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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest merela

There is always a problem with scripts and plot advancement when the whole show isn't written up in its entirety before it airs. They are filming as the writers are writing up each episode. Since they added more than 20 episodes to the original number of episodes, there bound to be extras we don't need. Perhaps the show should have ended when BH and DP got married. Even that, I found, didn't take much time to happen.

As this drama is about to end, I'm beginning to look forward to the new one.

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Guest dramaok

EP. 161 (Thurs April 17, 08) :


SJ panics but DJ comes.

SJ: mother in law..

DJ: oh when did you come?

SJ: just a little while ago.. did you go out?

DJ: i just went to the market to get some snack.. are you on your way out?

SJ: yes..

DJ: (holds SJ's hand) son-in-law Na.. congratulations for being elected the chief executive.

SJ: thank you (glances at MS's finger twtich w/ unease)

DJ: if father is awake he would be happy for you too.. and i wanted to make you a meal if father were in better condition..

SJ: no it's ok mother in law.. please don't be concerned by such..

DJ: okay.. then i'll do twice for you later on..

SJ: then i'll get going..

DJ: yup.. get going..

SJ: i have no face before you..

DJ: don't say such thing.. you must be busy.. get going and father would understand..

SJ leaves and Mr. Jo the head of accouting comes by MS's room but then turns to leave, just as BH comes.


BH: hello!

Jo: you are?

BH: ah.. yes i'm Kang Baekho's, the president's son..

Jo: oh right! the president often complimented about you.

BH: father did?

Jo: yes.. saying you work conscienciously and earnestly..

BH: i see.. but why aren't you going in?

Jo: i was just nearby here.. and i'm out of time.. so i'll come back again later on..



DJ: son in law Na was here.. you don't have to worry honey.. he looks so steady and skilled..


BH comes in..

DJ: why did you come again leaveing your new bride home? you should rest at home..

BH: that pretty bride told me to come and change shift w/ you saying you'd be tired..

DJ: oh go home soon.. but did you see son in law Na? he was just here?

BH: no..

DJ: son in law Na will have a hard time since he's becoming chief at such a young age.. so you should help him w/ everything you can too.

BH: well do i have that kinda skill to help..

DJ: you have to help him w/ all your heart..

BH: ok don't worry.. (looks at MS)

DJ: what?

BH: father's face looks more pale than yesterday..

DJ: really?

BH: but don't worry mom.. he's laying still like this now, but he'll perk up soon and say hey! Baekho you came!

DJ: how nice if he really did..

BH: he will.. so don't worry. and dont' lose hope like the doctor says..

DJ: we need to..

BH: but i'll be here tonight so you go home and rest!

DJ: oh i said no! go home don't leave your bride alone to be bored.

BH: hey if i go home like this i'm gonna get scolded by that bride. mom! want to see your son get scolded by his bride? if not go home already..

DJ: gee.. you're just.. ! hehe..


DP: what should i make for dinner tonight? ah.. it's tough to come up w/ menu day after day and i can't call mother in law about it either.. should i make kimchi stew?

JS calls.

DP: hi mom..

JS: where are you?

DP: what do you mean where? home.

JS: gee. you just got married and you're calling that home already so easily?

DP: oh mom. i'm busy right now just get to the point..

JS: stop by here for a little bit..

DP: why? i told you i'm busy..

JS: gee. if your mom says to come then do it.. why do you have to argue about it..

DP: why? is there something going on at home?

JS: of course.. your brother became the president of your company, Bonjour foods, don't you know?

DP: i do... so?

JS: so i'd thought we should gather for a simple meal together.. i even made rib stew and bean sprout salad you love.

DP: rib stew and bean sprouts?

JS: yea.. if it weren't for your father in law at the hospital.. we'd be having a festival on a day like this, but we're just gonna have a simple meal, so come by w/out letting them see you..

DP: mom.. how can i do that.. i have to make dinner right now.. i already said congrats to oppa earlier at the office.. so it's fine.. then bye..

DP: "oh.. rib stew.. and bean sprouts.. how yummy it must be.. i should've learned how to make bean sprouts salad.. "


BS: new child... what are you doing? hehe...

