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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest incarnadine

Really REALLY cute. I especially loved that pic where she was sharing a fruit shake with a member of the crew (I assume) -- love her cute facial expression there ^_^

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Really REALLY cute. I especially loved that pic where she was sharing a fruit shake with a member of the crew (I assume) -- love her cute facial expression there ^_^

Yes my guess is it's his and she asked for a taste. And who whould say no in that case? Not me anyway. :lol:

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Guest incarnadine

'주몽' 끝난 빈자리, 누가 채울까?


(고뉴스=장태용 기자) MBC 인기 드라마 ‘주몽’의 종영이 가까워진 가운데, 평일 미니시리즈의 최강자가 누가 될 것인지 관심이 모아지고 있다.

MBC는 ‘주몽’의 후속작으로 ‘히트’를 편성해 놓은 상태. 오는 3월께 첫 방송되는 ‘히트’는 강력계 여형사를 주인공으로 내세운 범죄수사 드라마. 톱스타 고현정이 형사로 변신, 더욱 화제를 모으고 있다.

이에 대항해, KBS는 3월 이다해 주연의 '헬로 애기씨'를 편성했으며, SBS는 4월 '내 남자의 여자'의 방송을 준비중이다. 특히 김수현 작가의 신작인 ‘내 남자의 여자’는 김희애, 배종옥 등이 주연을 맡았다.

월화극을 제외하고도 ‘마녀유희’, ‘마왕’ 등 새 수목극도 속속 준비중이다. 오는 3월 14일 첫 방송되는 SBS ‘마녀유희’는 한가인, 재희가 주연을 맡았다. 또 KBS '마왕'에는 엄태웅, 신민아, 주지훈이 캐스팅 됐다.

사극의 인기는 주말 안방극장을 공략중인 KBS ‘대조영’과 SBS ‘연개소문’이 이어갈 전망이다. 두 드라마는 주말 시청률 전쟁을 계속 이어가고 있다.

특히 5월께 3백억원 이상이 투입된 사극 '태왕사신기'가 준비 중에 있어 눈길을 모은다. 스케일은 물론, 배용준, 문소리 등 주연배우들 역시 쟁쟁하다. 광개토 대왕의 일대기를 다룬 이 작품으로 MBC는 ‘주몽’ 종영 이후에도 다시한번 고구려 사극의 정상을 노릴 계획이다.



□◆KBS가 올들어 드라마에 강한 의욕을 보이고 있습니다. KBS는 드라마 홍보를 강화하기 위해 최근 홍보팀내의 드라마 담당자를 당초 2명에서 4명으로 늘렸습니다. 기존 홍보팀 인원을 늘린 건 아니지만 여러 사람이 드라마를 세분화해서 맡아 ‘전문성’을 기하고 있는 거죠. 또 40%대의 시청률로 흥행돌풍을 일으키고 있는 MBC ‘주몽’이 오는 3월5일 종영할 예정인데요. KBS2는 새 월화 미니시리즈 ‘헬로 애기씨’의 방송시기를 ‘주몽’이 끝나는 다음 주에 맞춰 편성하게 됩니다. 그동안 ‘주몽’때문에 월화 드라마가 저조한 시청률로 고전해서 ‘주몽’ 종영후 처음 시작하는 ‘헬로 애기씨’에 거는 기대가 큽니다.

credit daum dahaemarket

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Guest allie_4

Yes my guess is it's his and she asked for a taste. And who whould say no in that case? Not me anyway. :lol:

no way. the person shes sharin a drink with is her coordi n her coordi is a girl.

if u watch the mygirl clips LDH n her coordi r real close. that is a cute pic ha ha ~

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Guest pinklily

Malou!...i've missed you too chinggu! hic hic...thank you so much for remembering me...haha...i feel all warm inside now. :blush: :P

yeah, you know...i have some concerns about Hello! Miss. haha, don't get me wrong...i was really excited when i first heard...but you know, once my excitement calmed...and i thought about it a bit more...looking at the short amont of time they have to shoot the drama before they begin airing it, that doesn't seem right to me. it seems too fast...the cast and crew would have to work day and night (i'm sure they do anyway otherwise), but even harder to get the episodes ready for airing. i'm just worried about what this would mean about the quality of production...whether or not they are rushing it...and whether or not that will show when you finally get to watch the finished product...i.e., editing and such. i've looked at other dramas that will air around the same time as Hello! (haha, it's Hello! now...too long to type...soon it will be H!M :P) and those dramas seemed to have started shooting with a good amount of buffer period before they're set to go on air. iono, it's just cause it's Da Hae...i'm worried for her sake.

