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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Ep.120 caps part 2:

MA saw BH's uncle working on the street and been teased by a group of girls, MA went to shout at them








MA told DH that she wants to get back together with him and that they should start all over again at least for Chan's sake,but DH says that he's asked Sonia to marry him.An upset MA asked DH if he really loves Sonia that much,and he answered that whenever he thinks of her,his heart hurts.MA left after finishing her drink without saying anything more,leaving behind a baffled DH.




Arriving at Bonjour the next morning,a less-than-cheery DP looked at her dolls for a moment..




and later saw BH studying hard with his English module,and stopped to stare at him..





..completely unaware that SJK had also arrived and was watching her watching BH,and DP's morning trance was ended by SJK's direct question..which also distracted BH from his studying..




JK: Omo omo..Team Leader!!

DP: so shocked!!

JK: Why are you looking at KBH-ssi that intently?

DP: When did I?

JK: I saw just now,weren't you staring at KBH?

DP: (recovering her composure) SJK-ssi,when was I staring at BH?..I was just thinking of a good idea is all.(leaves)

JK: That's weird.I'm sure I saw her looking.What...I don't like this..he's my man..

BH: Seo seonbae,why I would I be "your man"?!




Mrs Na went over to the Bong's to further discuss BH's matchmaking,and DJ was very upset abt how she was left out of it.





Later in her room,DJ voiced out her dissatisfaction over what's going on at SJ's mom,to which she responds that she's only helping out what DJ's mother-in-law wanted. <_<




(ok,honestly ..about this whole thing of Mrs Na involving herself with BH's matchmaking,it's really rubbing me off the wrong way. <_< Yeah,sure she's concerned abt her daughter,and she's always looked at BH as a no-gooder..I got that.But it's the way she's doing it that's giving me the creeps,oh the slimy-ness,the phony-ness of it all.The fake smile,the whole pretending to "care about her friend's son's well-being" act she puts up,when all she wants is just to basically get rid of BH,away from her daughter.I mean ..so she thinks he's nothing good for her daughter and that the man's an absolute hazard to the society,but it's okay to dump him on another woman's daughter?! :wacko: And secondly,just leaving out the mother of the man being matchmade out in the cold,what an insult that was.I saw this situation happening once in my own family,so maybe it's just me taking this personally,but it really wasn't pretty.Karma oh karma,what do you have waiting for this woman in the future?Geez I can't wait.And sorry for the sudden rant,I really just needed to get that off my chest)

Oh If i can create a dream scene..yup...BH go down the bus ..then DP will confess right in the middle of the road

Yeah rafaelle,I'd rather not have the episode ending at that point and would love nothing more that seeing DP confessed her feelings to BH right there and then,desperate and scared and frantic..as she comes to the realization of how much in love she already is with BH.

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Guest allydean
Did they actually show JY looking at SJ as she called out "oppa" or did they just show SJ hearing JY call out "oppa" and turning around? If it's the latter, I bet it's JY calling out "oppa" to BH or someone else.

yes, JY was looking at SJ when she called out 'oppa',.. that made SJ who was leaving stopped in his track and turned around to face her,..

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Ep.120 caps part 3:

JY's dad frantically talking on the phone,making calls after calls(not sure,something to do with money?).Later as he and First Aunt was worrying over their saving books,GeumJa ahjumma came over and handed JB her saving book.




MA meets up with Sonia at the playground,and asked Sonia to return to her country.Sonia reminded MA that she's not even seeing DH and shouldn't be treated this way.But MA pleaded her case(DH wont get back togethar if Sonia's there..etc) and asked Sonia again to just go back,but Sonia answered she can't cuz she needs the money she's making there.





At the office DP is staring at BH ..





and stares again..until BH caught her..




and again SJK noticed everything that was happening..


BH and DP went to see WJ,and while waiting for him to join them,again DP was staring at BH..





And then it was BH who purposely stared at DP with a curious look on his face..



