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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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AND we have a redefined observation...the auditor clearly knows that SJ took the money (the amount if not the reason) when he showed the amount to MS if something happens to MS...Wouldn't the auditor be legally required to tell the board of directors???

We agree the preview looks scary...

I hope that auditor will tell Granny what happen. but i'm also worried that not gonna happen cuz Mansu also tell him to keep that and not leak to the outside no matter what. If that happen Granny gonna fall apart cuz she really proud of son-in-law Na :rolleyes: ... "I feel so strong to have son-in-law Na around"... Then, she will know which one is diamond, and which one is stone.

OMG, what if MS dies and leaves no will!!! Then the Granny is in charge! Poor BH and DJ! I can just imagine the story that will spiral down from there. Obviously, Granny will put SJ in charge of Bonjour. DP is still guaranteed a job at Bonjour, but her mom and her brother will likely force her to leave BH (since they are not legally registered as a married couple yet). This would pave the way for SJ to get rid of BH. DJ is then reduced to just being the maid to the Bong family.

I hope things don't come to that. I'm hoping the writers won't kill MS right off--leave him comatosed.

I thought that gonna happen too... but DP never gonna leave BH, that for sure plus she really headstrong. And still GT still arround. BH & DJ situation gonna be bad for a moment. But i hope that not to dragging maybe just one episode... I dont like to see SJ have to much power for a long time.

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Guest bm05om

Hi, everyone! Glad to see you all again. Gosh I miss this it so much. :D

No way...MS can't die! It'll make easier for jerk SJ :angry: Karma surely knock SJ down but I wonder how the writers end this drama. Since it's daily drama, the ending will be "good-ending" for everyone I guess :sweatingbullets: Honestly, I need disasters for SJ, witch granny, JS and SA. :ph34r:

hello ke2!^^ yeah I wish for once there will be no feel-good ending for everybody in this drama..SJ deserves to suffer,and so does the trio of the wicked witches!! :ph34r:

I hope that auditor will tell Granny what happen. but i'm also worried that not gonna happen cuz Mansu also tell him to keep that and not leak to the outside no matter what. If that happen Granny gonna fall apart cuz she really proud of son-in-law Na :rolleyes: ... "I feel so strong to have son-in-law Na around"... Then, she will know which one is diamond, and which one is stone.


I thought that gonna happen too... but DP never gonna leave BH, that for sure plus she really headstrong. And still GT still arround. BH & DJ situation gonna be bad for a moment. But i hope that not to dragging maybe just one episode... I dont like to see SJ have to much power for a long time.

I'm anxious for tonight's ep..although I think it's gonna end at the part where the doctor comes out of the OT with the news.. <_< ..well I hope not,or else we'll have to wait for two more days to find out what's gonna happen..arghh!!*pulls hair* After tonight's ep and if the finale is really ep.172,we'll only have 15 more eps to go..can't believe the drama is finally concluding..

WJ: (smile) but from what i can see, you don't dislike me. hehe... don't try to run away to deny that. i don't wish for anything else.. just be here like this next to me holding my hands..

JY: seonbae..

WJ: then i'll always be on your side and be next to you too.. (hugs her)

Just want to say that while I was watching this scene,when WJ hugs JY and she closes her eyes and just relax in his embrace(instead of looking uncomfortable/worried..you know that "look" she always has <_< ),for once I didnt feel like cringing inside or feel sorry for WJ..it's like she really accepted his hug.I hope this signifies that JY will be ready to let WJ into her heart soon.

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SJ was never really 'that' bad in my book. He was a typical selfish and greedy person who had a mama that raised him to be that way (at least she promoted those traits).

At any rate we all know MS told SJ there's no longer a place for him at Bonjour So SJ did his typical act of cutting off his phone, going to the Han's river to think about his next move, going to the bar to forget about his past moves, and then staggering home and to dream about him and his mommy sitting on top of the world.

Well, that's not so bad.... but that creep!!!!

When he SA finally got a hold of him and when the Doctors came out of the OT claiming they've done all they could do.... SJ for the first time made me gasp for air :o ..... That creep watch granny faint, DJ lose all her strength and SA begin crying. He grab SA and while holding her .... that creep.... that creep .... smiled! Oh my goodness! :o He crossed the line!!!! In that deciding moment in time SJ went from selfish and greedy to heartless and evil. Oh what a devastating thing to happen to both families. When the truth comes to light they all will feel confused about their feelings toward SJ. I think the only one capable of seeing SJ clearly is DJ. She is the furthest from him and the closet one to MS. So I wonder what will happen to this family.

