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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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I agree with the sentiments, seems the writer are suckers for injustice, don't they wants viewers to be happier, hello its already just about 2 weeks to go, can't they give us more good times...they know we waited long for DanBaek to be together...they give us wedding but still spoiled their honeymoon night...in days they should still be in honeymoon...they make JS the star, even the developing WJ-JY seems spoiled now.....just too much airtime now about SJ company issue...it should have been resolved this week, its too much if they will give another week for this...the give us a rush rush happy ending.

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Guest russkelp

I agree with the sentiments, seems the writer are suckers for injustice, don't they wants viewers to be happier, hello its already just about 2 weeks to go, can't they give us more good times...they know we waited long for DanBaek to be together...they give us wedding but still spoiled their honeymoon night...in days they should still be in honeymoon...they make JS the star, even the developing WJ-JY seems spoiled now.....just too much airtime now about SJ company issue...it should have been resolved this week, its too much if they will give another week for this...the give us a rush rush happy ending.

Why stop now, from the beginning of the show it's been mostly about SJ and SA. Every time I catch the beginning of the show, the first five minutes are about these two idiots. I'm sure the writers will end the show with a nice shot of SJ and SA and their kids a few years into the future, showing them very happy and all the other people like DP and BH living miserably, if they even show them at all.

Maybe SJ or SA will allude to them somehow, to let us know what happened to them.

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Guest damifino

However, I just want to say that Sonia is not paying rent at this stage. She had moved out already. MA asked her to move back when she injured herself saving Chanee. DH is not smooching off Sonia as someone said. He's holding down two jobs I think. The rental money for their new place went to the hospital fees for Sonia's Dad.

In a way she is since the Hwang family has yet to give her back her deposit due to their financial situation (which they don't seem to be doing anything about except wishing for JY to get married to WJ in a hurry <_< ) after she moved out abruptly. DH is mooching off EVERYONE... the Hwang family and Sonia. While the rent money for their new place might have gone to pay for hospital fees for Sonia's dad, DH is still a person who was in no position (at his age with a child in tow) to get married seeing as he couldn't afford a place to live with his new wife (whatever the reason) and has to live with his new wife in his ex-wife's house. He went from mooching off his sister and her new husband to mooching off his ex-wife and her family.

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In a way she is since the Hwang family has yet to give her back her deposit due to their financial situation (which they don't seem to be doing anything about) after she moved out abruptly. DH is mooching off EVERYONE... the Hwang family and Sonia. While the rent money for their new place might have gone to pay for hospital fees for Sonia's dad, DH is still a person who was in no position (at his age with a child in tow) to get married seeing as he couldn't afford a place to live with his new wife (whatever the reason) and has to live with his new wife in his ex-wife's house. He went from mooching off his sister and her new husband to mooching off his ex-wife and her family.

Don't forget smooching of the Suna too!

DH is disgusting and I am glad to know that those on the Korean boards see him and this situation as disgusting too! (As Damifino points out so many times, what we think is not always the train of thought in Korea). So I am glad we are not off base on this one!

I think Chanee needs a reality check. He should go to school and brag about his living arrangement and see how long the other kids are allowed to play with him!

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you know ... SJ doesn't even have to dirty his hands to kill MS by pulling the plug or anything ... i'm sure the sight of his !$%!@#$ sneering face is enough to send MS off into another stroke if he happens to be there when he wakes up. :ph34r: i swear every time i see caps of him ... my blood pressure escalate~

i was reading how some of you likened SJ to Kim Ho Jin's character in Yellow Handkerchief ... i think SM didn't make me as angry maybe because his character doesn't smirk & sneer as much as SJ. heh~

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Guest bearscoby

Hi All,

I just finished ep159. Wow!! writers actually plan a mystery on BH's birth, granny's sister actually mentioned he looks like Bonjour's boss when young. Woooooh.... i can't wait to see the truth, maybe BH belongs to Bong's bloodline. Cant wait to see how to story goes.


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The video preview is out. Can someone tell me what does WJ's mother overhear SA and JS talking about. What does she say to WJ when she gets in his car. Also, is that DJ's agreement DP and granny Aunty is reading?

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I'd say episode 161 is still SJ's but come tomorrow's episode, he'll get a sample of the retribution he is about to taste. What SJ did is power grab by blackmailing his competitor who is the most likely successor of MS as president. His downfall will be a sweet revenge to the people he intimidated & treated with arrogance. BH now has the papers to prove SJ's corruption, but will he be able to convince granny witch, SA, Mr. & Mrs. Na & even his wife Danpung about SJ's misuse of funds. Or do we have to wait until MS is awake & conscious to give a firsthand & personal account of SJ's dirty works.

The preview in intriguing ... what is SA's intention to meet JY when lately she & SJ are doing fine. Is it to warn JY not to see & be interested in SJ now that he is the head of Bonjour?

