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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest icefrostedd

oh my first make out session was so long ago that i can't really remember how it felt. all i knew that it was fun lol

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

During the Homecoming dance, he was leaning against the wall while I was leaning on him, and yeahhh. It was nice and slow, but then a narc came along and told us to keep it clean.

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Guest stellabella

We were on his bed and he just said I want to kiss you. So i just smiled and he went for it. Went on for hours I tell you. My lips started to swell it was so gross. But it was fun :)

Kissing always leads to more. ALWAYS. I didn't use to believe this but oh do I now.

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Guest twistedxlove

first makeout session.. lol it was HORRIBLE! LOL.

i was just laying there.. like... what the?

and when he was done.. he was like that was fun.

and i said "yeahhh" :sweatingbullets:

&i turned around and :crazy:

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Guest noodl3zx izxd0pe

Ahh .. first makeout session .

He was over & was helping me on my math homework .

Just started kissing a few times ..

Then all of a sudden he just went for it .

& being me i was :blink: for a quick minute .

then just went alongg .

We went for awhile though .. stopped here & there to just .. cuddle .

It was cute now that i think about it :blush:

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Guest <3 Kim

it was really bad :xxx

he didnt know what he was doing, i didnt know what i was doing. We were watching a movie and it just sort of happened...

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Guest happy_mim

i am part of the minority that enjoyed it the first time....

it was like 7 months ago....

we were in his car and just listening to music and talking about random things... and he just all of a sudden said my name... and leaned in.. .then... the rest is history... i didn't find it in any way... disgusting... happy happy joy joy..with all the fluttering butterflies in my stomach ^^

and i haven't been doing it these past 7 months coz we're in separate continents.... O_o boo!!

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Guest Indogurl05

my first kiss and make out session happened on the same time, same day..

it was with my so called 1st boyfriend.. well i had a crush on him.. i was in the basement.. both of us were there.. he was playing pool and i was just sitting there.. doing nothing!! hahahah~ then he come over and kissed me and i was like what are you doing?? he's like. oh first time huh? then he kissed me again.. and made out..

i still remember that day clearly like it was yesterday.. and i still remember how it was. i must say, its good.. hehehe~

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Guest angelcadex

Ah, mine was nice, a little wet but nice.

I was the noob I must admit, and he was rather experienced.

Of course I didn`t tell him that >.<

It was kind of awkward...but grew to be nice.

It`s really funny if you back away when he first leans in,

well for me it was, I didn`t expect him to so I kinda stared at first,

his tongue was sticking out, eyes closed and everything,

I laughed to myself and then leaned in too.

Mm okie I`ll stop I`m getting butterflies again.

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Guest its ann

haha this is a fun thread to read haha but yeah my first one was about 30 minutes long haha we was karaoking, a bit tipsy, and it was dark and everyone was going crazy, i leaned in for a kiss and somehow it didnt end until we were done karaoking haha..yeah it was kinda long and my bf is a great kisser too haha

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Guest smirk_it

My first make out session with my husband was nice, but it got akward after we went out to eat with his mom.

I had worn a shirt that had glitter on it, and thruout dinner she kept commenting on how much of it had gotten on his face!

I was so embarrassed, but luckily she just laughed it off...

omg, this cracked me up.

haha my first make out session was so long ago, like maybe 5 years? I think me and my ex were just playing and then he pinned me down and went for it haha.

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Guest mojomunkeez

It was also my first kiss. We were watching a movie on the bed and I gave here a peck on the cheek, next thing I knew, we were playing tonsil hockey.

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Guest whitexsky

My first ...MESSED up one (you know, those 'mistake ones')

It was horrible, he just forced his tongue inside my mouth and gave me all his freaking saliva.

Real one-

We were laying in the couch and we just started pecking then yeah (:

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-__- man......well i made out with a total jack*ss..........

he pulled me down to MY bed and we was on top of me........ and yeah -___-

he was good....it was great but he's a total jerk =__=;; *ahem*

&& we weren't even going out jeebus

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Guest Bannannaa

my first one... well i was just embarassed cus i didnt know how T_T and i was like "O__________O"!!! but yeah. made me giggle so much afterwards ><

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