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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest bm05om

:lol: I did,.. what made it even funnier was they put WJ's song (the one he sang to JY) in the background,... LOL

is there a link to the fanmade clip? these days i think the fanmade stuff is actually more interesting than the actual migo episodes.. :ph34r:

lmao "feat.WJ"..using WJ's serenade for the clip was mad brilliant,it wouldn't have worked that well if they didnt..kekekeke.. :lol: just thinking about it can make me laugh like crazy..lols.

i agree dramaok,the fan creations and manips are really something. :lol: For example,we've never seen DanBaek out on a date with casual clothes on,so we get these..manips from HJH's "Humming"..haha.

credits:Migo dcgall (I especially like the 3rd one^^)




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Guest bm05om

BH with DP sporting three different hairstyles,...

lols..such a rare commodity,no? :rolleyes:

btw here's the translation for the "SJ/Mr.Park Beautiful Proposal" clip,... :lol:

WJ's serenade in the background:how great.. that upon meeting you.. upon seeing you.. that i could grasp my breath.. upon holding you.. upon gaining strength so that i could shed these tears in times of trouble ..

SJ: do yo have a woman you love?

Park: --

SJ: Teamlead, will you go to the end with me?

Park: it's my honor.

LMAO..I really need to stop... :lol::lol:

Ep.139 caps 2:

DH went to the Hwang's and stared at Sonia's darkened room,wallowing in his sadness before Chan-ee came bouncing over to him,all happy and excited..



NEXT morning..DH slept over after getting drunk and in the morning MA lays next to him, which startles DH.(I just had to cap this part..lol)






DP sees BH walking w/ no energy and DP runs and taps him on the back



BH: oh! you surprised me!

DP: haha it's been a while that was fun. does it hurt a lot?

BH: gee.. of course my back..


DP: who said anything about your back i'm talking about here (BH's heart)..

BH: --


DP: how do we treat our Baekho's heart pains.. what should i do..

BH: but am i the only one aching? it hurts you more..


DP: here! treatment medicine! (cheerful tone) this is a special medicine that cures even the little pain..


DP: i was in a little pain yesterday too and ate one and i got refreshed right away! see.. don't i look it?

BH: heh.. i thought this was for treating sleepiness but oh didn't know it works on heart pain too.. this i gotta try one then.. (eats pepperment candy) oh! i feel happy already!


DP: see. i told you the cure is immediate!



just then SJ textmessages BH to see him upstairs.. BH says it's just an ad message..


SJ: i plan to reassign Danpoong to work in Amercia.

BH: ?!!


SJ: but if you promise me you won't meet her again then i can cancel it.

BH: let me just ask you one thing! why can't it be me? Danpoong and i really love each other sincerely..


SJ: (scoff) look here Kang Baekho.. you really don't know? or are you just pretending? what will become of Danpoong if she marries you? we know mother-in-law and you aren't welcomed by that family.. what will become of Danpoong then when she goes in there as the daughter-in-law?

BH: --


SJ: don't you think it's too much of a sacrifice for Danpoong to live as your wife? i will say this again, but you and Danpoong is an impossibility. why would we go so far as to send her to America? you don't want to see her live apart from her family far away do you?

BH: --


SJ: then make a decision like a man.. what is really the best for Danpoong?




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:lol: So we're not the only ones waiting for the Real Kiss. Many...many DanBaek fans eager for it too. Hope PD will make it happen as soon as possible. There're always ways to pressure PD :lol::lol:

Hmmm...have the drama ended? Anyone knows which episode will it end? I don't think there's going to be a real kiss btw DP and BH because I was watching korean entertainment relay show and there was one segment about Ji Hye new movie "Humming", she invited that BH guy (pardon me, I don't know his real name) and he was like saying they didn't really have a real kiss in the drama so he was looking forward to the kiss scene in the "Humming" movie....so it's like there won't be a kiss scene utimately. I am not too sure about this, but I just interpreted this from the entertainment relay show.

JiHye is getting so much prettier each time I see her hahhahaha :rolleyes:

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Just finish today episode... Of course the dinner kinda mess-up. DP's mom drag her out. but the good thing that Mansu on their side. Both mothers still cannot acept them... DP's father dont say anything...

Rep Yoon, suggest them to get pregnant! Haha!

I hope after BH & DP incident... SA will realize her mother-in-law true colour! And she will know how SJ was weak...

