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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest betchay

Hi betchay - our man is in good hands now. And no time to rest anymore even after Daemul's filming will be completed. :)

Agree.. so happy for this instant news. :rolleyes:

TY chingu, new siggy :)

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Guest kdramafanusa

Moi dear, sorry that the next project after Daemul may be a war drama by MBC



This war drama will be from PD Lee Jang-soo 이장수 (Beautiful Days, Shoot For The Stars, Stairway To Heaven, Love Story In Harvard, Tree Of Heaven).


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Guest TY_KSW

This war drama will be from PD Lee Jang-soo 이장수 (Beautiful Days, Shoot For The Stars, Stairway To Heaven, Love Story In Havard, Tree Of Heaven).

Is him? the PD of STH? Good! this gentlemen know how good SW fit the role!!

Agree.. so happy for this instant news. :rolleyes:

TY chingu, new siggy :)

yes chingu, my true love... nice back, isn't it :lol:

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Guest springblossoms

Wow weeeee .... is this true? :rolleyes::w00t: that my much anticipated wait for PD Lee's yet another masterpiece work has finally surfaced. simply love his previous works - Truth (correct me if i am wrong), Beautiful Days, Stairway to Heaven & Tree of Heaven; with STH being my all-time favourite. :wub::wub: thought i read sometime ago that ksw was not too keen in period dramas. well, for whatever reasons, glad that he has accepted this role. now i do deeply hope that cjw can be roped in to complete the once-discussed 'trilogy' partnership (after sth) with the PD for a role in this drama too. ;):D:rolleyes: this would be my one & only hope & dream come true. :w00t: :excl: PD lee & ksw & cjw ---- fighting !! :):wub::wub:

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Guest TY_KSW

now i do deeply hope that cjw can be roped in to complete the once-discussed 'trilogy' partnership (after sth) with the PD for a role in this drama too. ;):D:rolleyes: this would be my one & only hope & dream come true. :w00t: :excl: PD lee & ksw & cjw ---- fighting !! :):wub::wub:

who knows! that may be real!

lets cross your fingers Springblossoms! our Azura here must be very happy if that happen!! :w00t:

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Guest betchay

Wow weeeee .... is this true? :rolleyes::w00t: that my much anticipated wait for PD Lee's yet another masterpiece work has finally surfaced. simply love his previous works - Truth (correct me if i am wrong), Beautiful Days, Stairway to Heaven & Tree of Heaven; with STH being my all-time favourite. :wub::wub: thought i read sometime ago that ksw was not too keen in period dramas. well, for whatever reasons, glad that he has accepted this role. now i do deeply hope that cjw can be roped in to complete the once-discussed 'trilogy' partnership (after sth) with the PD for a role in this drama too. ;):D:rolleyes: this would be my one & only hope & dream come true. :w00t: :excl: PD lee & ksw & cjw ---- fighting !! :):wub::wub:

Hello springblossoms, yay.. possible! :w00t:

Like what TY said.. crossed fingers & toes for another

STH reunion. :D

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yes dear... very romantic.. i even can smell the florist scent in your script too.. :D

just wonder, he is the hero (as your plot set up) that must be very busy in mission, so how could he find space time to meet you 10 times in a romantic garden overflowing with flowers in such deadly war (not to mention they may bombing it).. tsk tsk ! :lol::lol::lol:

u oughta read moi's post more diligently dear -_- ........obviously d war wud be over by d last epi :rolleyes: ..... then its time for romance to begin! :wub:

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Guest kdramafanusa

권상우·고현정 대물, 없던 일 되나

2008.05.22 12:20


SBS TV 드라마 '대물'(극본 유동윤)이 무산 위기에 처했다.

한류스타 권상우(32)과 고현정(37)을 남녀주인공으로 캐스팅한 제작비 100억원대의 대작이다. 드라마 제작사와 연출자 사이의 갈등으로 방송 자체가 불투명해진 것으로 알려졌다.

'대물'은 '쩐의 전쟁'등을 만든 이김프로덕션이 제작하는 드라마다. 담당 김형식(37) PD는 '외과의사 봉달희'등을 연출한 SBS 프로듀서다.