Next week should be very thrilling.

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SJ was never really 'that' bad in my book. He was a typical selfish and greedy person who had a mama that raised him to be that way (at least she promoted those traits).

At any rate we all know MS told SJ there's no longer a place for him at Bonjour So SJ did his typical act of cutting off his phone, going to the Han's river to think about his next move, going to the bar to forget about his past moves, and then staggering home and to dream about him and his mommy sitting on top of the world.

Well, that's not so bad.... but that creep!!!!

When he SA finally got a hold of him and when the Doctors came out of the OT claiming they've done all they could do.... SJ for the first time made me gasp for air :o ..... That creep watch granny faint, DJ lose all her strength and SA begin crying. He grab SA and while holding her .... that creep.... that creep .... smiled! Oh my goodness! :o He crossed the line!!!! In that deciding moment in time SJ went from selfish and greedy to heartless and evil. Oh what a devastating thing to happen to both families. When the truth comes to light they all will feel confused about their feelings toward SJ. I think the only one capable of seeing SJ clearly is DJ. She is the furthest from him and the closet one to MS. So I wonder what will happen to this family.

Next week should be very thrilling.

Ditto... he really become an evil person. That to much! I just watch the prev... look like just as we predict before. Granny gonna replace Mansu and of course SJ will be by her side. BH gonna be ignore... And granny just want to get rid DJ quickly, eventhough his son still alive. (i think i saw the pre-nup) Granny and SJ actually just from species. Just an EVIL person... that why SA like that... being raise by devil and get marry with devil too... SA is Granny Witch in the making.

Prev.... hope someone could translate it:

최여사는 회사 일을 선재한테 부탁하고, 선재는 만수의 자리에 앉아 의미심장한 미소로 사무실을 둘러본다. 그 시각 백호와 가족들은 만수의 상태를 장담할 수 없다는 의사의 말을 듣고 충격으로 굳는데... 선재는 새로운 대표이사를 선출하자는 이사회가 열린다고 하자 야심에 가득차고, 백호는 선재에게 만수가 쓰러지던 날 무슨 얘길 했냐고 물어보는데... 한편 아들의 상태를 듣고 집으로 돌아온 최여사는 동지에게 장롱 속에 넣어 두었던 각서를 내미는데...


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Maybe Mansu wanted the doctor to say that so he could monitor SJ's next actions. That would also give him time to think of what to do with SJ. But if this is the case, then he needs someone to help him. And that could be where the aunt comes in useful. I wouldn't be surprised if Mansu through his aunt, installs DP in his place. She's capable and more importantly, his family member. I'm guessing that the aunt is also a shareholder since Bonjour is a family setup. What if Mansu elects his aunt proxy to his shares? Granny may be the major shareholder, but with Mansu and his aunt's ahres combined, they could overtake her major stake. I really can't see the writers killing off Mansu.

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Guest bm05om

Well, that's not so bad.... but that creep!!!!

When he SA finally got a hold of him and when the Doctors came out of the OT claiming they've done all they could do.... SJ for the first time made me gasp for air :o ..... That creep watch granny faint, DJ lose all her strength and SA begin crying. He grab SA and while holding her .... that creep.... that creep .... smiled! Oh my goodness! :o He crossed the line!!!! In that deciding moment in time SJ went from selfish and greedy to heartless and evil. Oh what a devastating thing to happen to both families. When the truth comes to light they all will feel confused about their feelings toward SJ. I think the only one capable of seeing SJ clearly is DJ. She is the furthest from him and the closet one to MS. So I wonder what will happen to this family.

Next week should be very thrilling.

Yeah,everything that has been predicted will be falling into place next week..omg..that creep SJ gave me chills when he smiled in tonight's ep :ph34r: ..this guy has definitely gone over to the dark side...


SJ's getting what he wants next monday..I think Granny Witch will appoint him to take over Bonjour during MS's absence..2 more days to wait...*pulls hair*

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Guest polaris

Yeah,everything that has been predicted will be falling into place next week..omg..that creep SJ gave me chills when he smiled in tonight's ep :ph34r: ..this guy has definitely gone over to the dark side...