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Guest kauaisurfer

Maybe SJ intends to give the necklace to SA for certain date but SA treats it like SJ is going to give JY...SA is right about telling SJ off to tell DP to wed BH cos she might see another man after marriage..its true..now seeing SA i dont hate or dislike her anymore..shes like the only one who can compete the cruelness with SJ..

SillyYun...I understand what you are saying but being able to compete with cruelness is not a basis for healthy relationship or in this case a marriage. I just can NOT feel sorry for SA..."You reap what you sow"...

We ALWAYS call her a ZERO ...because she thinks she is entitled by birth for everything to go her way ...just by wanting & willing it!

In a basic logic...You have to work for success including a successful marriage.

However, in SJ's case I think he is beyond help (Bad Karma)...when his dirty dealing at work comes to light...his "house of cards" will surely fall...

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Guest merela

I think SA has grown to like BH, even though she hasn't overtly shown her affection towards him. As BH/DP's relationship obstacles unfold, SA will see nothing wrong for BH to be together with DP. She will side with BH. Of course, this is only my guess. I find it interesting how this show's plot just evolves on its own and everything makes sense and connects well. I wonder whether the writer planned it from day one.

JY is a stubborn lady. When the entire world (her whole family and friends) thinks she should be with WJ, she is still contemplating. Her heart is still with SJ. She can't get him out of her heart and mind. Will WJ be able to turn her heart around in 100 days?! I think something drastic will have to happen for JY to change her mind.

I don't think SJ loves SA like he loved JY, but he certainly likes her enough to marry her. In his own way, he does love SA. But he loves his career and his definition of success more than his personal relationship. Remember how he told his dad off about not wanting to live like him?! Remember how SJ had to work hard for a scholarship so he can study abroad. So things don't come easily for him up to the point where he met SA. SJ is confident that he has the ability to do great things if given the chance. Coming from his family, with limited connection (or his dad's refusal to use the connections he has), he had to work doubly hard for his achievement. No doubt SJ loved JY, but at the point when he decided to marry SA, he had found a short-cut to success. For a guy who clearly wanted success (his own definition of success) and saw a short cut to it, he grabbed it. Of course he had to sacrifice JY to achieve that. He felt badly about it. But between career success and JY, he knew what he wanted and chose accordingly. By choosing SA, SJ has success at work, but failure at home. In Mr. Bong's case, after reaching success at home, he was determined to marry the woman he gave up years ago. He had wanted success at home as well. Who knows what kind of success SJ will have if he had chosen JY?!

For SJ to keep coming back to JY, it was easy to understand. He just couldn't get her out of his system. Needless to say, SA sensed this and forced SJ, in her own way, to forget JY. Remember before SA and SJ got married, SA said she didn't mind that people will think that SJ married her for her family background. I think she meant it then. She was confident that she can make SJ forget JY. She was an overly confident, snobbish, and spoiled woman. Her marriage had made her lonely, insecure, and unhappy. She is still spoiled, but she is not the same girl she was when she met SJ.

Whether SA divorces SJ or not, I think she will be the only character in this show who will truly benefit from her experience (for the duration of the show) and learn something about life. Unlike JY, she is still where she was at the beginning of the show. She hasn't learned from her experience.

On a side note. I'm so nervous about the Taiwan presidential election that this drama is proving to have calming effect on me.

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Guest kauaisurfer

And what DP said to DJ was really wonderful too,"One can make up what they lack in education or wealth, but... the heart Baekho ssi has, isn't something you can easily make up.."..my absolute fave line,and it's definitely something that pig SeonJae and his beloved mom should've heard.. <_<

We have to Agree that ....It is A true K-Drama Romantic Moment.

A "Shout Out" to You...bm05om for your recap on Episode #139...

The Arrogance showed by SJ toward BH on the rooftop ...is a metaphor for "Good Karma vs. Bad Karma"...

We In Kauai...Appreciate Your Efforts!...THANKS!

JY is a stubborn lady. When the entire world (her whole family and friends) thinks she should be with WJ, she is still contemplating. Her heart is still with SJ. She can't get him out of her heart and mind. Will WJ be able to turn her heart around in 100 days?! I think something drastic will have to happen for JY to change her mind.

merela...We Agree and this purely a guess...But we think when his illegal/unethical actions are exposed ...we think this will be the catalyst for SJ to be seen in another light for many of the characters in the drama.

