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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread

Guest Soy

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Guest pooltides

I guess I'll join in on the chiming in ^^ (hope i'm not beating the issue dead here)

Hope this helps some people withstand the usually crap you hear from people.

The one thing you can assume online is: anonymity + internet = feminine hygiene product

The sad fact is that girls in almost every type of society are brought up to be competitive with one another, else there wouldn't be so much crap like this. You don't really see any guys hating on the boy bands for being close to any girl groups. And I can't recall the last time a guy made fun of another guy for what he wore to prom or at a wedding ^^

Actually I realized recently that the inexplainable rage of female antis (i'm pretty sure that 99.9% of all the anti rage is from females) is that it's not unlike people hating on the rivals of their favorite sports teams. As a member of red sox nation since the pre-curse breaking days, I've raged and been raged by yankees and oakland fans ^^ I think it puts things into perspective and makes you realize just how insignificant all the anger is, especially to our girls. It helps trivialize all the nasty thing you hear, at least for me.

If you look at the rants against soshi, you can usually detect the childishness in the bashing, or really a lack of understanding of the asian culture in general. Even asian americans fall under this ignorance (especially asian-ams because they assume that their own thought process mirrors the thought processes of their ethnic country). Most western countries are extremely PC and you need to always take things into context, culture, and translation

Which also brings me to those Kpop "news" sites. Those sites are no more newsworthy than TMZ. In fact, unless those bloggers are atually interviewing people that can be seen as credible sources, you're really just reading the opinions of a person who has no more or less access to the information than you and me.

And to bring up another sports analogy: If they're not booing, they're not paying attention to you.

The reason you hear so much about Soshi, good or bad is because they've captivated everyone's attention =)

There's so much going on in the world both amazing and tragic, so a little perspective can help you tolerate the noise you here from antis

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^ Bad publicity is still publicity in my eyes. I just hate it when people are poorly informed/ led on to believe false thing about the girls, mostly because I am a fan and I do follow them so I think that I know them the best. I dunno the bond between SNSD + S♥NE is incredible in my eyes. The girls even love their international fans insanely (proven by the gifts they use/wear as well as the visits they've made to Soshified). I couldn't ask for more from them, so instead haha I just support them, but there gets to be a point where I have to break it down to people because it seems like a lot of people get information from like the wrong sources or just make things up themselves with no legitimacy and then people believe them and it spreads even more.

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Guest zahieyjunki

I'm sure taeyeon,yoona & fany will be on top 25!!!

don't worry bout that!!

IDOL ARMY with snsd

pART 1/5




Dang, u so fast!! thnx for the link!!! gonna spend my time watching this!!~

the boys is all jumping happily when they saw the girls were the guest star!! haha~

so cute <3!!

they even know Gee dance!!! Fany will be with junho or wooyoung?

Loll~ taeyeon should be there!!!

Yoona so uber cute with chansung I think both of them are in same age right? weeee~

OMG!! I love the triangle love!!~ chansung is so gentleman when he take the flowers that khun gave it to Yoona!!


Gosh I love her style like this!!!! sunny hottie!!!

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about the antis they get on my nerve so badly..but look at it this way they actually help us fan and our girls in some way.. cause of the bad stuff they say it make people wonder what are they talking about who are they and so people search them.. well thats how i became a soshi fan. cause i came across one of their vids on you tube and now im here. and im actually glad. but have you guys ever wonder if they are really antis i mean they say so many things about the girls but did you know they have a site for the soshi antis and they actually make time to make hateful vid.. which some are so well done im sure its not a rush job. and they know the girls schedule and happenings. it sometimes make you wonder if they are really one. or maybe they are a die hard fans too. or they are probably just jealous. but we have to admit that they do help in some way cause the girls are more popular due to they help promoting them even if its in a bad way.

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Guest superjihyeee!



omg sunny looks ADORABLE (:


Seriously, sometimes antis get on my nerves.

I just... the ones that have good grammar, the ones that write coherent, logical arguments are the ones that frustrate me the most. Because it's easy to disregard something that's like, "SNSD SUCKS!!@!@!@" because it looks dumb. But when someone writes out a well-thought-out paragraph about why they are an anti... it gets so hard to refute them and it's easier for other people who don't know much to about SNSD to believe them. I know if I'm not a fan of a group, I go with the person that sounds the most logical. so... yeah.

Antis that were fans before they turned "anti" are really annoying, too.

They just know. everything. and they have a reason why they turned away, and you're just like, "WHAT. THE. HECK." It just frustrates me to no end when I can't say something final to shut them up. -sigh- But personally, I'd rather not say anything than sound like a deranged/overprotective fangirl when I'm replying to someone who sounds like an anti.

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Guest simplicityx3

I don't think SNSD or the fans should worry about antis especially now a days, knowing that most antis just love to inspect every bits of mistake and the tiniest of them all to blow it out of proportion and make it dramatic. But I know a lot of the fans are really sensitive towards it and still worry against antis because of how much they love SNSD. Antis aren't worth any of the girls or their fan's time. The girls are fun, loving, BEAUTIFUL and talented and their albums sales this year proves that they are powerful in the music industry. And you don't see other artists hating on them or disapproving them. A lot of people in the entertainment loves them. And I think it has to do with their outgoing personalities, which some or most antis that are fans of some boy bands probably see that as a threat since they can get along with about everyone. I know there were some events where some of the girls made mistakes, but honestly, I think other artists makes those type of mistakes also because they are all humans, it's just that it hasn't been shot and released to the public. I think antis are so concentrated in finding things to blame and hate on the girls that they pick up even the littlest things and blow it up. Basically, to tell the truth, antis are ... well idiots. I really want to meet the girls and tell them that whenever they come across horrible events or remarks made by antis, that they shouldn't worry because most of them are jealous and that surrounding them is a whole bunch of genuine dedicated fans that they should concentrate on making happy. The girls became a lot stronger anyways and I think the album sales and the big welcome of their comeback will relieve a lot of stress off their shoulders. =)

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^ Nodding to what you said. When people have this negative write ups,and they are written oh-so-perfectly,

people tend to be impressed by it.That sucks. They should know more than believe,

because those write ups target the personal lives of the girls..It's sad because instead of basing judgment from their performance and how they do as a group,antis generally just stick to the bad things they hear.

