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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Hiii again....miss u all. Wow...this thread is running fast. I missed the party, our 100th page celebration :( Thanks too all of you, delight this thread and my day.

Cute gif, bm. DP maybe practiced a lot preparing her "first mini concert" for dear BH :wub:

can you imagine how it's gonna be after MiGo is over..right now we cant wait for the weekend to be over cuz we're anticipating whats gonna happen the next week,hehe.

I don't want imagine it now...gonna miss it :mellow:

Everytime he's digging hole for himself. He's the one who makes himself exhausted, not JY, his mom or even SA. This time, he can pass that sweater incident "hole" but there's one "hole" waiting for him. His help for JY's money crisis. How's SA's reaction if she know about it? Can he use his brain for once? :sweatingbullets:

Can't wait DP's mom heart attack next episode. Her "most unfortunate girl" :lol:

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1.here's the pitch, he winds up....strrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.The next time i tell you to take out the trash you better do it!!!

3.Karma: i have taken over Mr. Na's body to deall out my own sense of justice!!! take that SJ Karma stlye!!!!!!

4. this is for dumping JY and fighting BH my future son in law!!!

More more more...... deserves more than that!

zaeya, you never failed make me laugh :lol: I'm with you, rafaelle. He deserves more. Hope Karma will take another "surprise" action ;)

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Guest damifino

I don't even care that SA is SJ's wife; she had absoultely no business going into his personal box! That's just too much! Woah! that crosses the line big time! :crazy:

Actually, she does. It was a box in THEIR closet, in THEIR room. Most husbands and wives I know have the password to each others' email accounts so free access to things in their own bedroom is a given and if it weren't they shouldn't have left it in their bedroom of all places. There is no reason why SA would think that what was in that box was some secret... nor was it. Those were all just random things that SJ's mother put in there after decorating the old room and contained old photos and memorabilia of his youth as well as the sweater.

I agree that SA is immature and that compounds things. But the real problem is that she knows she forced herself on SJ by manipulating him at a time of great stress and weakness. For whatever reason SJ could not face failure at his job and if succeeding meant selling himself to SA and hurting JY--well that was the practical side of himself.

First of all, SA didn't force SJ to do anything. Granny bought the stocks and got him out of his troubles based upon his word that he liked SA and the problem with the stocks were all taken care of, before the marriage proposal. He could have just seen her for the time being and broken up with her if it were just a matter of the stocks. It was after the pipeline crisis was over and the idea of marrying someone rich who can advance his career that got him to marry SA, not when he was greatly stressed or weak. If he had a weakness at that time, it was just his pure greed.

SA with all her faults actually believed that SJ loved her when he married her. Even though when she was pursuing him and told him that it would be fine with her that he dated her just for her money, he's the one who rejected her at that time and walked away. Later on, he actually confessed his love for her. Just because she told him at the bar that is was ok if he dated her just for her money, that doesn't mean that it's ok for him to lie to her by claiming he actually loved her. If he had been forthright from the start and told her that I want to marry you for your money, maybe she'd be working harder to make him change his mind, but he duped her by claiming feelings he didn't have. That's all on him.

I understand money concerns and the issues that will arise from marrying a foreigner but how could BH's mom prefer her brother go back to the woman that abandoned his child even though she knows he doesn't love her anymore. I just find the whole martyr act so tiresome.

DJ could prefer that because she's thinking of Channie whom DH doesn't seem to be thinking of at all in his current state. Besides, just 3 months ago, DH wanted to get back together with his ex-wife and was asking for her help to get his wife back. DH is WAY TOO OLD to be acting like a lovesick teenager. He has a son to consider whom he hasn't seemed to consider at all. He doesn't have enough money to live on his own so he is mooching off his sister and brother-in-law and he wants to get married to a poor foreigner with a sick father? How would anyone react if a family member who was living off of you wanted to marry someone who was probably about 15 years younger in addition to a foreigner who needs a visa to stay in the country? DJ is just being practical and thinking of the welfare of not only her brother (who is a 40+ year old who should know better but doesn't), but also Channie.