..."No Man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true"

Quote by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 141 (Wed. March 19, 08):


JS: omomo what the heck are you two doing right now? honey, did you know about this too?

GT: what.. no..

BH: i'm sorry to do this w/out your permission.

DP: mom, dad, please have a seat.

BH: mom, and father, please have a seat too.

JS: i don't know what you planned but i can't sit here. bye.. and enjoy your meal.

DP: mom!

GT: honey.. we're here already let's have a seat.

MS: yes.. please do since we're already here...it seems they worked hard to create this, why don't we listen at least?

BH: first, i'm sorry for doing this w/out parental approval. Danpoong ssi and i thought about it hard.

JS: what exactly do you have to say to take so long..

BH: the two of us are very fond of each other.

JS: it's this talk isn't it? so? so what you like each other?

DP: mom.. Baekho ssi is trying to tell you, why do you act like this w/out listening first.

JS: in-law mister, since you're here, please do something to stop this.. isn't it the elder's place to block something that's not right? isn't it so, mrs. In-law? you don't plan to let them be like this, do you?

DJ: --

BH: mother, we really love each other sincerely. please approval us getting married.

JS: marriage? w/ who? w/ our Danpoong? why don't you all speak? do you think it makes sense for in-laws to get married? why don't you talk? please i ask you, but help your son get his mind straight.

DJ: mrs. inlaw, let me just ask you one thing, what do you dislike about my son so much? i mean they like each other so much..

JS: omo.. then.. do you want me to say it w/ my own mouth? do i?

DJ: (upset) regardless, they like each other so much that they created this meeting, can't you just hear what they have to say once?

MS: honey..

JS: (angry) omomo.. so? .. are you saying you're gonna let your son and my daughter marry, Huh?

GT: honey!


JS: (gets up) excuse me, but i don't know why i have to sit here any longer. (grabs DP) let's go Danpoong.

DP: mom.. let's finish the talk first.

JS: what talk? do you really want to see your mom faint? hurry come.. come.. honey! why are you still sitting there!

GT: please understand.. my wife has always had really high expectations for Danpoong thus... then.. (leaves)

MS tells DJ to go home first, while he goes to have a drink with Baekho..


DP: mom! mom! let go of my arm...

JS: oh. you know to be ashamed, do you? get in!

GT: how can you just leave like that infront of the inlaws?

JS: in-law? didn't you see it just now? now i know they're all out of their minds, except for me.

DP: mom, dad, can't you at least give me and Baekho a chance?

GT: let's go back in there and talk.. it'll be hard to meet like this again. if it's really a no then we decide and convince them..

JS: but she's not in a proper state to listen.. we should just send her to America.

DP: mom! you're my mom but you can't do this. if you really keep this up then i'm really gonna do what i want (tries to get out of the car)

JS: (starts beating DP on the arm) honey what the heck are you doing not driving!


MS: (pours a shot of liquor for BH)

BH: let me pour you a glass too.

MS: oh yeah.. do.. acham.. let's toast..

BH: i'm sorry to worry you w/ something like this.

MS: it's very hard on you, isn't it?

BH: at first it was and i was tormented a lot whether or not i have a right to love Danpoong ssi, but then i realize i was making it harder on Danpoong ssi in doing so, so now i've decided not to think that way anymore.

MS: your mother is worried a lot, and her heart really aches a lot over this.

BH: --

MS: from what i saw today, Na teamlead's mother will continue to object strongly.

BH: (nods) i expect it. i know i am lacking much compared to Danpoong ssi, and i believe eventually my sincerity will be shown.

MS: (laughs) oh then keep going w/ that mindset! and i will put my strength in you too.

BH: (!) thank you... !



SJ: aren't you gonna eat dinner? i didn't eat yet.

SA: if you wanna eat then eat by yourself i don't feel like it.

SJ: then wait just a little i'll show you my secret skills today.

SA: is that part of you trying hard too?

SJ: why arguing again? Soo-Ah ssi let's try hard!

SA: in that case shouldn't you have bought me a of rose at least?

SJ: oh.. i forgot.. but tomorrow i will buy you not one but a bouquet of them!

SA: forget it. i was just asking for no reason, in case there was something.

SJ: okay then.. come down in a little bit. i'll make yummy fried rice.

