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T.B. Solangel

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Guest photo.ollie

yama-moto-yama green tea.

sencha green tea.

clipper green tea.

still water.

apple juice.

orange juice.

pomegranate juice.

anti-oxidant juice.


yups, i'm pretty healthy.

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Guest hungrycollegeboy

If I'm parched, I'd go for a water.

If I just want something to drink for the heck of it, then soda, juice would do just fine.

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Guest loveabella♥

TEA!♥ There was this one point I just bought a bunch of different kinds of bagged tea, but sticking with Oolong and Jasmine for now lol. Plus the sugary ones, ie Arizona (:

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  • 2 months later...

Water the most. It just is.... yummy in it's own pure, natural way.

Coke FTW! That stuff is addictive, so once a week.

At any buffet, order the Shirley Temple!

and at all Asian restaurants.....

TEA! Haha, I love any type of tea, any flavor, bitter or sweet, hot or cold. I just love

tea. Haha, I just like fluids meant for drinking! Oh, and hot chocolate!

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Guest smartypantalon

hmm I drink a lot actually ............... in a non-alcoholic sense, :lol:

I drink mostly water, chocolate milk, apple juice, & iced tea <3

I used to be obsessed with soda when I was younger.

But then I got cavities and I hated all things sweet :ph34r:

I'm getting better though, haha.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 9 months later...
Guest mrsjungyunho_

i used to HATE water, insane i know.

now, i absolutely love water. Soft drinks just don't taste as good as they used to.

occasionally i crave for smoothies, bubble teas and milkshakes but nothing beats water!! <3

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