What I do like about her characters is that they aren't bad through and through. I like Mrs Na for being a diligent housewife (notice how she cooks and cleans well; serving her husband cut fruit every day - I can't imagine doing that!) and as skewed as her judgement is, she obviously loves her children.

Not that I'm saying Mrs. Na is anything comparable to that level, but... they say even Hitler loved his family and was good to the people he cared about :ph34r: I'm just saying :phew: Doing things for the love of your family and kids hardly justifies Mrs. Na's behavior.

Although SJ treated JY badly, disrespected his own father, and been spiteful and petty with BH, I don't think he treated SA that badly. Early on in the show I recall him asking her how she would feel if he dated her because she was the daughter of Bonjour's owner and she said she didn't care as long as it was him. She was not a passive observer, she persued him...no fair that she gets to play the offended wronged wife. In my opinion she is the worst of the two, she takes no responsiblity for her own actions and has no respect or consideration for anyone around her. She truly thinks she can buy anyone and anything and she did, she bought a husband, so now she shouldn't complain.

He's treated SA just as badly as he's treated JY. JY luckily just got dumped. He actually told SA that he wanted to marry her because he loved her and all the while has been pining away for his ex-girlfriend. She did say that she didn't care if he DATED her because she is Bonjour's owner's daughter, but he assured her when he asked her to marry him that he really loved her. Just because she pursued him, doesn't mean that it's ok for SJ to marry her under false pretenses and continually lie to her throughout the marriage.

i know some people lack common sense but the depiction of BH and DP have gone from cute to annoying at times. DP can't be that stupid that she can't realize she loves BH until almost 120 episodes and BH can't realize on his own that even though he has won DP's heart ,that's not enough to stop studying and fix the areas that he is lacking so he can fit the background that her mother wants from a son in law.

Why not? People are like that in real life. 120 episodes is 24 weeks which is about 5-6 months. Most people take LONGER to realize that they like someone especially when they are dating and engaged to someone else in the meanwhile. Also, BH wasn't planning to stop studying or fixing the areas that he is lacking in altogether, he just wanted to enjoy a couple of dates during their honeymoon phase since they just started seeing each other.

And then there's all that shouting. Gracious, I used to wonder why the characters would shout so much (and so rudely too, sometimes). I've since accepted this as a feature of K-drama (but wonder if it's a reflection of the way Koreans interact with people they are familiar with)! :lol:

While Sonia isn't technically breaking up a family...

I'm embarrassed to say this being Korean myself, but it's the culture :lol: Korean folks generally (of course, not all) tend to be a bit on the loud side :ph34r:

As for Sonia, she isn't breaking up a family... MA did that when she divorced DH and abandoned her son. Not that I'm particularly fond of DH and Sonia, but MA has only herself to blame for the turn of events. The only reason she wants DH back now is because DH has someone else. She didn't even give him the time of day when he wanted her to come back to him before she found out about Sonia.

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Guest mizer357

i'm a pretty recent initiate into the world of k-drama. i started with the weekend series "a farewell to tears" on kbs world, and they've been like crack to me since. sometimes i wonder why i keep coming back. often, they are plagued with inconsistent characters, corny storylines filled with perdictable melodrama, and poor to fair production values. people mention karma as a driving force. i think that's true. i also agree with others that korean cultural influences, and individual perceptions of what's proper and improper, lend a compelling backdrop to these stories. but ultimately, it always seems to come down to whether they make me care for the characters or not. if i care about the characters, it seems i can forgive a lot, and i will keep coming back for more. what makes me care? it might be that JY's family reminds me of the kind of house i'd like to nurture someday, or it could be my admiration of the fierce loyalties of the fiery personalities (many koreans do seem to wear their feelings on their sleeve, endearingly so in my humble opinion) that make up the many factions in the story, or maybe it's as simple as the perfectly timed love theme when BH stares at an unaware DP. all i know is, i get hooked.

regarding miae, i love her. she's neither hero or villain, and i think she's an absolute riot. her inability to control her mouth, the cold stare she has when she's verbally communicating to people she dislikes, and her relentless ability to punish people with her handbag are all priceless to me (c'mon, her two beatdowns of sua were... ummm... refreshing). one of my favorite moments of her was when she had DH in the soju tent, and she asked him with pleading eyes if he really loved eva. after his affirmative response, she immediately re-assumes her cold gaze, downs her shot, tells him to pick up the tab, and walks off. that was pure miae and really beautiful to me.

in any case, another thanks to everyone for making this board so enjoyable for me.

