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Kim Dong Wan 김동완 - the singer


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Guest slypatt

wannie wannie my handsome little boy~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY~! how i wish i could be your mom so i can cook a bowl of miyeok-gook for you today!!

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Guest picklypickly

Happy Birthday to Dongwan!! I'll try to do a better picspam later. But three for now from an old photoshoot/magazine.





Dongwannie and his camera...

Credits to shcj.net.

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to celebrate dongwan's 29th birthday, i'm going to finally translate a Q&A session he did with Telzone back in july during the beginning of his solo promotion (such a long time ago!)

i've been talking about translating this for ages, but never got around to it, and since it's dongwan's birthday, this will be a good birthday present for him :)

haha, dongwan's answers here are so funny - he really lives up to his name of wit guy


7/13 Telzone Star Inteview - Dongwan's 50 Q&A




Telzone Star Interview No. 20

Kim Dongwan's Direct Answers to "50 Q&A"

"I often use the internet to communicate with fans and netizens alike

I really enjoyed answering netizen's questions in such a direct manner, it was a meaningful experience

Hopefully there will be more opportunities to communicate with everyone in the future."

Q1、Some fans call you "ahjussi (uncle)", what are your thoughts on this? It's because of your warm image, and your concern for your fans that earned you such a nickname~ ^^

=I'll treat those who call me uncle as my nieces, and I'll treat those who call me oppa or Dongwan sshi as women~ ^^

Q2、It seems that a lot has happened during preparations for your solo, there were stories such as Andy not supporting your debut, please share some of these stories! Also, share some stories about happy times with your "3 Musketeers" collaborators MC Mong and Ho In Chang ^^

=Andy was just joking when he said that, they all gave me a lot of support. Mong and Ho In Chang were the first friends I went to a night club with, and although we didn't drink, we still had a lot of fun.

Q3、Oppa, out of the Shinhwa members, in what areas do you feel you're the best in?

=Shinhwa members have always been excellent...I've never had thoughts of me being the best ^^

Q4、Oppa started as a child actor, have you watched clips of yourself from back then? What were your thoughts on it?

=Although it's very embarrassing, but since it's from my youth, I feel very satisfied and happy.

Q5、One of your good friends Kyung Lim unnie is getting married soon. There's been rumors of you two in the past, have you ever had thoughts of regret about her getting married? ...Do you have anything to say to the soon to be married Kyung Lim unnie?

=Since I didn't know until very late, there's a little regret, but I would probably do the same in her situation (i.e. not tell anyone), have lots of kids!

Q6、Actor Kim Dongwan and singer Kim Dongwan, which do you like better?

=I'm now singer Kim Dongwan, in comparison to actors, singers are more attractive!

Q7、I hear that there's often fighting between the members, who gets into the most fights? You probably still fight even though you say you won't ever disband right? Ha ha

=We don't really fight. The first time was because someone refused to clean. If someone used my stuff or something similar, we'd also get into fights~

Q8、If Dongwan oppa was a girl, if doing chores which Shinhwa member would you go out with? And for what reason?

=None...they're all punks, I wouldn't go out with any of them!

Q9、You've already displayed to everyone your humorous side, what has been your biggest worry recently? (Kim Dongwan fighting ^^)

=None. Due to my busy schedule I don't have time to worry ^^

Q10、You debuted with the movie "Spin Kick", which unfortunately was a flop. Were you frustrated due to this? I'm curious as to whether you plan on making any movies in the future. Please continue performing in the future~ Don't know if you plan on making a movie~

=If there's frustration then nothing would get done, I was just a little bummed out about it. After the movie ended I started going out more, drinking beer, smoking...I won't start another film project casually...I don't have the opportunity

Q11、This is an often asked question, what's your deepest impression of a fan or a fan related story?

=It's still the cute middle school fans from the 1st album...everyone's grown up now, but I still can't forget those images of them shyly handing over their fan letters

Q12、What do you admire about the other members?

=Eric's body, Junjin's athleticism, Minwoo's charisma, Andy's cuteness, Hyesung's voice and personality

Q13、What will you be doing in 20 years? Or what would you like to have accomplished by then?

