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[drama 2007] The King And I 왕과 나


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Wow! Thanks a lot for the effort dramaok :)

^ thanks for trying Waggy. its clearer now.. but ahhh that's still so gross.

wait, so it means everything is cut off right? which comes to the point they can only pee cause of the feather thingie that acts a tube as explained before right? ^^

Yes. His case was total ablation (both the scrotum and the penis) since he is a prepubescent castrate and it is a part of the culture. Chinese and Muslim eunuchs who had suffered total ablation were fitted with a small lead pipe that kept the urethra open after the removal of the penis…So that’s the use of the feather…well, not exactly the feather but its hollow shaft. It surely is not a pretty sight...plus the fact that someone has to 'catch' it for preservation. :o

For additional information about castration, I got this from my readings this afternoon. I hope it helps ;)

Childhood castration, castration before puberty, was done in hopes of creating an individual who was significantly different from a normal man. Boys castrated before puberty developed a distinctive appearance and perhaps a distinctive personality. Because they never completed normal puberty and missed the developmental changes brought about by the adolescent phase of testosterone production, men castrated as children remained beardless with fresh, clear complexions and had patterns of fat deposition characteristic of women. The epiphysial plates, that is the growth plates, in their long bones did not close at puberty, resulting in an individual with unusually long arms and legs and a tall, though frail stature. The bones of the lower face did not mature, resulting in a triangular face with a small chin. Their hair was thick and luxuriant and did not fall out as they aged. Their voices remained high pitched, and their musical ability was admired and cultivated in Europe from the fourth into the nineteenth centuries. While these eunuchoid characteristics are not necessarily aesthetically favored today, they have been appreciated in some cultures in the past. Prepubescent castrates acted as courtiers in Hellenistic, Byzantine, Muslim, and Chinese courts. In cultures that admired the beauty of boys at the cusp of manhood, castration offered a way of preserving their appearance, if only for a time. The beautiful soprano voices of castrated men were recognized and appreciated as early as the fourth century.

Eunuchs usually suffered from long-term medical problems as a result of castration. This frequently led to lifelong urinary tract problems. In Chinese and Muslim cultures pejorative rhetoric often mentions the foul odor that surrounds the eunuch’s body. Even eunuchs who had been deprived of only their testicles, and thus testosterone production, suffered from premature aging, osteoporosis, diseases of the heart and circulatory system, and diabetes. Eunuchs were sterile and most, but not all, of them lost all interest in sexual activity. The sexual abilities/disabilities of eunuchs were regularly debated in the literature of all the cultures that had eunuch servants.

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Ep. 6:


Eunuch Yang Seong-Yun testifies the incident of murder by poison is unfounded rumor, thus Jo Chi-Kyeom is about to be reinstated as head of eunuch again. Later, the old eunuch reveals to Jo Chi-Kyeom he is unsure what is really on Yang's mind anymore, and when Jo Chi-Kyeom asks him why he chose him as his adoptive son over Yang, the old eunuch responds because he wanted someone ambitious like Jo, who can continue his family's long-legacy since the Goryeo period. However when Jo Chi-Kyeom pays visit to King Seong-Jong, Seong-Jong rejects Jo Chi-Kyeom since he is the one who objected King Yejong previously and now he is linked to the death of Yejong. Jo Chi-Kyeom replies he's been cleared innocent but King Seong-Jong asks him to swear his loyalty, then states he will discuss the matter with the queen dowagers, and order Jo to await the order.

The two queens both agree Jo is a loyal servant of the royal family and he even saved King Sejo with his own life before, thus they force Seong Jong to allow Jo Chi-Kyeom's reinstatement, thus Jo is the head of eunuch again. Jo Chi-Kyeom pays visit to Oh-ssi at the eunuch training and he realizes teacher Choi seems interested in her thus Jo offers to move her elsewhere but Oh-ssi says she is fine there.

The young eunuchs begin their intense literary and physical training, and Jeong Han-Su from the noble class family excels in everything but he does not get along with the other boys due to their class difference. Teacher Choi scolds them when a fight breaks out and he reminds them while they are here they are no longer boys of different social classes, rather they are all impotent men without class, who must look out for each other.

