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Guest A_Star296

Hey ladies~ just wondering what would you do in my situation?

How should I approach this one boy whom I find really cute and want to be friends with, but I don't know him and he's like one year younger than me (I'm a senior and he's a junior)? Also no mutual friends, no same classes (because we're in different grades), nothing at all! We always see each other in the hallways and we do have eye contact all the time (it makes me happy XD) but then I wanna get to know him and be friends, but I don't know HOW to approach him. Should I stop him in his tracks one day and say "hey"? I don't even know WHAT to say, so help please? :c

I already asked this in the guys' thread, but I think I should really ask you ladies XD~

thanks in advance ^ ^

If I were you I'd start by smiling at the guy! Eye contact is one thing but smile at him first and see if he smiles back. I'm 99.9% sure he will smile back and then just say hi, introduce yourself, find out what subjects he's doing, his interests/hobbies. Its pretty simple once you get the courage to introduce yourself. Be confident!! :) 

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Guest o________O

For what reason would girls ever give several glances (at different intervals, say every 10mins in a 1hour sitting) at a guy?

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For what reason would girls ever give several glances (at different intervals, say every 10mins in a 1hour sitting) at a guy?

She might be interested in the guy, or she wants the guy to notice her. It really depends on the interaction before/after the 1 hour sitting as well.

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Well, I'd go up and say hi. Get a conversation started and then work up from there. Find out what he likes, etc.

Well that is basically my general idea, I was actually asking for what I should do and HOW I would get a convo started. Thank you for the effort though ^ ^;

If I were you I'd start by smiling at the guy! Eye contact is one thing but smile at him first and see if he smiles back. I'm 99.9% sure he will smile back and then just say hi, introduce yourself, find out what subjects he's doing, his interests/hobbies. Its pretty simple once you get the courage to introduce yourself. Be confident!! :) 

Ahhhhh. A lot of people have told me the same thing! But the thing is I don't know how to smile. I think my smile is kind of weird/funny looking LOLOL. What I have imagined from your advice is that I smile, he smiles back. Then right away I go "hi~ I'm (insert name here), what's your name? Are you a junior?" l0l is that creepy or not? Should we smile at each other several times before I actually go ahead and introduce? Or do you think it's fine to do it right after the first smile? LOL

I think that the fact that we see each other several times a day accompanied by eye contact every single time might have creeped him out? It might have made him think "omg why do I keep seeing her around? Is she like stalking me or something?!" or something of the sort >_< and I feel like once I smile at him he might think "O_O she just smiled at me omg so creepy, omg she just said HI to me and asked me my name, I don't think it's safe to tell her..."


ahahah thanks for your advice ^ ^;;

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Guest glorified.

A guy asks a girl friend to grab lunch or dinner sometime (to hang out more and get to know each other better) and they haven't known each other for that long.  I want to stress that they're only friends.  Do you think the bill should be split? Or the guy should pay seeing as he asked the girl out to grab something to eat together.

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A guy asks a girl friend to grab lunch or dinner sometime (to hang out more and get to know each other better) and they haven't known each other for that long.  I want to stress that they're only friends.  Do you think the bill should be split? Or the guy should pay seeing as he asked the girl out to grab something to eat together.

If they're just strictly friends then they should split the bill or take turns in paying.

If it's a real date then the one who's asking should pay. So if the guy asks the girl out then he should pay, but if the girl asked then it should be her. This is just my opinion though, but as a girl I think it's quite unfair to always expect the guy to pay lol

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I met this girl at school a few days ago, we chatted it up a bit and later that night we saw each other at the club (school event). We danced, bought each other drinks, talked, etc. and later I asked for her number but she said she doesn't talk on the phone much and only gave me her bbm (she says she's always on bbm), do you think that's just an excuse?

Next day she messages me first on bbm, is that a sign of interest? Or could she just be bored?

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Guest [ knockOUT ]

I met this girl at school a few days ago, we chatted it up a bit and later that night we saw each other at the club (school event). We danced, bought each other drinks, talked, etc. and later I asked for her number but she said she doesn't talk on the phone much and only gave me her bbm (she says she's always on bbm), do you think that's just an excuse?

Next day she messages me first on bbm, is that a sign of interest? Or could she just be bored?

I would say she's telling the truth. Especially since she did message you first the next day, I'm sure that's a sign that she's not trying to avoid you.

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Thanks for the response. I should probably have included this in my original post but the last time I spoke with her that night we were at the club went something like this:

Awhile after we separated from dancing, later that night I was at a table talking with a few friends and I noticed she was behind me with her friends so I went over to talk and she said she's too drunk to dance and told me to find other girls to dance with (This is after I already got her bbm btw), my initial thoughts was that I got put in the dreaded friend zone. I pretty much just said ok and went back to my friends.

Also, it would be obvious to you girls if a guy asks you for your number that he's interested in you right? I'm just not sure what she really feels!

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Guest SlicedBread

I just found an online conversation I had saved a long time ago (at least 7 years ago). It was with a girl I had met in person while waiting for a friend at the mall to go eat. I hadgotten her digits and info, and this was one online chat we had when I was trying to get to know her. I always wondered what I did wrong, since I invited her out two times after this, and she always found an excuse to decline. Maybe I can teach any future kids I have a lesson. :)

Before I post, I want to know if it's good etiquette here, since it's a quite long conversation.

