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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread

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Guest kellykim10

i'm very happy i joined the official fanclub but SM should open the registration to foreigners also, since 소녀시대 snsd has so many international fans as well.

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Guest nightmare.
from a new cf (?) (;


credit: sosiz

sunny is adorable<3

Sunny looks really cute! Thanks for sharing


wow hahah thanks for those cute pictures of their new CF, snsd are showing up everywhere for CFs :) me like it very much :D

i wonder what they're advertising this time? maybe pajamas? haha

Elle Girl Website Pictures, ll SNSD

^OMG... the girls look really really pretty.

I love all Sica and Sooyoung's pictures. Haha

It's written on the pictures, Gubne chicken. There were pictures that got leaked like a week ago or something

Thanks for sharing the pictures. I agree SunTae look like kids

OMG its real super generation

sm town ftw !!

Fancam]090411 Yesung and jessica KJE`s chocolate-super junior by morning-suns.com



^ YAY!!!!!!!!! YeSica!! Haha. Super Generation. Haha.. I can't wait to see the whole performance.

Has this been posted? I found it in a chinese site. You'll have to scroll down a little to watch the clip.

credit: 少女天下_JJ

Apparently JeNy went to watch the premier of the action movie <7급공무원>.

It seems like a really interesting movie^^

Sica was laughing so hard, she's so cute~ <3

(a little behind of seen type of thing of the movie ^^: click it looks fun~)

Fan account on Sica's Birthday Party?



Thanks to David @ soshified


As soon as Sica appears, Yuri runs over and hugs her

Yuri sings and sprays fake snow on her and Sica starts to run away with Yuri chasing her.. it was like a scene from Love Story

Yuri makes a cake mustache on Sica's face

As each member toasts, Yuri says "Thank you Sica's parents.."

As soon as Yuri finishes speaking, they bring their faces close to each other...!

The two is together the whole time as the other members are speaking. No sign of even letting each other go.

When Sica was cutting the cake with Sooyoung, Yuri's face was... you had to be there..

When Sooyoung and Sica were going on and on about marrying and kissing, Yuri's face was... yeah..

During the last photosession, Yuri comes to the middle and stands along side Sica.


Translation: k_Taevid @ soshified.com

^ Thanks for the video. YulSic.. Haha. Yay! Yulsic is really sweet couple. Yuri got jealous with SooSica

sorry if posted already...

090419 Kangin & Taeyeon - Last Day on Chin Chin Radio - English Sub

its soo sad.... :'(

^ It's sad. No more Kangyeon and their dork moments :(

Thanks Citra unnie for the information.

They broke the records again!

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Guest shinhdeplol

A new trot generation


트로트에 빠진 신세대들, '네오 트로트' 가 뜬다

남진. 나훈아. 태진아. 송대관. 설운도. 현철 등으로 대표하던 트로트는 중장년층의 전유물처럼 여겨졌던 게 사실이다. 노래방에서 흥에 겨운 젊은이들이 구성진 트로트를 부르는 모습은 심심찮게 볼 수 있지만. 젊은 층이 즐겨보는 음악 프로그램이나 이들이 애용하는 온라인 음원사이트 등에서 트로트곡을 찾기는 쉽지 않았다.

그러나 2004년 장윤정. 2006년 박현빈 등으로 인해 이 같은 트로트의 경향에 새 바람이 일었다. ‘어머나 어머나 이러지 마세요. 여자의 마음은 갈대랍니다’. ‘곤드레 만드레 나는 취해 버렸어. 너의 사랑에 향기 속에 빠져 버렸어’라는 직설적인 가사와 귀에 쏙 들어오는 멜로디는 ‘신세대 트로트’의 출발점이 됐다. ‘신세대 트로트’가 음악 시장에서 호응을 얻자 젊은 톱가수들이 잇달아 프로젝트 음반 형식을 빌어 트로트에 도전하기 시작했다. 이들이 시도하는 트로트는 음악 관계자와 팬들로부터 ‘네오 트로트’(Neo Trot)라 불리며 사랑받고 있다.

◇누가 누가 불렀나?