Oh-ssi also reminds Cheon-Dong no matter what the eunuchs do he mustn't fight with them, since they are the most pitiful boys who are deprived of their parents, unlike Cheon-Dong who can go home to his mother (Wol-Hwa) and Cheon-Dong agrees. On a raining day Mun So-Un plays music made with leaves, and the music reminds the boys of their home and their mothers and they begin to tear, except for Han-Su who tells them they are not human only Go-Ja's (impotent eunuchs), however Han-Su cries alone in the room as well.


Meanwhile, though cleared of any crime, Minister Yoon suffers from dire health, and the Yoon family's wealth has dwindled. Yoon's wife, Shin-ssi begins to take on sewing jobs to help pay for food, and So-Hwa helps her fetch and deliver the clothes to their customers. Jo Chi-Kyeom's wife, Jeong-ssi holds yet another feast with the other eunuch wives, and Eunuch Eom's wife presents Jeong-ssi with a chest of jewels, as a token of misgiving done by her husband against Jo, and Jeong-ssi accepts saying she cannot do anything about the past thus she will let the past be.

Just then So-Hwa comes to deliver clothing her mother has sewn for Jeong-ssi, but Jeong-ssi mocks the works infront of So-Hwa and So-Hwa responds if the works is not satisfactory then Jeong-ssi needn't pay, but Jeong-ssi gets more worked up by it and mocks So-Hwa for having pride when she is about to starve to death, and demands So-Hwa to kneel for forgiveness or else, and Jeong-ssi then orders the other women to force So-Hwa to kneel when she doesn't. So-Hwa is shoved to the ground, just as Cheon-Dong arrives telling the women to halt. Jo Chi-Kyeom then appears and helps So-Hwa up and sends Do Geum-Pyo to escort her home. So-Hwa, though limping from her injury, insists on going alone, but accepts when Do Geum-Pyo insists she should take the small pouch of money from him. So-Hwa takes the money with tears and begins limping home, but Cheon-Dong arrives and carries her on his back, and So-Hwa lets loose her emotions as she cries on his back. Next day Cheon-Dong brings So-Un to So-Hwa and tells So-Hwa the boy will help her with her chores. So-Un first entertains the two with a skit and dance movements, and So-Hwa thanks the two for making her laugh and for helping her. After So-Hwa leaves, So-Un asks Cheon-Dong if he fancies miss So-Hwa and Cheon-Dong says no way.


On this day the eunuch training center holds a set of tests and Shogwinopa tells the boys they must pass the tests in order to be eunuchs serving the king. Teacher Choi also tells everyone no one has failed before from their quarter, but Choi looks over the chubby boy Song Gae-Nam then pauses for a while, before continuing on to wish all the boys good luck. The first test is a physical exam in which the boys' genitals are examed. Han-Su, Gae-Nam and So-Un pass the test, but when it's Choi Ja-Chi's turn, the junior eunuchs are unsure thus they call supervisor eunuchs, but they too aren't sure if Ja-Chi's nerves are still alive or not due to the coloration, thus a woman specialist is called and she determines the nerves are dead, thus Ja-Chi is impotent and Ja-Chi passes thru. (however according to the SBS profile, Ja-Chi's genital later develops and becomes involved with various palace maids). The next test is a literacy test on writing and proverbs, and Song Gae-Nam stutters as he struggles, while Han-Su excels again on the hanja meaning raising one's parent's name as to be filial. Jo Chi-Kyeom notices him and asks Han-Su why he would abandon his filial piety by cutting off his yang-mul (male parts), and Han-Su proudly answers if it means to accomplish the great deed of serving the King then he will cut off his yang-mul a hundred, a thousand times, and the supervising eunuchs are impressed, however Jo Chi-Kyeom leaves, and Han-Su blantantly calls out asking Jo if his answer was incorrect, and Jo Chi-Kyeom laughs and scoffs Han-Su is still young. Cheon-Dong inquires about the test results from teacher Choi and knifesmith Gae, but Choi says surely no one has failed. However, Gae-Nam is already in tears thinking he failed. When the results are revealed, Song Gae-Nam and his friends pass the first set of tests, and Gae-Nam passes out from elation.


