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Ganji Fashion.

Guest kimseo

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Guest xxcrazy_onexx

lol....i cant believe i stayed up doing this

but i did x.x

i dont think its quite?...but close?

i was limited....in my...clothing (shorts&shoes) obviously haha

how'd i do?



hahaha, i cant believe i stayed up to do this.

man...those other girls look so much better than i do T_T

i like it on them alot better haha

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@xxcrazy_onexxI think you did pretty good (:

It's just the people in korea have something we don't T_T


yaay, i'm happy my pix did something at all :D

Hmm, okay i have more :D.

I THINK these haven't been posted yet (:





Ehh, I'm too upload anything else.


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Guest jrho x3

OKOK...im back with my ganji attempt.

what do you guys think?

did i like totally fail?


my legs really short cus of the angle of the shots :angry:

flash, no flash, side view (im hunching kinda :mellow: ), random angle shot.



this is not how i dress normally.

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@jrho x3

I think to get this look straight, you need bigger shirts, shoes, and pants a teensy bit baggier.

If it were just a normal outfit, it's pretty cute, but if you're going for ganji, I would say it's not quite there yet.

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XXcrazy__ oneXX

you got the fact with the whole baggy


but those kinda of pants aren't really known for the ganji style

i think the style you have on is more of ah..

sportsy outfit

try cargo short that are that baggy

other then that

nice :DDD

JrHo X3

try a bagger jacket and bagger pants

if not a bagger jacket


b/c it look sreally nice u have nice hair :DDD

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I agree^

(: whee, this thread is slowly getting larger ^^

I haven't been on the fobstyle thread in awhle T-T

Anyways.. I was bored so I decided to look for some pix on Naver (:

idk how to type in Korean so all I could do was type out Ganji/Ganzi T-T

More stuff came up when I typed Ganzi, but barely anyhoo.




image credits to naver.

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OKOK...im back with my ganji attempt.

what do you guys think?

did i like totally fail?


my legs really short cus of the angle of the shots :angry:

flash, no flash, side view (im hunching kinda :mellow: ), random angle shot.





this is not how i dress normally.

^luv it!...the fit of the jeans look really good wit the shoes =D

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Guest kimseo

to be honest...

if you want to achieve the "ganji look" you not only got to get the clothes down, but you pretty much need the hair and face, too.

all the pictures that get big publicity on sites, hiphoper, naver, cyworld, and daum blogs+hompies,

pictures that get spread around throughout the internet, they all have things in common.












kkqp3.jpg (ban yoonhee's signiture o.o)



credits to naver.

do you guys see a general pattern..?

i mean, yes, as mean and horrible as this sounds...you kinda have to have ^ that kind of look to get the concept of "ganji".. or get the compliment of having ganji. i mean, there ARE other ways/fashions of getting put in the ganji category, but this is the general conception of what "ganji style" is seen as in KOREA (i get all my examples from naver). i'm not saying you have to have a pretty face (people with pretty faces usually get the publicity), but something i've seen that is missing in pretty much all of the pictures is the hair. yes girls.., the bangs that go halfway down your forehead ~ eyebrows and sometimes with your hair tied up in a bun at the top of your head. that hair. (for guys, i don't really think it matters all that much? as long as it "fits".)

ganji DOES mean that you have good fashion sense and put things together well, that's what it means when someone compliments you about it..but when you get to how to dress, the pictures i gave is what pops up when you hit "ganji style" in naver's search box, which means that's pretty much what it is.

just clearing things up :sweatingbullets:

i know fashion means wearing to your own taste, but korea (or in this case) is pretty different. :sweatingbullets: ganji style is pretty specific. or well, whatever you want to call this fashion.

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If u think shes mean well i guess u have to think the same about me

b/c thats how i feel about this style

this kinda of style u can't just put anything u want on

u have to know the basic to dress like it


that doesn't mean putting some tomboyish clothes on and calling it


its not ganji

u can tell the pattern of this style

and if u don't have it

then its not called ganji

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Guest flyxme.



omgshh i admire, you have the courage to say that lol

don't wanna sound mean, but it's soooo true, just cause you got the clothes dont mean you can dress like that

the most common haircut for it is striaght bangs that are at the eyebrow or above

and most them are really cute people..cept some..

i have to say...only 2 people actually DRESSED ganji in the style contest

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Guest ima_robot

to be honest...

if you want to achieve the "ganji look" you not only got to get the clothes down, but you pretty much need the hair and face, too.

all the pictures that get big publicity on sites, hiphoper, naver, cyworld, and daum blogs+hompies,

pictures that get spread around throughout the internet, they all have things in common.















credits to naver.

do you guys see a general pattern..?

i mean, yes, as mean and horrible as this sounds...you kinda have to have ^ that kind of look to get the concept of "ganji".. or get the compliment of having ganji. i mean, there ARE other ways/fashions of getting put in the ganji category, but this is the general conception of what "ganji style" is seen as in KOREA (i get all my examples from naver). i'm not saying you have to have a pretty face (people with pretty faces usually get the publicity), but something i've seen that is missing in pretty much all of the pictures is the hair. yes girls.., the bangs that go halfway down your forehead ~ eyebrows and sometimes with your hair tied up in a bun at the top of your head. that hair. (for guys, i don't really think it matters all that much? as long as it "fits".)

ganji DOES mean that you have good fashion sense and put things together well, that's what it means when someone compliments you about it..but when you get to how to dress, the pictures i gave is what pops up when you hit "ganji style" in naver's search box, which means that's pretty much what it is.

just clearing things up :sweatingbullets:

i know fashion means wearing to your own taste, but korea (or in this case) is pretty different. :sweatingbullets: ganji style is pretty specific. or well, whatever you want to call this fashion.

