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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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Guest xXeunhaexP

I am beginning to suspect she is using KSW as a temporary shelter to ease her pain. Why did she cried in public for her failed relationship, was it crococdile tears to garner support trying impress or boast to her few ex's that she can find any guy any time. For once, KSW is too naive and soft-hearted to fall into her "lovey dovey" trap. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt, it takes time to show her true colours but meanwhile she has succeeded in crossing the hurdle with KSW's mum.

well..i'm not really really against them...it just like everything seems rushed and all...but it's not my part to say that. i don't know it's just a BIG shocker and stuff and yeahhh....ughh i just have mixed feelings about all this

but i mean in the interview he always said he loved her a lot and like they love each other...gahhh :blush:

yeah mixed feelings :unsure:

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Guest MiNwOoZ_sOuLmAtE

i really should be happy for kwon sang woo but i cannot get myself to...

like everyone, i feel like the marriage is too rushed...

i mean he waited this long, he can wait another few months to get to know her better since supposedly they've only dated for a couple of months? O_o

unless she's pregnant and they have to speed up the wedding

i really hope she treasures him like all of us do

ahhhh im getting a headache LOL

and to all of the kwon sang woo fans/lovers, i feel your pain xP

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Guest merela

Love is a mysterious thing, but wanting to get married to someone takes courage, especially for someone likes Kwon Sang Woo. I'm sure he knows all the ramifications of getting married at this juncture in his career. But he's 32. It's probably the right time and the right place for him. For guys, it's always like that. When he's ready and the first girl that happens to be there when he's ready will be the ONE.

I'm sure countless women throws themselves (or attempts to) at KSW at all times. It doesn't make Miss Sohn a better person than all the pretty girls out there. She just happens to be the right person for KSW right now. I always believe it's very hard for a woman to be married to a handsome man. Miss Sohn will have to be very strong to be able to handle all the disadvantages of marrying a very famous man.

Marriage is difficult enough without the celebrity status of KSW. Good luck to the both of them. They'll both need it.

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Guest vkkkim

Shocking :o

First the rumor, then denial from his agency, then the press conf, the apologies, and the grave look on KSW's face . . . . They just don't feel right. :unsure: I can see where his apologies are coming from. He should too for letting his fans down. This can be most diasterous to his career . . . . . Lets just hope STY is indeed the right gal for him.

Edit - but I was listening to Bad Love's OST on my way to work and coming home :vicx:

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Guest Mariposa28

hello all


really chocking news today, i'v lost words for a couple of pages, when i was reading your comments, seeing the pics of kwon in the press conference and reading his anwsers to the question, soo much to handle, aiiiiiiiii :wacko::wacko::wacko:

but coming back to my sense, i feel that it's the best time for kwon to settle down and have a family, hope he made the right choice,

wish them all the happiness, even if i noticed like you did chingu, betchay830 he didn't look that happy in that dark suit, not really a happy colour for this happy day :sweatingbullets: ,or maybe he didn't want to show off his happiness in front of his fans and the press, or acting serious???

kind of strange anyway :blink::blink:

he's sooo romantic in his answers, im jealous, :crazy::crazy:

i think if he acted happy and cheerful in front of all, we will be more chocked than now, am i right??

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Guest Gromit

My first post.

I can't even attempt to describe what i am feeling right now, happy or sad. It's weird. Korea's most eligible bachelor is off the market now. Change is difficult. However, he is not getting any younger and the need for a family takes presidence over a career now.

I hope he can still maintain a successful media career. The Asian market is very fickle and does not take to their favourite stars getting married or having girlfriends and boyfriends. I will be very sad if his career takes a nose dive just because he is getting married. It did no harm to Brad Pitt when he married Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie.

Kwon Sang Woo Forever!!! :wub:

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Guest betchay

"Love at first sight for Kwon Sang Woo"

R: There was news that both of you went for a holiday in Australia?