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Guest professor97

Damifon said:

DJ could prefer that because she's thinking of Channie whom DH doesn't seem to be thinking of at all in his current state. Besides, just 3 months ago, DH wanted to get back together with his ex-wife and was asking for her help to get his wife back. DH is WAY TOO OLD to be acting like a lovesick teenager. He has a son to consider whom he hasn't seemed to consider at all. He doesn't have enough money to live on his own so he is mooching off his sister and brother-in-law and he wants to get married to a poor foreigner with a sick father? How would anyone react if a family member who was living off of you wanted to marry someone who was probably about 15 years younger in addition to a foreigner who needs a visa to stay in the country? DJ is just being practical and thinking of the welfare of not only her brother (who is a 40+ year old who should know better but doesn't), but also Channie.

But I think

It would be very sad to think that anyone is ever too old to feel that "lovesickness." Since life is about those precious few moments when our hearts can sing mashed between many heartaches--well it just seems reasonable to me that love is a feeling no one ever grows out of and thank God for that. The heart may have a physical age but it does not have an emotional one. Maybe this is the first time anyone has loved DH in a reciporical and supportive way. MA doesn't look like she's into loving that deeply about anyone except herself. She increased her brother's debt by taking the money Mrs. Na tried to bribe them with--she left Chan at school after she promised she'd be there..and on.

I applaud DH's lovsickness--we often forget that the heart is color, weight, looks and money blind. So DH has no money? Sonia loves him, not what he has. Love is about seeing a person's heart and knowing and loving the goodness that person has inside. I admit love will not physically feed a person, but it will feed a person's soul and give that person courage to face what lies ahead. I'll take a huge bowl of love anytime, at any age. Three cheers for DH's lovesickness.

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Guest Bijan630

Confusing.....MS telling SJ to lie if he has to about his feelings for SA, the same way he did for SA's mother her entire life until he was able to get back with his first love? MS admits to hurting two women emotionally because of this decision he had made, but still, SJ should do the same thing?.........

WOW!!!! Please me a bottle of what he's been drinking!

Why, as a father, would he subject his daughter to a life like that? Or, is it that it doesn't matter if you hurt your first love intentionally to marry my daughter, but don't treat my daughter the same way?...... Taking another shot to actually see things from his perspective. Never mind....I'm just going to take the entire bottle and walk off on this one.

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I applaud DH's lovsickness--we often forget that the heart is color, weight, looks and money blind. So DH has no money? Sonia loves him, not what he has. Love is about seeing a person's heart and knowing and loving the goodness that person has inside. I admit love will not physically feed a person, but it will feed a person's soul and give that person courage to face what lies ahead. I'll take a huge bowl of love anytime, at any age. Three cheers for DH's lovesickness.

I drink to that!

But loving someone and marrying someone is two different things. I honestly don't think he has what it take to make the marriage work. Isn't his lack of finance the initial reason why his first marriage failed?

I think DH and BH are two eager beavers. They should get their act together first and then get married and/or become a public couple. The lack of stable finance is the number 1 reason for divorce! (Obviously when they get married, I want them to marry for life :sweatingbullets: ).

So, I think they should prove themselves as reliable dependable men before sucking someone into their world of instablity. (btw - this does not stop them from being loved)

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Guest kluva4eva

thanks dramaok.. i love you summaries.. it keeps me in tune with the episodes..... although i dont understand korean while watching this.. i enjoy it even more when i understand what the actors are saying.. keep it up......

