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Guest luthien

You don't see JH fans getting butt hurt when we criticize JH.

I just bashed on HR in your EoE post. So what kind of war are we in? :huh:

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^ I read that post! GRRRR.. *throws stones at ya* j/k :P

I get where you're coming from, and you're definitely not bashing HR, if you are, you're doing it the nice way...hehehe..

I beg to differ about HR doing all those things you stated just to approach DW tho. It might have been part of her plan to be close to him, but I felt she did most of the things genuinely from the bottom of her heart, and DW just happened to share with the same sentiments regarding the situation. About HR snooping and listening on their conversation, it had never crossed my mind that she'd intended to do so. But I can't really remember what happened in that scene, I just recalled being blown away by their interactions. You're right, it was a fantastic scene between HR and JH. Altho I expressed my dislike over how JH approached the situation (honestly speaking, I thought she was a bit too aggressive and harsh on HR. But given her situation with her worried over DW and stuff... I guess it's quite reasonable.), their exchange of words was so exciting. :w00t: Good job by HJH and LDH ^^

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^ No my dear, any reasoning that makes sense is ok with me, I have problem with the purposely attack :) I don't call it a war :)

Well, being a LDC fan, I did not like HR at first only in that scene, I mean, I used to blame her for introducing the campaign to DW. I used to blame her pouring her ambition on DW, making his family miserable. However, you have a good point at analysing DW's character. At first I was so much into a sweet DW - hyung's brother. But now after HR and JH fans both analyse DW's selfishness, I see him changing more convinced.

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Just got to watch ep31 with sub. YR said to uncle that DC has found new love, and her dad is the match maker. Interesting, really eager to see her reaction when her prediction becomes reality. Will she be able to handle it??

Edit - oops, sorry I thought I was in the EOE thread....don't know how to delete the post after it is posted!!

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Guest luthien

^^ i was being sarcastic about the war. I was pretty harsh though, but I couldn't word it right if I held back.

At first I was so much into a sweet DW - hyung's brother. But now after HR and JH fans both analyse DW's selfishness, I see him changing more convinced.

I couldn't see him as being evil later on... or how he resembles STH when everyone was saying so until now. I really didn't want to believe in "blood is thicker than water." Btw, his expressions in ep 31 whenever he's talking or with STH, it's too funny.. Oh, you just made me realize he has not done much for both women. Well, with JH he was on the verge of losing her right? But before that, she's the one running after him and supporting him in any way she can.... we see that happen to HR too! If someone can remember a time where he did something for these two, please remind me.


I can't remember which scene STH had.. but DW's face really reminded me of his father.


DW looks down as STH wins the first round.

YJH can actually look that evil? I'm impressed!

Ripgal: HR was almost leaning on the tent's wall (?).. she was by the entrance too. This is the part where I started to dislike her. :ph34r: *ducks as LDH fans throw pebbles* Then again, I probably liked her since I was rooting for her and DW to get together. I was so sure that after JH gets married, DW would fall for her and even love her more than JH. I was so dead wrong, and embarrassed I underestimated DW's love for JH.

I, on the other hand, loved that aggressiveness in JH ... as well as their harsh exchange of words. It's way more effective than seeing them slapping each other, pull each other's hair, then fall on the ground and wrestled.... in a comedy like sweet 18 that was awesome.. but not in a heavy drama like t his. slapping can be boring and way too common.


We just stated why we disagreed, I don't know why they feel offended. If they disagree they can state why back instead of going to their little corner and talk bad stuff about HR fans. Sure we have negative opinions about YR and LYH's acting, but I think it's reasonable to talk about the shows character and it's actor.

There's a big difference what some HR fans (and I, HJH/PHJ fan - have to make a clarification, but in no way am I representing the WHOLE PHJ/HJH community.) are posting compared to that by some YR fans. We're criticizing the actress and her character. As a retaliation, they would go so low as to ridiculing HR fans, as well as the opinions that they cannot agree with. That's crossing the line because it gets personal when members are attacked. They're referring to you guys, and I feel bad, offended and bothered bytheir harsh comments. But I'm impressed y'all keep your cool and don't stoop to their level.

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Guest symphonee.

noo... i missed the part where DC & HR were talking in the bar (?). I only managed to catch the end of it where they were returning to their hotel rooms. And to let you all know, their rooms are opposite each other XD. DC walks in first and HR stands there for a bit watching him go in and stares at the door once he's inside. in normal cases, you'd get the guy doing the watching and waiting for the girl to step into her house (in this case, room), but here we have HR doing that. perhaps that's an indication that HR will be the one to initiate the relationship? and I guess that aligns with the earlier reports that stated HR is interested in DC because of seeing the way he handles business (or whatever it was). DC once inside his room recalls YR's words - the part where she was telling him not to go on the trip with HR.

