's just me. ily sooo fckn much. it's indescribable.

even through everything i put you guys through, it's not gonna change our love. :D

alrights tho. getting there. ilyALOT 1011. :D <333333

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Guest AMIbunny

=D i'm in love with you!!

you're so cute when you ask me if I think we will last...til... 09......or 2010 :P you know i want to stay with you Foreverrrr!! I just love you so much!!!!


Life would be fun if we lived together...heh i can tease you more more more!!!!! jk jk XD *siiigh I Just Love being with you. I wish i can be with you now... =/ I'm so sorry i had to leave...... You're such a silly silly....>_< hehh.

I wanna shout to the world that i love you!!!!!

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Guest *taM.taM

to you: i'm sorry.

i know you want to be friends.

but i just can't.

i don't know. i really am over you.

but i'm sorry. i just can't accept you two together.

& it just makes me angry and hurt

every time i see you both together.

i know it's selfish.

but deep down inside, i honestly don't even care..

i'm sorry i can't be your friend right now.

maybe after i get over this and grow up a little.

to you: i wish i never knew..

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Not spending another New Years with you, is the cherry on top to a fantastic 5 years. Awesome. *Note the sarcasm*

If we did spend it together, it would ruin tradition right? :rolleyes:

Yr. 1 - You said you would call me, I waited all night, and nothing. I can't believe I cried myself to sleep.

Yr. 2 - Thank you for kissing another girl. Great way to start off a new year, yah...

Yr. 3 - I was so happy thinking I would get to finally spend ONE new years with you, but no, I was forced to work.

Yr. 4 - You and your mood swings. We stayed in the same room. Ignored eachother all night. Just to fall asleep pissed off.

This yr - You clearly wanted to celebrate it with your friends, who am I to go to ruin your time. I could tell you didn't want me to go anyways, so why should I?

Sad how I remember these events like they were yesterday.

Hooray to another great fcking year.

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Guest ohmysanity


what the hell.

is it too much to ask to spend new years with you?

...I can't believe the kind of sht you pull sometimes...


do you really think being the number one on your top 8 on myspace was REALLY that big of a fcking DEAL to me?

Do you really think a LABEL matters to me? You should know me better than that.

I'd rather be the number ONE in your heart. Apparently I'm not THAT either.



Hahahaaha, so cool.

I'm glad you drove me home.

you're too funny :]

mexican! no taco bell! <33

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i really don't want to see you until friday, now.

there's just something that makes me feel "ugh" at you.

but for some reason, i still want to hear your voice.

and as much as i would love to see you, a part of me doesn't want it to go ahead.

i don't know what's wrong with me.

you say you want to "Anna it up" this year? well you better make it quick, mister.

don't break any resolutions, now.

maybe it's just that i want to see you more. but you seem to do other things.

we're meant to be in this together. or maybe i'm just being too stubborn.

i hate that you said you wanted to see me before friday.

and you never even really made plans to make it happen.

i did try. but nothing was set. just a little "oh, you can always come here tomorrow, we'll see how it goes."

do i hear anything from you today about it? no.

and i always end up messaging you and seeing how you are. why do i keep doing that?

well today i'm going to try and not message you. i'm going to stay on appear offline on MSN, and see if you message me today.

i want to see if you actually ARE worried about me.

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Guest Ringo.

This was a disappointing new year's. I was expecting something a bit more exciting.

I'm glad I was able to spend it with you, I just hoped we'd be spending it watching fireworks or something better than just sitting around watching the discovery channel.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

happy freaking new year.

just another day in the same life i've been living.

all i'm hoping for is.

another 2 hour convo with you...hah

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So many years holding eachother's hands, leaning on one another for support,

laughing until we pee in our pants, how many years can I lean onto you?

You say, "Remember how happy we were?" Wait, you must have gotten the wrong girl.

You make me sick. You disappoint me. Hell, go jump off a bridge. You're

already dead to me.

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Guest shenrou


dont matter now cuz i got my answer even if it was just an aim block.i really do feel very grateful for it...but you will still be my inspiration

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