S: We did not went alone but with friends

Indeed all his answers were romantic & well prepared.

Talking about their Australia get away, he answered very defensive on this question.

So what if they went alone or with friends. Was he trying to imply nothing happened coz

they were with other friends. Oh come on.. this is 21st century so he doesn't need to be defensive

especially they are both old enough to get serious with their relationship. :phew:

It was just a funny answer on my opinion. :D

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Guest Lucki

Hi all,

I felt faint when I read the news about KSWS's dating rumour and again with his confirmation. I did hope it was only dating but not yet marriage but ....

I am a fan from Sydney, Australia. I only knew KSW two months ago by a funny incident and instantly become his fan. Since then I always followed his news or whatever (that had never happened to me). At first, I was not seriously hooked with his look but his acting. Then I watched all of his dramas and some movies in just a month time and now I feel like cannot get him out of my head. Knowing he came to Sydney last year I almost bang my head for missing the opportunity because I had his drama two years ago but I threw away and never watch it

The news is a shocking strike to his fan I guess. But I was looking for his new project after Daemul's cancellation. now It's obviously that there will be no project until next year may be. That disapointed me at most.

Congratulation to KSW. I wish the couple happiness and long last ever marriage. I hope he has happiness so he can then concentrate more on acting to devote to his fan. he's still the only 1 and ever actor that I can remember name and feel longing for his work.

Btw, recall SW saying about his future wife I doubt that Miss STY will prefer staying home and sacrify her career to give him many children as his wish. But seems that KSW has strong love for TY to take the challenge. TY - lucky gal cause SW is definitely a passionate hubby and has everything that a girl can dream of. His family seems warm and kind too.

I hope he will keep his career up and Entertainment industry will exploit his talent more.

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Guest Gromit

Shocking :o

First the rumor, then denial from his agency, then the press conf, the apologies, and the grave look on KSW's face . . . . They just don't feel right. :unsure: I can see where his apologies are coming from. He should too for letting his fans down. This can be most diasterous to his career . . . . . Lets just hope STY is indeed the right gal for him.

Edit - but I was listening to Bad Love's OST on my way to work and coming home :vicx:

Bad Love OST is so good. Recording studio's and singing lessons show how much can be done for an "average" voice :P Kwon Sang Woo actually sounds quite good.

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Guest fivemagic

Hi everyone... again!

I am having a huge HEADACHE :crazy: now since I can't think of a way to get out of this shocking news... :angry: no matter how hard I have tried to wipe it away from my insane memory, this news has given me a bigger HEADACHE than anything that I have known. I am happy that he's getting married at this age and time, but I just think that he's rushing into this marriage thing tooooo soon especially when he and her have only known each other not too long ago... I too am hoping that she is the lucky lady for him and she better treat him RIGHT...

Looking at the presscon pics, he doesn't seem to be happy at all... he seems sad... could it be that he's having second thoughts about the marriage???

KSW, even if you are getting married, we fans will support you through thick and thin... not to worry, you will always be in our hearts and soul not matter what you decide on your future. Wish you the best of luck and happiness... always!!!

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Guest Happy_Day

OMG I just read an article that KSW is marrying SonTaeYoung!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't even know they were going out!!!! I totally cannot picture them together, but oh well. Good for them~~

By the way, I sound like a bitter fan, but I'm not really a fan.. I just wanted to say that STY has had a really "bad" dating history haha. She cheated on on her boyfriend who was directing an MV, got involved with her male co-star of the MV#@#%, and then THEY broke up really soon after too. And some other stuff too.

I hope KWS doesn't break his heart over her.

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Guest TY_KSW

Shocking :o

First the rumor, then denial from his agency, then the press conf, the apologies, and the grave look on KSW's face . . . . They just don't feel right. :unsure: I can see where his apologies are coming from. He should too for letting his fans down. This can be most diasterous to his career . . . . . Lets just hope STY is indeed the right gal for him.