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Guest likelovers

I met this girl at school a few days ago, we chatted it up a bit and later that night we saw each other at the club (school event). We danced, bought each other drinks, talked, etc. and later I asked for her number but she said she doesn't talk on the phone much and only gave me her bbm (she says she's always on bbm), do you think that's just an excuse?

Next day she messages me first on bbm, is that a sign of interest? Or could she just be bored?

Thanks for the response. I should probably have included this in my original post but the last time I spoke with her that night we were at the club went something like this:

Awhile after we separated from dancing, later that night I was at a table talking with a few friends and I noticed she was behind me with her friends so I went over to talk and she said she's too drunk to dance and told me to find other girls to dance with (This is after I already got her bbm btw), my initial thoughts was that I got put in the dreaded friend zone. I pretty much just said ok and went back to my friends.

Also, it would be obvious to you girls if a guy asks you for your number that he's interested in you right? I'm just not sure what she really feels!

There's really no telling for sure whether or not she's interested since we don't know how she interacts with other guys, but usually if a girl messages first, and you guys aren't really good friends, she's probably interested.

I just found an online conversation I had saved a long time ago (at least 7 years ago). It was with a girl I had met in person while waiting for a friend at the mall to go eat. I hadgotten her digits and info, and this was one online chat we had when I was trying to get to know her. I always wondered what I did wrong, since I invited her out two times after this, and she always found an excuse to decline. Maybe I can teach any future kids I have a lesson. :)

Before I post, I want to know if it's good etiquette here, since it's a quite long conversation.

I'm not quite sure what the lesson is or what purpose the conversation would serve... Unless you mean you want to post the conversation so people can tell you what went wrong (if something did go wrong in the convo) and that lesson can be learned by others.

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Guest SlicedBread

I'm not quite sure what the lesson is or what purpose the conversation would serve... Unless you mean you want to post the conversation so people can tell you what went wrong (if something did go wrong in the convo) and that lesson can be learned by others.

I think I know what may have turned her off, I was younger and dumber. :) It'd be nice to see what other people think went wrong, just for giggles.

I think the guys would have a field day with it, ha, but I think a woman's insight could be more accurate.

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Guest SlicedBread

I decided to post it here. I was reminded of my interaction with this girl years ago and was kind of curious in retrospect. Nothing serious behind the post; just for the fun of the topic.

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Guest A_Star296

Well that is basically my general idea, I was actually asking for what I should do and HOW I would get a convo started. Thank you for the effort though ^ ^;

Ahhhhh. A lot of people have told me the same thing! But the thing is I don't know how to smile. I think my smile is kind of weird/funny looking LOLOL. What I have imagined from your advice is that I smile, he smiles back. Then right away I go "hi~ I'm (insert name here), what's your name? Are you a junior?" l0l is that creepy or not? Should we smile at each other several times before I actually go ahead and introduce? Or do you think it's fine to do it right after the first smile? LOL

I think that the fact that we see each other several times a day accompanied by eye contact every single time might have creeped him out? It might have made him think "omg why do I keep seeing her around? Is she like stalking me or something?!" or something of the sort >_< and I feel like once I smile at him he might think "O_O she just smiled at me omg so creepy, omg she just said HI to me and asked me my name, I don't think it's safe to tell her..."


ahahah thanks for your advice ^ ^;;

Lol you're thinking wayyy too much into this! A smile is kind of like an invitation to start talking to him, so once he smiles back then sure, go ahead and introduce yourself! Seeing someone everyday and making eye contact wouldn't be creepy imo, it would make me more familiar with the person. So like when you do introduce yourself you can say 'I've seen you around loads so I thought I might as well say hi :) '  There's a conversation starter! 

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Guest Illicit

I'm not quite sure what the lesson is or what purpose the conversation would serve... Unless you mean you want to post the conversation so people can tell you what went wrong (if something did go wrong in the convo) and that lesson can be learned by others.


Sometimes when I'm posting (asking for advice/ help/ opinions), I'm very subjective. And biased. x__x;; I can't be objective because it applies to me. I'm blinded by my emotions and can't think rationally. When I take the time to think rationally, the answer comes. But sometimes, there are times when I'm not 100% sure.. or someone on Soompi has more past experiences to share and can give advice. It doesn't mean you HAVE to follow it, but it's just something to ponder in your mind about. I don't know about you, but I find that things *click* at times when you hear things from a different POV or something @.@;;;

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Guest SlicedBread


Sometimes when I'm posting (asking for advice/ help/ opinions), I'm very subjective. And biased. x__x;; I can't be objective because it applies to me. I'm blinded by my emotions and can't think rationally. When I take the time to think rationally, the answer comes. But sometimes, there are times when I'm not 100% sure.. or someone on Soompi has more past experiences to share and can give advice. It doesn't mean you HAVE to follow it, but it's just something to ponder in your mind about. I don't know about you, but I find that things *click* at times when you hear things from a different POV or something @.@;;;

I posted it mostly for giggles. It was years ago, but I thought it'd be fun to see where people thought I lost her interest. :) Of course, if I learn something, I might be able to pass it on. ;)

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How do you act when you're around somebody you like, or are attracted to?

Depends on the level of attraction. When it's a deep level my attention is focused on him, I tend to talk a lot more, share personal things, tease here and there, compliment, maybe I'll say something flirty, etc. I don't think it's that hard to tell when I'm attracted. Usually when I know I like someone a lot I'm upfront about it.

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