DP: making dinner.. granny, what would you like to eat..

BS: oh.. i'll make dinner.. you just be on the side and help.. hehe. is there winter kimchi left?

DP: yup. lots of it.

BS: then let's make a simple soybean soup and make winter kimchi wraps.

DP: winter kimchi wraps?

BS: what? you never had it before? oh but that's so yummy.. you just wash the winter kimchi and wrap.. it's simple and yummy!

G: is dinner gonna be a while..

BS: soon.. let's have a simple dinner w/ winter kimchi wraps..

G: okay. but Baekho isn't home yet?

DP: he went to change shift w/ mother at the hospital..

BS: oh.. how great it is for you sis, you got daughter-in-law, and your grandson, granddaughter-in-law are all so filial..

G: --



GT: i thought this was the happiest day of your life! what now?

JS: Danpoong! i told her to come for dinner but she goes on about how she has to make dinner and such and declined.. i raised her for this long.. how she upsets me..

GT: oh but you're so w/out thinking. can Danpoong be having dinner here right now w/out worry? her father-in-law is in the hospital.

JS: that's what i'm saying.. she's probably not eating her meals properly so i told her to sneak out so i can feed her a good meal. but she won't listen!

GT: but that whole family over there is suffering right now how can Danpoong sneak out here alone to enjoy a meal? if you really think for her sake, you should be packing a boxed lunch for inlaw mrs. at the hospital, and bring some side dishes for Danpoong instead. to support Danpoong infront of her married family!

JS: is that the way to do?

GT: of course! you gotta use your brain when you think of helping her! think about it! what if they find out she sneaked out to come here? it's nothing big but it will become an issue that they can grab onto..

JS: fine fine! stop already!

SA comes..

JS: call Seon-Jae.. why is he so late. dinner's been ready..

SA: yes..

SJ: i'm back..

JS: Oh my son! no.. should i call you President Na now? hehehe..

SJ: oh mother why are you like this?

GT: hehe.. your mother is unstoppable.. unstoppable..

JS: hey did i say something untrue? President Na, please go wash up and have dinner.. hehe..


GT: toast to Mr. Na Seon-Jae for becoming president.. congrats!

JS: what is Mr. Na Seon-Jae.. he's your son..

GT: then do i say Miss Na Seon-Jae?

JS: omo. is that why i was saying huh?

SA: mother, father.. today is a good day.. don't fight!

GT: Seon-Jae.. do a good job don't become trouble for the company.

SJ: yes.

JS: honey.. why do you say such obvious thing..

GT: so well so that when inlaw mister awakes, he'd be proud too.

SJ: yes.. i should do that..

JS: oh.. hurry and eat.. the food is gettting cold.. Seon-Jae.. eat lots.



BH: oh... father! i found something funny to read to you to make you laugh.. now.. try to guess right.. what is the name of the brave dog who challenged a tiger?

MS: --

BH: you don't know? it's easy.. it's haru puppy! hehe.. it's funny isn't it? haru puppy!!! get it? ok fine i'll do another one.. the hottest ocean in the world is? it's yeol (hot) ocean.. ! heh.. this really does make sense.. ok next.. then the coldest ocean? 'seol-leong sea'! heh.. that was kinda cold... um.. father i'll get even funnier ones next time and make you laugh for real, k? um.. father.. i saw the head of accounting outside earlier.. i dont' know what it is but he came and left w/out coming.. whatever it is i'm bothered by it.. there are lots of bad rumors around the company lately too.. and i'd like to meet him to talk about these things, but i can't decide if that's right to do or not..



BS: did you already finished cleaning the kitchen?

DP: yes.. grannies.. would you like some hot tea?

G: it's okay.

BS: ya.. we already had fruits too.. so you go rest now..

DJ comes..

DP: mother!

DJ: did you have dinner?

G: (ignores her)

BS: of course! but what about you?

DJ: yes.. some..

BS: then go in and rest..



DP: mother have some tea.. i put some honey in date tea..

DJ: oh you shouldn't have.. you must be tired.

DP: mother, things are really hard for you lately isn't it?

DJ: no it's okay for me.. but it's hard for you isn't it? houseworks that you're not used to..