Edit - but I was listening to Bad Love's OST on my way to work and coming home :vicx:

in this condition, BAD LOVE ost is suitable , it said our feeling now! :tears:

Indeed all his answers were romantic & well prepared.

Talking about their Australia get away, he answered very defensive on this question.

So what if they went alone or with friends. Was he trying to imply nothing happened coz

they were with other friends. Oh come on.. this is 21st century so he doesn't need to be defensive

especially they are both old enough to get serious with their relationship. :phew:

It was just a funny answer on my opinion. :D

Chingu, he was not very defensive like you think!

He just said they went to Australia with their friends but not saying that they sleep with their friend too! :lol:

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Guest vkkkim

Indeed all his answers were romantic & well prepared.

Talking about their Australia get away, he answered very defensive on this question.

So what if they went alone or with friends. Was he trying to imply nothing happened coz

they were with other friends. Oh come on.. this is 21st century so he doesn't need to be defensive

especially they are both old enough to get serious with their relationship. :phew:

It was just a funny answer on my opinion. :D

He's prob very anxious to know how his fans react. :D Somehow I feel sorry for him having to apologise to everyone for getting married. This should have been a joyful annoucement.

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Guest kdramafanusa

Congratulation to KSW and his wife-to-be. I wish them a lifetime of happiness.

I understand how everyone's shocked over this news. When you eventually calm down, I hope you will see things in a different light.

I believe that fans should support him through it all (good and bad times).

Fans are disappointed?

Like he said, he didn't mean for the fans to find out this way. He wanted to announce the news on his birthday, but it's leaked out.

I think that was why he appologized to the fans; true that he didn't have to since he didn't do anything wrong, but he cared for his fans' feelings.

BTW, there are pics of him smiling at the conference too. :)

Not being together long enough?

They are both matured enough to decide that. Besides sometimes timing is not everything, who's to say that a couple who's together for 2 years is better/closer than a couple who's together for 1 year. Maybe she's there for him during his hard times (setbacks with dramas, etc)? Gave him lots of love & support and they became very closed?

She dated many people?

Well, everyone has a past right? Some people are lucky to meet their soulmate on 1st attempt, others take longer.

Besides we don't know her personally so we shouldn't judge her. He made his choice and we should respect/support him.

Not the right choice?

Many of of us want him to be with his co-stars because of the chemistry displayed in their works, can they connect on that level in real life as well?

He should be the one who decides who's best/suitable for him. I read some rather harsh comments at another forum, some of them just can't accept the fact that he has a girlfriend and getting married. The truth is that he will eventually marry someone; even if she wasn't STY, how likely will one of the fans become the one?

Why marry now?

He mentioned in many of his interviews that he longs to have a family. He's at an age for marriage too.

Do fans want him to remain single like many other top actors? Just for the sake of the fans? Celebrities have a life too, they also need love/support/care from loved ones.

Just my 2 cents though. If you don't agree with what I wrote, just ignore this post.

Take it easy everyone. :)

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Guest Hanneebuff

it's been a long time since I've been here (and posted at soompi as well...)

i just want to see how others are doing. I really can't believe that Sang Woo oppa will be getting married. :( I kept on ignoring the news for the past two days but seeing the pressconference and the pictures, i felt like i banged my head on the wall and saw that everything is indeed real.

it is hard to accept but he is of the right age. we should have taken the hint when he said in the interviews that he wanted to get married but who would have known that he has a girl. *sighs*

my best wishes to the couple. i'm having a hard time taking all of these in...I do hope STY doesn't break his heart.

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Guest me094

I've been kind of in shock every since the news broke out... I had to check out what everyone's reactions were in here... But i have to say... i've always liked STY but i never imagined she would be the girl my hot sexy bachelor would marry... nevertheless i'm still happy for them, may their life together be full of happiness and love.

