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Iple.com Tutorials

Guest Paku

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Guest Saebin :D

oh yeah i have another question <_<

Is a cafe supposed to be a group of somesort?

i figured out where to find cafes.. but where is soompi's cafe? o__O;;


edit: argh! iple is always 'not responding' after some time. then i have to close everything in IE (otherwise everything is just stuck there <_<)and all data gets lost <_<

does this happen to you guys too? or is it my computer/internet speed? :huh::huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

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i have problems with writing entries...i think i've wrote 2 entries along with 2 pic in it and it doesn't SHOW UP in my front page...how come?? well, the picture uploading process seems ok to me, but the main problem is that, the entries doesn't show up...i even refer to the first page on how to make one properly...does anybody know what happen? and if i hav upload my entries and it doesn't show up then where do they go? help...... :o

It doesn't show up on your front page? You mean the pictures don't show up on your front page/home page and the title of the entry doesn't show up? Then it might be settings you have selected for your front page. The one where you can select the different types of layout want on your home page. That might be one of the reasons. If you did upload your entry, you can always check under the folder/sub category where you uploaded your entry. It should appear there ^_^

For foreigner,how can we use iple messenger?

Sorry, I don't know anything about the iple messenger. But as far as I know, even if you're a foreginer, you can still use it ^^

thanks so much!!!

but can u make one for ufo??? ^_________^

Sorry. I don't have time for that... I apologize V_V Besides, if you want to register; I believe you need a Korean citizen number


What does the UCC button do?

lolz :D


When you click that this shows ...


I honestly have no idea. Sorry

kamsahmida for all your help...but I have one question about the iple messenger I enter my id in the first box and my password in the second...but a small box appears saying something not even in korean letters...so help me please

I really have no clue about the Iple messenger.

My Page don't scroll down till the end of the page where i must save my post ><

How i put music in my page?

You have to buy the music for your iple $_$

I get this "이미지를 올릴 수 없습니다.

관리자에게 문의하여 주십시오." whenever i try to upload my profile picture and the picture itself is less then 500KB -_-''

I can't read Korean unfortunately so I can't really help you. Try resizing your picture smaller.

hello i need some help please... im trying to leave a comment but whenever i hit the SAVE button, a message like this would pop out:


and i do think its an error message or something it tells me my comment wouldnt go through or something right? how's that?


edit: oh damn! i forgot my pc doesnt read any kind of text except for alpha numeric.. but if some of you is having a hard time dropping a comment into someones iple, may i ask how you overcome it?

1) It's either you have to wait a while later and try posting again or

2) you need to select the folder to leave your comment

When I left a comment in Micky's iple, this pop up came out

Please help me.


What is it :fury: :(:angry:

Really need you help :(

^ same answer as above

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this doesn´t work normally for me..cuz i´m using MAC..so is it ok for me to use safari to go in?? cuz maybe it´s just my netthis doesn´t work normally for me..cuz i´m using MAC..so is it ok for me to use safari to go in?? cuz maybe it´s just my net

As far as I know, I use IE7, I haven't tried it out on MAC but ... I would suggest using IE7 since you said it doesn't work for you when you went on it with MAC.

Active X를 설치하여 주세요.

i'm still getting this message...

how? ottoke?

at first, when i'm first log in to ipple, i've already run the active x..


You might have to run ActiveX again, it happened to me 2 times too.

i jz register my iple..

dis is my add


but i need help...i think i press smtg wrong coz the page bcome blank n become lk dis


can some1 help me??? wat the korean words mean??

You haven't set the page design yet. Go to the first page to learn how.

is anyone using the iple messenger?

mine is soygreen

and OMG

iple links their turorials back to soompi O_O

how did that happen?

but thank you for all the tutorials!

I don't know how that happened either O_O It just show up one day... -_-;;; Regarding Iple Messenger, I have no clue. Sorry.

anyone mind telling me how to buy backgrounds and stuff? thanks

Sorry but there is no answers for that as of now; buying, using credits/money.


me too i am also have this problems...i pressed the orange button but this will always come out...can someone out there help us out???