i was also thinking about the cast changes....and the fact that it turns out Da Hae will take on the role. i'm curious about the cast changes (lol, i had no problems w/ the original male leads)...and i wonder why Da Hae didn't confirm the role earlier. haha...i'm just...worried. <--- and it's been driving me crazy...i worry too much T_T

haha...you know, i dun really have a problem w/ Lee Ji Hoon or Ha Suk Jin. personally i think they're both easy on the eyes B)...but it's true, i can't say much about them as actors (no, i'm serious, i can't, cause i've never really followed them as actors :P). i'm just looking forward to seeing their chemistry w/ Da Hae...and hopefully there will be lots of it. ^_^

^see...trying to think positively. haha...i may be a worry-wart...but at least i'm an optimistic one. :P

haha...so is it a serious drama, melodrama, or romantic comedy? from the summary alone, i can't tell just yet. so you see, it's hard...i really dun know what to expect. but no, i don't really want to have any expectations...i've decided that that's too much pressure on my poor Da Hae. :blush: lol...but you know, you just want to have an idea. that's also what's driving me crazy...how is the story going to be like? just a gist of it is all i need. ^^;; i just hope we'll hear more news relating to the story and characters of H!M in the coming days.

regardless...i just want to wish Da Hae and the entire cast and crew GOOD LUCK! and i'm so happy to have her back. :wub::lol:

and Jo! chinggu!...i just want to thank you for always sending me updates on our Mukgu! :wub: i was so happy watching the clip of Da Hae's visit to China...she actually looks so happy there...i'm so relieved! :sweatingbullets: haha...at one point, one of the reporters asked her something...and Da Hae just bursted out in a fit of laughter :lol: <--- ahhh, that comforts my heart to see...i wish i knew what they were talking about...but still, it's good to know that in the end, the trip was fun for her. ^_^

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Guest pinklily

a new CF shooting? haha...i just found this at Mnet news. this may be for the same Vitamin brand we saw Da Hae in other CF photos for...

이다해, 환한 미소가 매력적인 그녀!

link to watch the clip: http://player.mnet.com/VODPlayer2/WebVodPl...=MNET&mode=

and i took caps! boy do i miss taking caps...especially of Da Hae. :P



she's so pretty! :wub:



her smile :blush: one of the most adorable and endearing things :wub:






^haha...Da Hae's expression here is so cute! :P lol, chinggus, keep your eyes on the interviewer...who does he remind you of?


^Waldo! from "Where's Waldo." :P haha...i think in the previous cap he was asking Da Hae who he reminded her of...and she was both caught off-guard and stumped. :lol::P




^haha, now here...the interviewer got the other crew members to cheer for Da Hae. haha...i'm not sure what he said, but you can hear all those people going "woot woot, yay yay" ...like that. :lol: haha...and Da Hae is embarrassed here...so she's laughing and covering her face. :P


^haha, and here he got her to promise something. i heard "yaksu"...and then you see Da Hae doing her pinky promise. :lol: <--- is she's so cuteeeee! <333


^gentle handshake to end the interview...so cute. :blush:

credits: Mnet news for clip + me for caps ^_^

i hope you enjoy chinggus. :wub: i'm so happy to see Da Hae in a new clip. i've missed her so much...especially these recent weeks (months even?) that i haven't been able to come onto soompi. and even though we now have a new drama to look forward to seeing her in...i still miss her so much! :P lol...i think it's knowing there's something to look forward to...it's making me aniticpate more...and making the wait harder. ^^;; haha...like the old saying...March 12th...so close, yet so far. :P