‘거짓말’. ‘마지막 인사’로 최고의 아이들 그룹으로 성장한 빅뱅의 멤버 대성은 솔로곡으로 트로트 ‘날 봐 귀순’을 내놓아 큰 반향을 일으켰다. 빅뱅의 프로듀서로 최첨단 사운드를 선보인 팀의 리더 G-드래곤이 곡을 만들고. 왠지 트로트와 어울릴 법한 구수한 외모의 대성이 코믹한 댄스를 곁들여 걸쭉한 목소리로 노래하자 신구세대 모두 열광했다. G-드래곤과 대성은 여세를 몰아 올해 초 새로운 트로트곡 ‘대박이야’를 발표해 연타석 인기 홈런을 날렸다.

슈퍼주니어는 빅뱅보다 한발 먼저 트로트에 도전했다. 슈퍼주니어의 유닛으로 이특. 희철. 신동. 강인. 은혁. 성민으로 구성된 슈퍼주니어T는 장윤정의 ‘어머나’를 만든 작곡가 윤명선과 손잡고 2007년 ‘로꾸거’를 발표했다. 지난해에는 일본 여성 개그 듀오 모에양과 함께 일본어 버전의 ‘로꾸거’를 발표해 오리콘 싱글 데일리 차트 2위까지 오르며 일본에 트로트 열풍을 일으키는 성과를 일궈내기도 했다.

올해 초 발표한 ‘지’(Gee)로 가요계 정상을 차지한 소녀시대의 멤버 서현은 ‘비 내리는 영동교’. ‘신사동 그사람’의 ‘트로트 퀸’ 주현미와 함께 ‘짜라자짜’를 발표했다. 이들의 조합은 세대와 장르를 초월하는 결합으로 큰 화제를 모았다.

여자가수를 무색케 하는 고음과 미성의 주인공 김종국도 지난 3월 콘서트에서 공개한 트로트곡 ‘따줘’를 최근 디지털 싱글로 발표하며 ‘네오 트로트’ 시장에 합류했다. 마음에 드는 여자에게 쑥스러워 다가서지 못해 애태우다가 친구에게 ‘전화번호를 따 달라’고 도움을 청하는 코믹한 내용의 이 노래는 5년 만에 콘서트를 가진 김종국이 팬들을 위한 특별 이벤트에서 불렀는데 예상 외로 반응이 뜨겁자 디지털 싱글로 재탄생하게 됐다.

혼성 그룹 쿨의 멤버 김성수 역시 최근 자신의 첫 번째 솔로곡으로 세미 트로트 ‘까칠한 여인’과 ‘말랑말랑’을 내놓았다. 16년 만에 홀로서기를 하며 트로트를 선택한 이유에 대해 그는 “원래 트로트를 좋아했고. 이런 스타일의 곡이면 모든 사람에게 사랑을 받을 수 있다고 생각했다”고 말했다.

◇왜 트로트인가?

신세대 톱가수들이 트로트에 뛰어든 데는 수요 시장의 확대가 큰 몫을 했다. 가요평론가 강태규씨는 “트로트는 원래 한국적인 정서를 가장 잘 표현하는 장르로 오랜 세월 꾸준히 사랑받았지만. 태진아 송대관 등으로 대표하던 트로트 시장이 좀 더 젊어지게 된 기폭제는 장윤정의 등장 이후”라고 말했다. 이어 그는 “장윤정의 성공 이후 젊은 층에게 트로트도 사랑받을 수 있다는 사실을 제작자들이 알게 되면서 트로트 음반 제작이 활발하게 이뤄졌다. 트로트의 수요 계층이 확대되는 것을 제작자들이 깨달은 것”이라고 덧붙였다.

또 다른 가요 관계자는 트로트에 대한 신세대 생산자와 소비자의 의식변화가 인기 열풍에 한몫을 했다고 보고 있다. 트로트 음반 제작사의 한 관계자는 “과거에는 소비자들이 일부 트로트 음악을 낮춰보는 시각도 없지 않았다. 하지만 빅뱅. 슈퍼주니어. 소녀시대 등 신세대 가수가 트로트에 도전하고 인기를 끌면서 소비자들의 이 같은 시각에 변화가 일어나기 시작했다”고 밝혔다.