The last test is a rigorous simulation test that each eunuch-to-be must pass as if they are protecting the King in reality. The children drag a straw body through the mud, then stay under water, followed by beating from simulated intruders. King Seong-Jong watches anxiously but Jo Chi-Kyeom says the tests are necessary in order to flush out the true servant materials. Han-Su is named the strongest among the children and receives an award, and the old eunuch urges Jo Chi-Kyeom to adopt a child once again, if not for him for the sake of his wife, and Jo Chi-Kyeom replies he has a boy in mind already. After the tests, Shogwinopa tells the children to remember that an eunuch is an important part of the royal palace and sends them off. Queen Jeong-Hee and Queen Insu call for King Seong Jong to tell him they are working on his marriage, and Seong-Jong reveals to his grandmother he already proposed to Minister Yoon's daugher, and Queen Jeong-Hee is surprised by it, while Queen Insu reports though they had talked about marraige it was not yet set, and Seong-Jong is dismayed. Queen Jeong-Hee is troubled over the matter and calls for Shogwinopa and Queen Jeong-Hee shows Shogwinopa 2 sets of birth astrologies next to Seong-Jong's birth astrology and the queen asks which of the two is more compatiable for King Seong-Jong, and Shogwinopa answers, the owner of the signs in the red pouch will bare no son but the owner of the signs in the blue pouch will, and at this Queen Jeong-Hee is startled. Wol-Hwa who is accompanying her godmother Shogwinopa is mystified to learn that Seong-Jong's signs are the same as Cheon-Dong's. Meanwhile So-Hwa confesses to Cheon-Dong her wish to see the King, and Cheon-Dong tells her he will help her. Cheon-Dong goes to Jo Chi-Kyeom and asks him to help him meet the King. Jo Chi-Kyeom is surprised by it, and Cheon-Dong kneels as he begs, while Jo Chi-Kyeom asks what he will do if he helps him, and Cheon-Dong responds anything, and Jo Chi-Kyeom asks him if he will be his son.


adding him to the profile:


최자치 / Choi Ja-Chi

Yu Tae-Woong (child) 유태웅

Kim Da-Hyeon (adult) 김다현

He was born with a deformed genital and thought as impotent and sterile,

however he later develops male vigor as a palace eunuch.


ok i just watched ep 4 chi hard-subbed, so So-Hwa decides she will get married to Jaeulsangun because he is king now? man, all along i thought she was a girl with principles...so sad for cheong dong...

by the way, even those who work in the medicine hall like Seok-Hwan is also an enunch as well? why is that so

Why is Wol-San Daegun (Grand Prince Wol-San) King Seong-Jong's ( Jaeulsangun ) older brother when he looks like he is younger?

has this person Bung-Ahn Gun (Prince Bung-Ahn) appeared? Seong-Jong and Concubine Jeong's son

ya ppl at dc made fun about that too..

it seems she was one minute, 'no way i'm not gonna marry you' but as soon as he became king, she was all ready to call him 'honey'..

wol-san-daegun's picture is outdated. they haven't shown him since he was a toddler in ep. 2 so i don't know what he looks like now but he is certainly older than jaeulsangun since jaeulsangun was an infant carried by QUeen Insu as she was on her way out, while Wol-san-daegun was walking by her side.

