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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest ultaeja

Hahahahahhaa This is such a fun thread^^;; LMAO~ Some of the stories of their 1st makeout session are hilarious:D Well, for me, nope. I don't have a first makeout session yet. Not even a first kissO_O. So no story from me.

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Guest alligatortears

my first kiss was my first make out session and it was such a waste cause it was horrible.

we didn't miss each others' mouths or anything but it was my first kiss and he was.. well idk..

..one of those memories that i want to earase from my memory

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Guest Miray

mine was TERRIBLE.

i was over at his apartment's clubhouse and i was watching TV with him until he all of a sudden grabbed my hand and dragged me into the MEN'S RESTROOM.

and that idiot didnt even go in a stall.

we were just there. out there. in the open restroom.

and it happened.

i didn't even know what was going on.

until a guy came in the restroom.

and screamed. and ran out.

must i say, it was very very embarassing T__T

i wasn't even going out with the boy.


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Guest hunny

hmmmmmm it was a year back with a fling, not bf :/

quite a few times in the night, was with him after movie, and he just kiss me while we're sitting down.

and walking half way he'll push me to the wall and there we go, after that we make out at stairs.

there's no official place, ew , i hate it.!

It's tiring, to change the location here and there

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Guest dehoot

I feel soo much better after hearing other people's experiences were horrible. XD

Mine was the same horrible, nasty, terrible, just not as magical as I'd imagined...kiss.

We were in his car, watching the city lights. We weren't together for a long time, but there's always that tension..

We talked, and talked, but both of us knew exactly what was in our minds...

so, we did a little peck. We were used to pecking. No problem.

We did another peck. Used to it.. perfectly fine.

Then, the last peck turned into this awkward situation where we both started moving our mouths to how we THOUGHT we were supposed to move our mouths (were we even supposed to move our mouths?!) and then, we just kept going because both of us were unsure of what to do. There's that thought that if you keep doing it, it'll get better.. it didn't get better that night.

Dang, it took a while to get used to it. Afterwards, we sat in the car silently both wondering, "That was...bad". Sad to say we were both embaressed, but eventually, we got the hang of it.

(sigh) They just don't tell you these things in the movies. The movies make it look so easy. XD

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ugh my first frenchkiss makeout session..was so NASTY and horrible


it was at the movies, we didn't even go out, but we was talking to each other.

now i was so interested in the movie, he poked me, i turned and face him, then

HE PUTS HIS NASTY TONGUE IN MY MOUTH IM LIKE :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I have no clue why I went with it

But his mouth taste like friggin hotdogs I wanted to barf LOL

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

What can I say? I was a natural-born kisser :rolleyes: .


well mine was during a movie.. he just put his arm around me and went for gold.

my friend was sitting on the other side of me.. i feel sorry for her now =/

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Guest zombie_milk

mine was..okay. me & my friends went to this one guys house, so there were 5 of us girls, and one guy. we drank and most of us were drunk. so then we decided to play spin the bottle & the first 2 times when you get someone you kiss them, and then the 3rd time you make out, so at the end of the night i ended up making out with 3 girls. great, eh?

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I thought it would be gross, too, but it was nice. At first, I didn't really know what I was doing, but he lead the way. It was just on the couch while watching a movie.

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Guest bebelin

reading everybody's experience...i wonder how is it bad...what's the meaning of a bad kiss or bad makeout session? and people who are inexperienced...are really that bad? =/

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We were at a friend's house.. and one thing lead to another.

He totally shoved his tongue a little too far.. and I was trying not to

gag O.O;; Then he did a lot of weird things.. it was HORRIBLE.

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Guest hyuunn

we were lying on my boyfriends bed

he was trying to make out with me for a while before.

he was always leaning his head close to mine

and trying to turn my head.

and one time he tried but i didn't really open my mouth.

anyways, we were on his bed and i decided to just go for it.

but he beat me to it and it was really nice.

we made out for like 3 hours just enjoying each other ^^.

later i found out i was his first kiss too.

and it wasn't awkward at all.

woooo score.

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Guest M0NSTER*

My first kiss and first makeout were meshed into one very good experience! :) I don't know how this is going to sound but we weren't dating and...it was in the back seat of a car. LOL. Anyway, it was after a dance and originally he was sitting in the front giving directions, but then after we dropped someone off, he kicked my friend out (made her sit in the passenger seat HAHAHA), and sat next to me. Anyway so we got kind of cozyyy, I was lying down and I just looked up at him randomly. He looked down, had a nervous face, chuckled, and looked back up with an expression of not knowing what to do. So I just laughed it off and thought nothing was going to happen. Then he moved a little so I looked back up and he kissed me. Then...things kind of escalated, and we ended up making out for a little bit. He was very good so it was nice for me. I'm going to assume I wasn't so bad either! He kept trying to kiss me the whole car ride. LOL! :P

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reading everybody's experience...i wonder how is it bad...what's the meaning of a bad kiss or bad makeout session? and people who are inexperienced...are really that bad? =/

its bad if you both are inexperienced. my boyfriends experienced... thats probably why it was great :ph34r:

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