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Kim Dong Wan 김동완 - the singer


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Guest adikkeluangman

Dongwan’s “boxing dance”

May 19, 2008


Wonder Girls has the “Tell Me dance.” Jewelry has the “ET dance.” SS501 has the “Jjanggu dance.” Who’s next?

Well, Dongwan has the “boxing dance,” which was coined by Netizens and can be seen being performed by the Shinhwa member and his female backup dancers during the chorus of his new song “Secret.” According to fans, in “Secret,” Dongwan is able to further show his stage presence and his vocal abilities as compared to when he was promoting his first album.

Source: Segye + krnloop

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Guest fancyy

Girls! Annyeong! ^^

I am promoting Dongwan a little.

These links... all clicks are very, very important to Kim Dongwan.

Please, click and visit the most you can!~








Let's make our Dongwannie happy!! ^^

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Guest 80slitenite

Chinja?! Woooooooooooooo! Awesome!

I love his boxing dance! I want to see him do it more!

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Guest love!melody

yay! dongwan and his 'boxing dance' LOL i love it too <3 really simple :) hehehehe something everyone can do together, and guess what? it's a great exercise too! LMAO hehehe~ and yea. i was actually expecting dongwan to do it during his performances because in the MV, that was one of the few moves he acually did. hope he will start doing it on stage ^^

and :) star golden bell ^^ thank you for the heads up

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Aigoo, this guy is making my head spin lately with all the interviews and appearances he's been doing. I credit my improvements with Korean to listening to him on the radio and reading his interviews. :P He was on Park Kyung Lim's radio show today (or is it yesterday in Korean time?) and here are some tidbits:

~ The 2nd single may be out of "A Man's Love" "Person I love" or "Good Person" (They played tiny clips of these while DW talked about them)

~ or it may be out of 2-3 songs that he's going to record for his repackage album. (YAY!)

~ PKL actually suggested that his 2nd single should be "A Man's Love" while he plays the piano (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing idea, which DW really liked it too. Oh my god, the other thing that kills me besides a hot man with cute kids? A hot man playing the piano...I nearly passed out when DW sang and played the piano at his Japan fan meeting)

~ DW doesn't like telling his friends or Shinhwa members that he has a girlfriend (he likes secretly dating)

~ He envisions Shinhwa coming back when he's 34 with a dance song (hehe, can you imagine? I can't wait to see that)

~ The one thing that can always make him smile is Shinhwa. Even when he's going through a hard time, more than offering words of encouragement, their teasing and joking around (like high school friends) actually gives him strength. He said he was in a weird mood during his 1st comeback stage, but having Junjin there really helped him.

~ As he was leaving, PKL said that she would play whatever song he wanted, whether it was his song or something he wanted to hear. He picked Junjin's "Wa" (how sweet is he? *sigh*)

Pictures from his latest interview:




The only really new thing that came up in this interview is that after he comes back from the military, he would like to publish a photo essay of his pictures (the article also mentions how he likes being behind the camera more than being in front, even taking pictures of the gifts that fans sent him during the interview).

Do you know what I love about his interviews? They're always about him and his talents. Not about scandals or who he might be dating or some sob story or whatever else people are usually interested in about celebrities. This interview was about his music, his acting, and even his photography skills. I think it shows how he's lived and maintained his personal life as a celeb and the fact that his popularity has never been a flash-in-the-pan, of-the-moment kind of thing. He may not have ever been the #1 Shinhwa member or celebrity, but he's managed to maintain the audience's interest for a long period of time with what? His numerous talents - THAT shows longevity and that's why he's going to be around for a long, long, LONG time. There's the saying that nice guys finish last - I think Dongwan's the exception to that. He seems to have maintained who he is and what he stands for despite being a celebrity - and that is why I'm a devoted fan (while I like many actors and singers, there are only a handful that I consider myself a hardcore "fan" of).

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Guest jangneri

awww~ I bet Dongwan enjoyed the chat with Kyung Lim, having been good friends for so long. I remember watching a very old clip, it was around 2000-2001 I think and Kyung Lim was asked which celebrity she was close with and she answered Dongwan.

