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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest professor97

Amen, Bleu!

Dramoak, I agree with you that JS is the worse character by far--she's greedy and selfish and all about the image regardless oof who will pay the price for her image. No wonder SJ is so bad.

I would have liked to see WJ come out and yell at SA for breaking the necklace HE bought after, that is, JY decked her for once.

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I really dislike JS also. But I thought she was viewing BH from the eyes of "A Leopard an not change it's spots" as well as "The apples does not fall far from it's tree (i.e. the tree DJ (the wimp) and DH (the louse) comes from)).

BH seems to be a product of his environment. Without much he is likely to scheme his way through life, with an abundance he will use those same scheming skills to come with a strategic plan. Anyway, I was thinking that JS was more concern about what will BH do if he experiences difficulties in life. Will he 'borrow' (in her mind 'steal') money from DP or will he invest in a get rich quick scheme and squander all of their savings like his uncle.

BH's character has always been questionable in JS's eyes. So again, I thought her disapproval was not based merely on wealth but character as well.

Professor you are right I am angry because I think DH is unfair :ph34r:

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Guest joannabk

yeah i don't like Dal-Hyeon either... he's getting his cake and having it too.. way too easy..

everytime i see him hug Sonia something about it feels like a dirty old man doing something wrong. :sweatingbullets:

I tend to think that Sonia is an opportunity for DH to be 'the man'. As someone else explained it (rather eloquently), DH would never have 'grown up' with MA because she's so strong. But because Sonia is so weak, he gets a chance to step up. DH also isn't hurting anyone that much by loving Sonia. He tried to get back with MA, but she only wanted him after she found out about DH and Sonia, so she's not a candidate for victimhood. Chanee, though he'll be hurt by mom & dad not living together, would probably be hurt in a more profound way by growing up in an unhappy home. I agree, though, that DH should get a better job and get his stuff together before he announces he's running off to marry Sonia. And there are plenty other ways the writers could have written his 'growing up'. I think it's just a convenient plot point for DP to move in!

On an unrelated note, I was just watching some older episodes and I noticed that in ep 106, the block letters behind SJ's desk are arranged to misspell BONJOUR (it's BONJUOR). :D

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i can't believe after all the hospital and the crisis of DP.. the only thing JS is worried about is how much money she can get from the Bong's by marrying DP to the lowly BH... asking for a 36 pyeong apt is quite greedy... depending on where it is, but it can easily be around 1 million dollars w/in Seoul city district, and 2 million + in Kangnam (Korea's malibu), maybe even more since i don't keep good track of Seoul property price. i can understand asking for a flat 1/3 of that size.. which isn't uncommon for young working couples w/ a little of money background. but JS is just greedy and uses her children as means to get her looking rich.

SJ's behavior obviously he got from JS! Both of them are greedy and selfish . Its good that DP can stand her ground and didnt take after her Mom. JS will not givie up her daughter to BH just like that! Since her daughter is a "princess"..she will take advantage for sure.

As for JY, she' now so irritating..that i want WJ to find someone else(we're here :D ).

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Same with dramaok, JS is my least fav too. She never learnt her lesson, she knows that her son marriage always give her headache but still won't admit that marriage for money never give you happiness. She just raise and treat her children as toys and gold mine. I know she had quite hard time when married with Mr Na but for God's sake, they're her children. She can't treat them like that! :ph34r:

The witch granny becomes second, I dislike her morose look :angry: And JY coming up become third. Her dilly-dally and stupid blinded love to SJ...aww...makes me wanna give her wake-up slap. :crazy:

Thanks bm for spoiler of wedding ceremony, DP looks beautiful. Hope there're another close up of DanBaek. They're always so cute together :DBut still wonder how "BH style kiss" could be? :rolleyes: I can't think the romantic one coz his character :lol:

Life after all is not about huge happineses gained by winning money or getting the big promoton. Life is about small happinesses, like the hug between DP and BH at the hospital or the handholding between them in the elevator. It's those small joys that give meaning to life.