=Maybe I'll still be singing and acting. Perhaps I'll have a wife and kids.

Q14、When do you most feel that your fanclub "Shinhwa Changjo" is precious?

=When I'm singing on stage...

Q15、I'm very curious which TV shows you must watch no matter how busy you are! And why you like those programs!

=EBS“Space”~I feel it's a very well produced music program..also MBC“W”,KBS 2TV“Yoon Do Hyun's Love Letter”,SBS“Inki Gayo",MBC“Show! Music Core”..I tape it every week to watch

Q16、You've already debuted for 9, 10 years. What do you think when you see the hoobae (junior) singers now? Who are your favorite juniors?

=They look very cool. Out of the juniors the coolest have to be Dong Bang Shin Ki, they really prepare fully for their stage performances...

Q17、Your solo album title is "Kim Dongwan is", what would your label yourself as?

=Kim Dongwan is strange, I'm very strange. They all say that they don't understand me, which I thought meant I'm very cool...actually they were calling me strange~

Q18、I watched you live on TV yesterday! How does it feel being by yourself on stage? Although you've stood alone on "Yoon Do Hyun's Love Letter" stage before, it's your first time officially for solo activities ^^

=Very nervous, I had no idea I'd be so nervous...

Q19、Who are you most thankful for this instant?


Q20、Up to now, out of all your activities as an entertainer, what decision do you regret the most and what was your best decision?

=The decision I regret the most...is ending dorm life with the other members...there was an ahjumma who made meals for us, and we didn't have to pay for living expenses...hahaha. My best decision was becoming an actor! I came across the right project at the right time, and a good director...

Q21、Shinhwa members have all split into their own respective companies, so many fans are worried about Shinhwa's group activities this coming fall. Please say a few words to these anxious fans

=Those who are worried aren't true fans, they merely know about us. Although I feel bad for saying it, but those kinds of people won't become a source of motivation for Shinhwa

Q21、Some of the negative news about oppa surfaced from Dongwan's diary, oppa's diary entries have become so sensationalist, what are oppa's thoughts on this? Should star's MiniHomy or web journals be private or public spaces?

=It's an open space. A source for attack. Entertainers most commonly have their rights as citizens violated. Since realizing this, I haven't written any articles that would cause a controversy.

Q22、Shinhwa's secrets not known to the public! Please reveal some through "Telzone Star interview"~

=Wouldn't it be a little selfish of me to reveal Shinhwa members' secrets? ^^

Q23、Since I got hooked to radio in sixth grade, I've always listened to 1010Club, which I really like. I'm now a senior in high school. Oppa is really suitable to be a DJ, have you had any thoughts of starting again?

=I also began listening to the radio in sixth grade, I will take up the challenge again...I gave up DJing because I ran out of everything I could say...I don't like being forced into doing anything...now I have many stories to tell, if I ever get the chance I will start again~~^^

Q24、I liked Shinhwa oppa when I was a student, I'm now already a mother, I've entered into society. There are many 20, 30 year old fans with an income...what are the advantages of having these types of fans? (Chosen by Dongwan as the question that left the deepest impression on him)

=Probably because we are being appraised from an adult's point of view...since we are also adults...haha..receiving such kinds of praise is a good feeling

Q25、Ah, I've been curious about this for a while now, haha, back when Andy went to America and there were only 5 people, were there any fights? Haha

=Would we do that?^^Andy went back to America temporarily due to problems with school and his citizenship

Q26、An old "Shinhwa Changjo" is proud of Shinhwa oppa. When is Dongwan oppa most proud to be Shinhwa? Especially if you have any small stories to share~^^

=When we received the Golden Disk Awards. The members were all sincerely emotional with each other, I felt proud to be a part of that.

Q27、I'm really curious! Do you like the title solo Kim Dongwan, or Shinhwa Kim Dongwan better?

=Of course it's Shinhwa Kim Dongwan, I feel that it's because of Shinhwa that I'm enjoying my current popularity

Q28、There's nothing that oppa can't do, acting, singing, MC, dancing, etc...but have you ever done something to such an extreme that you felt frustrated? When was this?