SJ's getting what he wants next monday..I think Granny Witch will appoint him to take over Bonjour during MS's absence..2 more days to wait...*pulls hair*

yeah the actor who plays SJ is just toooo convincing as an hateable man..

You know what I would hate... ??? (it always happens in dramas at the end..when the evil character sees the light and cries in remorse..blah blah and every crappy thing they did during the whole drama is covered over..

If at the end SJ gets redeemed by being regretful and sorry and then everyone forgives him...I'm gonna be so mad. He's just a JaCKA$$ who is adulterous at heart, selfish as heck and has NO moral system.

yea I know "thou shall FORGIVE" BUT..........this guy is just unredeemable evil.

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Guest hnitao

How come a Daily day drama with such a Evil Storyline?! I remember the previous 2 drama didnt have Big Devils and Big Bad ppl..this drama has not only one (SJ), who turn to very Devil.. but also Granny, who just doesnt like everyone expect her granddaughter and son, in her own world, only 2 ppl are good?!

I have no idea how the story will go~ SJ goes to Jail? which I would see in HK drama but in Korean drama usually bad ppl will just turn good dramatically with everyone's forgiveness (which is not fair!)... Granny will turn to a nice ppl after all, but how and why? Sigh~

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^ actually many here have same feeling with you... SJ is too evil for daily drama. SJ story is too heavy. If he just leave his girlfriend and marry rich woman... i still can accept but, the thing what he doing after that just to much for daily drama. I thought he gonna change after he crying over JY when JY already forgive him, but he just go worst.

The good thing is what happen now... Granny gonna going crazy (maybe just die) after she realize how bad her grandson-in-law. I want granny to suffer too. i don't want DJ can easyly forgive her. i want mansu also leave her alone...

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Guest Bijan630

Ok, you're telling me that SJ got away?????? You're showing me a pic with him even smiling about it???? Right now I feel like Charlie Brown right after Lucy is holding that darn football, promising that she will allow Charlie Brown to kick it, only to have it pulled away at the last minute and Charlie Brown falling flat on his back.

Why do I have a bad feeling about how this drama is going to end?

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Guest joannabk

Ok, you're telling me that SJ got away?????? You're showing me a pic with him even smiling about it???? Right now I feel like Charlie Brown right after Lucy is holding that darn football, promising that she will allow Charlie Brown to kick it, only to have it pulled away at the last minute and Charlie Brown falling flat on his back.

Why do I have a bad feeling about how this drama is going to end?

Bijan630, I know exactly what you mean! However, I don't think this drama will end badly. It was always advertised as a family drama and the rise of BH contrasted against the fall of SJ. I don't think either one's story would be complete if SJ gets away with it, so the story will not end badly, though the specifics might be less happy for certain characters (ie mansu might die, etc)

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SJ has turned into a despicable evil person ... but that vicious smirk will not last. He can fool granny witch, Sua & his mother & manipulate records but there are people in the company who can stand against him with hard evidence to prove his guilt. But before we get to see him shamed & reduced to a nobody, he'll make BH's life miserable both at work & at home. In the preview granny witch apparently took over Mansu's CEO position, but Sonjae will be the power behind the throne. He will aim for the top position so he could easily control the running of the company.

There's not one person who can make SJ turn around from his ruthlessnes. He is beyond redemption. His greed turned him into a monster who won't stop at nothing until he devours those who get in his way, BH foremost. :fury:

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The plot is getting heavier, really enjoy dramok's summaries, bm's caps and reading everyone's comment and analyze.

yes, SJ's act is way to evil in the daily kdrama makes the viewers irritated.

hope the auitors and accountants will point out the embellzement matter to the authority.

the aunt still not show up yet? wonder how she will affect the situation of the reconstructing of the company since MS is now comatosed and now granny is incharge.

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I just watch today episode...

I'm upset for what happen to Mansu... but I love how SA relationship with DJ turn-out.

I hope this are starting for SA to open-up to her step-mother. I don't know what DJ said to DP about SA that SA overheard that (really looking forward dramaok summary today :D ) That must something heartwarming cuz SA seem moved by that words.

This drama so intense right now. I hope next week not as bad as i think... it killing me!