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Guest SillyYun

i cant wait for dramaok and damifino to tell us the previews..

I really dont hope to see SJ pulling the plug or tube or something to kill MS

i really really dont wanna see that

and dont wanna see MS to go away just like that T_T


Wow now WJ's mom gonna listen to SA and JS convo?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo poor JY i think her role is really always tragic..

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Preview... (hope someone will translate)

백호는 이중장부를 만드는 일은 당장 그만두라고 말하고, 선재는 이제 사장은 만수가 아니라 자신이라며 백호를 비웃는다. 단풍은 봉순의 요구로 각서를 읽어주다가 화들짝 놀라고, 동지는 각서 내용을 백호에게는 절대 말하지 말아달라고 부탁한다. 지영과 우진은 백화점에서 수아와 마주치고, 수아의 말을 들은 우진모는 지영과 아버지가 만나는 약속을 미루자고 하는데... 회사 앞까지 찾아와 시위를 하던 주민들을 설득하던 백호는 경찰까지 오자 당황스럽고 선재는 백호가 주민들을 선동하는 잘못된 기사를 발견하고 분노하는데...


look like situation already not to good for SJ... ;)

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Guest classychic

arghhh!! i just have to say this. the writers of this drama must be on crack or something, seriously this was supposed to be a light hearted family drama, but no, they don't even give the main female and male leads storyline that much attention, its as if their main focus is on the antagonists,i've stopped watching this drama as it just makes me angry and annoyed whenever SJ and his dear mother, mean granny and SA comes in the picture.

there's not much screen time with BH and DP, there story line seem rush and not with careful thinking, *it's as if they were painfully force to write it in* as they seem to enjoy, dwelling on the others characters. I mean, what the heck is that?!

Gah,i know this is kinda mean but i hope they don't get a job on a daily drama after this, well until they improve their writings and thinkings.

the 2 previous daily dramas that i've watched were Pure 19 and As much as heaven and earth, and even their respective antagonists did not make my blood pressure soar!

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Guest uni33

In defense of DH-MA-Sonia storyline, I admit the whole living together is awkward but not so terrible.

MA and DH didn't seem like they broke up for any other reason than MA not loving him anymore for not being successful and getting his act together. The whole show, they seem more like brother and sister, always bickering but on some level still caring. Sonia is a nice girl who seems to genuinely care about the family and Chan. She got her leg broken, DH is living at the store, and Chan wants his dad to live with them. I think MA shows true maturity and growth, thinking about other people when in the beginning of the show she was super selfish and immature.

DH is one of those people that are unlucky...a lot, but he has a good heart and he is generous. That's what gets him into trouble throughout the show. DH and Sonia decided it was more important to take the money they saved and use it on her father's medical bills instead of getting an apartment. He doesn't ask MA to let him stay, she offered and he agreed. He is a newly wed whose wife's leg is broken, of course he wants to be with her and take care of her, plus his son lives there and I'm sure he misses Chan and wishes he could spend more time with him.

The situation is not ideal for anyone but I think it's a way for MA to atone for some of the drama she put DH through. I hate to seem perverse liking this whole story line but DH and MA just seem real to me. They are silly and flawed and I think they are very human. Everyone else in the show is either really nice, really not nice, DP is practically perfect, BH's mother is a saint, etc., etc...Sonya is less interesting being super nice all the time. DH and MA, they behave like normal people, sometimes really badly but other times they are capable of incredible kindness. I have enjoyed watching the two characters develop and I think it's always been an amusing side story to the main drama. I don't love the two characters but I get them and I want them both to succeed.

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Guest ameizeing

Ep 162 preview

The video preview is out. Can someone tell me what does WJ's mother overhear SA and JS talking about. What does she say to WJ when she gets in his car. Also, is that DJ's agreement DP and granny Aunty is reading?

SA says it's good that JY is finally getting married so she won't cling on to SJ anymore. WJ's mum tells WJ she wants to postpone her meeting with JY's dad (probably doubts JY is a virtuous woman and thinks her unsuitable as daughter-in-law). Granny Auntie discovers DJ's handwritten undertaking and asks DP to read it for her as her eyesight is not good. DP is shocked by the contents of the undertaking. Meanwhile, DJ is outside the door and overhears DP reading her undertaking. She tells DP afterwards to keep the existence and contents of the undertaking a secret from BH.

Also in this episode: BH asks SJ not to continue with his practice of keeping false accounts and maintaining a slush fund as that is against MS's principles. SJ ticks him off and says that MS is no longer the President Director and since SJ is now the President Director, he calls the shots. The villagers come to Bonjour's office to protest against the construction of the 3rd factory. BH and DP try to talk them out of the protest and leave before the police arrive. The villagers leave but the protest is covered by the media and SJ is angry with BH as he thinks BH instigated the villagers to stage their protest.

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ameizeing thank you kindly.