PKL actually suggested that his 2nd single should be "A Man's Love" while he plays the piano (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing idea, which DW really liked it too. Oh my god, the other thing that kills me besides a hot man with cute kids? A hot man playing the piano...I nearly passed out when DW sang and played the piano at his Japan fan meeting)

I love a guy who knows how to play the piano too~ pus plus points! :D

He may not have ever been the #1 Shinhwa member or celebrity, but he's managed to maintain the audience's interest for a long period of time with what? His numerous talents - THAT shows longevity and that's why he's going to be around for a long, long, LONG time. There's the saying that nice guys finish last - I think Dongwan's the exception to that. He seems to have maintained who he is and what he stands for despite being a celebrity

I 100% agree with you on that. I think it's the reason why people just can't help but like him once they get to know him. He may annoy some from time to time because of his lame jokes (lol!) but even that just fades in comparison to how great a person he is. A lot of celebrities actually like him a lot because he shows concern for them, whether he is actually close to them or not.

He's a really nice guy and really talented... and I'm proud of him because of that... also, there are a lot of good things he has done for Shinhwa, for others and for the fans... how can I not like him? :D I'm pretty sure he gained a lot of fans with his 2nd jib because it's really awesome.... and I'm pretty sure Korean males would love it more...

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Guest 80slitenite

Wahh loving the pics!! Yes the piano playing is a very good bonus.^^

I can't wait for his photo essay!! Thank you worldtraveler58 for telling about what went on @ PKL's. I thought that was really sweet of him to pick Wa as the last song choice. You know for sure Wannie is going to be around unless he chooses himself to leave the limelight.

NAME again has a fantastic fancam of Wannie filming Star Golden Bell. He's so cute playing around! Go look! lol

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I 100% agree with you on that. I think it's the reason why people just can't help but like him once they get to know him. He may annoy some from time to time because of his lame jokes (lol!) but even that just fades in comparison to how great a person he is. A lot of celebrities actually like him a lot because he shows concern for them, whether he is actually close to them or not.

So true! I was reading a fan account of "Star Golden Bell" over at Name and she was saying how during the resting periods, DW would always have a bunch of celebrities surrounding him. She said the atmosphere was like in high school, where everyone would surround the popular, humorous guy. I <3 reading stuff like that.

NAME again has a fantastic fancam of Wannie filming Star Golden Bell. He's so cute playing around! Go look! lol

I saw those! SOOOOOOO cute! That smile just lights up everything.

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Guest jangneri

Wow, you could surf around NAME? oh, I guess you're Korean?

And did you get to watch the radio show with PKL? I only saw a link of the audio, not the video...

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Wow, you could surf around NAME? oh, I guess you're Korean?

And did you get to watch the radio show with PKL? I only saw a link of the audio, not the video...

Yup, I'm Korean. Korean-American to be more exact.

And I don't think it was a viewing radio...only audio.

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Heh, didnt want to post the pictures that came with this cuz worldtraveler already posted them. thanks so muchiieess :D save me time haha.

heres the articleeee: LOL i love wannie's boxing dance xD haha that made me laugh how they said the boxing dance hehe.

[08.05.20] [news] Kim Dong Wan, "I found my color as a singer..."

Kim Dong Wan, "I found my color as a singer by singing to the point of bursting my vocal chords."

For this last album prior to entering army service, he sacrificed his body.

Kim Dong Wan is indeed youthful. This youthfulness sustains him in the idol group Shinhwa and allowed him to relase two solo albums.

He built himself on positive thinking and had confidence to pursue both acting and singing. Kim Dong Wan will enter army service this fall. On the 8th, his last album before entering service "The Secret" was released. Smiling brightly, he shared that, "has no regrets."

He pours another drink. He no longer has regrets now and likes how things are now. This kind of positive thinking is one of the charms of Kim Dong Wan.

"This year marks the 10 years since his debut," said Kim Dong Wan. In 1998, with the first album "Hye Guhl Sa" Shinhwa started. They ended up releasing 9 albums. Their songs became hits in China, Japan and other Asian countries. Having numerious performances in these countries seem to prove their popularity.

Without the strong friendship and cohesiveness among the members, they couldn't have come this far. However, Shinhwa were juniors to the other esteemed group Choi Jang Soo's idol group until they set the milestone this year (as the longest running idol group). Reaching this point, Kim Dong Wan along with the rest the members were on an emtional high.

While still doing activities with Shinhwa, he debuted as an actor. He was in KBS' 2TV "Goodbye to Sadness" and SBS's "The Person I love". In 2005, he won the KBS' best actor award which showed his ability as an actor. Receiving recognition as an actor, now he sought to prove himself as a (solo) singer.

On the 8th, on Parent's Day, released his second solo album. On June 1st last year, he released "Handkerchief" only 11 months ago.