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Guest camella

Congratulation to KSW and his wife-to-be. I wish them a lifetime of happiness.

I understand how everyone's shocked over this news. When you eventually calm down, I hope you will see things in a different light.

I believe that fans should support him through it all (good and bad times).

Fans are disappointed?

Like he said, he didn't mean for the fans to find out this way. He wanted to announce the news on his birthday, but it's leaked out.

I think that was why he appologized to the fans; true that he didn't have to since he didn't do anything wrong, but he cared for his fans' feelings.

BTW, there are pics of him smiling at the conference too. :)

Not being together long enough?

They are both matured enough to decide that. Besides sometimes timing is not everything, who's to say that a couple who's together for 2 years is better/closer than a couple who's together for 1 year. Maybe she's there for him during his hard times (setbacks with dramas, etc)? Gave him lots of love & support and they became very closed?

She dated many people?

Well, everyone has a past right? Some people are lucky to meet their soulmate on 1st attempt, others take longer.

Besides we don't know her personally so we shouldn't judge her. He made his choice and we should respect/support him.

Not the right choice?

Many of of us want him to be with his co-stars because of the chemistry displayed in their works, can they connect on that level in real life as well?

He should be the one who decides who's best/suitable for him. I read some rather harsh comments at another forum, some of them just can't accept the fact that he has a girlfriend and getting married. The truth is that he will eventually marry someone; even if she wasn't STY, how likely will one of the fans become the one?

Why marry now?

He mentioned in many of his interviews that he longs to have a family. He's at an age for marriage too.

Do fans want him to remain single like many other top actors? Just for the sake of the fans? Celebrities have a life too, they also need love/support/care from loved ones.

Just my 2 cents though. If you don't agree with what I wrote, just ignore this post.

Take it easy everyone. :)

Well said Kdramafanusa. What you said are the facts. In time, we will see it this way. In the meantime, like a fever, healing will take its natural course and time.

I still think Sangwoo should not have apologized and just kept his announcement to his fans in his website, and dispensed with a prescon. But he did it.

Let us see what will happen to his popularity from now on. How can Sangwoo redeem himself to his fans specially at this time when his acting career is not doing well? Let us face it, he needs his fans. let us see what he will do next.

I cannot blame his fans for feeling left out and disappointed with the way he handled this issue. Sangwoo, perhaps has one if not the largest fan websites and organizations all over the world who never failed to support him thru thick and thin. They are his best friends, to whom he kept a secret then stunned them with a public disclosure and apology.

But I repeat, to Sangwoo, all the best for always. :D

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Guest TY_KSW

For some reason they remind me of the couple he played in "We're Dating Now" :D

I wish them all the luck.

:lol:Gerryg, every couple in "we're dating now" is single and clean history before coming to each others dear! that why we can laugh in every scenes and its ending!

For the reality, no drama or couple could be compared, because it is the perfect script set up by a proffessional ones ! we - the true audient are viewing it!

Not a disarter these days to us, but a big benefit!

why not a disarter? its a games, and if games over it may start new game ...

Why it is a big benefit? like someone "very undertanding and symphathy" posted in this thread, the biggest and largest FC in the world is gaining for what they are devoting! Should we call it benefit? Yes it should!

Dun say like you were in the funeral! it is the good news, big benefit instead!

I found someone say "congratulation" its right saying! We thank you for that! :lol: We just drank Soju for a losing in one games but getting the big benefit! :phew:

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Congrats to the happy couple Kwon Sang Woo & Son Tae Young ... a lovely and gorgeous couple ... love KSW in all his dramas and movies ... STY is one of my favorite actress since the drama "Rememberence" ... I was happy to hear of the impending wedding plans ... like all of us ... stars do have to live their lives and have a happy ending with their soulmates ... KSW shed a lot of tears in his dramas ... I'm glad he'll have lots and lots of tears of joy in the years ahead!!!!! Aja, Aja, Aja :w00t:

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