SA: "maybe Ah-Yeong saw wrong at the dept store..?"


SJ: oh good timing. the fried rice just got done.

SA: i came down for water. i don't want it.

SJ: oh try it.. i didn't eat it and i worked extra hard to make it yummy for you..

SA: (drinks water and leaves)


JS: don't step one step outside of the home tomorrow and on!

DP: then what about work? if i get fired are you gonna be responsible for it then?

JS: is work the issue right now? life is about to end. (shouting) even if you don't go to that little job of yours there's still food to eat!!

DP: no matter what you do you can't keep me and Baekho apart!

SJ: Na Danpoong! what's wrong with you really!

DP: that's what i want to ask! what's wrong with you all really!!! (goes to room)

GT: honey you stop already. what do you gain from doing this?

JS: omo.. stop? then do we let her and Baekho marry then? huh?!!!

GT: aish.. (goes to room)

JS: oh i can't live.. can't live..


SJ: Danpoong! the more you're stubborn like this the more he will suffer too!

DP: why are you like this too? oppa, i'm warning you clearly! if you ever lay a hand on Baekho ssi again i will never forgive you, got it!?

SJ: that's why i'm telling you to wrap it up and meet someone right for you!

DP: i'm matched greatly with Baekho ssi.. so very great! so don't you try to get in the way between us w/ a nonsense like that! (goes in to room)


SA: Danpoong ssi is pretty wild and odd.. how can she like Baekho? but since they like each other so much why don't you just leave them alone and let them marry?

SJ: Soo-Ah ssi!

SA: if you get in their way, what if Danpoong ssi marries some other man, but even as a married woman, she keeps seeing Baekho in secret cuz she can't forget him? like someone else?! (leaves)



granny: where's Mansoo? he didn't come w/ you?

DJ: oh.. he wanted to have a drink out with Baekho..

granny: aigo..what is there that he can't talk about at home to be meeting out.. but Soo-Ah called and told me.. what is that all about? acham.. i can't believe it.. is it really true about Baekho and in-law miss?

DJ: --

granny: i live to see such strange thing.. how can it be? you gotta give Baekho a good scolding and tell him to put it away.. i mean regardless it's between in-laws how can there be such bad mark?

DJ: --

granny: in-law miss seemed really nice and smart, but i suppose as they say you never know what can happen between a man and woman.. but still how can they create such nonesense..!

MS comes: you're still up.

granny: oh i thought you went to drink with Baekho but you didn't drink too much.. so did you give him a good scolding?

MS: but i think they really like each other..

granny: so then? are you gonna agree w/ them if they say they will marry? don't even think about it, or else you might become enemies with the in-laws.


MS: don't be too upset.. if you do this Baekho will suffer more.

DJ: you should've talked Baekho out of it.. what did you say to him?

MS: but when i see Baekho today i was reminded of us in the past.

DJ: (sigh)

MS: but if we don't understand him, who will? we know better than anyone how tormented he must be.

DJ: then. did you come home w/out saying a thing to Baekho?!

MS: i want to help Baekho as much as i can.

DJ: that can't be. i don't want to send Baekho to marry that family.

MS: then what? you can't separate them. you and i know that better than anyone, isn't it so?

DJ: i'm saying no, because we know! because we know! i want my son to marry under the blessing of others. but look how they're mocking him and jeering at him.. why does Baekho need to be treated like that? what wrong did he commit!

MS: --

DJ: you don't know what that is like.. to be looked down and humiliated, and still having to lower your head infront of the people who don't acknowledge you, how low that feels. why must my son suffer that too? honey, i want to die..

MS: (hugs her)

DJ: what crime did i commit that Baekho has to suffer that too?



DP: "are you still in the middle of talking? when you're alone give me a call. i want to at least hear your voice, Baekho ssi.. "


BH: it's me.

DP: where are you?

BH: home.

DP: it was hard on you a lot today, wasn't it?

BH: no.. but i have good news..

DP: good news? what is it?

BH: my father approves us.. he's gonna be on our side from now on..

DP: really?! but why are you telling me such important news now!?

BH: i was afraid it might be hard for you to talk on the phone.. but your parents seemed really startled.. are you alright?

DP: yeah..

BH: next time, we shouldn't use this method no matter how urgent and desperate we feel. i think from a parent's view they can get angry.