If they could only see the amazing music from SNSD,and other artists as well, then maybe they'd be changing their minds..


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Guest pollypan

At the beginning, I was not interesting in SNSD at all.But after I watched their live performances of Girls' Generation and Kissing You, I became a soshi fan.

I like SNSD's music, SNSD's performances and their smiles. Their songs always cheer me up and make me want to know more about girls.

Those antis attacks make me so angry cuz I don't understand why those ppl like to do all those nonsense things. If others do the same thing to their idols, how will they feel?

One time I was argued with my good friend cuz she didn't really know about the girls and just said bad things about the girls and she thought she was right.

And she said if I am not her good friend, she would not even talk about those things with me. I was kinda like WTF?#$($@#(

Everyone makes mistake, but why she didn't give a chance to the girls?

But antis actually make me want to love and support our girls more and more^^

I am proud of Soshi and Sone.

ps:I forced my sister and cousin to listen Gee, and now both them know how to sing Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby >"<

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Guest roseseraphix

hehe! let's stop the talking about antis. antis are antis, they wont change abit even if we say/do anything to them. xD

i'm wondering


What Type of Group Will SNSD be in the Coming Years? (Sexy, Cute, etc..)

i think they'll go sexy.. i mean.. girl groups always go sexy right?

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Guest ayuki baby

Yea, dont worry about antis guys, all they do is attract attention to the girls and most people who get to know them usually end up falling for them, like me. With all that booing at DC .. it just had me wondering WTH they all hated them for but instead I find 9 funny and talented girls. Without antis, I don't think I would be here today kekekeke. SNSD is perceived to be a big threat on all levels, thats why they want them gone, thats why they sit their typing up long essays full of pettiness, thats why they invest their time hating this group instead of supporting theirs rofl. They're a funny bunch. Don't take em seriously.

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Guest BinkiKitty

Thank you to everyone who replied. I actually feel much better now after reading everyone's responses and I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets so frustrated sometimes.

I will work on trying not to take attacks to heart, for sure, as it's wearing me out anyway. lol

I will say that the more they are attacked, the more I love them - so everyone who said that before, I am right with you on that.

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Guest JunEunHae<3

MBC Idol World: was highly entertaining. Most of the girls looked gorgeous and seemed comfortable with the guys except for mangnae who barely spoke a word..poor thing is so shy but the rest of the girls look out for her well.

The cutest part of the couple selection was Sunny and Taekyeon..they're look soo opposite -tall and short - that they fit together perfectly and both have killer smiles.

I'm more excited for the remaining possible couples though!! I hope its Hyo & JunHo ... he's so adorable and someone wrote that they'd be like Bi & Song Hye Kyo mini-couple...ahh <333.. In the previews it looks like Hyo's hair for the wink section with Junho so crosses fingers..And while Jay is dancing in front of Sica, Hyo's behind her holding a flower! But I think that the couples might change according to the spoiler. Did anyone else notice the line game that they show in the previews?? It has pictures of the girls and guys so maybe they'll use that to set the final couples... ?!??!



and then it might work out to what the spoilers said.. but hopefully, they won't... I'm liking the idea of Hyo+Junho more and more <333

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Guest crazyfrog

to be honest, antis used to really upset me, even tho they're only online (none of my rl friends are into kpop, so i'm alone there anyway... XD) but then their 'reasons' just got so repetitive and outrageous that i just can't help laughing it off when i see them now... and like someone else has said, i think all this hate has made me a much much bigger supporter than i otherwise would (i was also a doubter at the beginning, but was quickly converted by ITNW... so i didn't take much convincing.) their music just make me really really happy so i couldn't care less what other people say about them anymore, they're never going to make me any less of a fan. it's sad that they have so much misconception about them, but they seem to be still going strong despite what they've been through so i'm really happy that they are able to withstand all that. =) and now i know they have staying power despite all that negativity. so all the more power to them! =D

my favourite snsd concept is... clothes wise, it's definitely girls' generation, i just love the whole doll concept, it's so cute! but as for everything else, like song/dance etc, it's into the new world. it's still one of my favourite songs. it just cheers me up so much when i hear that song. =D

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Guest nightmare.

Thanks for the links to Idol Army with 2PM

i really can't wait for it to be subbed because i can't understand what they say.. LOL

and do you guys talk about Antis?

I don't think they can be exist forever..

They will be break up and there is no SNSD's anti.. hehe

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Guest tvxqforever

wow, congrats to our girls!

so, its their 2nd mutizen award for Music Bank.

and its their 3rd mutizen award for GEE !



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It was like 7000~ pts. vs. 2000~ pts. The girls won by a landslide. (They were against Seungri and Gavy NJ.) Congratulations! :)

Shinee were cheering in the background. <3 Love the SM family bond.

Hopefully they'll perform on Music Bank next week so they can finally be there to accept their award.

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