Da Hae ah...good luck! victorylb1.gif <--- i'm really so happy to have you back T_T <--- tears of joy :P

and...Pee Rhi...i miss you ka! even though i know that you're really busy these days...i hope we can get to enjoy Da Hae's new drama together ka. awww...my dear Pee Sao...i can't wait to be on the same shifts as you again...hehe...like before. :PPee Rhi BBASYA! :wub:

ack!...chinggus, i have to go now...my roommate is calling me out to go watch a movie w/ her. YAY! for the weekends...i can try to be on more. YAY! :lol:

*waves* to everyone...BBASYA! Mukguers :wub:

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Guest lambutan

Good Afternoon (in Thailand).......to Kirsten, Jo, Malou, Kathleen......and everyone in our thread ja....

I had not come to this thread for a long time...Now I'm very busy about something...but miss everyone....

I'm very glad that to know about new series of Mukgu......... :sweatingbullets:

Happy Chinese New Year

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hi guys!!! haven't been able to visit this thread for a long time... wonder what's LDH up to??? can i ask whether she's into a new drama? and what drama is it??? plsss update me...

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Guest cookiemonster1430262540

Thanks for the goodies, Kirsten unnie.

Hmm.. the beanie and stripped shirt! More like Wookie. :rolleyes::wub:

Looking at those caps makes me smile too. Thanks again Kirsten. ^_^

coi, Da Hae's new drama is entitled Hello! Miss. It'll be shown on March 12 and will start filming on February 18.

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Guest incarnadine

Kirsten chinggu, you're back with all your Mukgu goodies! Mmmwah *plants sloppy kiss on cheek* :P

About the CF, it does look like a recent one, haven't seen that before. She's sooo pretty with her long hair and bright smile :blush: I wish I understood what they were talking about. Can't wait to watch the rest of the clip! :)

About H!M (nice shortcut! hehe), I too was (and still am, actually) worried for Da Hae, it's going to be a stressful time for her for the next less-than-two months. That is such a short time! I just feel kinda bad that Mukgu has taken a long rest, and even brushed up on her English for Speed which is still shelved, and now that she finally has a project again it's going to be kinda rushed. I know she can nail the role, but I am worried about the stress and the effect on her health. :unsure: I hope she takes care of herself, and that someone takes care of her, too... :)

2007년 2월 17일 (토) 16:00 조이뉴스24

'주몽' 끝나면 뭘 보나?…벌써 '금단현상'걱정!

장장 31주간 시청률 선두를 달리고 있는 MBC 특별기획 '주몽'이 오는 3월초 방송을 끝으로 종영을 앞두고 있는 가운데 그동안 '주몽'에 열광하던 시청자들이 벌써부터 아쉬움에 한숨을 짓고 있다.

지난 해 5월 첫 방송 이후 근 1년여 동안 월요일과 화요일 밤을 책임지던 드라마 '주몽'의 인기를 감안하면 무엇으로 허전함을 채워야 할지 걱정이 欖??시청자들의 투정이 조금은 이해가 간다.

하지만, 시청자들을 웃기고 울리는 인기 드라마는 또 다시 찾아오는 법. 그리 걱정하지 않아도 될 것 같다. 기라성 같은 배우들이 시청자들을 기다리고 있기 때문이다.

'주몽' 이후에도 월화드라마 시장의 주도권을 이어가려는 MBC는 후속작품으로 고현정-하정우 주연의 범죄수사물 '히트'(H.I.T, 극본 김영현·박상연, 윤철용 PD)를 배치했다.


오는 3월 12일 첫 방송예정인 '히트'는 연쇄 살인범의 뒤를 쫓는 국내 최초 여성 강력반장의 이야기를 그린 작품이다. 지난 해 '여우야 뭐하니'에서 성인잡지의 엉뚱한 노처녀 기자로 안방극장에 복귀했던 고현정이 강력반장으로 몸을 던지는 액션 연기를 서슴지 않는다.

'꽃피는 봄이 오면'의 후속작으로 3월 중순부터 방송예정인 KBS 월화 드라마 '헬로, 애기씨'(극본 박영숙, 연출 이민홍)도 시청자들의 눈길을 끌기에 충분하다.