For additional information about castration, I got this from my readings this afternoon. I hope it helps ;)

thx for all the enlightening info WaGGy.

dunno about you guys but i'm getting quizzy watching this show.. feeling so sorry to all the men who suffered such cruelty...

why do such atrocious things happen again and again in history. ><

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Guest Happy_Day

wait a sec, reading the summaries in here, so-hwa willingly accepts jaeulsangun's proposal by smiling and holding the other half of the jade!

but in reading the character descriptions on the official website, it says that so-hwa unhappily marries jaeulsangun and that cheon-dong and so-hwa are destined soulmates, and that so-hwa feels womanly love towards him!! later, after they are grownup, she is supposedly always sad and troubled because she is the king's wife but she loves a eunuch.

she is supposed to be an innocent woman of morals and principles! doesn't this anger anyone else?

i really hope she is not one of those female characters that go back and forth between two guys, playing with both hearts. :( i'd hate to dislike the main female character, like hajiwon in what happend in bali hehe.

also, reading the posts on here, some people said that eunuchs usually have no sex drive, and they are physically different than "real" men/non-eunuchs.

so cheon-dong becomes an asexual being?.. but he still loves so-hwa his whole life?.. i'm a little confused, is it like a non-sexual love/brotherly love?


like babymarzy07 mentioned below, it seems like so-hwa suddenly likes the jaeulsangun because he will rise to the throne. :(

also, i just want to say that i can't wait until all of them are grown up!! somehow, i can't imagine goohyesun as queen yoon.. she is too innocent-looking to be a queen in those times, but i heard she's a good actress. i really like the actress who plays the young queen yoon, she's 17 in real life!

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Guest babymarzy07

also, reading the posts on here, some people said that eunuchs usually have no sex drive, and they are physically different than "real" men/non-eunuchs.

so cheon-dong becomes an asexual being?.. but he still loves so-hwa his whole life?.. i'm a little confused, is it like a non-sexual love/brotherly love?

^ hmmm.. im not quite sure also, im wondering along the same lines. its weird. i cant really explain as well. anybody care to elaborate on this? personally, So-Hwa did strike me as weird after she suddenly made the 360 turn and now likes the Prince when before she couldnt care less.

thanks dramaok!! :) question again, if Cheon-Dong becomes Jo Chi-Kyeom's adoptive son.. wont that be weird cause he betrayed his dad? also, would that mean Cheon-Dong will become an eunuch too? what do u do to get deposed? or get thrown into deposition?

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Guest mochi_chan

wol-san-daegun's picture is outdated. they haven't shown him since he was a toddler in ep. 2 so i don't know what he looks like now but he is certainly older than jaeulsangun since jaeulsangun was an infant carried by QUeen Insu as she was on her way out, while Wol-san-daegun was walking by her side.

Hi dramaok, I am just curious, why the one who take the throne is jaeulsangun instead of wol-san-daegun ? since wol-san-daegun is the eldest son of queen Insu...

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Guest bethxness

thank you dramaok... i think i have to re-read some of the summaries because its quite confusing... and i have a feeling that when they fastforward, its going to be confusing too... lol.

regardless, thank you!

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wait a sec, reading the summaries in here, so-hwa willingly accepts jaeulsangun's proposal by smiling and holding the other half of the jade!

So-Hwa's motives and character are unclear to me so far. i think this has to do with some discrepancy between the image of 'deposed yoon-ssi' in Korean history vs. the one the drama is trying to paint. they are trying to show her as a beautiful woman who is a victim, right? but most ppl think of Yoon-ssi has a disgrace in Joseon dynasty.. she, her son, and her daughter-in-law are the only 3 deposed members of the royal family in the 500 years of reign.. (except maybe for Gwanghaegun (광해군) but he's only deposed due to a coup).. so i think this is the root of some conflict on the character so far shown. they are trying to be true to the story yet adding drama?? i wish this was more clear as well. it would be better if they just took a stance.

^ hmmm.. im not quite sure also, im wondering along the same lines. its weird. i cant really explain as well. anybody care to elaborate on this? personally, So-Hwa did strike me as weird after she suddenly made the 360 turn and now likes the Prince when before she couldnt care less.

thanks dramaok!! :) question again, if Cheon-Dong becomes Jo Chi-Kyeom's adoptive son.. wont that be weird cause he betrayed his dad? also, would that mean Cheon-Dong will become an eunuch too? what do u do to get deposed? or get thrown into deposition?