I like your quote, professor97 It looks like small joys but it's so warm-hearted.

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Guest bm05om

I came aross Iuphimhan and found this drama with E-sub to Epi 70. http://www.iuphimhan.com/sarang/index.php?showtopic=9226

The sub might be from KBS WORLD (I am not sure), but it's a good quality hardsub version. Hope this is useful for someone here.

Thx joicy for the info,I will add the iuphimhan link to the navi. post. :)

Blaming other people is just a way to avoid your own problems. SA is not a completely horrible person and everyone knows she is frustrated, but she is not honest with herself either. If they can't stay together, she need to pick someone who loves her the next time. No matter where you are, money can't buy true love or loyalty, no matter how much you pay.

hello bleu72,awesome first post! :D

Ep. 142 caps 3:


DP: i think we need to forget about convincing my mom.. shoud we just marry by ourselves?

BH: oh.. no.. that's not right.

DP: i'm so annoyed lately.. w/ my mom objecting you and all..


BH: but i can understand mother.. she raised you to be so beautiful and precious.. and to think of giving to a fool like me..

DP: there you go again. i said i was mad at my mom who won't understand the real you.


BH: let's just try to convince them even if it takes time. it might be hard right now for them to accept, but wouldnt' they turn around eventually seeing how beautifully we love each other?


BH:plus, above all us, if you marry w/out your mother's blessing you'd be heartbroken. i don't want to see you like that.


DP: of course i want to marry w/ blessing too, but even if not i won't give you up.

BH: thank you.. for not giving me up.. <--- :wub:



BH, DP and WJ working on new product, pea porridge. then BH gets called by MS.


MS gathers SJ and BH, and MS tells BH and SJ to work together on the new project.


MS says now that BH is acknowledged as regular hire it's time for him to learn something new too and prepare to move up.


MS tells SJ to work with BH for BH to learn about planning, on top of marketing that BH is already learning.



BH: can i read the documents and materials on the work that the planning dept has done so far.

SJ: if i give'em to you will you even understand? i'll just assign something for Park teamlead and you do what he tells you to do.


BH: no. it's my duty to research everything, and on top of that the president has already given his order, so i will need to see the documents.

SJ: is that so? then i'll tell Park teamlead about it so come and get it.



it's JY's birthday tomorrow. WJ shops for jewelry.

(but why PEARL necklace,of all jewelries?:blink: seriously..WJ's taste is a bit questionable,don't you guys think?:mellow:..well,I know it's probably for the usage in scenes later in the drama,but still..lols)




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Guest merela

(but why PEARL necklace,of all jewelries?:blink: seriously..WJ's taste is a bit questionable,don't you guys think?:mellow:..well,I know it's probably for the usage in scenes later in the drama,but still..lols)

I think WJ likes how pearls would look on JY. But you are right, pearls for a young lady is a strange choice. Of course, this necklace is a dramatic device to further the story along. They need to find a piece of jewelry that would be appropriate for JY and the investor's wife.

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Guest bm05om

I think WJ likes how pearls would look on JY. But you are right, pearls for a young lady is a strange choice. Of course, this necklace is a dramatic device to further the story along. They need to find a piece of jewelry that would be appropriate for JY and the investor's wife.

yes merela,kekeke..which is about the only reason why I can take WJ buying JY a pearl necklace(there's nothing wrong with pearls,but it's the design),or else the gift might've scared JY so much that she wants to be out of the 100-days "contract" as fast as she can.. :lol: ..

Ep.142 caps 4:

friend: omomo did you two fight? but why is the ambiance...

JS: but do you think we're little kids? who fights.. but Gil-Ja.. how can she work so hard to make a doctor out of her daughter.. then send her to marry into that kinda family?

DJ: why not? her husband seems really sincere and nice..

JS: omo look at the way she talks.. just cuz it's not her daughter..