지난해 '마이걸'의 엽기녀로 인기를 모았던 이다해와 가수 이지훈이 드라마에서 첫 호흡을 맞춘다. 이다해와 이지훈은 지난 12일 첫 대본 연습이후 14일부터 첫 촬영에 들어갔다.

'헬로, 애기씨'는 이지환의 소설 '김치만두 다섯 개'를 원작으로 한 멜로드라마. 무너져가고 있는 종가인 화안당의 주인 수하(이다해)와 어떻게 해서든 화안당을 손에 넣어야 하는 자수성가한 머슴출신 재벌의 손자 동규(이지훈)와 찬민(하석진) 그리고 '광녀'의 딸 화란(연미주)이 펼치는 위험천만한 러브스토리다.

현재 방송중인 '사랑하는 사람아' 후속으로 오는 4월 초 첫 방송예정인 SBS '내 남자의 여자'(극본 김수현, 연출 정을영)에는 김희애와 배종옥, 김상중 등 무게감 있는 연기파 배우들이 출연해 시청자들을 유혹한다.

2004년 '부모님 전상서'의 김수현 작가와 정을영 PD가 다시 손을 잡은 이 작품은 30대 후반 중년 부부의 사랑과 불륜을 다룬 정통 멜로드라마로 '불꽃' 이래 김 작가의 스타일에서 다소 변화된 소재라는 점에 큰 기대를 모으고 있다.[사진=MBC '히트'의 고현정, KBS '헬로 애기씨'의 이다해, SBS '내 남자의 여자'의 김희애 등 기라성 같은 배우들이 '주몽' 이후 시청자들의 허전함을 달래기 위해 안방 극장에 도전장을 던진다.]

/정진호기자 jhjung@joynews24.com


An old CF pic of Da hae... so cute :)


credit daum dahaemarket

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kirsten sista!!! thank you sooo much for the new CF making caps of Da Hae..those caps of her smiling and laughing made my day. :) I am glad she's still her old self, being all bubbly and cheerful around the ppl surrounding her. For some reason tho, i couldn't view the clip..hmm..I really want to see the part where the crew cheered and she covered her face. It reminds me a lot of YR covering her face after the Tanggeum song..:blush: hahhaa..

Anywayz, I agree with you and malou about Da Hae's late confirmation into the series and the relatively slow shooting compared to other series. But I am sure Da Hae will be able to cope, I have faith in her that she will be the one bringing laughter to the set, and even if the shooting process gets stressful and tiring, she will be the one making them re-hyped with her jokes and laughters.. Even me, a fan who cannot see her live or in real person would smile when seeing her smile on screen, let alone those working with her. So don't worry ppl, have faith in our Mukgu! She will certainly return big this time! BBASYA!

And lastly, it's the first day of the lunar new year today, I hope you guys have a wonderful and blessed new year ahead!

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incarnadine - who's that someone u'r talking about? does she already have a bf??? huhu... if she has... huhu poor wookie... nywei, what's the plot of her new project? is it a comedy or drama? and hu's her leading man??? (i miss SGC-JYR tandem)... gosh i really need to be updated!!!

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incarnadine - who's that someone u'r talking about? does she already have a bf??? huhu... if she has... huhu poor wookie... nywei, what's the plot of her new project? is it a comedy or drama? and hu's her leading man??? (i miss SGC-JYR tandem)... gosh i really need to be updated!!!

ahem you should visit the Wookie thread to find out who is that someone :lol:

Happy lunar new year everyone :lol:

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Guest smileforjean

i absolutely loved my girl!

and lee da hye is sooo prettyy !

she seems to have a great couple match with all the main characters of her dramas.

for example, go soo and her were brilliant! and in my personal opinion, i think lee dong wook and her are the most perfect couple!

i hope she can come out in a drama soon with the same, fun character as she had in my girl

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Guest cookiemonster1430262540

incarnadine - who's that someone u'r talking about? does she already have a bf??? huhu... if she has... huhu poor wookie... nywei, what's the plot of her new project? is it a comedy or drama? and hu's her leading man??? (i miss SGC-JYR tandem)... gosh i really need to be updated!!!

coi, you can visit this thread for Da Hae's new drama -- Hello! Miss

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