DC drops HR at pres min's office and has small talk with her mother and father (i don't know what words were being exchanged though). the mother seemed interested in DC?

and regarding the "wars" which continually occur in the EoE thread, I'm pretty much over it all. some people are just so immature. i just try to ignore all the ridiculous posts.


although last night's episode showed no HR-DC scenes in the preview, they're actuallly together quite a lot in tonight's episode.

DC & Pres Guk have dinner with HR's family. The atmosphere seems good. HR's stepmom looks really happy (for once). the dinner almost seems like a matchmaking session, lol.

preview: next week's episode is all MH. there are scenes of MH with everyone - MH&STH, MH&JH, MH& Reb, MH&DC, MH&DW. It's gonna be one intense episode!

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^ Thanx a lot for the heads-up.. it seems like President Gook and the Min family are working hard to pull DC and HR together huh?

In one particular scene (from what I read in the chinese forums), DW commented that HR became more cheerful and happier after returning from Japan, and HR said yes, saying that she met a really strange, but charming person (DC) during the trip. DW asked him whether it's a guy, and she said yes..hehhee...She's going to and fro between the brothers, and yet she knows nothing!

Anywayz, the ending of today's episode seemed to have been really intense. MH found out that STH isn't his real father, and that his father staged the accident to get Rebecca killed.

Preview of the next episode looks even more interesting.. MH's time has come, it's totally his episode! He's gonna tell JH that his father planned the accident...etc.. :w00t:

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Forgive the grammatical errors and very unclear descriptions… I needed to finish this as quickly as possible so I have to go back to studying ASAP… I have a stupid exam tomorrow on theologies that I do not even believe in… haha sucks! That’s life… It’s a pretty conversation heavy episode so this summary won’t really help you much hahaha… anyway here it goes… enjoy! ^_^

Again no time to ribbon one by one…

Sooo… Possible Spoilers ahead beware…

DW-STH: We pick off tonight’s episode with STH-DW… DW’s boss (?) received a call… It seemed to have been from an influential person… Anyway STH was released… then onto more DW-STH face-off!! STH still sported his evil laugh and gave DW a pat on the shoulder…

DW-DC-HR: came in his office with a long face from the today’s case development (or the lack of it if I may say)… received a call from his boyfriend brother from Japan… Then as DW was about to leave his office HR called him this time… I think he asked her where she was and she said she was in Japan… They talked some more… and as DW put the phone down you can just see that he’s still disappointed over STH’s release...

DC-ahjusshi: talked on the phone on matters I hope I know of… ahaha but it seemed something quite serious…

Rebecca-Priest: wow today’s episode is really conversation heavy! I can’t judge their body language and context clues… Oh well she seemed pretty pissed off with the priest… She left his quarters unhappy…

STH-MH: MH overheard his father talking suspiciously with someone in the phone … probably giving out his orders to take care of Rebecca… (100% guess)

Gook-YR-Ahjusshi: YR is working in the casino… Gook told her something… She approached ahjusshi not happy about something…

HR-DC: having drinks (now they seriously do not plan to follow our script now do they?!)… HR thanked him for his help.. HR really seemed happy with DC’s help they talked far more comfortably with each other now than ever before… On their way back to their rooms DC entered his room first while HR looked over him… haha DC inside his room continued his drinks and had some flashbacks of YR stopping him from going into the trip…

YR-Gook: YR Sneaked off into the dark to open her father’s vault… Saw some file and then phone rang…. answered the phone… Carried on the conversation with his normal light mood… hung up just as YR came up from the cellar with a wine of glass in her hands… She and Gook talked about something… Gook said something and YR gave him a smirk… YR went back to her room with a heavy heart and spilled the wine all over her bed...

