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i miss you so much.

but now, you're kind of pissing me off a bit.


it's new years eve, and this is how you are spending it?

you know, it's been two days and the most i've spoken to you since then, is fifty words.

are you my boyfriend or not? yeah, i said my goodbye differently. yes, it wasn't how i usually say good night.

but jeez. whatever. i don't know if i'll say happy new year tonight at 12am.

i feel like going to sleep now. i really want to see you tomorrow, and you mention that i should come over.

but we haven't even spoke of it yet. and how can we, when you won't be online again, and you say you can't talk on the phone tonight.

and you say you want to see me before my birthday... right, seems like right now, i'll be seeing you on friday.

too bad. i have this massive headache now and i want to go to sleep. i wanted this year to end so quick -- and this is how i spend it.

bringing in the new year with anger and pissed off.

ugh, whatever! i'm going to bed - at 10:30pm. wtf?

lately i've been sleeping earlier because of you. it seems like you're avoiding me. what happened? i don't like speaking to you in less than fifty words for two days.

we went from absolutely unseparable, to lovey dovey, to drifting off, to me feeling like mini cooper. i'm so sick of this!

we used to see each other every day. then it went to at least 3 times a week. now it's once a week, if we're lucky.

you know how much i like you. don't have me hanging here left alone.

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Guest --infatuated.

this is for you, you know who you are.

we've been through sooo much, it's undescribable.

i don't know if i regret it tho. i miss it, yes.

but things happen for a reason, a reason unknown to me (us?)

honestly, jealousy took over me & that was stage one of the separation (if you'd like to call it that)

then irritance continued to follow us. it followed me, that's for sure.

scrutinizing everything that was capable of GOING WRONG, i'd done.

reading this, it sounds like it's all my fault. i'd like to believe that,

but in all reality ... i don't think it was.

no effort, at all. we tried at some point, but we didn't try enough.

remember your favorite quote of all time?

"to know how much you value something is to know how much you'd sacrifice for it"

does it still apply?

did we sacrifice enough?

... i guess not. this is where we stand and we can only reminisce.

i've given up, have you?


WAITING AROUND. goootsnada!

thinkin' it's cool BUT IT AAINTS. late talks. <3

newsong? hahah. laaaahvs. jk. NOT MY STYLE.

butchuuuis. deception&lies.

are we there yet? NOT YET. ;] soon enough.

new year. NEW WAYS, new days.

yeeeessssir! excites! tres HAPPY. hahahahah.



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Guest inamorata.<3

I guess I didn't sacrifice as much as I wanted to.

I really do miss everything we used to be.

It just sucks that it's not that way anymore.

But I guess you're doing well with the friends you have.

I'm not going to try to get in between a place I know I don't belong.

You've changed and I know I have, too.

It just sucks now that we're not going to be able to create anymore memories with each other.

We used to be like pb&j, but now we're just like slices of bread ... we don't stick unless there's something in between.

I'm sorry because I know all of this started because of me.

I do hope you take care of yourself.

I'll still be here when you need a shoulder or an ear.

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Can you just come back home already ?!!

I miss you so damn much and 2 more weeks to wait is killing me.

Though it'll be worth it when I pick you up from the airport.

I love you ~ :3

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You just blew it. I hate you. I really do right now.

What you did was the last straw.

I really don't want to talk to you tomorrow. But I know you'd end up calling my home phone, which my mum will most likely pick up, which she will make me talk to you -_____-

Did you know that I didn't want you to go to that party? Geez, just after work, it was already late, and you STILL go to the party? I'm so pissed, I really am. And that phone call, you KEPT wanting me to leave. I could've counted the times you just said "I'll call you back tomorrow". Did you realize that I WANTED to talk to you about today? WHY ARE YOU AVOIDING IT?!? and you saying "I don't want to look back at the past". Man, why can't you discuss it properly without trying to avoid problems? And I probably realized that you just wanted to leave the phone and enjoy the night with your friends. Fine. You can go do that. I bet you're going to end up doing something stupid anyway >__<

[sarcasm] Well i really do hope you enjoyed the party without me then. [/sarcasm]

and when you hung up on me like that, i really am thinking about breaking up with you. I know we promised each other we would be together forever, but right now, i don't think it will happen. You just crossed the line when you hung up on me like that. This really is the worst new years ever. I've never felt like this before. Did you realize that I was hinting that I'm seriously thinking of breaking up with you? maybe you didn't. But I hope you do realize soon that when I said that I wanted to break up, I really do mean it. I wouldn't say a thing like that as a joke.

So whether or not you call me tomorrow, that is all up to you.

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Guest xxpiinkified

WOWWWWWWWWWW .. stop . -____-"

I have my own limits and you're going way over it..

I seriously don't want to hear about it early in the morning..

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Guest manlytoe

sometimes, i get the feeling that i'm alone in this world...

but i guess it's normal when you're sad... because no one really notices that you are emotional.. *sigh*

it's probably just a phase that i'm suppose to go through while growing up... *sigh*

me thinking to myself makes me wonder about me or who i am... i really can't understand myself yet...

it's like as if, i don't even know me.. *sigh*

life's just hard on me... BUT I WILL LIVE ON.. hahaha!

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Guest qquinto

i stayed up until 5 this morning.

trying to think of what to get you for your birthday.

even though it's months and months away.

and then i thought about how i should try to act like it's nothing.

to not reveal just how much i like you.

it's so sad.

i've become such a sad person.

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Guest K_Holic

You changed so much. WTH???? How could you change so much?? You never tell me anything anymore. You never say any jokes anymore. You never seem interested in whatever I say. Why Why Why??? Did I do something wrong? Were you just pretending to be interested in the first place anyways?? Do you even remember the things we talked about? Do you even remember the promise you made me? .. I miss you .I miss you. And still, I find myself guilty of everything else. Save me. =[

Even though this is like this, you are still significant to me.

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Guest clemie186

i hate you.

i don't understand.

whenever you talk to me,

i end up being pissed off.

just leave me alone.

stop trying to look like you care.

stop trying to fool yourself.

i'm not stupid.

i notice things.

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Behind your sharp dark eyes, there's something pure,undefined.

If I step to you,give into you,スコシズツ. The world around me fades into a dreamカエレナイ.

I can't escape モウハジマル.

Story~アタラシイStory~ First love is now beginningツイニ, there's truth to these words that I'm saying.

No tragedy, only fantasy, honey honey~

イツデモyou're feelin' melancholy, just call on me.

キミダケ make me feel this way, even dusk 'til dawn.

Honey,アイシテル, Just one look into your eyes I surrendered before I realized.

The consequences ヒトツシカ ミエナカッタ.

You've got your business, and boy I've got mines.

but when you have the time, let's write these love

stories line by line from dust to dawn. Weren't you going

to take my hand?

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Guest killthecandy

happy new year... happy? hyeah. happy.

i know its for the best. you'll be happier.

i can't give you what you want& its the perfect solution to this, but its so hard.....

no more wake up calls. no more morning messages. no more messaging here and there. no more crapping

no more this no more that.

how hard is it to get over something that didn't exist in the first place? damn.

i guess i got too used to you being around. happy new year wooohoo

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Guest shenrou

i have a big big crush on girl ^in post 2703 and post 2717 quynh..and it hurts a lot..

i have trouble sleeping some nights because of her.

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