it would be betrayal i think.. but my sense is that Cheo-Seon's father forgave his friend Chi-Kyeom and wanted to support Chi-Kyeom's ambition thus he killed himself.. and since Oh-ssi can't remember anything.. not too many ppl know about it, except Chi-Kyeom, and maybe Yang Seong-Yun, and perhaps Shogwinopa. i wonder if Cheo-Seon will find out one day.. but as the story unfolds, i think he chooses to be an eunuch in order for So-Hwa to be happy. and if you see things from Chi-Kyeom's perspective, it may not be betrayal, since Kim was supporting a cause that was bygone and he needed something that kept his survival in the palace.

as for deposition, i think it entails you lose your title, and your position in the royal family. you go back to what you were before. lady x or y.

and live outside the family. as for deposed queen yoon-ssi,

she lived outside the paalce, and later some ppl said she should be reinstated since her son yeonsangun became the crown prince but she was never reinstated. her son, yeonsangun was deposed as well for his recklessness. his wife also deposed by virtue of his deposition. after the deposition, he was sent to exile and returned to his title of prince, but he died shortly after in exile.

Hi dramaok, I am just curious, why the one who take the throne is jaeulsangun instead of wol-san-daegun ? since wol-san-daegun is the eldest son of queen Insu...

i think there are a couple of reasons. Queen Jeong-Hee (wolsan and jaeul's grandmother) was an ambitious queen, who wanted to be able to rule behind the veil/curtain, and by then Wolsandaegun was old enough to rule under his name, while Jaeulsangun wasn't, so she supported him, also, i think because her husband, Sejo 'stole' the throne from Dan-Jong, she was under the fear that Dan-Jong's mother would come back and curse her bloodline, (her two sons both died young) so naturally the next generation, the first born would be first to be cursed, so she was perhaps trying to escape the curse, and many ppl around her said Wolsan was weak in health and would not live a full life (however in fact he lived longer than Jaeulsangun in history).. while Jaeul was smart and healthy, and also Minister Han and Jo Chi-Kyeom really pushed for Jaeulsangun to be King over Wolsan, i think because Wolsan was already married and Han could not have his daughter be his queen.. so it's many reasons. perhaps we will see more soon. so prince wolsan lost his entitlement w/out any fault of his own, but it seems he was a gentle soul, who did not fight w/ his brother anyway and lived to write many poems.

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Guest SillyYun

also, reading the posts on here, some people said that eunuchs usually have no sex drive, and they are physically different than "real" men/non-eunuchs.

so cheon-dong becomes an asexual being?.. but he still loves so-hwa his whole life?.. i'm a little confused, is it like a non-sexual love/brotherly love?

Eunuches do have S3x drives..thats why some married some woman, although they couldnt DO IT..u know what i mean*winks* but they rather possess the woman they want and yearned for. In real ancient days..Eunuches usually "play" with the woman's body as in toying around with them, some even go to brothels..

am chinese so heard before erm..As for koreans im not sure how but i think as what i see they keep in a jar..for chinese, they hang in a room with a pouch and names on it..they called it "bao bei" Baby..they have to do that because emperors are afraid of males having relationship with their concubines..

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Guest mochi_chan

i think there are a couple of reasons. Queen Jeong-Hee (wolsan and jaeul's grandmother) was an ambitious queen, who wanted to be able to rule behind the veil/curtain, and by then Wolsandaegun was old enough to rule under his name, while Jaeulsangun wasn't, so she supported him, also, i think because her husband, Sejo 'stole' the throne from Dan-Jong, she was under the fear that Dan-Jong's mother would come back and curse her bloodline, (her two sons both died young) so naturally the next generation, the first born would be first to be cursed, so she was perhaps trying to escape the curse, and many ppl around her said Wolsan was weak in health and would not live a full life (however in fact he lived longer than Jaeulsangun in history).. while Jaeul was smart and healthy, and also Minister Han and Jo Chi-Kyeom really pushed for Jaeulsangun to be King over Wolsan, i think because Wolsan was already married and Han could not have his daughter be his queen.. so it's many reasons. perhaps we will see more soon. so prince wolsan lost his entitlement w/out any fault of his own, but it seems he was a gentle soul, who did not fight w/ his brother anyway and lived to write many poems.