DJ: hey you're more strange. i mean do you have to be mocking someone's groom you don't even know like that at his wedding?

JS: omo when did i mock him?

DJ: you shouldn't do that you know. how nice they look together.. a doctor bride and nurse for groom?

JS: hey! i mean ppl who are at the same level should marry so their married life is comfortable!!


DJ: hey? do you marry with level? you marry with love! ha.. gee. but isn't it so funny that Jong-Soon is talking about level now?

friend: hey.. what's wrong w/ you two.. like you're gonna be fighting..

JS: hey you stay still.. go on.. what's wrong w/ me?

DJ: ha.. should i bring up the past then? that level??! gee everyday you carried our backpacks and followed us behind us.. cham!


JS: (throws a grape or something at DJ) hey!

friend: omo.. what the.

DJ: (throws a grape too at JS)

friend: omo.. you two.. what the heck are you doing at someone's wedding!!

JS: (gasping and panting)

DJ: huh!


G: but look how pale you are... you didn't eat lunch?

SA: whatever. i have no appetitie and life is boring and everything's annoying.

G: is son in law Na not treating you well? why don't you go to your aunty granny's in American for a while then or work together with Ah-Yeong at the new gallery..

SA: i dunno.. not now..


G: then have a baby. things change when you have a baby together and raise it together. you grow more attached to each other..

SA: you want me to have Seon-Jae's baby? no..

G: then what? why did you go back there then?

SA: ack i dunno!!!


phone rings and SA goes to Yong-Joon's birthday party..

SA partying w/ yongjoon et al..


SJ: the first construction is set to go as planned?

Park: yes, but the nearby residents are protesting quite strongly.. at this rate the Yong-Do factory building may be affected.


SJ: but we can't postpone the construction.. that is something we already expected, so please keep going as planned.


DP's appointment w/ market rep is postponed, so DP goes home instead...while BH shows up at DP's w/ flowers and fruits.



BH: (bows)

JS: don't you hear what i say? i said leave immediately.

BH: mother..i know i am lacking.. but i have confidence that i can make Danpoong happy more than anyone else. please approve us.


JS: hey i said no already.. fine then.. if you won't go then fine.. (calls DJ) hey come get your son.

DJ: what do you mean?

JS: your son is here and won't leave as if someone welcomes him..

DJ: is that the truth? let me talk to him.



JS: here it's your mom.

BH: mom. don't worry. i'll be back soon after i talk here for a little.

DJ: (shouting) hey come home at once or else (BH already hung up)


BH: (kneels) mother. please approve.

JS: omomo look at him.. who are you calling mom! get out i said! get out now!! (throws flower and fruit basket)



DP comes: mom!


End of 142 caps.

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Guest uni33

I think WJ likes how pearls would look on JY. But you are right, pearls for a young lady is a strange choice. Of course, this necklace is a dramatic device to further the story along. They need to find a piece of jewelry that would be appropriate for JY and the investor's wife.

I've noticed that lately pearl necklaces are becoming fashionable again for young people and they are often the symbol of purity and marriage...although I am biased as I love pearl necklaces.

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I've noticed that lately pearl necklaces are becoming fashionable again for young people and they are often the symbol of purity and marriage...although I am biased as I love pearl necklaces.

I love pearls too ... very elegant but kinda conservative in the eyes of young people ... there is a reason for using pearls ... it's symbolic as the beads were scattered when the strand broke when SA ripped it from JY ... there is a dramatic effect with WJ & JY picking up every piece on the floor. :wub:

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I love pearls too ... very elegant but kinda conservative in the eyes of young people ... there is a reason for using pearls ... it's symbolic as the beads were scattered when the strand broke when SA ripped it from JY ... there is a dramatic effect with WJ & JY picking up every piece on the floor. :wub:

As I watched the necklace being ripped from JY's throat and all the pieces being scattered onto the floor all I could see is SA pulling her's and JS marriage asunder. :ph34r:

Hi bleu72! Enjoyed your post and Welcome to the thread!