하지만. 네오 트로트 열풍과 트로트의 질적 발전에 대해서는 의문을 표하는 시각도 있었다. 강태규씨는 “이런 경향이 트로트의 인지도를 보다 높이는 데 기여한 것은 부인할 수 없다. 하지만 일부 자극적인 가사의 노래에서 살펴볼 수 있듯이 이런 노래들이 트로트의 질적 발전에 얼마나 도움이 되고 있는지는 재고해 볼만하다”고 말했다.

김상호기자 sangho94@

Pls translate :D

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Guest zahieyjunki

baboshi, loves u muahh!!

Is that from Goobne? or new chicken brand? hoho~

coz on top of the pic its written roast chicken!!

Sunny so chubby cute~

yunholovesme, thnx dear!! That the ones from FG right?

It's new released!!

I can't find Seohyun in the pic at 1st and I love Fany's hair!! really rockz!!

Has this been posted? I found it in a chinese site. You'll have to scroll down a little to watch the clip.

*JeNy appear at around 0:30.

JeNy at a Movie Premier

credit: 少女天下_JJ

Apparently JeNy went to watch the premier of the action movie <7급공무원>.

It seems like a really interesting movie^^

Sica was laughing so hard, she's so cute~ <3

Fan account on Sica's Birthday Party?




Thanks to David @ soshified


As soon as Sica appears, Yuri runs over and hugs her

Yuri sings and sprays fake snow on her and Sica starts to run away with Yuri chasing her.. it was like a scene from Love Story

Yuri makes a cake mustache on Sica's face

As each member toasts, Yuri says "Thank you Sica's parents.."

As soon as Yuri finishes speaking, they bring their faces close to each other...!

The two is together the whole time as the other members are speaking. No sign of even letting each other go.

When Sica was cutting the cake with Sooyoung, Yuri's face was... you had to be there..

When Sooyoung and Sica were going on and on about marrying and kissing, Yuri's face was... yeah..

During the last photosession, Yuri comes to the middle and stands along side Sica.


Translation: k_Taevid @ soshified.com

Hope someone can upload on YT!!

Coz it's like so slow view from that site!!

thnx for the fan acc!~

For real?? Goshh, I should be there!!

Can't miss any YulSic moments!!

Yul such a jealous gurl!~ yeah that's why they're so Royal Couple!!

Love that one!!

jingg, thnx for Chin Chin pics!! Is that Changmin? Don't say he's her new partner!!

citra, thnx for the info! woah!! awesomee~ First week of their FC registration has almost 5k of fans!!

That really is a record!!

pinkish, thnx for the article!! but soon someone can translate it!!

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Guest mika.16

wow im so behind with snsd!

how is yoona's drama going?

i know she got some praise for good acting (right??), so how are the ratings going nowadays??

hope shes going well, its her first lead role, and she only debuted (as a singer!) 2 years ago

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Guest l0ral0vah

I don't know if this is the right translation, I jsut used the google translation so its not accurate but I hope I help you a little bit..

Trot, having a new generation of 'Neo-trot, the notice

Nam Jin. Nahunah. Taejinah. Songdaegwan. Seolundo. The trot, and the middle-aged representative hyeoncheol regarded as the exclusive possession of it is true that was. Young people in a karaoke heunge gyeoun guseongjin trot, but it can often look. Enjoy the music program or the young floor favorite online music site, was easy to find songs in the trot.

However, Demos 2004. Bakhyeonbin 2006 due to the tendency of the new wind ileotda trot. 'Oh my God Oh my God, do not do it. Reed says a woman's heart. 'Gondeure mandeure I've taken. You've fallen in love with the scent in the direct ear of the lyrics and the melody comes out, the 'new generation trot' was the starting point. 'New generation, trot,' get out of popularity in the music market, recording the type of project and wish the young topgasudeulyi series of challenges began to trot. The attempt at a trot, and fans of music from the 'Neo-trot' (Neo Trot) LA is called love is.

◇ Who called?