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Guest damifino

The aunt is from the US... SJ got his MBA in the US... wouldn't it be interesting if she had a run in with SJ in the US somehow? Maybe he worked for her while going to school and got her involved in a swindling deal? Or tried to romance her daughter or maybe her to marry into a rich family? :blink::lol:

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Guest uni33

I haven't seen a lot of korean dramas so I'm wondering if everyone ends up learning a lesson. I'm really curious to know what will happen to SJ's mother. The writers have spent some time pointing out how little SJ's mom appreciates her husband and how she is always looking down on him for not living a flashier life. She seems to console herself with not having a lot of material possessions and a husband that dotes on her by contrasting her husband to her successful son. GT does point out in one episode that a good husband is worth many sons. I am really hoping that he acknowledges that his wife is shallow and unkind and that his son is an opportunistic jerk by cutting them both loose. If this show is about family (and family in korea is still so important, a key to one's identity and place in society) the just reward for them both would be divorce for the wife and eliminating SJ from the family registry...in addition to losing all his money and power of course.

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Guest dramaok

today's episode was sad.. wrong day to wear mascara.

EP. 157 (Friday April 11, 08)


SJ: did you call for me?

MS: did i call for you? you shameless.. what is this? what is this! you won't look at me and deny knowing this, will you! is this why you married my daughter? to steal company money like this? were you gonna make another company w/ this!

SJ: father. dont' misunderstand?

MS: misunderstand? w/ these numbers and accounts, what misunderstanding? (hits SJ w/ the paper and throws the paper on the ground) what!!

SJ: i'm sorry for not informing you Mr. President, but that money was not for me personally, but for company slush fund.

MS: company slush fund? did you use that money for bribery then? to get the land permit?

SJ: yes. i'm sorry. but i had no choice. in our country, the reality is that it's hard to build a company w/out use of slush fund. you know that well too, father.

MS: my father who created this company, and myself, never used slush funds and we still pulled this along great cleanly. who the heck are you? your blood isnt even dry on your head and you learn such bad behavior first! you dare to dirty up this business!

SJ: father, i don't think it's right to use slush fund either, but the reality isn't so.. it was necessary in order to get the land usage approved, and to not lose investors.

MS: so what did i tell you?! get the land permit before first construction! step by step accordingly. if you had listened why would this happen! to think i gave you the position of development director.. i saw wrong. you are not qualified to work in this company. you are fired immediately! get out at once!

SJ: (stare)

MS: i said to leave immediately! now!!!

SJ: (bow and leaves)

SJ goes out to the lobby and pulls out the phone battery when SA calls.


SA: what the. unbelievable. why is he turning off the phone again?

G: look at how you talk. is he not answering again?

SA: no..

G: then he must be in a meeting or something.. he'll come when he can.

SA: i was gonna tell him to bring a cake or something when he comes..


DP: granny.. chapchae (mixed glass noodle) is done... would you like to try some?

G: it's okay. we'll eat later. if i eat now i won't have an appetite later.

DP: okay..

SA: Danpoong ssi, could you call Baekho and tell him to buy a cake on his way home?

DP: (stare)

SA: i mean it's a party, and it's weird to be w/out a cake. but why are you staring at me like that? i'll pay for the cake!

G: Sooah ya.. talk lightly.. why are you talking so mean.

DP: granny!

G: why?

DP: Baekho ssi is her older brother by age and status.. and i advised her many times to call him oppa, but she doesn't listen to me, so granny, you are the elder so please say something to agassi. it's okay to be like this at home, but as they say a gourd scoop that leaks at home leaks outside too. granny, then please take care of it.


SA: omo!! granny! did you see that? she.. she's like that.. now you know how bratty she is!

G: hey quiet that mouth.. she didn't say anything wrong..

SA: granny, whose side are you on now!

G: Sooah, listen carefully.. you gotta do what you gotta do to be ahead. so from now, address properly and do what you should do.

SA: no!

G: at this rate you're gonna suffer in Danpoong's hands do you know?

SA: why would i suffer!

G: cham.. she is not gonna be easy...


DJ: heh.. my daugher-in-law is more fierce than she looks..

DP: sorry.. but i can't stand her being rude to Baekho ssi.

DJ: my daughter-in-law did well.. i feel so fresh! but could you be more gentle in the future?