**** note**** i always enjoy reading your summaries... :D

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Guest damifino

But I think

It would be very sad to think that anyone is ever too old to feel that "lovesickness." Since life is about those precious few moments when our hearts can sing mashed between many heartaches--well it just seems reasonable to me that love is a feeling no one ever grows out of and thank God for that. The heart may have a physical age but it does not have an emotional one. Maybe this is the first time anyone has loved DH in a reciporical and supportive way. MA doesn't look like she's into loving that deeply about anyone except herself. She increased her brother's debt by taking the money Mrs. Na tried to bribe them with--she left Chan at school after she promised she'd be there..and on.

I applaud DH's lovsickness--we often forget that the heart is color, weight, looks and money blind. So DH has no money? Sonia loves him, not what he has. Love is about seeing a person's heart and knowing and loving the goodness that person has inside. I admit love will not physically feed a person, but it will feed a person's soul and give that person courage to face what lies ahead. I'll take a huge bowl of love anytime, at any age. Three cheers for DH's lovesickness.

Of course, you are never too old to feel "lovesick," however, you can get too old to let that feeling overwhelm reason. It's great to fall in love wholeheartedly, BUT you can't just throw caution into the wind just because you fall in love... especially at DH's age when he has a child to consider. Nothing is stopping DH from dating Sonia until he is able to support her and Channie. I only question his impetuousness where he is insisting on getting married so hastily after begging his wife to come back to him not 3 months ago when he still isn't able to stand on his own two feet yet.

And this type of feeling is not a new experience for DH. He did the same with MA. They fell in love and when everyone from both sides of their families were against them getting married because they were too young, too naive about the world, and flat broke, he and MA ran away together so they could be together. It was while on the run that MA got pregnant and both returned back home and were given permission to get married. You would think at that this age, he would have learned his lessons about being impetuous. MA wasn't always the way she is now with DH. At one time, she couldn't live without DH. It was his constant squandering of their livelihood with his get rich quick schemes and the final straw being him losing their store with one of his schemes that led her to divorce him and finally decide to follow her dreams. I'm no MA fan, but the divorce wasn't all MA's fault... DH wasn't just some loving and devoted husband whom she divorced without reason.

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Here's my 2 won worth -

MA doesn't love her husband. She just wants him back because (1) she finds him more macho now than when they were married (2) she doesn't fancy him dumping her for another woman. If there's any dumping to be done, she's gotta be the dumper not the dumpee! and (3) she's hoping to have a more stable family life with DH and Chan since she heard from Sonya, their firm got a permanent contract.

It's very often depicted in Korean dramas - the woman would want the guy not because of love, but because she wants to keep him by her side forever! To me, this is the ultimate selfishness!

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Guest kerris

Dare i say...?

i'm starting to feel for SJ. i know he's all :tongue2: and ridic. to WJ and all, but he's just realized that he's lost the girl he truely cares for, and now must try his best to live with SA. because even though he doesn't LOVE her, he does CARE for her, and so he doesn't want to hurt her like he's hurt JY.

(at least that's the vibe i get)

So, yes, i think Karma has already come. and now he needs to fix his current relationship. :wacko: (k-dramas... what can you do without them?)

violetish, i totally feel what your are saying!

personally, i don't loathe sj for dumping jy, i loathe him for not being able to go through with his decision and make life difficult for everyone. but he's really a poor guy, caught up in all the mess that he created himself. i'm soo believing that bh will be mr. bong's real son and that would really be devastating to sj. his dreams that he exchanged with love would be so dashed.

i actually do hope that sa will turn for the better and that the two can be happy together. haha.

can you imagine how it's gonna be after MiGo is over..right now we cant wait for the weekend to be over cuz we're anticipating whats gonna happen the next week,hehe.

Thanks dramaok for the recaps and answering my question.^^ Made some gifs..:)

more gifs of danbaek!! dramaok you rock...

and i don't even want to think about migo ending. it's... .NO...!!!!



Another DanBaek cut for this week....

Episode 124

Episode 125

Episode 126

Episode 127

Episode 128

Hope you guy enjoy it!...