HR-DC: They were still carrying their friendly chit chat in the plane while they’re on their way back… Next scene we see HR’s parents, HR and DC in Pres Min’s office… probably talking about the good thing HR-DC was able to accomplish in Japan… Her parents seemed to have liked DC and probably appreciate all his help…

YR-DC: YR approached DC when he came to the casino… She was saying something to DC that he did not care for… He excused himself and left YR with ahjusshi.. YR whispered something to ahjusshi and handed him some slip of paper secretly… (could she be wanrning them with Gook’s impending evil plans? I’m not sure)

DC-Chae: DC called DW’s office he’s not in and Chae answered…

DW-Rebecca: They met for coffee… DW asked something and Rebecca confirmed it… Anyway, I think this is Taesung related and not birth secret related… Rebecca handed him a card (business card) of HK bank… DW continued talking while Rebecca was giving some voice over… Probably she’s getting giddy with how the son is digging up some dirt on his father’s business... OH.SWEET.REVENGE! again 100% assumption

DC-YR: just as DC was talking to someone over the phone, YR entered… She still telling him stuff with her foul mood… DC was still keeping his cool (I think)… Gook entered the room and interrupted the two… Gook still annoyed at YR and was kinda raising his voice at her… YR still responding to him in her usual bratty tone… YR left the room… Gook and DC talked…

STH-MH: STH talking to MH with a really loud and angry voice… It seems the two are disagreeing over something, perhaps about their business (?)… STH received some call…

DC-ahjusshi: in the car… ahjusshie gave DC a document… DC took a look at it… They discussed some more… DW gave the document to some guy waiting for him outside DW’s office building…

MH-JH: JH was talking to TH over the phone… MH entered his office… JH asked him if he’s like to talk to his son… It doesn’t seem like it… He sat by the couch while JH put the phone down… They couple argued over something… I think I heard DC’s name dropped into the conversation… MH seemed dejected… MH told JH something which JH took in with unease just as MH left her office…

Chun-DW: Is it chun? Not sure… anyway they were talking calmly but Chun rattled DW’s cage and got him all worked up… Chun won’t back down and calmly responded to him and had the last laugh…

Imogene close your eyes!!!

HR-DW: HR going back to her old self… scribbling in her handy dandy notebook while she’s waiting or DW to come back in his office… DW entered his office… The two carried on a playful conversation… I think DW is teasing her or something… anyway it’s cute hahaha… Then, HR left his office…

HR-DC: HR called him… it was a quick one… I think she invited him for dinner

YR-DC: DC went to ahjusshi’s poker table where YR is also standing by… YR fixed his tie… Ahjusshi teased them… Their music was playing in the background…

HR-DC: they were having dinner with the Mins and Gook… Gook seems like he’s really turning out to be our matchmaker… wtf?! Haha…

DW-JH: DW saw JH with TH in the bookstore… at least this time he did not snob the little boy, Imogene… hahaha! Anyway, DW showed her the book he picked up… It’s a Lincoln book… I think JH gave him a Lincoln book waaayy back before…

MH-Rebecca: I think Rebecca is trying to work with DW in bring down Taesung?? Anyway, MH barged into her office and knelt down… She ignored him… He followed her persistently even to her car… Then while they’re in their way Rebecca was laughing when some car hit them from behind… Then she started blurting out stuff in desperation… I dunno if she was able to divulge the secret to MH… anyway I thought it was very brave for MH to have tried to protect her and cover her… Anyway, MH was able to get up and was trying to bring Rebecca back to consciousness to no avail… Then he had a flashback of

The scene where Rebecca was telling him something in midst of the car chase iasco…

Preview: MH brought Rebecca to the hospital… STH is mad at MH for getting in the way and getting involved… anyway next episode is MH episode!!! How EXCITING!!! Birth secret is nearing it’s revelation… MH-DW and MH-DC and MH-STH scenes… This is really getting interesting

Anyway... off to study for my exam!!! Wish me luck...

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Guest symphonee.

ripgal oh i was wondering what that convo between HR and DW was, cause I kept hearing the word, "namja" (meaning guy/man).. and so I was like... she must be talking about DC :rolleyes:

i just wanna know when she's going to find out they're "brothers".

thanks for providing the summary, hagrid, despite being on exams. good luck <333

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Guest luthien

thanks ripgal!

HR-DW: HR going back to her old self… scribbling in her handy dandy notebook while she’s waiting or DW to come back in his office… DW entered his office… The two carried on a playful conversation… I think DW is teasing her or something… anyway it’s cute hahaha… Then, HR left his office…

I thought DW sensed something in HR.. she mentioned something about a person... then DW guessed if it's a male.. and HR confirmed it. then DW was checking HR out.. mentioned something about her dress... that she's pretty.. sensed something fishy.. but that was a fun conversation between the two.. they seem to have become very close friends.. which can happen after all they've been through. i'm glad HR and DW has this kind of relationship now.

HR is glancing at DC too much!!! hahaha.... DC still hung up on YR. they have so many scenes together.. like he met her family not once but twice!