I can't read the gibberish letter it says however, I have done a more updated tutorial on it. Hopefully that helps.

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THE CHANGING BACKGROUND OPTION IS NOT FOR FREE ANYMORE!!! THE EVENT IS OVER!!! (If anyone else ask this question again, I will seriously ignore you... it's written on the first page...>_>!)

I still don't know how to change the back ground... because it doesnt say "Big Event" on the top, but instead it says "Iple Tutorials" which leads me to here in soompi XDXD~~

can anyone help? thanks so much~~

Thank you sooo much You rock!!! The people that did these tutorials are great! Either way I have no idea about the background but I guess I am ok now without it. The 1st thing I did when going on iple was comment on Junsu (DBSK) profile! I tried to use my lack of korean to do that. Either way this is my iple http://istyle.iple.com/Seouluna

nothing much but a few pics about me I have no idea what else do put



This means your username and password combination is WRONG. Please try again or remember your password ^^b Good Luck!

just wanted to ask a question: recently made a new account but can't sign in. instead a pop-up block comes up. sorry but i dunno how to show it and don't understand korean. but in the end it says "er:-2" can anyone tell me what it is, please? or if sum1 has alr explained why, cn i ask a HUGE HUGE favour and direct me to the page??

thank you so much for your help!! :)

hello i'm a newbie using iple...i've had an account before but then one day an error:-2 always kept popping out so i decided to make a new one 2 days ago....i used IE to sign up....but yesterday i tried to log in and there was this error again! what should i do? and after signing up with IE is it necessary to use IE always or can i also use firefox?


As far as I know, IE is pretty compatible with it because Firefox tends to mess up the pages when loading certain things so I would stick with IE, if it works on Firefox too then congrats =)

1st question: How do you cancel an Iple account?

2nd: How do yu change the sex, if it's possible? 'cause i was making an Iple account so fast that i didn't notice that part, so they put me as a male!!! and i'm a girl .

So i made another account just in case, but i would like to know how you do those things.

Weirdest thing ever to see another person from my country here in soompi, this is the first time i see one ( CrazyYochy), and more weird that my post follows yours haha.

1) I do not know how. Sorry

2) I don't think you can change it again... O_o;;;

wow, did u guys know that this tutorial can be found in a link on the iple.com site?

good job! congratulations~

Nope... I didn't know until I logged into the front page and saw them link it O_o;; lol


keep getting this dialog box every time i try to change my left panel profile/picture. lotsa people haf come across this problem too but somehow nothing is working..cn u help please?? bcoz even tho the picture is 140 x 105 and only 4.56 kB, and the edited picture is alr save in the comm, it STILL comes up with this box for some reason..

I will try looking into that. Please give me some time. V_V

hi there..

may i knw how to EDIT my entrys?..

cos when i'm posting my entry, i was decorating the pics.. but i keep re-do it..

therefore, when i have finally post the entry out.

there turns out to be extra photos..

this is my actual, correct post.


but, in the front page.. its shows..


anyone knw how?..

You can edit your entry and delete the extra pictures. You can edit your entry by going to the first page to see how.


p.s.: I have a question though. Sometimes iple is veryyy slow for me :/ Sometimes the pages load too long until it says: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". pshh.