Just hope this weekend be over quickly...

hey khai, i totally love your cuts, i watch them on youtuve like OVER AND OVER again.

thanks ^^

i see many discussing about sonia/dh/ma... sonia and dh is just a very heartbreaking couple. even though i do foresee dh going back with ma together (likely for the sake of chanee right, i mean since dh is in love with sonia so much now), i can't see them being happy together or lasting if dh's still not able to do anything substantial with his life or if ma (like what monalisa ^^ mentioned, is not really wanting dh back for love).. ideally, sonia and dh should just get together, suffer/rejoice together. esp after dj tells sonia to leave dh, the whole thing just appeals to this tendency to support star-crossed lovers gene in me. :P

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Guest SillyYun

Muahahha thanks Dramaok for the ep 128 moments!

I stopped at ep 127..

Anyway I was looking for this thread and found out its at page 3! How can it be! We're always on page 1!! Muahahaha..


Well I think they will drag on the last part between DP and BH and Mrs.Na catching them downstairs, prob DP gonna come out with some weird ideas again..Cos theres still 40 eps to go..unless Mrs. Na goes back up and complains again to DP, and SJ overheard and tells DP, "didnt u said theres nothing between u and DP?" Thats my imagination and prediction :P But I don't think they will be any huge issues between them yet..

As for SA and SJ, I think SA will prob find out about SJ paying for JY soon cos of WJ harshness, he might blurb out to SA to watch on her hubby and said that hes paying for JY's family debts..Or probably overheard when shes at company about the convo between both of them. I guess SA will just divorce sooner or later, unless SA gets pregnant.

Until this ep, my doubts on BH is DJ and MS's son decreased to 5% haha~I dont think thats gonna happen anymore..cos we're far off already..

I can't believe that stingy SJ's dad actually treats SA a posh meal :P Actually SA did brings happiness and laughter to NA family. I think SA will change eventually to someone nice, shes actually just spoilt and being naive.

That Rep.Yoon part is super funny! I think he prob gonna say it out later cos he cant keep secrets, remember that part where he found out BH is MS's step son..

I think Sonia will prob goes back to Russia if her dad's health worsens, and MA will get a chance, I really want to see Woo Daryeon and Sonia together..MA prob going to blurb out to JY about SJ paying off debts again..

JY's dad prob going to accept Keumja sooner or later..cos shes really being nice to him and touched him..

I think Seo Jookyung will end up with Rep.Yoon haha~

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Guest merela

I'm so bummed. For some reason, my youtube links just haven't been working since Wednesday. I downloaded the flash 9.0 as indicated by the youtube page and I have the flash program in my desktop, but youtube still doesn't play. No idea what to do! I hate technological advancement sometimes. Youtube was working fine, why do they have to upgrade it?!

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Muahahha thanks Dramaok for the ep 128 moments!

I stopped at ep 127..

Anyway I was looking for this thread and found out its at page 3! How can it be! We're always on page 1!! Muahahaha..


Well I think they will drag on the last part between DP and BH and Mrs.Na catching them downstairs, prob DP gonna come out with some weird ideas again..Cos theres still 40 eps to go..unless Mrs. Na goes back up and complains again to DP, and SJ overheard and tells DP, "didnt u said theres nothing between u and DP?" Thats my imagination and prediction :P But I don't think they will be any huge issues between them yet..

As for SA and SJ, I think SA will prob find out about SJ paying for JY soon cos of WJ harshness, he might blurb out to SA to watch on her hubby and said that hes paying for JY's family debts..Or probably overheard when shes at company about the convo between both of them. I guess SA will just divorce sooner or later, unless SA gets pregnant.

Until this ep, my doubts on BH is DJ and MS's son decreased to 5% haha~I dont think thats gonna happen anymore..cos we're far off already..

I can't believe that stingy SJ's dad actually treats SA a posh meal :P Actually SA did brings happiness and laughter to NA family. I think SA will change eventually to someone nice, shes actually just spoilt and being naive.

That Rep.Yoon part is super funny! I think he prob gonna say it out later cos he cant keep secrets, remember that part where he found out BH is MS's step son..