'Lie'. 'Last of' Big Bang, the best growth of the children's group as a member of Daesung's trot solrogok 'Look at me, defect, caused a sensation, give me the. The introduction of cutting-edge sound of the producer to the Big Bang G-Dragon team to create this song. Daesung's trot, and hang out with why this might look comical dance adorned gusuhan thick voice, Singing in the old generation was all excited. G-Dragon and Daesung out the momentum early this year, a new teuroteugok 'is big' yeontaseok Popular homer was announced.

Super Junior Trot challenge for the Big Bang was the first step. Super Junior Lee Teuk the unit. Huicheol. Prodigy. Strength. Eunhyeok. A Super Junior T seongmin of the Demos' Oh my God, the composer created in 2007 yunmyeongseon and hand 'rokkugeo' he said. The comedy duo in the Japanese women and Japanese versions of both moe 'rokkugeo' announced the Daily Oricon singles chart in Japan, rising trot, two top causes fever was achieve results.

Earlier this year, the 'after' (Gee) and took the girl to the music industry, members of seohyeon the youngdonggyo rain. 'Sinsa him the' trot Queen juhyeonmi with 'jjarajajja' he said. The combination of these three and a combination transcends genre was a big topic.

Female singer, the hero of the shade miseong the treble and concert in March in the public gimjong Route teuroteugok 'ttajwo' and recently released a digital single, 'Neo-trot' was on the market. Women do not like to ssukseureowo dagaseoji aetaewoodaga friend and get a different phone number, and ask for help of comic concert with a song in 5 years a special event for fans gimjong countries called on the outside tteugeopja reaction was reborn as a digital single.

Mixed group of first kului members solrogok Kim Sung Su's recent semi-trot 'kkachilhan woman' and 'malrangmalrang' has come up with. Holroseogi in 16 years, and chose to trot, "I liked the original trot. To all who love this style of gokyimyeon you think you can get, "he said.

◇ Why is trot?

To jump into the market demand for new generation topgasudeulyi trot, a large share of the expansion said. Go gangtaegyu critic said, "trot, the best representation of the original Korea sentiment in the genre you love a long time, but steadily. The market was due to songdaegwan taejinah trot, more rejuvenated appearance of the catalysts in the Demos, "he said. "The success of Demos can be in love with the young cheungege trot, they know that the author was actively creating the trot music. That the demand for producers to trot, they would follow the hierarchy, "he said.

Let's go for another trot, the consciousness of a new generation of producers and consumers on the popular trend has been cut. Trot, one of the Publisher "In the past, consumers see lower part of the music did not trot. But the Big Bang. Super Junior. On the trot, a new generation of challenges, including age of the girl singer, and gained popularity as consumers began to happen at the change, "he said.

But. Trot, trot, the quality of Neo to the development of fever and pyohaneun the time was questioned. Gangtaegyu said, "this trend is contributing to increase the awareness of the trot, can not deny. However, some incentive to look at the lyrics of the song, as in the trot, the quality of these songs is how much to the development board to reconsider it, "he said.

Gimsang hogija sangho94 @

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Guest zahieyjunki

^^ thnx for the translation!!

laani, the drama is going out well but just the ratings is not like we hoped~

Maybe it's just a warm up episodes but I bet after the few eps, the drama begin to excitement!!

I'm sure you for that~

[04.21.09] Girl's Generation Tae Yeon, Queen of Dungeon and Fighter's Event


‘Dungeon and Fighter’s gamers prefer Girl’s Generation member Tae Yeon’s appellation (identifying name or title)* according to a survey.

Neohpeul’s action game ‘dungeon and fighter’s’ Girls Generation appellation event has received explosive popularity. Tae Yeon’s voice inserted appellation was the most popular out of all the members.

According to the survey by the Daily Game on the April 20th from 2:00 PM to 8:00PM in ‘Dungeon and Fighter’ casillas server major town, gamers used Tae Yeon’s appellation the most then followed by that of Tiffany's, and Jessica's.

This research was conducted by checking the Girl’s Generation appellation symbol lollipop character data on top of the 'Dungeon and Fighter's' gamer's characters.

With this method, they narrowed down to total number of 113 people who found all the Girls Generation appellation. And among these specifics, 47 gamers used Tae Yeon’s voice appellation as their main.

