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Left Handed Or Right Handed?

Guest VindictusDame

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Guest meginax

lefty... it gets really annoying cause the majority of people are right handed and so i'm always bumping elbows with people when I sit next to them

why is it that most people are right handed?

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Guest J-Lim

right handed! but i'm left handed for 1 thing... computer mouse :lol: bcos some years ago when i was a pc freak i broke my right hand so i learnt fastly to use mouse with left hand :lol: and it remainded like that until now. ahahah a freaking sick history lolz.

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Guest p00crumz

im right handed sigh lol. lefties are known to be more creative n stuff. lucky for you guys >o< hehehee.

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Guest Stacy

I'm a lefty.

I never knew there were so many lefties out there.

lefty... it gets really annoying cause the majority of people are right handed and so i'm always bumping elbows with people when I sit next to them

why is it that most people are right handed?

Because being right handed is a dominate trait.
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Guest suki_*

I heard that left handed people die 7 years earlier than right handed people on average.

I think that's a lie though lol

I'm right handed though ^^. So ordinary.

A few of my close friends are left handed.

it's true ... because society is so right-hand oriented that accidents can happen (e.g.car clutch on the right hand, instinctively act with left hand instead... crash.)

i'm both. Born left handed, trained to use the right... but always secretly still used left when i can... so now i'm both.

haha i sit beside my dad when i use chopsticks, we're both leftys.

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Guest desertseatingoceans

I am right-handed. My younger sister is ambidextrous though, which means she can write with both hands. She prefers her left though.

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Guest kokichi

I was left handed when i was born but my parents made me change in 1st grade. I still use left for eating, bowling, pick/carry stuff. My handwritings similar with both hands. My left is stronger than right though..

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

I'm right-handed.

My brother was born left-handed, but my mom made him use his right. Now he's ambidextrous.

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Guest miss.catherine

i'm ambidextrous. :)

i write with my right, but play sports/do other things with my left.

according to my parents, i was writing/drawing/doodling with my left hand as a baby, so they forced me to write with my right. so i guess that's why i can use both hands? xD

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Guest fastfalco382

Right-handedGetting better at left because of handball and writing with it ;DRight-handedGetting better at left because of handball and writing with it ;D

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I was left handed when I was young but my mom switched over to my right.

I write with my right and do basically everything but sports with my right hand.

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