Thank you for your great explaination... I am so enjoy reading all your summary and your replied to all question so nice...

Keep waiting for your episode summaries... :rolleyes:

Cheers :)

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thanks for the summary n explanation...sounds like its a very turbulent period for the monarchy...

i thought i was the only one who felt so-hwa's 180degrees turnabout was weird...were the writers confused or what....

the ratings are maintaining around 20+% ...looks like it won't rise any further once the other saeguk starts showing on MBC next week

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Guest babymarzy07

it would be betrayal i think.. but my sense is that Cheo-Seon's father forgave his friend Chi-Kyeom and wanted to support Chi-Kyeom's ambition thus he killed himself.. and since Oh-ssi can't remember anything.. not too many ppl know about it, except Chi-Kyeom, and maybe Yang Seong-Yun, and perhaps Shogwinopa. i wonder if Cheo-Seon will find out one day.. but as the story unfolds, i think he chooses to be an eunuch in order for So-Hwa to be happy. and if you see things from Chi-Kyeom's perspective, it may not be betrayal, since Kim was supporting a cause that was bygone and he needed something that kept his survival in the palace.

Hmmm.. if its explained that way i guess i can understand better about Chi-Kyeom and Kim's past. Sometimes, ambition is really powerful and makes people do so much worse. I hope Cheon-Seon can find out, also for Oh-ssi to regain her thoughts maybe clear things up. Looks like the people who might know are still around, but for how long i can speculate.Though, im not so sure how being an eunuch for Cheon-Seon would make So-Hwa happy when clearly she choose the other life that is with the king. Well, Im not so clear to So-Hwa's personality as of yet.

as for deposition, i think it entails you lose your title, and your position in the royal family. you go back to what you were before. lady x or y.

and live outside the family. as for deposed queen yoon-ssi,

she lived outside the paalce and raised her son, and later some ppl said she should be reinstated since her son yeonsangun became the crown prince but she was never reinstated. her son, yeonsangun was deposed as well for his recklessness. his wife also deposed by virtue of his deposition. after the deposition, he was sent to exile and returned to his title of prince, but he died shortly after in exile.

ahhhh, so ur enitrely stripped of everything. hmmm.. this becomes a different story from then right?

is this were the king who punished his son for recklessness story? that one that is the one leading up to Yi San? his son is who becomes Yi san? i get quite mixed up with the kings but i think this is next right? i remember reading about that stuff in the other thread

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Guest mineowyn

am chinese so heard before erm..As for koreans im not sure how but i think as what i see they keep in a jar..for chinese, they hang in a room with a pouch and names on it..they called it "bao bei" Baby..they have to do that because emperors are afraid of males having relationship with their concubines..

No, "Bao Bei" is more like "Precious"..Although you can call your babe "bao bei" too. :P

ahhhh, so ur enitrely stripped of everything. hmmm.. this becomes a different story from then right?

is this were the king who punished his son for recklessness story? that one that is the one leading up to Yi San? his son is who becomes Yi san? i get quite mixed up with the kings but i think this is next right? i remember reading about that stuff in the other thread

^ya I don't get hw yi san is related.. The lineages confuse me alot.. And I hate having to memorize so many characters.. arghh..

Meanwhile So-Hwa confesses to Cheon-Dong her wish to see the King, and Cheon-Dong tells her he will help her. Cheon-Dong goes to Jo Chi-Kyeom and asks him to help him meet the King. Jo Chi-Kyeom is surprised by it, and Cheon-Dong kneels as he begs, while Jo Chi-Kyeom asks what he will do if he helps him, and Cheon-Dong responds anything, and Jo Chi-Kyeom asks him if he will be his son.

^wow. tht's a really silly reason to become a eunuch. If it really was in order to protect So-Hwa, I would understand. But this is frivolous. I don't like So-Hwa, I think she only wants to marry Jaeulsangun coz he's king and he's rich..Maybe she truly loves Cheon-Dong..But you know, ppl can't live alwys live on love and fresh air...