=I wouldn't do something that would frustrate me, that's my character...also if something caused me frustration I would face it with even more resolution! Not only acting, when things are said to be "really hard" "impossible", I would work hard to complete them

Q29、Up to now, what's your favorite stage performance?

=Wild Eyes, Perfect Man

Q30、If you had to come out with an album with another Shinhwa member, who would it be?

=Eric or Minwoo

Q31、What would you most like to hear from fans?

=Congratulations on receiving first place~

Q32、In the album's final Thanks to portion, you wrote the members' names in order of personality, is that true? Then why was Minwoo first, while Eric was in last place?

=Only because compared to Eric, I like the other members better, because Eric always messes around with me.

Q33、Do you come often to Telzone?Also do you often read what the fans write?

= I often come~often read

Q34、You're well-known for your self-management of your body. When do you ever lose self-control and show hesitation? Also how do you overcome that? Due to your total self-control, would you cause those around you to be uneasy?

=I never waver. Due to my level of self-control my friends start to hate me...I won't drink even at the bar...now they all understand...if I'm being forced to drink I would escape...

Q35、In your daily life how does "Shinhwa" affect you? If you could use only one word to describe it

=Source of confidence

Q36、During your promotions or in other places, when do you feel like your popularity has not vanished?

=When I see orange balloons during public performances

Q37、Do Shinhwa members go to KTV rooms together? Would you sing songs from your own albums there?

=We sing karaoke, drinking alcohol while singing~

Q38、How satisfied are you with your solo album? Any areas of regret?

=65%. I most regret not having invested more time into it

Q39、Have you ever been frighted by a fan? When and for what reason? What fan gesture has surprised you the most?

=I've actually never been frightened before..^_^Although fans' surprise events always play through my mind~^^

Q40、I hear you also read fanfiction written by the fans, which story left the biggest impression on you?

=I haven't read any recently

Q41、I really like the song “Love is Pitiful”! Any plans of choosing that as your follow-up song?

=My follow-up track is “Scream”, I will if I have the time

Q42、I'm really curious, haha, did you really burn porn CDs? Hahaha, or burn any music CDs?

=Although I've watched porn CDs, I've never burned any^^Sometimes I would burn music CDs, to listen to in the car

Q43、What websites do you visit often? Sometimes on the internet the weak become the mighty, the strong become the weak. When Dongwan sshi wants to let out stress that he is usually unable to release (through complaints, etc) what websites would you go to? Haha

=Ocean’s six,yeonin,Name,skirtwind,Bestiz

Q44、Ever have thoughts of living in dorm life with the Shinhwa members again?


Q45、Any actors you would like to act with?

=Lee Jung Jae

Q46、Have you ever been hurt due to vicious comments? What comment did you feel was the worst?

=Recently all the comments on fan websites have been very complacent, there have been no vicious replies

Q47、What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses

=Strength: honest/Weakness: too honest

Q48、Have you cried recently? Reason for shedding tears?


Q49、You've already been active as "Shinhwa" for 10 years, and you've been through a lot together. Your age and experience continue to increase, you're now in your second phase! What will you be doing in 10 years?

=I hope that Shinhwa will still exist in 10 years

Q50、Please say something to your members who are still together to this day and will still be together in the future

=I love you guys..

Credit: Telzone + Ocean's Six

Chinese Translations: 东升西落@BestShinhwa

Chinese to English Translations: angeldreams

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Guest hahaheehee

thanks for sharing the photoshoot and the interview, picklypickly and angeldreams!!! I really enjoyed reading the interview. A great present for us fans! Even though it's Wannie's birthday... :phew: haha

Q1、Some fans call you "ahjussi (uncle)", what are your thoughts on this? It's because of your warm image, and your concern for your fans that earned you such a nickname~ ^^

=I'll treat those who call me uncle as my nieces, and I'll treat those who call me oppa or Dongwan sshi as women~ ^^

LOL that's why I'm gonna call you Dongwan oppa!!!

Q11、This is an often asked question, what's your deepest impression of a fan or a fan related story?