DP: it's doable once you do it. don't worry..

DJ: what do you mean! look at how pale you look w/ having to go to work too..

DP: yea.. things are kinda confusing and hard at times, but granny auntie helps me a lot.

DJ: say it if it's too hard.. we can call a maid here..

DP: no.. things are already kinda down.. if we have a stranger coming and going it'll make it harder on granny and you.

DJ: you're right.. since i'm not home.. then try to endure a little and do a little.. don't try to do everything so well..

DP: okay.. i will.



guy: why do you worry? just move in. Chanee's mom said so..

DH: but i wonder if it's proper.. and if it's really the best for Chanee..

guy: kids are simple. for him, he gets dad and mom.. so what more will he want?

DH: hello? come home now?



JY: do you think your mother is fond of me?

WJ: of course! why do you ask such obvious thing! little girl.. you must have been really nervous..

JY: not a lot.. but a little..

WJ: i don't know about other things, but i can be responsible for this! my mother will love you like i do..

JY: okay then.. i won't worry anymore.. you should get going though and go chat w/ your mom..

WJ: okay.. bye then..



dad: did you meet her well?

JY: yes.

aunt: so did she like you?

JY: it's the first time so it was kinda awkward but it was good feeling..

GJ: aigo.. then we just have a wedding to look forward to!

DH comes..

MA: then did you pack your stuff to come?

DH: that.. i am not sure.. what to do..

dad: for now, until Sonia's leg recovers and until you're settled.. i think it's best you live here together.. our family all agreed to it, so don't be burdened and do so.

Chan: dad! then you're gonna live here too?

MA: yup.. dad married Sonia so he's gonna live together..

Chan: assa! i'm so excited!!!



DH: i told you you shouldn't work on that stuff..

Sonia: just til this batch is done.. since i already promised them..

DH: then just til this batch, promise, k? but Sonia.. i'm gonna be staying here from now on.

Sonia: really? is that okay?

DH: well at first. i was kinda troubled and shameful about it but i think for Chanee's sake it's for the best.. but i am embarrassed..

Sonia: mister! let's have strength!



DP: omo! i forgot my phone in the car..

BH: heh.. give me the keys. i'll get it..

DP: no i'll do it..

BH: heh.. she's so forgetful..


WJ: how's the president?


then BH and WJ watch as SJ comes to work in a car by chauffer and the guards greet him..

and SJ goes to his office and admires his new desk plaque.. "chief executive, na seonjae"..



Yoon: wow.. New President, Na Seon-Jae.. his charisma is no joke! how does such a young man have that! teamlead, was your brother always like that?

DP: no.. he's not like that at home..

Yoon: well.. there's the saying that surrounding makes a person.. but regardless.. as the one who guides this company.. he is not lacking at all. even a man like me thinks he's impresive! when you're born a man one should live life like that once..

YS: not anyone can be president you know.

Yoon: gee.. so did you have to say that?

Ko: YongSoon ssi you're saying something right for once!

BH: let me make some coffee for everyone..

YS: i'll do it..

Yoon: but Na teanlead.. he's not gonna do company restructuring like last time is he?

Ko: why would he after what happened last time?

Yoon: but this time the president is unconscious he can't object.

Ko: oh no. that's true..

Yoon: teamlead.. that won't happen, will it?

DP: --

YS: coffee's here!

DP: okay let's start our meeting then, everyone..

BH: (sigh)


DJ: here here my good Mansoo ssi.. how great you look after getting cleaned up..



JS comes..

DJ: Jong-Soon! what brings you here.

JS: what do you mean what. i brought you boxed lunch to eat..

DJ: really?

JS: here.. eat..

DJ: oh i don't know how to thank you.

JS: remember when my mother died i spent a month in the hospital.. and back then i was most grateful to those who brought me boxed meals..

DJ: that's true..

JS: hurry and eat..

DJ: mmm...! so yummy! eat w/ me..

JS: no i already ate.. but my Seon-Jae.. i wonder if he will do well in such a high position..

DJ: he will.. your son is skilled!

JS: that's true.. not many ppl at that young age is accomplished like him.. but anyways. what are you gonna do from now on?