I think Sonia will prob goes back to Russia if her dad's health worsens, and MA will get a chance, I really want to see Woo Daryeon and Sonia together..MA prob going to blurb out to JY about SJ paying off debts again..

JY's dad prob going to accept Keumja sooner or later..cos shes really being nice to him and touched him..

I think Seo Jookyung will end up with Rep.Yoon haha~

Mostly...agree.. Yoon definitely will spill it out later. His mouth can't never be trusted. I imagine Yoon'll smile whenever seeing BH-DP in office and Seo'll find it strange. She will be nuissance when she know about BH-DP. :tongue2: I know from the beginning that Seo will end up with Yoon. They'll make a "perfect couple" :D

Ooh...dad bought SA an expensive meal? I haven't seen the caps. That's make SA so "tame", went home :lol:

I haven't no idea who's the one tell SA about SJ paying JY's debt but that issue'll be positively the next "fire" in Na family. I wonder what dad's next move to make SA go home again :P

But...I become believe that finally SJ still will end up with SA. Seems SJ become realize he has to stick with his ultimate false decision being with SA. All elders around him, like his dad, mom, MS and old witch will be SA's side, except SA is the one who initiate the break up.

Thanks, khai!! Awesome...

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Although SJ treated JY badly, disrespected his own father, and been spiteful and petty with BH, I don't think he treated SA that badly. Early on in the show I recall him asking her how she would feel if he dated her because she was the daughter of Bonjour's owner and she said she didn't care as long as it was him. She was not a passive observer, she persued him...no fair that she gets to play the offended wronged wife. In my opinion she is the worst of the two, she takes no responsiblity for her own actions and has no respect or consideration for anyone around her. She truly thinks she can buy anyone and anything and she did, she bought a husband, so now she shouldn't complain.

Yup, SA should not complain ... she can't pretend SJ married her for love ! She can't be that naive to think that SJ loves her ... how can a man fall in love with someone in so short a time & the circumstances of their subsequent meetings are not even that helpful to start a fruitful romance. Maybe she believes what she wants to believe even if the reality is right in front of her nose or is she's really dumb not to tell . But I want this couple to bear each other's shortcomings & live the kind of life they deserve... they're right for each other.

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Guest bm05om

Hi SillyYun!!Hehe..just wanted to say hi. ^_^ And welcome back ke2.^^

Well I think they will drag on the last part between DP and BH and Mrs.Na catching them downstairs, prob DP gonna come out with some weird ideas again..Cos theres still 40 eps to go..unless Mrs. Na goes back up and complains again to DP, and SJ overheard and tells DP, "didnt u said theres nothing between u and DP?" Thats my imagination and prediction :P But I don't think they will be any huge issues between them yet..

SillyYun..think you got the idea pretty much right,as usual. ;) DP's probably gonna use the fact that they're in-house models as a reason.or something. :rolleyes:

Ep.129 preview:

종순은 백호와 단풍이 손을 잡고 있었음을 가족들에게 말하고, 선재는 단풍과 백호가 자꾸 마음에 걸린다. 지영은 부동산에서 집을 보러오자 재복이 집을 내놓았다는 사실을 알게 되고, 우진을 만나 박팀장이 뭔가 의심스럽다고 하는데... 백호는 단풍에게 사랑에도 마케팅 전략이 필요하다며 파일을 건네고 파일을 본 단풍은 백호에게 버럭 화를 낸다. 술을 마신 백호와 단풍은 대리기사를 기다리면서 차안에서 잠이 들고, 추워서 서로의 품으로 파고들다가 동시에 눈을 번쩍 뜬다. 아침이 밝아오고 있음을 안 백호와 단풍은 화들짝 놀라는데...

Some more 128 gifs:

BH asked for a quick kiss ..


at a deserted parking area..


..except they weren't exactly alone,and Yoondaeri's too shocked to make any sound.. :lol:


And my fave DB part of th eppie,DP's reluctant to let BH go.. :)


..but too bad the moment's ruined by an unexpected appearance..poor DanBaek :lol:


*and pls don't quote the gifs..thank you.^^

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