DP refused to explain anything to BH when he asked about her looking at him,whereas BH told DP not to do it again or else there would be weird talks going around since SJK saw it,and DP somehow became angry and asked BH if he's worried that SJK might misunderstood what happened..





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yes, JY was looking at SJ when she called out 'oppa',.. that made SJ who was leaving stopped in his track and turned around to face her,..

They say you can catch more flies with honey; so I think she is trying to use honey sweet words to finally get him to listen to her and stop coming to her shop. :vicx:

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As expected,tonight's ep.121 ended at the point where DP stopped BH's bus with her car,and then she boarded the bus..walking towards a surprised BH.:rolleyes:

Although for a moment I really thought DP might get herself and her car into an accident,the way she kept flooring it. :sweatingbullets: And that scene of a captivated DP "watching in slow motion as BH walks toward Bonjour looking oh-so-handsome and taking her breath away" was really priceless! :blush: I loved it! :lol:

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As expected,tonight's ep.121 ended at the point where DP stopped BH's bus with her car,and then she boarded the bus..walking towards a surprised BH. :rolleyes:

Although for a moment I really thought DP might get herself and her car into an accident,the way she kept flooring it. :sweatingbullets: And that scene of a captivated DP "watching in slow motion as BH walks toward Bonjour looking oh-so-handsome and taking her breath away" was really priceless! :blush: I loved it! :lol:

They normally reserve the bus chasing secenes for the men so when I saw DP chasing the bus.... WELL! I was like omo moe moe moe..... No she didn't!.... and lastly .... You Go Girl!.... Go Get Your Man :lol: hahahaha!

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Ep.120 caps part 4:

WJ arrived at the table and began presenting his findings,but soon realized that his audience of two weren't exactly listening to anything he said..




and BH and DP answered WJ's questions about it in the same exact way,twice.:lol:



Not sure what went down in this scene,but SJ went to Mr.Bong's office for his signatures and he said something to him which obviously spoiled his mood..while SA arrived at her husband's office only to find it empty..




SA reminded SJ that it's their day to go out on a date,and as they went around shopping,SA was completely oblivious to her husband's bad mood..




WJ excuses himself from the table,and just as BH and DP stood up to leave,BH dropped his journal and DP also kneeled down to help him retrieve the scattered things on the floor..




and DP picked up the photo of the two of them together that BH kept in his journal and has now fallen out and looked at it..



a panicked BH quickly snatched the photo away from her hands,hastily explaining that the reason why he keeps it is because it's from the first time he "debuted" as a model,and DP merely smiled and responded,"who said anything?".



On their way out,DP asked BH when is he planning to get married,and BH answered that he hasn't think about it yet.DP continued asking BH about matchmaking dates,but when BH asked her why was she suddenly asking about marriage,she avoided from giving him a real answer.





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Guest allydean
And that scene of a captivated DP "watching in slow motion as BH walks toward Bonjour looking oh-so-handsome and taking her breath away" was really priceless! :blush: I loved it! :lol:

:lol: I love it too! it helps that BH looked very fit today,.. so, BH walking in slo mo,.. love,.. and the way DP tried lots of things (we can see her mind racing for ideas) to stop BH from going,... :D

btw, I've just seen the preview for tomorrow,.. and one scene that surprised me the most is there is a scene where SJ hugged JY and she let him!!

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Great idea! Hope they have another project together. I think, comedy romantic is the best for them :) Both of them did a great job...

Yep, agreed. Wishin for a (post) Likable or Not Movie now. Maybe somewhere after both em got married or something? If the writers pulled something of a nice storyline for that, that'd definitely be the bomb! :rolleyes:

What do you mean? DP took away all the car decorations that HW gave her when she broke off her engagement to him. The only thing in her car as of now are the male doll that BH won from the machine and the female doll that she won from the machine.