DP: okay. but it's so great that the president is on our side. now we just need to persuade my mom and dad, and your mother..

BH: president? that's not right.

DP: oh yeah..? then.. father? but that's kinda weird since i call him president everyday..

BH: anyway.. things are getting better slowly.. so let's cheer up.

DP: okay.. i'm still full of life!

BH: (smiles and nods then sighs)



aunt: you're back already?

WJ: yup. i wanted to play more but Ji-Yeong says she's tired.

MA: gee Ji-Yeong how is it that you get tired from playing?

dad: oh you're here. did you have dinner?

aunt: (to MA) go make some tea.

WJ: we had tea already.. please sit...

MA: omo.. Woo-Jin you have your ring on too.. oh put your hands out so we can admire your rings..

JY: aunt!

WJ: oh i don't really want to...

dad: c'mom let's have a look..


GJ: omae.. look how the two of you are so suitable even your hands..

aunt: i know.

JY: (pulls hand away) why are you all like this really..


JY: (frees her hand from WJ's) you should go now..

WJ: ah this is so strange.. why is it that when i'm w/ you time goes by so fast? i think there's a thief that steals time..

JY: heh.. then should i walk you to the main street then?

WJ: heh.. no it's okay.. then you'll have to walk back here alone.. i'll just go from here.. bye..

JY: (walks in but turns around and looks around as if she's looking for someone, then covers her face in frustration as she sighs)



next morning...


JS tries to stop DP from leaving for work but DP has already left.

SJ: don't worry too much. i will try to rush her appointment for U.S. branch as soon as possible.

JS: yeah do that. even if it's a day sooner. to think that she's seeing Baekho at work my heart is going to drop..



DJ: come sit. (grabs BH's hand)

BH: what's wrong? mom why is your face so swollen? did you cry last night?

DJ: who cried... but don't talk about anything else and tell me what will you do. now i can't approve you and Danpoong cuz it hurts my pride.

BH: but mom... father even approved yesterday.

DJ: you endured that yesterday and you're still not gonna wake up? what do you lack that you have to marry under that kind of humiliation?

BH: mom! now i can't be w/out Danpoong ssi anymore

DJ: oh.. what am i gonna do w/ you..

BH: you don't know how strong i feel with i'm w/ Danpoong ssi. even the permanent employee test, w/out Danpoong ssi i wouldn't have even started on it.

DJ: --

BH: you know i have no interest in studying and i'm bad at it, but whenever it was hard for me, Danpoong ssi was by my side to cheer me up and help me through. if i didn't have her, i wouldn't even dream of such position, and i wouldn't even tried or made it. Danpoong ssi is someone i'm grateful toward, mom! please.. approve us..

DJ: but am i doing this cuz i don't like Danpoong? am i doing this cuz i'm not happy with her?! huh?



BH: eung? why did you come so early?

DP: cuz i was bored at home..

BH: did you have breakfast though?

DP: of course! you gotta eat well to have energy.. to think that the president is on our side i feel so strong..

BH: yes.. let's be stronger!

DP: what about your mother? what did she say?

BH: she's still.. but don't worry about her.. my mom's always on my side. (grabs her hands) but what to do Danpoong ssi is suffering so much...

DP: but i told you, i'm really fine.


Ko: omo! aren't you two too much i can't see you blind me.

Yoon: i thought it smelled funny this morning.. you two were the culprits!

Ko: i know. i'm gonna develop old maid's hysteria because of you two.

DP: oh why is everyone like this...

BH: (claps) listen here.. in order to get rid of this smell i will get you all some coffee then.


manager Shin comes: Na Teamlead. what happened? you're transferring to the branch in America? when was this arranged?


BH: Danpoong ssi!! Danpoong ssi.. follow along first.. (breathe hard).. first don't get too upset and keep your calm..

DP: i really hate my brother when he's like this!

BH: how about setting up a plan w/ me first before you go see him? i think you're too emotional right now.

DP: no plans right now! this is between me and my brother so don't get involved, Baekho ssi. i don't like you and brother facing off.


DP: are you really gonna do this oppa?! how can you appoint me to America w/ no regard to my opinion? do you think this will make me break up with Baekho ssi? huh?

SJ: this was decided by the elders. i have no choice.

DP: cancel the transfer appointment at once! i don't want to go. there must be many ppl who are asking to go instead.

SJ: it's already been decided. so don't waste your effort and do what you're told.