"During the promotions for "Handkerchief", I presented myself in adequately so I had a lot of regrets. However, at that time, I wanted show everyone what I wanted to do and tried everything to make that possible. I usually rest my vocal chords. However, I kept singing and recording without letting my vocal chords rest...my voice started to come out. I realized that the hidden voice within had come out that I had found my color as a singer."

With the first album being his debut, he felt uneasiness. However, this time around there was a different struggle. Holding steady to his confidence that he had, he sought to find what would be color as a solo artist. (What would be known as Kim Dong Wan's music?) A lot of band music went into the second album as well as a masculine feel which is associated with Kim Dong Wan. Featuring light electronic melody in the title song "Secret" along with "The Person I Love" and "Good Person". They all have band music feel to them.

"I put a lot of effort into illicit an acoustic feel to the songs. Even though it's masculine, I tried to keep a soft feel to the music. Thus, in the second album, I would think you will get a good feel of what Kim Dong Wan's style is. Many hours went into making the album. I didn't rush to put together the album. Until the satisfactory music came out, I kept recording giving it much thought and was in agony."

With many dreams, young Kim Dong Wan the future is clear. After serving in the army, the thing that he wants to do the most is to continue to do activities with Shinhwa but also dreams of pursuing acting. Also, he would like to release a book of his photos and essays that he personally puts together.

"In my 20's, I lived only as an artist. Due to that, my acting was on hold at times. The army life will serve as a good opportunity for me. I do wonder after I complete my army service if I can continue to pursue acting."

Kim Dong Wan likes the pictures he has taken more than those taken by others. Always carrying around a camera, the puts the landscape and people into the lense. Even during the interview, saying that it's a gift that he received from fans, he kept pushing down on the camera's shutter.

"After I return from serving in the army, I will be in my 30's. I would like to publish a photo essay book. Looking back at life. You know, a light, informative and pratical one. I want to go to Japan to learn Japanese. There will be so much to do in the future."

Source: My Daily

Englishg Translation: HappyHeart7@shinhwabiz

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Guest jangneri

wah, I can't access cashewmania. >__< not a member.

thanks for the news.

There will be so much to do in the future.

I love that line<3 I'm really happy he's very positive lately. He's been really really nervous since he promoted his 2nd jib. If it wasn't for Jin and Andy, he'd have a nervous breakdown. lol. But seriously, he's been worried so much and now that he's album is doing well, and he's happy... I'm happy too. :D

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Guest pitchyaa

thanks for a really nice story of him..

there's never been once i've heard a bad thing about him

that's why i'm sooo proud telling all the people that i'm a big fan of him and shinhwa... even i'm this age!!! hahaaa

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Thanks strawberry16 for posting the translated article. In regards to translations...DW has more radio promos coming up and since I'm guessing the majority of you who post in this thread don't understand Korean, I'll do little tidbits like I did with PKL's radio program. I can't do full-on transcripts due to lack of time (and the fact that my Korean isn't up to that kind of standard yet lol), but I'll be happy to do that. He seems more at ease and is definitely more candid during radio interviews than on TV, so they're always a can't miss.

Question for you all: Do you read fan fic? A looong time ago, I started various *NSYNC fanfic, but never progressed more than a couple chapters (probably due to the fact that they're broken up right now and I lost inspiration). I've been fiddling with 2 ideas for DW-centric fanfic and was wondering if you all would be interested. I'm kind of a notorious perfectionist, so it'll be awhile before they're up, but I just wanted to gauge interest.

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I used to read them...I think there are few famous ones that everyone read.

I would love to read fan fic of DW! Just let us know when you finish so that we can read it.

Question for you all: Do you read fan fic? A looong time ago, I started various *NSYNC fanfic, but never progressed more than a couple chapters (probably due to the fact that they're broken up right now and I lost inspiration). I've been fiddling with 2 ideas for DW-centric fanfic and was wondering if you all would be interested. I'm kind of a notorious perfectionist, so it'll be awhile before they're up, but I just wanted to gauge interest.
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Guest redevilica

available in CB



Do NOT take this HQ cut out of this clubbox. Thanks! :D

Kim Dong Wan - Secret on Inkigayo (2008-05-18) [cashewmania].avi [32.4MB]

jangneri - to become a member of a cb, click on the arrow button = top right corner just above the date :)

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Guest miss lakwon

Girls! Annyeong! ^^

I am promoting Dongwan a little.

These links... all clicks are very, very important to Kim Dongwan.

Please, click and visit the most you can!~








Let's make our Dongwannie happy!! ^^

I will do my best to support you and Dongwan Oppa! :)

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