DJ: what do you mean?

JS: i get so sad thinking of you.. what fate is this of yours. you became a widow at a young age.. and suffered so much.. and finally you get to live a little.. but now this..

DJ: oh.. i'm okay..

JS: but they say.. when a person collaspses like this.. even if they awake again.. it won't be easy.

DJ: (angry) hey! Lee Jong-Soon! did you come to visit the patient! or are you out to upset me trying to make me explode inside when things are already hard on me! huh!!

JS: omo. Dong-Ji ah.. what did i say?

DJ: i'm already so scared! did you have to say it like that?

JS: omo.. i didn't mean it that way.. sorry.

DJ: Jong-Soon! i have a dirty fate i know it well, so you don't need to say that infront of me ever again!



mom: were you startled? that i contacted you suddenly?

JY: no..

mom: because there's something i really want to ask you.. please listen to me w/out misunderstanding.. i heard this by coincidence.. that you had a person you were going to marry, before you met Woo-Jin..

JY: (!) yes..

mom: i know it's a pardon to ask such question, but why did you break up w/ him?

JY: that.. he wasn't someone destined to be w/ me.

mom: it's one thing i dont' know, but since i found out i thought i shouldn't just let it pass.. so please don't be bothered by it much.. then are things completely over w/ him?

JY: (nods) yes...

mom: (troubled look)


BH tries to meet with Mr. Jo, who says he's too busy to meet.


BH: (bow) please.. just brief moment of your time..

Jo: i don't have time..

BH: please.. just for a sec..

Jo: what is it that you want to ask?

BH: the day father collasped.. at his office..

Jo's phone rings: Hello? Mr. President? yes.. i'll be right over.. (to BH) I'm sorry, but i don't think i can talk to you..



Jo: congratulations for becoming chief executive.

SJ: this is all thx to you.. would you like tea?

Jo: no thx..

SJ: then i won't go in circles and get to the point. since you helped me, would you help me for another thing? i would like to built another factory in China.

Jo: i'm sorry.. but at current, that is too risky..

SJ: i know.. im' not saying immediately.. i mean after the new one is done.. so for that. i'm gonna need some flush fund like last time.

Jo: what!

SJ: you alreay know about the fund used for the 3rd factory construction and approved, so i'm gonna need your help again.

Jo: the previous president had no trouble running the company w/out use of slush funds. thus..

SJ: i'm the new president. when the president is different the methods are different, obviously. without the slush fund the 3rd factory would not have been possible. so i hope you follow my instruction..

Jo: --



BH: what should we do? i want to stop by the hospital.. but you probably should go home..?

DP: Baekho ssi i have something to discuss w/ you.. i'm thinking about taking about a week off..

BH: a week off?

DP: things are kinda hard on mother but i have to work during the day, so i thought maybe i should take a week off and concentrate on housework.. even if it's only for a week.

BH: then i'll take a week off instead.

DP: i thought of that too, but i think it's better i do it still and it's not so busy at work lately..

BH: but i feel so sorry toward you.. after marrying you i wanted to do lots of fun stuff w/ you, eat lots of yummy stuff and have lots of laughs.. but as soon as you married me you started to suffer..

DP: then.. you just pay me back all at once later on..

BH: oh.. why is it that i am always grateful and sorry toward you..

BH's phone rings and it's Mr. Jo.


Jo: have a drink..

BH: (drinks)

Jo: this is a bar i came often w/ President Bong..

BH: w/ father?

Jo: w/ President Bong, and also also the President Bong who created this company.

BH: w/ grandfather too?

Jo: of course.. i learned a lot under him..

BH: --

Jo: (hands big envelope to BH)

BH: what is this?

Jo: when i think of the Bong presidents, my conscious can't continue at this. this is Na Seon-Jae, the current president's double accounting books, which he used to make slush funds.

BH: what! why did you give me this..

Jo: President Na says President Bong was okay w/ the slush funds, but i don't believe so. The day the president collasped, he was investigating this and i think his collasp has to do w/ this too.

BH: what!!

Jo: I plan to leave the company. President Bong is your father, so please stop the slush fund... i can swear that it is not what he wants.