YES YES YES!! the whole HUGE slr cameras and the bangs... with the glasses!! i think thats important too. i mean looking at the ganji style sontest.. o____o not alot to pick from. some just threw on baggy clothes. =__=

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Guest jkstyle

i think ganji style is more restricted for girls than it is for guys because if you go past the first 2 pages of 간지 스타일(ganji style) image search on naver you get a lot more variety for men, while women seem to be stuck with the tomboyish look because ganji style is also about standing out so if they look feminine then it really isn't that ganji and they just look like every other girl in korea, but for guys wearing nippon style or japanese style is also considered ganji style because not a lot of people can pull it off in or wear that type of clothing. For example a guy named 배정남 bae jung nam is considered to be the ganji-man of korea and he doesn't wear streetwearish/hiphopish clothes

plus if you type in ganjifashion on naver you get a whole different set of styles.

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Guest JunRi<3

u_u Yea I think only 2 people dressed Ganji style.

It's such a shame that those two people aren't battling for first place either.

juhjuhjuhjessica's outfit is just not ganji to me, no matter what people say. It's fob cute and adorable don't get me wrong, but it's just not dang Ganji! It almost irks me how some Soompi people represent all the biased voters in the world sometimes. (That didn't make sense.)

But it reminds me of those polls in the kceleb section where the theme is "Toughness!" and the fangirls just vote for their favorite celeb in the competition.

ADHGsdh its like having a poll for "The most masculine female" and people vote for the really cute and girly contestant.

I mean, wtf. Seriously.

Sorry for the rant lmao.

But I like ganji style~ Most of it at least.

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u_u Yea I think only 2 people dressed Ganji style.

It's such a shame that those two people aren't battling for first place either.

juhjuhjuhjessica's outfit is just not ganji to me, no matter what people say. It's fob cute and adorable don't get me wrong, but it's just not dang Ganji! It almost irks me how some Soompi people represent all the biased voters in the world sometimes. (That didn't make sense.)

But it reminds me of those polls in the kceleb section where the theme is "Toughness!" and the fangirls just vote for their favorite celeb in the competition.

ADHGsdh its like having a poll for "The most masculine female" and people vote for the really cute and girly contestant.

I mean, wtf. Seriously.

Sorry for the rant lmao.

But I like ganji style~ Most of it at least.


I was so annoyed about the whole Style Contest thing, 'cause hello, this is a KOREAN MUSIC forum, so the styles are based on KOREAN GANJI. I think some people are mistaking it as a Japanese Ganji style, which is why they're all fobby and cute. GET IT STRAIGHT. T-T Hiphoper should totally win. VOTE FOR HER D: I lovee juhjuhjuhjessica's outfit, but it's not KOREAN Ganji. frrrealz T-T

I agree with our wonderful thread creator too~

They all have short bangs, really nice hair (D: Jealous!), and really cute faces T^T

Same attributes :o

I'm so disappointed in soompi's voters ;_;

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the ppl who are voting for those who aren't really the style i guess they don't really know the style

thats why they pick any girl that looks nice and picks them


me and seoyeon was talking about this

also know as Kimseo

we kinda got mad b/c the girl who was winning wasn't even

close to the this style

i mean how many ganji styles do u see wearing leggings and a skirts?

not many

im not tring to be rude but

that contest thats going on right now for this style

is just a shame to me.

i thought the only girl who came close to the style was


everyone else

seemed like tey just put something on and


oH hey it looks "guyish" noo not "ganji"

and thats a common misconception of this style

but yeah

this style isn't just something u put on

Know the basic u can dress it


but im a true lover of this style im just kinda mad

that ppl are calling everything they wear



Ok -__-;;

i just got back from looking at the style contest

and im just looking at the replies of the ppl who voted

and alot of them are saying stuff like



one girl even said she has nikes,adidas bag

to me its like ??? hello just b/c u have thoe stuff doesn't mean u have the style

IM really sorry but honestly this contest is a total shame to this style

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Guest Justalilodreamer

to be honest...

if you want to achieve the "ganji look" you not only got to get the clothes down, but you pretty much need the hair and face, too.

all the pictures that get big publicity on sites, hiphoper, naver, cyworld, and daum blogs+hompies,

pictures that get spread around throughout the internet, they all have things in common.

i totally agree. you've got to achieve the hair, face, and body first ..i also think shoes are very important.

for people who said it'll make a girl look like a lesbian. its not true.

its not a typical 'tomboy' style, you can definitely pull off this style without looking like a boy. thats where the hair and face part comes in :lol:

you'll really need to know how to put your pieces together otherwise people will just go :crazy: for people who are familiar with this style, its really easy for them to tell. they can just look at you and know whether or not you're familiar with the style

the overall look is important...you really need to know what to wear and what not to wear. so say for example, just wearing baggy pants DOES NOT make you look ganji. Wearing baggy pants+nike hoodie does NOT make you look ganji either unless you have the right color shoes, hair, face, body etc etc just a little thing can throw off the whole outfit

most people seem to be grabbing anything that looks 'boyish' and oversized and call themselves 'ganji'

i've been coming to this thread wanting to say something about this but i didnt have the guts to :lol:

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