DP: sorry.. at times i get fired up and i talked too big infront of elders..

DJ: it's because my daughter-in-law loves my son so much.. that i'm grateful and happy, but i hope you can understand Soo-Ah a little too. Soo-Ah lost her mother at a young age, and grew up lonely.. so even though her heart is young and lonely, on the outside she doesn't want to show her weakness she is always talking w/ thorns.. she tries not to show her weak side.. and you may think this is laughable.. but from the first time i met her, i have been sad to see her so.. before Soo-Ah got married i wanted to be a good mother to her, but she married sooner than i expected, so i didn't get to do that properly and i always feel sorry and regrettable.. so my daughter-in-law, could you be more understanding of Soo-Ah?


SA: (listens)

DP: okay.. but mother, i wish agassi would call Baekho ssi oppa.. that's not so hard is it? i think agassi is too much..

DJ: hehe..

SA: (overhears and gives DP dirty stare)


MS: that pompous punk.. (gets brain hemorrhage or something and passes out as he tries to dial DJ)


DJ: it's me.. hello? hello? hm.. he hung up.. (tries to call MS back)

MS: (passed out)


DJ: that's strange. he clearly called but why doesn't he answer?

DP: was it father? why don't you call the secretary if you're worried?

DJ: it's okay he must be busy.. but how about we call Baekho and tell him to come back w/ him together?

DP: Baekho ssi went to the construction site. let me call him and see if he went back to the company..


BH: come back w/ father? sure.. i was about to stop by his office anyway i have something to report to him. okay then we'll be home soon..


BH: father! father! wake up! father why are you like this!! Mr. kim! Mr. kim!!!!


BH: father! father! wake up! we're here father! hurry!!!


SA: what's going on really!!!

G: son in law Na isn't answering still?

SA: he's phone is off..

G: he should be coming by now.. did something happen at work?

SA to DP: why don't you call.. and see where your groom is..

DP: he said he'll bring father home so they should be here soon.

SA: what i mean is, is Seon-Jae ssi w/ them?

DP: why don't you call oppa yourself agassi?

SA: cuz he's not answering that's why!

DP: okay then.. i'll call and see where oppa is, k?

SA: omo..


DP: oh he's calling.. hello? where are you we're all waiting..

BH: (frantic) Danpoong ssi.. dont' be startled listen carefully..

DP: what?

BH: granny will be most shocked.. so don't show it.. father.. father fell over..

DP: what!

G: what is it? why do you look so surprised?

DP: um.. um.. i think something urgent happened at work.

G: what urgent work?

DP: um.. let me go answer the call there.. (moves to a different room)

G: hm? why is she answering the call that way?

SA: gee.. as if we didn't have a honeymoon stage too.. she's making it so obvious that she's a newlywed.


DP: what do you mean father fell over? why?

BH: i don't know. but i think he suffered a cerebal hemorrhage... he went into surgery..

DP: surgery?!!

DJ comes: what did you say? surgery? who's getting surgery? who's calling?

DP: it's Baekho ssi..

BH: i think we should let Sooah and mom know..

DP: i got it.. i won't let granny know..


DJ: what is all this talk? who's getting surgery?

DP: mother.. please don't be startled.. but father fell over and he's getting surgery.

DJ: (drops cups in shock)

DP: mother! are you alright?

DJ: what happened?

DP: i think he had a hemorrhage in the brain..

DJ: (wails)


Granny: what is all this noise? did something break?

DP: yes.. i broke coffee cup by mistake.

SA: this is the coffee cup you like.. you got it from your trip to England..

G: tsk tsk you should be careful.. breaking glass on a good day like this.. (leaves)

DP pulls SA's arm as she tries to leave.

SA: what? why are you grabbing my arm!

DJ: Sooah ya.. don't be startled.. but dad.. your dad..

SA: dad? what happened to dad?? tell me now!!!


DP: granny, should i turn on the TV for you?

G: sure. but where's everyone?

DP: let me massage your shoulder..

G: it's okay..

DP: oh let me do it.. i massaged my parents a lot before i got married..


G: but Dongji and Sooah where are you two going? the men will be home soon..

SA: granny, we're gonna go out and buy cake and wine..

G: we have a lotta wine at home..

SA: we'll be right back..