=It's still the cute middle school fans from the 1st album...everyone's grown up now, but I still can't forget those images of them shyly handing over their fan letters

This is sooo cute and sweet. Fans shyly handing over their fan letters!!! :D

Q21、Shinhwa members have all split into their own respective companies, so many fans are worried about Shinhwa's group activities this coming fall. Please say a few words to these anxious fans

=Those who are worried aren't true fans, they merely know about us. Although I feel bad for saying it, but those kinds of people won't become a source of motivation for Shinhwa

How true. *nods in agreement*

Q32、In the album's final Thanks to portion, you wrote the members' names in order of personality, is that true? Then why was Minwoo first, while Eric was in last place?

=Only because compared to Eric, I like the other members better, because Eric always messes around with me.

Hahahaha the dork. But we all know WOODONG is real! :lol:

Q42、I'm really curious, haha, did you really burn porn CDs? Hahaha, or burn any music CDs?

=Although I've watched porn CDs, I've never burned any^^Sometimes I would burn music CDs, to listen to in the car

LOL!! *thinks back to "Dangyunhaji" segment in X-man with Shin Jung Hwan*


Anyway, to all who are asking about Dongwan's piano playing clip, I downloaded it off the shinhwachangjo clubbox.

If you know how to use clubbox, here's the link to their clubbox:


I'm wondering if I should upload the clip on youtube so that more people can watch it and marvel at his piano playing? But Dongwannie DID repeatedly say that he doesn't want the clip to be uploaded after all... LOL!!! :lol:

Happy Birthday Dongwannie once again, I really can't express how much I adore him <333 :wub:

PS: Anyway regarding the main page, does anyone feel up to organizing the info? I might be able to do it after my exams, once I've organized all the stuff about Dongwannie that I've downloaded... music show appearances, variety programmes, etc etc...

Sidetracking a bit, Minwoo's main page just got reorganized too, and I think they did a great job... I don't have that much info on Dongwan as of yet, so whatever that I come up with might not be as comprehensive!

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Q8、If Dongwan oppa was a girl, if doing chores which Shinhwa member would you go out with? And for what reason?

=None...they're all punks, I wouldn't go out with any of them!

lol. this was funny!

Q17、Your solo album title is "Kim Dongwan is", what would your label yourself as?

=Kim Dongwan is strange, I'm very strange. They all say that they don't understand me, which I thought meant I'm very cool...actually they were calling me strange~

lol. true, true.. you were really strange! wahohoho!

Q30、If you had to come out with an album with another Shinhwa member, who would it be?

=Eric or Minwoo

oh.. woodong love.. lol.

Q42、I'm really curious, haha, did you really burn porn CDs? Hahaha, or burn any music CDs?

=Although I've watched porn CDs, I've never burned any^^Sometimes I would burn music CDs, to listen to in the car

lol. after reading this, my eyes went like o.O.. lol. so funny!

thanks for sharing this.. i had fun reading.. lol.

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Guest lovegoodfood

Thanks for the translation....... Wow....From the interview, he is really being honest and humourous about the porn cd issue......... LOL

Also from he interview, i came to realize DongWan smoke... Hmmm i thought he do not smoke.......

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hahas.this picture is so funny.

Q32、In the album's final Thanks to portion, you wrote the members' names in order of personality, is that true? Then why was Minwoo first, while Eric was in last place?

=Only because compared to Eric, I like the other members better, because Eric always messes around with me.

woodong love <3333

Anyway, to all who are asking about Dongwan's piano playing clip, I downloaded it off the shinhwachangjo clubbox.

If you know how to use clubbox, here's the link to their clubbox:


I'm wondering if I should upload the clip on youtube so that more people can watch it and marvel at his piano playing? But Dongwannie DID repeatedly say that he doesn't want the clip to be uploaded after all... LOL!!! :lol:

i do not know how to download from clubbox T.T

but i realli wan to see it.

is it possible for u to upload in youtube?