DP: let me make this clear to you. quitting is quitting, but there's no way i'm going to America. no.. even i end up going.. i will marry Baekho ssi first and go w/ him! so you better forget about trying to separate us!

SJ: do you really want to suffer a reprimand from me?!

DP: do you know how digusting you are when you're like this? why do you act so one-sided?

SJ: no why are you being so foolish? why do you want to a marriage that unwelcomed by the family.

DP: i am the one who is disappointed with everyone in my family through this. up until now, has anyone from our family even met with Baekho ssi to talk to him sincerely? to understand who and why i love him.

SJ: at least you should bring someone who is qualified to talk about whether or not he's suitable.

DP: oppa!

SJ: i don't want to keep talking useless things with you so you should leave now.


Yoon: what did he say? i think the director must be pretty fired up. he probably told you to just go to America, huh?

DP: !?

BH: you know rep. Yoon catches on quickly he already figured it out before i told him anything. but have a seat too..

DP: (sits)

Yoon: to be truth, when i found out you two loved each other i was concerned you might meet a lotta objection. but you two.. you're not teenagers you're both adults. you can resolved his w/ just one room.

DP/ BH: one room?!

Yoon: just do it..

DP/ BH: ?


Yoon: you know.. it's done in dramas a lot.. (gestures pregnant woman) this.. you know.. huhhuh..

BH/ DP: !



the newly hired girl quit after a day of work. boss misses Sonia who always worked hard earnestly w/out complain, and DH is sad over it.


Miae is bothered about seeing Sonia the other day and goes to find her again, just when Sonia gets scolded by the diner lady over broken bowls.

MA: ajoomma! if you carry something heavy it's possible to drop it too isn't it?

Sonia: Miae sister!

MA asks the lady if she can speak to Sonia, and in exchange she will buy 2 orders of the most expensive dish in the house.


MA: this is it? the place you wrote that sob letter and left for?

Sonia: i'm sorry sister, but don't worry, i will hide well so mister doesn't find me, and soon, i'm going back to Kazakstan.

MA: you promise me you're gonna really stay well hidden!

Sonia: (nods)

MA: he... finally seems like he's about to get his act right. if he sees you he will lose it again.. i know Oh Dal-Hyeon's personality well. once he's fallen it's hard for him to get out. right now, i think he's trying hard to put away his feelings for Chanee's sake, so you better keep hiding..


MA: you hate me, don't ya? you think i'm shameless, don't ya?

Sonia: no. i don't hate you.. i was short in thinking then.. the person i miss the most after coming to Korea is my mom.. and Chanee is much younger than me. of course he should receive love from his mom.. i was too greedy.. i'm sorry.

MA: funny! don't make ppl feel bad, and just hate me instead.. so you can be my match.



Mr. Chen the endangered investor turned around and will continue to invest in Bonjour expansion project. MS compliments SJ on the necklace choice for Mr. Chen's wife since they love it.

MS: haha.. how did you get such an idea.. but you worked really hard this time..


not knowing SJ bought the necklace for Mr. Chen's wife, SA gets impatient and goes to see her friend to find out more about SJ buying jewelry.


SA: so the jewelry shop where you saw my husband.. where was it?

AY: oh ya.. what did your husband buy for you yesterday? earrings? necklace? it looked like a necklace..

SA: yup.

AY: let's see.. oh you didn't wear it? why?

SA: i don't really like the chain.

AY: but still... you should wear it if it's from your husband.

SA: that's why i wanted to ask you about it so i can go and exchange the chain.


SA: hello? Na Seon-Jae bought a necklace?. how much was the price? what?! i'll deposit a tip for you.



SJ: Soo-Ah ssi! see i've kept my promise..

SA: who the heck asked you to buy such a petty thing (throws bouquet on the ground).



SJ: if you really can't live me then go back to your maiden home.

SA: what are you gonna do after sending me away? are you gonna openly see that broad then?

MS: i've decided to approve Baekho marrying.

granny: why would you come forward?

MA to DH: just go there. that's where that chick is.

DP: should we just marry by ourselves?

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Guest kauaisurfer

A quick ? for a kind hearted fellow soompi post...

Who is this mysterious Mr. Chen & how does SJ know him? Is Mr. Chen a "white knight" investor? Is he a real person or part of a SJ scam?

Anyone any info ...will be appreciated.

