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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest Incise Soul

Mine was okay? I felt really WEIRD though! When he put his tongue into my mouth... I was like "O_O!" It was all good afterward though.. when I got used to it.

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Guest Aravis

My boyfriend and I had no experience at all before that. It was so awkward and confusing. XD But now that I look back on it, it was cute. :P

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Guest linny

^ Don't most people who make out for hours just vary the pace and occasionally take breaks? There's always a lot to explore even when making out... I don't know, time passes by pretty fast for me.

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Guest Tai-chan

disgusting! soo much drool *___* i hated that guy, he stole my first kiss >___< but its fine, my bf now is an AWESOME kisser XD

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Guest delightful123

i totally don't remember my first makeout session.. hahaha... but i don't think it was all that enjoyable o.O i remember my first KISS.. but not my first makeout session~ i do know that the making out got a lot better with time though... it wasn't all that fun in the beginning xD

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Guest PoooBear

Hmm I think in my car.

I was dropping him off to his house when we started kissing and he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth but I kept trying to bite it xD not purpose though ahaha.

But the second time we got it right :D and it's been amazing ever since.

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Guest Teddi

hm.. make out.. I guess at 14 :blink: he just kind of pushed me against the wall and before I know it.. BAM! Luckily I automatically responded to him or else it would've been soooo awkward :sweatingbullets:

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Guest super piggy

i thought it wasnt gonna be good @ all

but it turned out nice.. i liked it (:

--seem like most people got bad experiences hahha

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Guest ah_po

it was in a restaurant, i felt really bad afterwards because it;s kinda rude, but i liked it. making out w/ my bf, not in the restaurant part. lol ^^

but it was both our first time, so it was nice because we both didn't know what we were doing, so it was really romantic ^__^.

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Guest `Niiie

LOLs. everyone first experience was funny. my first was when we was in his car waiting for my next class and watch a movie. we was watching & i felt a stare on me for a while so i turn & saw him lookin at me. i was liek wtf are you lookin at? he didnt say ne tin just smile & lean in. at first i was liek :mellow::blink: and we just went for it. one thing let to another luckily the police stop us or else i dont know what else going to happen. (well not exactly kuz i was 17 at that time while he's 21. i was scare to death that they might contact my parents but luckily i have my twin sister wallet with me so i fool them)

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Guest NangTienUt

haha. i'm on my sister's account again. this is fun i dont know why she'd like sign up and just forget about it. XP

well. my first kiss was in 7th grade but it was like 1-nanosecond-peck-on-the-lips. haha. and my current bf goes to the school across from mine with my best friends and he didnt have his car so his friends had to drive him to go pick me up and we sat together watching his friends breakdance. haha. and i knew he wanted to kiss but i pretended i was more interested (which i kinda was) on how the heck you break on like a flattened cardboard box. haha. and then his friend who was in my band class who i used to think was so cute comes (he's a breaker too) and i'm like omg. o_o sooo he takes me to the tennis court and there's where we made out. XD they were short kisses and next thing you know he's jamming his tongue in and neither of us were experienced and it was awfully awkward at the time but when i went home i was like. dang. that was pretty awesome. XD

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Guest Machitoshi

it was during our school year end party at a friends place

i was sitting on his pool table cause i was watching ppl dance around

and he comes up to me and just kissed me

kissed him back & yeeeh just started making out gosh i thought it would be horrible but

it turned out really good haha prolly cause he's experienced?

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Guest xXSJloveXx

im a hygiene freak, i dont even share drinks with others.

so i wonder how i'll react when theres another's saliva in my mouth LOL

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I'm weird. I prefer cuddling than making out.

Don't get me wrong, my bf's an amazing kisser. But I never really enjoyed making out. All that saliva is gross. Kisses however, are a different story.

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