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Guest devylann

happy birthday dongwannie!!!! wishing u the best and keep up the good work! we'll alwase support u....:) :) love u alwase and forever... I WILL FOREVER b iS....hehe

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Guest hahaheehee

Also from he interview, i came to realize DongWan smoke... Hmmm i thought he do not smoke.......

As far as I know, Dongwan has quit smoking some time back... he used to smoke but he quit, and then during the release of Spin Kick he went back to smoking again because the movie didn't do that well at the box office...

I don't think he smokes now though! ^^ (one of the reasons that makes me love him)

Anyway the shinhwachangjo.net forums has provided an alternative Yousendit link to download the performance of Dongwan playing the piano, and since we're not allowed to share direct links, here's the page where you can find the link:


There are also other clips about his fanmeeting available there too!

All credits to shinhwachangjo.net.

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Guest jerrybabie26

thanks so much for that transalation :wub:angeldreams :wub: its always so nice to read wannie's interviews. ^^

Q1、Some fans call you "ahjussi (uncle)", what are your thoughts on this? It's because of your warm image, and your concern for your fans that earned you such a nickname~ ^^

=I'll treat those who call me uncle as my nieces, and I'll treat those who call me oppa or Dongwan sshi as women~ ^^

~ lol. ahjussi. i thought he was called that becoz at one point he did look like one ^^

Q3、Oppa, out of the Shinhwa members, in what areas do you feel you're the best in?

=Shinhwa members have always been excellent...I've never had thoughts of me being the best ^^

~ he is so modest! i think i love him more ^^

Q12、What do you admire about the other members?

=Eric's body, Junjin's athleticism, Minwoo's charisma, Andy's cuteness, Hyesung's voice and personality

~ why does he envy eric's body?... dont mwan any offense on that but he has a much better build? O_o? although i do like eric's frame but i kinda get the impression that eric has a tendency to get chubby lol

Q30、If you had to come out with an album with another Shinhwa member, who would it be?

=Eric or Minwoo

~ awww... woodong... i really want them to work on an album too... or atleast a song... then it would really complete my woodong fantasy world hehehehe

Q40、I hear you also read fanfiction written by the fans, which story left the biggest impression on you?

=I haven't read any recently

~ i wonder if he's read some of the english fics... now i'm curious what he thinks when he's reading those fanfics ^^

Q42、I'm really curious, haha, did you really burn porn CDs? Hahaha, or burn any music CDs?

=Although I've watched porn CDs, I've never burned any^^Sometimes I would burn music CDs, to listen to in the car

~ he's honest alright! LOL but i somehow dont quite picture him watching porn ROFL!

thanks hahaheehee for posting the clip at the CB ^^ cant wait to get home. but i really wonder y he doesn't want anyone to see it... i have no doubt he played well

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Guest picklypickly

My Birthday Wishes for Dongwan

On his birthday, I hope he


celebrates with


lots to eat


lots to drink


lots of friends to celebrate with him


(hopefully not ostracized by them)


until he passes out from all the fun.

This year, I hope


he stays happy


gets much needed rest


avoids any more accidents


gets loads of hot girls


gives lots of love


gets lots of love


keeps laughing

and stays hot!





Yea... stop checking... you've still got it.

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Guest hahaheehee

^___^ I see that there are lots of Woodong fans around! :D

Anyway good news for all Dongwan fans, remember that he recorded a Chinese version of "사랑해선 안될 사람" (Unable to Love a Person, the duet with Byul) with Chinese singer He Jie?

Wells, the song's out! I got the news over at shinhwa.biz. :)

Check it out at: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/L6TtVDnBDv4/

Oh my gosh, I have to say that I'm super proud of Dongwan, he must have put in a lot of effort into practising his Chinese pronunciation because his pronunciation is IMPECCABLE in the song!!! It's almost perfect, as good as Chinese-speaking singers!!! I'm sure if I let people who are not fans of Dongwan or Shinhwa listen to it, they probably wouldn't be able to tell that Dongwan's a Korean who can't speak Chinese!!! :w00t:

The song's called 爱情彼岸 (Ai Qing Bi An) which translates to something like.... the Cliff of Love or something. My translation might not be accurate, I'm not too good at translating! Haha.

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