I love how sweet HR and her stepmom are to each other now. This makes me like her more, and I'm happy that they were able to patch up their relationship. They hated each other in the beginning, but since they're family, they realized they can only depend on one another. During the time of crisis, they proved to each other that as long as they gather and support each other, they can overcome it. They've grown fond and appreciative of each other, and that just warms the heart. Especially in this kind of drama where a daughter is willing to betray her own blood for another man... when someone admires his father only to find out how dirty he really is and that he's not even related to him.

GOODLUCK on the exams!

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ripgal, hagrid and symphonee,


LOL! sweet move for HYE RIN to say that she met a CHARMING PERSON!

HYE RIN got her now! LOL! haha!

will DW feel JEALOUS?! haha! LOL!

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Guest imogene_af

ohmyLord. 30 year old HR and 37 year old DC are acting like they're in high school. Can the writer write a more adult interaction? No pervs not like that but more... comrade vibe and awkward falling for each other rather than *twinkleintheeye* HR. WTHHH. :lol: it's funny because all I think about is he's 37 and she's 30... a career woman scribbling in a notebook. mygaaawd.

Did she go *scribble* Hye-rin <3 Dong Chul. how many babiez will we have? *scribble*

groan. :lol:

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I like HR's relationship with her mum now.

OH MAN.I'm pretty dissapointed with the way things are going for Chul Rin now.I think I'm going the other way now,Dook-Rin.Hehe.Did DW look a tiny bit jealous?And what's up with HR pouring her heart out to DC while he does that jaw thing and gives her a slight smile?I HAVE CAME OUT WITH A CONCLUSION:


Except for Baek,who's MIA.Thanks for the updates guys!Good luck for the exam Hagrid!

*mumbles blind blind blind

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It is hillarious.Darn,I don't see no triangle.I so do pity HRI actually thought it would be real nice

to have DC initiate the relationship first.Because as much as I like him,he's all workaholic and

it would just have been interesting for his character.He'll have something else to do other than

holding on to briefcases and being followed by men in black. <_<

Hmm,I'm hoping DW will be at least a tiny bit jealous.

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Guest imogene_af


maybe the writer will write a twist again and WHAM the brothers are apparently in love with her ALL THIS TIME. They just hide it... so we never see it! Just like how they portrayed relationships so far in this drama with exception to Baek. :lol:

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nyahahaha. :lol:

Someone mention about the new writer being rather good in love triangles?Well episode 36 please come fast!

For now,I vote for Baek-Rin!The Lee Bros deserve a warant for being blind.

Finally,MH will get his epi next week!woohoo!

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Guest symphonee.

^^ :lol: Baek is of a different species in EoE compared to the other men.

DW seemed slightly jealous/unsettled when HR mentioned the mystery man she met at Japan. I'd rather not have HR do the chasing all the time too. But DC still seems hung over on YR - can't seem to let go of that first love? *sighs*

and then in tonight's episode, there was also a scene of DW-JH in a bookstore. DW picks up the book JH gave him from back then...starts reminiscing or whatever and talks for a bit

the lee's are forever blinded by first loves!!

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Guest luthien


I like HR's relationship with her mum now.

OH MAN.I'm pretty dissapointed with the way things are going for Chul Rin now.I think I'm going the other way now,Dook-Rin.Hehe.Did DW look a tiny bit jealous?And what's up with HR pouring her heart out to DC while he does that jaw thing and gives her a slight smile?I HAVE CAME OUT WITH A CONCLUSION:


Except for Baek,who's MIA.Thanks for the updates guys!Good luck for the exam Hagrid!

*mumbles blind blind blind

Oh no.. not all, just MOST MEN ARE BLIND! let's give it some more time between DC-HR. it's their first time to do some bonding, they can't just jump in and...... be lovey-dovey. It's. Still. Not. Yet. Ending.

In his second meeting with HR's parents, did Guk mention something about DC's brother?

I don't think DW was jealous, he was teasing her like.. they're more like BFF. Plus, DW seems to be rekindling his past with JH... he even brought up the Lincoln book. But JH doesn't seem glad to see him.. *crosses fingers*

LOL on imaginary triangle.. PD should be sued for false advertising!

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Guest imogene_af


I do like BFF DW-HR, like them sharing sekwets and having slumber parties while talking about how hot Dong Chul is... oh wait that didn't happen the slumber party part? Dangit. But seriously, I like how she's moving on from that heartbreak.

HR: Don't you like how he tussles his hair?

DW: Teeeheee, we used to share blankets! Teeheeee!

HR: OHMYGOD. stop!

DW: He is so sensitive.

HR: so dreammmyyy.

*tickle tickle*

Now I think it's DC who may be capable of really breaking her. I don't know. She seemed heavily infatuated with DW, but the love had no passion.

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