Poor YJ her plight has made me shell shy of every rooting for a girl to be with a guy for fear she will be labeled other than what she is. Dating in Kdrama land is pretty hard ... but in Kmovies.... well that's a horse of a different color! :D

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Guest ameizeing

gerryg you are most welcome! I'm not translating directly from Korean so I hope it's accurate. I read the discussion and watched the preview on the Chinese subtitlers' board and translate their Chinese translation of the preview into English.

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That's mean of SA to insinuate that JY still clings to SJ when she avoids him & it's him that seeks her out especially when he is down & feeling low. SA is lying to herself & can't accept the fact that SJ still has feelings for JY ... she has to convince herself of this lie for her sanity & to cover up her insecurity. But she need not worry because her husband is not a fool to give up a wealthy comfortable lifestyle with her as benefactor in exchange for a simple & ordinary life with JY.

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that WJ's mom postponed her meeting with JY's dad. Isn't this what JY wants, that she be given more time until she's ready without pushing WJ away. This is a test of WJ's love for JY ... will he go against the wishes of his mom?

Thanks ameizeing for the preview translation.

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Guest damifino

DH is one of those people that are unlucky...a lot

DH is more than just unlucky... he made his own bad fate. He wanted to get rich quick without working at it which is why until this day, he hasn't amounted to much and even swindled away the store which was him and MA's only source of income. Even when he first heard about his sister marrying Mr. Bong, all he could think of was not how happy his sister might be or how fortunate that she rediscovered her first love, but what Mr. Bong could do for BH and himself financially. Even when he wanted to marry Sonia and move out, the first thing he asked of his sister was not only her blessing, but some money so that he could help Sonia's father and put down a deposit for a place to live. Shouldn't he have thought about how HE could do those things before he decided to marry Sonia instead of asking his nearly 60 year old sister for it? Yes, he has "somewhat" gotten better at actually working for a living and earning a living, but he still can't seem to think beyond the immediate. That's great that he wants to be a better man for Sonia and work hard and all that. Maybe MA didn't inspire that in him. Great. But how come he didn't want to become a better man for his own son? Why did he waste his life all this time when he had a child to take care of?

but what about the in-laws thing if BH is really a Bong? doesn't that mean 'something-something' in Korean culture?

It makes no difference whether he was a real Bong or a step-son, the fact is he was still an in-law. And although it is traditionally somewhat of a social taboo, it isn't against the law and it isn't as if no one doe it.

Sorry, I missed the previews, but I did see some parts of the show (that weren't buffering) and I'm surprised BH went directly to SJ with the false bookkeeping book. You would think that he would come up with some strategy before confronting SJ with such a thing.

Have you noticed that ever since SJ's life took an upswing with him becoming CEO, he hasn't given JY one second thought? How's that for fitting into his MO. Whenever things are going bad, he can't get to JY fast enough to commiserate his misery. Whenever things are good, he doesn't even remember her name.

JS really is something. Just when I think she can't get any worse, she does. How could she rub salt on DJ's wound like that? Is it really appropriate for her to talk to DJ about what bad luck she has in her entire life and how MS might never get better and even if he does, it will be hard on her since he will have the after effects of a stroke?

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Guest flauntmg

My first post, and hopefully won't be my last.

I'm a regular viewer on this thread for couple of months now, but i just can't believe the direction of this story heading. My main reason watching MiGo are the whole chemistry between DP and BH which IMO are one of the best i've seen in K-drama, but with thing concentrated heavily this last few weeks on SJ and his evil doing, somehow my support has waned a little bit. Its like watching one of those 100 episode Spanish soap where the evil people stomped and dominate for the whole 98 eps, and only at the final 2 eps, we can see some redemption for the good guy.

It's supposed to be a light hearted drama, and not only SJ part IMO has ruined it a little bit, but i was completely appalled by the whole ordeal involving DH, MA and Sonia. I came from a family with a divorce history, this whole thing about your Ex-husband and his new wife living under one roof with you...C'mon gimme a break. Its unrealistic and totally absurd. It's just pointless and should have concentrated on DP and BH more.

But what pissed me the most is the whole thing about keeping secret from loved one, so they don't have to worry. Its crappy when the problem actually involving he/her. This line keep repeating itself since the early day of MiGO:

Please keep this secret from him/her. I don't want him/her to be worried.


Then it only took the guy/girl couple of episode before knowing the truth and things got worst. First with DH, BH, DJ then the whole thing about SJ paying off Jaebok's debt. Its the same thing over and over again. If you can't tell your loved one about this thing, then who else.

I'm still a fan, hopefully in the next episode MS will wake up, grab a machete, hack down the mushroom head SJ, cut him in two, and shove the body parts up JS and Granny's 'you know what' (no offense). i hate that guy so much for his sinister plan and grabbing way too many air time compared to other main lead.

End of rant :P

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