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Guest Sarah_sr

Thank you dramaok

I can't download from megaupload, sendspace

can someone please re-up HQ Ep 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 ..

Really can't wait for the episode.

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no Yi-san (Jeong Jo) is much later. he is the 22nd king. about 300 years later. Jeong Jo's grandfather Yeong Jo (21st King), put Jeong Jo's dad the crown prince sado in the rice casket to die. so the monarch skips a generation to Jeong Jo. Jeong Jo era is circa 1800. Jeong Jo is a very fascinating story.

this drama we're in the late 1400's. Yeonsangun's reign ends in 1506. the drama spans King Danjong (6th), Sejo (7th), Yejong (8th), Seong-Jong (9th) and Yeonsangun (10th).. and maybe Jung-Jong (11th).

i was reading more about eunuchs in the korean literatures.

and i found out (which is new for me, but maybe not to you).

that many eunuchs were not castrated. some had the 'natural calling' by being born with deformed, or impotent genitals. (i think they were more regarded)

thus they were naturally sterile. i think the herbalist park was one of these, and mun so-un and choi ja-chi. but someone like jeong han-su was fully okay until they castrated him.

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Guest SillyYun

omg dramaok..ur really from goguryeo! lol u know so much! haha~thats awesome..my dad knows alot bout china history so its like i know too because of him..we both love histories and am loving watching ancient dramas..even my dad watches this (he watched almost all the ancient korean dramas now...and he even watched I am sam cos theres no more ancient dramas for him while waiting for csubs)

ahh oh yea the feather thing..if not wrong cos u know when u cut a banana..theres no stem for water..so u need the feather's branch to erm..make a stem as in..a hole to let the water out yea? anyway cos of this i couldnt eat..its like making my whole body soften..

im confused with the kids casts cos they look kinda alike..and the women too! i guess i'll have to see further when they're older..i din know the herbalist is also one of the eunuches! so how do we differ to see by the dressing whose not eunuch? as according to my dad, he said the hat..im not sure...i think what he meant whose those with the hat with beats and standing at the door are not?

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can someone please upload episode 5 and 6 LQ ? I can't watch HQ sadly...

I prefer somewhere that's not clubbox ==;;

I want to see Yoo Seungho become king >O<~~~~~~

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uhh. does anyone know where the SS or MU links are for episodes #2-6? =_______=

i have an SBS account, but its reallyyyy not working so well for me~

please & thankyou!!! :] i really need to download them fast.

or does anyone have a CLUBBOX where it has HQ episodes? :D

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Guest babymarzy07

no Yi-san (Jeong Jo) is much later. he is the 22nd king. about 300 years later. Jeong Jo's grandfather Yeong Jo (21st King), put Jeong Jo's dad the crown prince sado in the rice casket to die. so the monarch skips a generation to Jeong Jo. Jeong Jo era is circa 1800. Jeong Jo is a very fascinating story.

this drama we're in the late 1400's. Yeonsangun's reign ends in 1506. the drama spans King Danjong (6th), Sejo (7th), Yejong (8th), Seong-Jong (9th) and Yeonsangun (10th).. and maybe Jung-Jong (11th).

i was reading more about eunuchs in the korean literatures.

and i found out (which is new for me, but maybe not to you).

that many eunuchs were not castrated. some had the 'natural calling' by being born with deformed, or impotent genitals. (i think they were more regarded)

thus they were naturally sterile. i think the herbalist park was one of these, and mun so-un and choi ja-chi. but someone like jeong han-su was fully okay until they castrated him.

thanks dramaok!! ur really are choi go!! (soory if my korean is bad)

ahhh.. sorry i got confused in the names in the story... lol Yi San is a long way a way.

hahaha i got confused. i read somewhere about Yoon-ssi being deposed too and stuff

i think shirley posted that in the Yi San thread about how queens brought up their sons i guess i got confused

in the whole timeline.

ahhh ur theory maybe right, i dont know much about how eunuchs are in korean times too.

thanks for that tidbit. hmmm.. a thought to think about. it seems Ja chi will be with palace maids too right?

even if he is impotent and such?

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