G: but why does it take two of you to go buy a cake?

DJ: i have something to get too.

G: then come back fast.. what if they come when the everyone's gone..

DP: but i'm here.. i'm here. so go on out..

DJ and SA run out in a rush.. and Granny wonders what's going on, but DP distracts her w/ the massage..


SA: it's not going in (key)!!!

DJ: slow down..it'll be alright..

SA: what if something goes wrong w/ my dad!

DJ: he won't.. he won't leave you..


SA: what did the doctor say? what's wrong w/ my dad!!!

BH: they can't tell us anything. they say they have to have surgery first..

SA: then does that mean something could go wrong?

BH: that..

DJ: (falls to the chair)

SA: dad! dad! (runs toward the surgery room)

BH: you can't go there..

SA: what if something happens to dad.. what if..

BH: (hugs SA)


DJ: (looks at phone log) honey..



dad: why don't we call Sonia too?

aunt: i did but she said it's okay so i brought a bowl to her instead to the room..

DH comes and brings w/ him some strawberries.. then DH greets WJ.

MA tells aunt to get a bowl ready for DH since he probably didn't eat dinner.


DH: what are you doing? your leg is injured.

Sonia: cuz i was bored.

DH: don't do it even if you're bored.. read a book or something..

Sonia: okay i won't if you say not to.. but work must be busy.. i wish i could get better soon to help you..


MA: open up!

DH: oh.. this..

MA: you probably didn't eat..

DH: i didn't..

MA: eat and bring back the dishes.

DH: thanks, friend.

MA: gee! don't go overboard! (leaves)

Sonia: i keep feeling sorry when i see Miae sis.



G: why is it taking so long to get wine and cake? did something happen?

SA: no.. granny.. granny... nothing's up.. so don't worry and stay there.. i'll call you later.


DP: granny, aren't you hungry? dinner's ready. please eat..

G: what happened?

DP: hm?

G: i know something happened. why are you all keeping it quiet and secret from me! are you belittling me cuz i'm old?

DP: no granny..

G: then tell me now! where did Dongji and Sooah rush to? and Sooah was crying in the phone.. did something happen to Mansoo?

DP: --

G: tell me now!!!


G: i'm alright.. just open the car door..

DP: yes.. granny, sit in the back..


SA: granny! what do we do!!

G: he still hasn't come out from the surgery room?

SA: no.. i don't know why the surgery is taking so long..

G: (almost faints)

DJ: please get granny to sit..

SA: why did you bring granny here she has high blood pressure.. are you gonna be responsible Danpoong ssi if granny faints too?

G: don't worry about me, and don't scold her.. it was me who insisted on coming.. what happened? tell me everything you know. how did he faint..?


SJ: i'm not going down like this.. not like this.. i, Na Seon-Jae, will never go down!!


NEXT morning..



MA: ha! did you sleep here last night?

DH: that... that. i didn't do it on purpose.. i just fell asleep.

MA: this is no manner! no matter how nice i am and how great my personality is!

Sonia: im' sorry.. but we really only slept..

DH: really. i wasn't gonna live here.. i just close my eyes due to fatigue and it was day light already when i opened my eyes.. (runs out)



Yoon tells Ko and YS that the president fainted over last night and is still unconscious..


JS: oh my life.. the inlaws stole our son and daughter both!

GT: don't say such thing..

JS: fine i know Danpoong lives there now.. but how is it Seonjae and new child didn't even call!

GT: they just went to the inlaws it's not somewhere else..

JS: i don't think i have the right daughter-in-law.. how can she not fear her mother-in-law..

then SJ comes and JS asks if he fought w/ SA..


JS: hello? Sooah? Sooah why are you crying..

SA: where's Seon-Jae ssi? he's phone's been off..

JS: he's right here. but what happened?

SA: my dad fell over.. and i can't even get ahold of Seon-Jae ssi..

JS: okay.. i'll send him over immediately.. Seon-Jae go over to the hospital now.. your father-in-law had a brain hemoorhage last night and he's still in surery..


Doctor: we did our best for the surgery, but we don't know what the result will be like.

Sooah: what do you mean!

Doctor: it means the situation isn't good. at this time, we can only say we have to wait and see..


SA: dad..

SJ: (hugs her) it'll be okay.. it'll be okay (evil grin)..


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