BH: !!



SJ: what are you doing here at this hour!

BH: (slaps envelope from Jo on SJ's desk)

SJ: (looks in it and is shocked)


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Guest kauaisurfer

We just read dramaok's Episode #161 summary...

The end scene between BH & SJ is drawing paralles of "Good vs. Evil" ...(karma & fate) but we are not sure the character of BH has the fortitude to go against SJ. We mean the character of SJ will do anything & everything to win. BH on the other hand has a true moral compass and in a sense embodies "doing the right thing"...true & fair.

With ONLY apprx 12 episode left ...We both figure BH's Aunt & MS coming out of coma will be needed to seal SJ's fate and destiny with karma!

...We are off to do some surfing ....

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Guest merela

Now, BH is being idiotic confronting SJ without conferring with DP or another person first. I fail to see how BH, without proper accounting training, can understand the accounting books that Mr. Jo had given him. Shouldn't he study the books first and come up with a plan before confronting SJ?! At this point, SJ is still more qualify to run Bonjour than BH, even if SJ's ethics and methods are wrong.

Thank you, dramaok, for another exciting episode. How do you translate the whole show so fast?!

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Guest damifino

^ BH doesn't want to run Bonjour Foods. He just wants SJ to get rid of the slush funds and double accounting. But I do agree that he needed some sort of plan of attack rather than just showing his evidence to SJ. I know SJ is DP's brother and all, but he really needs to confide in her about this.

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Thank you dramaok ep 161 summary, always grateful with your time and effort

the last caps -

BH: (slaps envelope from Jo on SJ's desk)

SJ: (looks in it and is shocked)

why he show the evidence to SJ? :( I am nervous about BH's action.

SJ can never expected the slush funds is exposed to BH, what will be his next move now?

only 12 more episode left and with so many loose end, wonder how will it ended.

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Thank you dramaok ep 161 summary, always grateful with your time and effort

the last caps -

BH: (slaps envelope from Jo on SJ's desk)

SJ: (looks in it and is shocked)

why he show the evidence to SJ? :( I am nervous about BH's action.

SJ can never expected the slush funds is exposed to BH, what will be his next move now?

only 12 more episode left and with so many loose end, wonder how will it ended.

Come on just say ..... BH is stupid!

Moreover, this is one of the reason he why he is his wife subordinate and SJ is the President!

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Guest kauaisurfer

Come on just say ..... BH is stupid!

Moreover, this is one of the reason he why he is his wife subordinate and SJ is the President!

...We Both LOAO...

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Guest purrplelilies

Thank you dramaok ep 161 summary, always grateful with your time and effort

the last caps -

BH: (slaps envelope from Jo on SJ's desk)

SJ: (looks in it and is shocked)

why he show the evidence to SJ? :( I am nervous about BH's action.

SJ can never expected the slush funds is exposed to BH, what will be his next move now?

only 12 more episode left and with so many loose end, wonder how will it ended.

I think that going straight to the enemy shows how innocent BH still is. He feels that once confronted with the fact that someone knows about his shady dealings, and that they are refusing to back dowm, SJ will give up and be a good president. BH can't yet understand that a confrontation will only egg SJ on to do something even more deplorable.

BTW, I really, REALLY hate SJ now. I wasn't the biggest fan from the start (something about him and his interaction on the plane w/ SA in the first couple of eppies pissed me off) but now I hope that he gets brain, stomach AND liver cancer. No offense to anyone that has had to suffer from those diseases; SJ just needs to wither away to nothing.

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Yes, agree.

To confront SJ just like that with that evidence, just stupid!

SJ already planning to use slush fund to open another factory before 3rd factory start contruction...

I have weird feeling here. I dont think SJ goal to became Bonjour president. I thinking what MS have said to him that SJ want to open he own company using Bonjour money. So I thought that SJ really want to push 4th factory for slush fund as soon as possible cuz afraid that MS regain conscious, after that hospital insident. And also SJ already make double account before 3rd factory issue. That just my cent.

I thought the story become really mess-up right now... but people still watch cuz it already 160 episode! It's to late to stop watching.