김 PD와 이김프로덕션은 서로의 '권리'를 강조하면서 마찰을 빚은 것으로 전해졌다. 심지어 연출자 없이 첫 극본연습을 하는 등 불협화음이 심각했다는 것이다.

SBS 드라마 관계자는 22일 "당초 예정됐던 8월에는 방송을 하지 못하는 것이 사실"이라고 인정했다. 그러면서도 "아직 더 지켜봐야 한다. 문제가 있다는 사실은 확인해 줄 수 없다"며 트러블 해결 가능성도 시사했다.

이김프로덕션 관계자는 "8월에 방송할지 못할지 확정되지는 않았지만 제작사와 방송사간의 갈등으로 문제가 있는 것은 맞다. 그렇다고 8월 방송이 불가한 것은 아닌 것으로 알고 있다. '대물'을 대신한 다른 드라마 방송일정이 확정되지도 않았다"고 밝혔다.

또 "연출자를 교체해 8월 방송날짜를 지키려는 움직임도 있다. '대물'을 둘러싼 소문들이 무성한 만큼 곧 공식입장을 낼 것"이라고 설명했다.

그러나 권상우 측은 "드라마와 관련해 좋지 않은 소문이 있었던 것은 사실이나 이달 말 고현정씨와 함께 일본 로케이션을 떠나는 만큼 문제는 없다"며 '대물'불발설을 부인했다.

< 관련사진 있음 >

강경지기자 bright@newsis.com 이민정기자 benoit0511@newsis.com

< 저작권자ⓒ '한국언론 뉴스허브' 뉴시스통신사. 무단전재-재배포 금지. >


制作方與執行人出現矛盾 《大物》可能胎死腹中

2008年05月23日10:01   騰訊娛樂







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Guest TY_KSW

I wonder whats the meaning of that articles?

Hope it is good news!

the whole articles in both korean n Chinese are same topic about the posibility of delay of Daemul broadcasting date. There is a conflict b/t production team and the PD (Thanks Azura for clarifing).

The most important part to our Wooers is the last sentence, SW said that he also heard that the domestic production side and the implementation team are in conflict/dispute, which may affect the normal airing of the drama however he is working with Go Hyun Jung very well and their trip to Japan shooting is still progressing well.

Trust it clear, dear! :w00t:

u oughta read moi's post more diligently dear -_- ........obviously d war wud be over by d last epi :rolleyes: ..... then its time for romance to begin! :wub:

Okie dear, your wish is my command! i read it more carefully! an found that, the war will be over in the last episode in which the sweet n demure n innocent newbie are changing 10 times of hanbok to warm up with her hero in the romantic florist garden...


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Guest betchay

the whole articles in both korean n Chinese are same topic about the posibility of delay of Daemul broadcasting date. There is a conflict b/t production team and the PD (Thanks Azura for clarifing).

The most important part to our Wooers is the last sentence, SW said that he also heard that the domestic production side and the implementation team are in conflict/dispute, which may affect the normal airing of the drama however he is working with Go Hyun Jung very well and their trip to Japan shooting is still progressing well.

Trust it clear, dear! :w00t:

smiley11.gif dear.. you're an angelgif.gif! :)

Hope whatever difficulties they are encountering right now will be fixed ASAP. :phew:


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Guest TY_KSW

hahha.. look at the first page of that mag , recalling me the everlasting polling! it is not closed yet dear.. the #1 is still "you know who :rolleyes: " !

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Okie dear, your wish is my command! i read it more carefully! an found that, the war will be over in the last episode in which the sweet n demure n innocent newbie are changing 10 times of hanbok to warm up with her hero in the romantic florist garden...


d last hanbok shall be d wedding costume of cos :phew:




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Guest TY_KSW

d last hanbok shall be d wedding costume of cos :phew:



oop! he is grabing ur shirt or giving you a bunch ? dear.. granted that you are tall !! :lol:

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d last hanbok shall be d wedding costume of cos :phew:



oop! he is grabing ur shirt or giving you a bunch ? dear.. granted that you are tall !! :lol:

dun be ridiculous darlink -_- ..... it ain't moi's fault if being shortie bothers u!!! 36_11_6.gif ..... u might wanna try wearing stilts :phew: ....... oops! :vicx: ..... actually moi meant those very high heels! :w00t:


she's in moi's league heightwise B)

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