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Guest bm05om

A "Shout Out" to You...bm05om for your recap on Episode #139...

Mr and Mrs..there's more caps coming from #139,it was such an interesting ep.. :sweatingbullets:

dramaok,thanks for the summary.^^

Ep.139 caps 3:

DP: i called you to meet because i wanted to apologize on behalf of my mother for what happened

yesterday. (bows) i'm sorry.

DJ: but i showed an embarrassing image too.. but what do you like so much about our Baekho?

DP: --

DJ: this may sound laughable, but even to me you seem too good... and i fought like your mom like that yesterday, but i understand how she feels too


DP: most ppl may see it that way, but not me. in my opinion, Baekho ssi is actually too good for me. Baekho ssi is a person who knows to think of others before himself, so even watching him makes my heart warm..


DP: and no matter what happens to me he will always be on my side.. so what more would i greed from him? one can make up what they lack in education or wealth, but the heart Baekho ssi has isn't someting you can easily make up.. that is why above all else, i trust Baekho ssi.


DJ: but what will you do about your mother? as i see it, your mother has a lot of ambition for her children. must you insist this putting such damper on your mother's heart? thus, i think it's best for both families that you put away your feelings soon.. and i will worry about Baekho.

DP: (teary) mother.. mother, couldn't give your strength? if just you can approve i think we could gain so much strength.

DJ: i'm sorry.. but i can't bless this kind of marriage either.. you two should hurry and put away your feelings. as i see it that is the best thing to do..



Back at Bonjour..


WJ: do you have some worry? hm? say it it's better to let it out when you're troubled.

BH: can i ask you something? you loved Ji-Yeong in the past, but why did you leave?


WJ: oh.. such difficult question.. by chance have you heard the saying love needs to meet the right timing? back then.. the timing wasn't right for us. Ji-Yeong already had someone she loved, and there was nothing i could do for her to make her happy, and i also felt i couldn't be happy next to her like that..

BH: --


WJ: i could endure everything else, but i didn't want to make the woman i love suffer because of me, thus i put on a cool front and left.

BH: then.. did you regret?

WJ: no.. that was the best choice then.. but do you have some troubles with Danpoong ssi?




after work, DP's mom calls her and asks her why she's not home yet. DP cries and begs her mom to understand them or else she might run away w/ Baekho somewhere cuz she's not giving up on BH no matter what..





Without DP realizing it,BH had walked in to see and hear everything, and then BH takes her stuff and drags her somewhere..



DP: where are we going?

BH: somewhere good.

DP: where?

BH: gee stop nagging and let's go have fun today! forget everything let's play!


BH: you should call home it might be a late night.

DP: no. and i took out the batteries.

BH: but i will still call.. hi mom.. it's me.. sorry but i can't come home for dinner today due to work.. please tell them for me..

BH: then today.. let's turn off the phones and spend the day just for the two of us!



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Guest merela

I thought the scene between DP and Mrs. Bong in Ep. 139 was one of the best scenes between 2 actresses. I thought DP had almost convinced Mrs. Bong to support her relationship with BH. But Mrs. Bong held her ground, but she was visibly touched by DP's declaration of love for BH. That was one great piece of TV script writing.

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Guest bm05om

That was one great piece of TV script writing

Agreed,merela.Really liked that scene.:)

Ep.138 caps 4: (The Date)

BH and DP spent some time having fun together at the amusement park..with BH trying to act like everything's fine the entire time..


..lols.. :lol::lol:


bumping into each other..^^



I'm not sure if KJS was even acting for this scene,cuz I think JiSuk might have acrophobia in real life...look at HJH just laughing there..keke..poor JiSuki,.. :blush:



HJH must be thinking,"if only everyday work is this fun".. :D



Stairway To Heaven,MiGo Edition? ;)





DP quietly slipped her hand into BH's.. :wub: poor girl has no idea what's gonna happen next.. :(






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Guest SillyYun

bah after hearing from Woojin..got a feeling that BH might be the one going US instead of DP :(

and he might come back with like really good position and career and then get back together with DP..

but i think they'll prob drag it cos BH is the main lead..

thats just my thoughts..

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I've noticed that whenever SA can not get her way she goes out and acts like a richard simmons. It's as if her whole existance is dependent upon a man. Maybe she didn't get enough fatherly love to give her the confidence that she should have.

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