Is it always like that (high traffic?) or is it just my lousy internet speed? o__O;;

I think it's either a)high traffic or B) there are some spyware on your computer lagging on your computer or c) clear your computer's cookies and cache to reduce the lag ^^ Hope that helps ^^



I have made new screencaps recently so you should be able to work with it. If it doesn't work, then it's probably either a) you didn't install all the requirements needed or B) something went wrong with your picture/connection. Those are two of my best guesses

Hie i cnt upload pics altho i keep pressing the orange button thing.. TT.TT

help me!! TT.TT

after pressing the orange button

a window appear i couldnt read it and after pressing the button nth happen

the pic doesnt appear on my post.. TT.TT

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When you first click on the icon to add pictures into your entry, you might have gotten this; asking you to install ActiveX1-2.jpg




This should have show up once it's done loading



Once you selected your pictures, it will show up on the white page/box, if you want to add more, repeat the steps above8-1.jpg

After you click the images to edit, you will get this


After you're done, just click that orange button




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Does anyone know what's this 'footprint' thing about? I'm very curious about it :blink:

What footprints?


It used to be the normal layout...now it just says that...?

You have reset your layout I think.

hi,, i was wondering if we can cancel our iple account??

Sorry, I have no idea how to that V_V

oh yeah i have another question <_<Is a cafe supposed to be a group of somesort? i figured out where to find cafes.. but where is soompi's cafe? o__O;;thanks edit: argh! iple is always 'not responding' after some time. then i have to close everything in IE (otherwise everything is just stuck there <_<)and all data gets lost <_<does this happen to you guys too? or is it my computer/internet speed? :huh::huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

A cafe is a group/club like the ones you see on Yahoo sort of. Soompi cafe? That... I actually have no idea about ^^; Sorry. If it's not responding, trying clearing your IE's cookies and cache. and if it's not respoding then it might be your computer programs conflicting. If it's your internet problem, it should have been "page cannot be displayed" not "not responding".

oh ya,how to accept friend? because i just anyhow click and it seem to workbut i want to know the correct way (:

When someone requested for your buddy request, you should get a pop up box when you log into your account from Iple.com. There are two boxes/options on the bottom right corner of the pop up. Click on the grey button to accept (the left one) or the right one (white one?) to reject/cancel

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Guest Saebin :D


And why do some random people add me, i accept them but when i checked just now they dont appear in my list of friends?

whats "주목 받는 멤버 (20)"? I used a translator and it said: member who paid attention o__o

Are the people who appear in my "관심 친구 (1)" people I added but they haven't accepted me yet?

btw, what is this for?


01. 참여하시는 분의 이름이 실명 이여야 합니다.

02. 신청 시 본인의 모습이 담긴 사진을 등록하셔야 합니다.

03. I.Style에 게시물을 꾸준히 알차게 올리고, 홈을 멋지게 꾸미신 분이 선정될 확률이 높습니다.

04. 기존에 주목 받는 멤버로 등록되셨던 분은 선정에서 제외됩니다.

05. 신청은 1일 1회만 가능합니다.

선정된 분들께 주어지는 혜택

01. 캔디 30개와 3000Cash를 선물로 드립니다.


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You should have automatically received a pop-up like the picture below, asking for friend requests. Just click the grey button like the picture below.


They should appear in your friend's list ^^


And why do some random people add me, i accept them but when i checked just now they dont appear in my list of friends?

whats "주목 받는 멤버 (20)"? I used a translator and it said: member who paid attention o__o

Are the people who appear in my "관심 친구 (1)" people I added but they haven't accepted me yet?

btw, what is this for?


Sorry but can you provide a screencap where it shows that? because I have no idea where you're getting it from. Sorry.

As for that whole paragraph of Korean, I have no idea, sorry.

can anyone teach me how to accept friend request?


It's just above ^^

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Guest Saebin :D



전체 친구

(This person added me, and i accepted the request.

Previously other random people added me too, I also accepted.

They appeared in this list (I'm don't really remember whether it's on this list or on the "접속중인 친구" list..)

on that day i accepted, but after that they disappeared -_-'')


관심 친구 (Does this mean: Friend I added but haven't accepted me?)


주목 받는 멤버 (Members that paid attention??? o__O)

What do these mean and whats the difference between the 1st four?


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Guest Saebin :D


potential friends as in..?

cos i added that person and she appears on that list. does that mean she has not accepted me or rejected my friend request? T^T

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