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Guest professor97

Yep, Khai--that's what I said last night--he knows MS might wake up now so he'll get a slush fund for "China" and he'll try to take JY with him to start over. That dude is not going to miss his family. As long as he has himself, he'll be fine. I bet he tries to escape the country and is caught at the airport.

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Guest kaedejun

ya know what? for us, it might seem stupid what BH did right away with revealing the evidence (personally I think he should have made copies of it. heck with telling everyone else - just make copies and keep it in a safe place, and then threaten SJ with the evidence) - but for the sake of the drama (and the fact that there's so little episodes left) he had to do it. If he held onto it and looked like he was unsure of what his next move would be, I'd be pissed off because that's not a good enough cliffhanger. And I'd be wondering if he'd EVER do something.

It's in character to do what he did. And SJ looks like he wants to do right, but can't help but go back to his old habits. I think he wants to make MS proud in some way (based on how he reacted to when DJ said that MS would be proud) but he thinks the ends justify the means, and the ends is what will make MS proud of him.

I'm glad BH revealed it. I wanna see how he will mount an argument against SJ. BH is not dumb. He's just quick-tempered, but he can think on his feet.

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Guest ninkyou

You know, I agree with Kaede. I'm also glad BH revealed it. I also think BH has something up his sleeve. He can use the slush fund as a means for blackmail against SJ now, and SJ will have to do whatever BH is inclined to say. If news of the slush fund gets around to Granny, she's gonna be one pissed off in-law. And we all know SJ doesn't want to do anything to hinder his own personal gain. However, he's gone and dug his own hole, so it's time to pick out the coffin that goes in it.

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Thanks dramaok .

I'm also scared how BH can fight this WAR. At this point, sure of only 2 persons to stand behind his Mom and DP. Interesting, interesting what manipulations Sj will do to get past BH and how BH will react. Wonder if BH will already tell all to DP tonight.

...also i hope there are really "payback" DanBaek moments to look forward to .

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Guest waterfall0004

I'm so glad you said that. For a minute I thought he was dumb!.....

No wait a minute.....

I still think he's dumb! :lol:

Hahahahaha ROFL :))

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I'm so glad you said that. For a minute I thought he was dumb!.....

No wait a minute.....

I still think he's dumb! :lol:

I also still don't think BH should reveal it. SJ's too tricky and evil, he can put all the blames on BH. He should tell someone else so that he can't be assumed being jealous for what SJ get. SA and witch granny definitely won't believe BH. As for DP, he should give the fact then she can believe it. She's kind of fair one just like her dad. Although SJ is her brother but if she know the fact, I think she'll be on BH's side.

I'm really...really sick of SJ and other trio witch (granny, JS and SA). Help me to get rid of them fast!! :crazy: and...give me DanBaek moments right away, miss them so much B)

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Guest dramaok

i have a questions.. why does everyone say Ji-Yeong and Seon-Jae were engaged to marry before?

i thought they just dated for a long time? did they actually really engage?

cuz Woo-Jin's mother told Woo-Jin she had someone she was engaged to.. and Woo-Jin didn't deny it..

so when was this?


no problem. i type fast no biggie.

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Guest Cerise

i have a questions.. why does everyone say Ji-Yeong and Seon-Jae were engaged to marry before?

i thought they just dated for a long time? did they actually really engage?

cuz Woo-Jin's mother told Woo-Jin she had someone she was engaged to.. and Woo-Jin didn't deny it..

so when was this?

Yes.. we didn't see an official engagement. that's why it was easy to break up from SJ's part.

But I think that, they have dated for a long period and they moved to the stage of meeting each other's parents... And I don't know if anyone else beside JY's family that knows about the trip JY and SJ took to the beach..

I guess rumors or facts spread really fast in Migo town... :sweatingbullets:

I kinda agree with gerryg... BH is dumb to just jump off of his seat and face SJ right away... dude come up with a plan first... he did a quick planning to get DanBaek out to the world....

He's quick-tempered, maybe... emotional to know SJ is the reason his father collapsed, like it was a new thing... he heard that before... He should have waited for a bit... NOW SJ will have a clever evil respond to BH and the whole idea of seeing the end of SJ this week will vanish.... ><;;;

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