Heee? I never did actually notice anything. Hmm..now I gotta confirm this myself. Perhaps at the upcoming ep 121

They normally reserve the bus chasing secenes for the men so when I saw DP chasing the bus.... WELL! I was like omo moe moe moe..... No she didn't!.... and lastly .... You Go Girl!.... Go Get Your Man :lol: hahahaha!

a panicked BH quickly snatched the photo away from her hands,hastily explaining that the reason why he keeps it is because it's from the first time he "debuted" as a model,and DP merely smiled and responded,"who said anything?".

LOL @ both posts!

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:lol: I love it too! it helps that BH looked very fit today,.. so, BH walking in slo mo,.. love,.. and the way DP tried lots of things (we can see her mind racing for ideas) to stop BH from going,... :D

Panic time for DP!

Seems great episode tonigh based on your comments.

NOw all of us wait for what DP will say tom night. Get real girl! Show your feelings..not good keep it all inside. Get him before we do:)

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Ep.120 caps final part:

BH arrived home to find his parents and the Witch in the living room,and ManSu suggested BH to go to a matchmaking date.Comprehending the situation,BH quickly answered that he will go once to see how the other person would be like.




In his room,DJ asks BH not to do it if he doesnt want to but BH tells his mom not to worry about his quick decision and that he knows it's better cuz Witch wants it anyway(?).DJ consoles BH by saying that she does like what she sees,and BH says that if his mother likes it,then so does he.





Mr. Na was very upset upon seeing (my guess is SA's credit card statement or phone bill, not sure here) and scolded her, SA and SJ had a fight about it, then SJ stormed out to have a drink at a bar,..







JY was the last person to leave the clinic and saw SJ leaning against the wall outside the clinic, looking drunk and sad,.. as he was about to leave,.. JY called out 'oppa', SJ turned and looked shocked,..







End of 120 caps.^^

(please feel free to correct anything that was wrongly translated/interpreted,thanks.)

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Guest alfredo

If that's true, then I've died and gone to heaven. If her reply is yes. I'm teaching the angels a new hymn to sing to this glorious acceptance.

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:lol: I love it too! it helps that BH looked very fit today,.. so, BH walking in slo mo,.. love,.. and the way DP tried lots of things (we can see her mind racing for ideas) to stop BH from going,... :D

btw, I've just seen the preview for tomorrow,.. and one scene that surprised me the most is there is a scene where SJ hugged JY and she let him!!

Yup..they made BH looked extra fine today :wub: ,under the disguise of him going to the matchmaking date of course! I love how they were all complimenting him at the marketing team office.. :lol:

DP staring at BH like a teen girl infatuated with her superstar idol from ep.121(swf clip):


Panic time for DP!

oh yeah..she was beyond panic,methinks! :lol:

BH asks DP "so tomorrow we'll have a date?"

Is it true??

YESSS ke2,seems like we're set with that date after all!! :w00t:

be back in a bit with caps of preview..OMO OMO!! :w00t:

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I just read from another board that at the end of preview ep 122, BH asks DP "so tomorrow we'll have a date?"

Is it true??

breakthrough question finally :D ) ...hope DP wont mess up this chance...DanBaek moving forward...make it worth our long wait.

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Guest alfredo

I was oddly embarassed and surprisingly thrilled at DP's antics to prevent BH for attending that blind date. And the chasing the bus. Now that was a surprise as stated earlier somewhere in the post, that's reserved mainly for the male characters in K-drama.

And lastly, I'm not liking the direction in which these writers are taking JY and SJ, no reconnection please. It seems JY has reverted to the way she normally treats WJ when they first meet. Like a distant annoyance/burden.

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Ahh..I think this time it's finally the real thing :blush: ..aww,look at them all giddy and giggly..fools in love? :wub: ..BH's even doing a little jump there.. :lol:



And why the heck am I suddenly feeling like a proud parent watching my baby take his first step in the world right now? :lol:

breakthrough question finally :D ) ...hope DP wont mess up this chance...DanBaek moving forward...i hope.

rafaelle..hope this really isnt a false alarm,and that this is IT!DanBaek..Moving Forward!! :lol:

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