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SPOILER DanBaek pics.^^

Annyeong haseyo,we're DanBaek,

and we're married now.


Woohoo! Thanks for sharing this with us bm! Very nice, I thought I had died and gone to heaven! :rolleyes:

This couple has to be a fav one to date after Kwon Sang Woo and Ha Ji Won for me.

And by the way, Ive just realized the first post was edited! :D Now I can go and collect this from ep 1 :D

Thanks sortygurl and your awesomeness bm05om!

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Guest Gen_Ji

Hi..MiGoers...All this while I just very enjoy visiting this thread everyday to read the summary and spoiler from DanBaek couple...and just read it in silence...hehe...but I think I have to express out and at least say thanks to those who have provide the summary and caps...

although I can watch the drama in KBSworld but it's some eps behind and I'm very curious about the couple alr...so I visit this thread and wow...I can find many discussion about them and also the caps and summary....

Dramaok...I always enjoy what you have summaries and caps for every eps...so keep the good job and thank you...

also thanks bm05om for the spoiler pic of their wedding pic and also their summary and caps as well...They look good together....

I was very enjoy what you both did to the summary and caps and all...It must be hard and need many time to do that...just want to say that I was very appreciated it...

also thanks to Khai for the cuts...I love to see the cuts...

now we just have to wait till their wedding day....Hope they can change DP'mom thought of BH after they married...and make SJ - SA 's couple jealous of them...:lol:

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Guest allydean

I Wasn't able to watch the today's episode live. So what did I miss, anyone? Thanks.

I don't understand what was said but I can give you a gist of today's ep :

- SA and SJ has another fight over JY, SJ looked like he had enough of SA

- WJ picked up the pearls that were scattered on the floor, and several people who saw the incident helped him picking up the pearls (very nice scene)

- granny wanted BH and DP to stay at the Bong's for a year (I figured it must be because SA had to live with the Na's for a year as well and also, as mentioned by dramaok, because she was cheap)

- DP agrees to the idea (without discussing with her parents) to granny's surprise (perhaps she thought DP would change her mind about marrying BH since the idea of living with the Na's made SA almost canceling her marriage to SJ)

- DJ went to see JS and she mentioned about DP agreeing to stay at the Bong's (BH's room) and JS looked like she was about to burst

a second round match between DP and JS, anyone? or JS and granny witch? which do you fancy?

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Guest bm05om

Thanks, bm,... love the pics,.. they looked so good and comfortable together,.. :D

their pose and body language in the pic is

just heavenly,honestly they have to be included in the list of the best-matched onscreen couples ever..very lovely.

:) But it pains me to see HJH looking tired in the pic :tears: ,and her makeup didnt help either;recent events with LDG's brother has taken it's toll on her..and to think she has to be filming all the most loveydovey scenes while she's going through this hard time :( ,himnaeseyo Han Ji-Hye-ssi!!Aja!

also thanks bm05om for the spoiler pic of their wedding pic and also their summary and caps as well...They look good together....

I was very enjoy what you both did to the summary and caps and all...It must be hard and need many time to do that...just want to say that I was very appreciated it...

You're welcome,Gen_Ji..do post more often.^__^

a second round match between DP and JS, anyone? or JS and granny witch? which do you fancy?

My vote's for Witch Jr VS Granny Witch!! :w00t:

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Guest merela

- DJ went to see JS and she mentioned about DP agreeing to stay at the Bong's (BH's room) and JS looked like she was about to burst

What goes around comes around. Since the Na's (well, Mr. Na) insisted that SA stays with them for a year, it's only fair that DP and BH stays with the Bong's for a year. But I don't think DP would suffer much staying with the Bong's. For one thing, she has a full time job and she helps around the house. She also has a husband who loves her. DP knows BH doesn't have the money to buy a house. So for DP, this was a no brainer decision.

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