Tae Yeon, also known as Taengoo as a term of endearment among her fans, has cute appearance and outstanding singing skills that contributed to her popularity. Another reason behind her rising popularity in and outside the game seems to be from feeling of familiarity due to her appearance in presently airing MBC variety show ‘We Got Married’ .

And next, Tiffany and Jessica’s appellation was most popular, followed by Yoona, Yuri, and Sunny’s. Twenty-four ‘Dungeon and Fighter’ users used Tiffany’s appellation resulting her to be 2nd place after Tae Yeon.

Tiffany obtained many male based fans from her popping optimistic personality with her aegyo filled eye smile. And Jessica was 3rd place with her charm with 10 users using her appellation.

Yoona and Yuri, and Sunny all had 9 users using their appellation, in the 4th place. Girl’s Generation member Seo Hyun had 3 users, and Soo Young and Hyo Yeon each had 1 user.

Neohpeul since the 9th of April, began the appellation event in the game. If the gamer collects 357 of ‘Girl’s Generation’s heart filled box’ and have passed the quests requested through the designated NPC- they receive ‘Girl’s Generation’ appellation item.

This special Girls Generation appellation not only has ability to increase strength, intelligence, and power of the game characters but also each appellation comes with all the Girl’s Generation member’s actual recorded voices. Because of this reason, many ‘Dungeon and Fighter’ gamers collect these valuables.

From the request of the Girl’s Generation agent (SM entertainment), Neohpeul refused to show the appellation usage percentages of each specific members out of all the gamers in ‘Dungeon’s and Fighters’.

translated by: june0916@soshified.com/forums

original: digitaltimes/ dt.co.kr

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Guest silis7noy

Today was the first new season bora with Taeng DJ by herself.

The guest was Jo SungMo. He was getting spazzy talking about snsd. Another samchon fan?


Yoona visited Tae unnie after her CM shoot. There were cookies sent in by JoSungMo fans and Yoona was seen stealing them.



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they look so cute ^_^ taeng must be so happy

they must be visited each other now that yoona work at MBC too kekeke

jo sung mo? sounds familiar much >.< (since focusing on soshi i forgot lots of senior artists T_T )

but his hair seems so diff @_@ but YEAY another soshi fan kekeke

I don't know if this is the right translation, I jsut used the google translation so its not accurate but I hope I help you a little bit..

Trot, having a new generation of 'Neo-trot, the notice

Nam Jin. Nahunah. Taejinah. Songdaegwan. Seolundo. The trot, and the middle-aged representative hyeoncheol regarded as the exclusive possession of it is true that was. Young people in a karaoke heunge gyeoun guseongjin trot, but it can often look. Enjoy the music program or the young floor favorite online music site, was easy to find songs in the trot.

However, Demos 2004. Bakhyeonbin 2006 due to the tendency of the new wind ileotda trot. 'Oh my God Oh my God, do not do it. Reed says a woman's heart. 'Gondeure mandeure I've taken. You've fallen in love with the scent in the direct ear of the lyrics and the melody comes out, the 'new generation trot' was the starting point. 'New generation, trot,' get out of popularity in the music market, recording the type of project and wish the young topgasudeulyi series of challenges began to trot. The attempt at a trot, and fans of music from the 'Neo-trot' (Neo Trot) LA is called love is.

◇ Who called?

'Lie'. 'Last of' Big Bang, the best growth of the children's group as a member of Daesung's trot solrogok 'Look at me, defect, caused a sensation, give me the. The introduction of cutting-edge sound of the producer to the Big Bang G-Dragon team to create this song. Daesung's trot, and hang out with why this might look comical dance adorned gusuhan thick voice, Singing in the old generation was all excited. G-Dragon and Daesung out the momentum early this year, a new teuroteugok 'is big' yeontaseok Popular homer was announced.

Super Junior Trot challenge for the Big Bang was the first step. Super Junior Lee Teuk the unit. Huicheol. Prodigy. Strength. Eunhyeok. A Super Junior T seongmin of the Demos' Oh my God, the composer created in 2007 yunmyeongseon and hand 'rokkugeo' he said. The comedy duo in the Japanese women and Japanese versions of both moe 'rokkugeo' announced the Daily Oricon singles chart in Japan, rising trot, two top causes fever was achieve results.

Earlier this year, the 'after' (Gee) and took the girl to the music industry, members of seohyeon the youngdonggyo rain. 'Sinsa him the' trot Queen juhyeonmi with 'jjarajajja' he said. The combination of these three and a combination transcends genre was a big topic.

Female singer, the hero of the shade miseong the treble and concert in March in the public gimjong Route teuroteugok 'ttajwo' and recently released a digital single, 'Neo-trot' was on the market. Women do not like to ssukseureowo dagaseoji aetaewoodaga friend and get a different phone number, and ask for help of comic concert with a song in 5 years a special event for fans gimjong countries called on the outside tteugeopja reaction was reborn as a digital single.

Mixed group of first kului members solrogok Kim Sung Su's recent semi-trot 'kkachilhan woman' and 'malrangmalrang' has come up with. Holroseogi in 16 years, and chose to trot, "I liked the original trot. To all who love this style of gokyimyeon you think you can get, "he said.

◇ Why is trot?

To jump into the market demand for new generation topgasudeulyi trot, a large share of the expansion said. Go gangtaegyu critic said, "trot, the best representation of the original Korea sentiment in the genre you love a long time, but steadily. The market was due to songdaegwan taejinah trot, more rejuvenated appearance of the catalysts in the Demos, "he said. "The success of Demos can be in love with the young cheungege trot, they know that the author was actively creating the trot music. That the demand for producers to trot, they would follow the hierarchy, "he said.

Let's go for another trot, the consciousness of a new generation of producers and consumers on the popular trend has been cut. Trot, one of the Publisher "In the past, consumers see lower part of the music did not trot. But the Big Bang. Super Junior. On the trot, a new generation of challenges, including age of the girl singer, and gained popularity as consumers began to happen at the change, "he said.

But. Trot, trot, the quality of Neo to the development of fever and pyohaneun the time was questioned. Gangtaegyu said, "this trend is contributing to increase the awareness of the trot, can not deny. However, some incentive to look at the lyrics of the song, as in the trot, the quality of these songs is how much to the development board to reconsider it, "he said.

Gimsang hogija sangho94 @

hey thanks for the translation ^^

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Guest silis7noy

jo sung mo? sounds familiar much >.< (since focusing on soshi i forgot lots of senior artists T_T )

but his hair seems so diff @_@ but YEAY another soshi fan kekeke

I'm sure you heard his songs. He was the king of ballads few years back, setting all time record sales or something.

I'm trying to figure out what he said about snsd. I think he said snsd is the hoobae artist that he is looking forward to the most, something like that...

SNSD performed today at Severance Hospital Event. Taengoo must have ran to Chinchin after the concert, couldn't even change her clothes.










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Guest zahieyjunki

Kindly Yoong visits Taeng at Chin Chin!!

Taeng just need company for her 1st time being solo DJ!

Good luck to Taeng!~

Poor taeng! dang, she have to rush up to chin chin after the performance!!

btw, people are spazzing up for Jessica & G-Dragon for new candidates for WGM!! As a couple on the show!!

But still it's not confirm yet! Maybe just a rumor!

Both are the top searched on Naver today!!

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Guest alainachen_604

long time no post...

Jessica and G-dragon are not dating in real life so its obvious they wont be a

new couple on we got married...

I don't want any other snsd girl to be in the show anymore, their o/s

will probably always be an old man :X

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Guest Lishathestain

Jang Na Ra has the most fans for offical fanclub ( 6000)

Credit ; bug@ ssf

wow wouldn't have thought it'll be her :P i was thinking like idk hyori or some idol girl group lol.

but dang 5000 fans already for the girls? keep it up and they will definitely broke the record :D

i swear these girls keep breaking records here and there <3

awww i think it's sweet how yoona went to visit Taengoo after her shooting :wub:

JeNy ^^



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Guest asianguitarguy

Hey, does anyone know when SNSD will be arriving in LA for the Hollywood Bowl? I would like to go cheer for them at the airport. I know the info is out there somewhere, because fans always turn out at airports to cheer for them in different countries, I just can find any of that info :angry: Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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