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If English Is Your First Language How Good Are You At Your Second?

Guest silentwhisperx3

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Guest shayanid

My mother language is Thai, I go to a Thai school, so my Thai is excellent! ;)

My second language is English .. still sucks .. though I've been learning for 10 years. <_<

My third language is Chinese. I haven't spoken much after my Chinese-speaking father passed away, so my Chinese skill is getting worse ..

My fourth language is Norwegian. I used it 3 years ago when I lived in Norway, but not so much anymore since I returned, except when chatting with Norwegian friends. My Norwegian is quite OK.

And now I'm learning Korean, a language which I think is the most difficult from all 3 languages that I've learnt, but I'm still trying!

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Guest deeyan

Native language: Malay, the most fluent

Second language: English, second most fluent

Learning language: Japanese

Want to learn language: Korean

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I speak tagalog.

im grateful that i can still speak it, even if i left the philippines at the age of 9.

because its one of the hardest languages ever xP

And i can speak english really well, because my parents always made me read, and i enjoyed reading too.

soo its pretty cool that i can do really well in school, but most of my friends are from the philippines too.. because i dont really feel the connection/bonding with the kids born here... theyr too much of a brat for me -_-

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Guest Kristtina

well my first language is lithuanian and i speak write and talk very good at it,but there are soo many things that i would like to learn,for example different dialect like my dad sometimes speak

my second language is english and i think im also very good at it,just dont know what more i could add to this

my third laguage is russian,my parents made me to learn it,i can speak and read,write in russian but not that good

and my fourth language is finnish,but i totally forgot many things in it

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i believe hmong was my first language because my parents didnt speak english when they first got here. but not, i can speak both hmong and english fluently. and the same.

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Guest jlove1831

I'm Taiwanese. My second language is Mandarin, and I'm pretty fluent speaking-wise..even Taiwanese natives have trouble telling I'm an ABC (American Born Chinese) sometimes ^^ And while I'm not bad at reading and writing in Chinese, I wouldn't consider it to be fluent. :(

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Guest JiEun123

I'm Korean-American. I was born on a Korean base, and spent a year there before moving.

I speak English better than Korean; and to those of you that read and thought that I'm a Korean citizen and not American, I'm an American citizen because I was born on base, as in I'm a military brat, and proud of it.

I speak relatively well in Korean, meaning I can speak and understand Korean better than some 100% Koreans that go to my church. You see, I go to a American, Korean, Samoan church (three separate congregations going at different times) and most of the kids that go to my church have some Korean in them. Most of the kids that are 100% Korean, both parents being Korean, can't even understand Korean, and only speak in English.

I can read and write in Korean, fairly well. I think you can compare me to KARA's Nicole in the ability to speak, read, and write English and Korean, though she may be better than me in the Korean language because the three other members are Korean and she has that hand-held technology-ish dictionary thing with her.

Also, I watch tons of Korean dramas, and that helps me speak Korean a lot, because I sometimes copy what the actors say.

I hope this reply helped with your curiosity.

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My native language is Indonesian and i'm fluent at it (like duh)

As for English, I learned it from a very young age and i always attend international schools

so people think i'm an ABC from the way i speak English.

For Mandarin, i'm currently learning it, right now i'm studying in China and planning to study

translation major next year :) Boy, Mandarin does make your brain hurts.

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

Hmm i was born in the states...so im guessing that English is my first langauge.

I really dont knwo how this works lol.

Well lets see, im fleunt in english, and i speak canto pretty well.

as for reading && writing im an illerate chinese. its hard to find

schools where i live.

but overall my canto is pretty good. oh && im learning mandarin && taiwanese mandarin && korean all at the

same time.

to keep your mother language, it best helps to watch dramas && listen to music.

i know its helped me a lot.

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Guest virginangelic

For me, I do consider English my first language since I use it the most often. But sad to say, I believe that my proficiency in the language has deproved over the couple of years I've not taken formal English lessons.

My mother tongue is Malay. I consider it my second language though officially it's my first since I took Higher Malay (sort of like advanced Malay so it automatically elevates to first language which sucks). When I was younger, I was doing quite well but now, I would say it's rusty.

My third language is German but meh, I've forgotten practically everything. I can still do the basics but I've completely forgotten most of my four year education. :sweatingbullets:

Other than that, I can understand and speak a smattering of Mandarin since I took it formally in kindergarten for two years and I do converse in a bit of Mandarin since most of my friends are Chinese and all. And a sprinkling of French and Japanese (the wonders of going to a language school. XD)

I do want to learn/relearn all the above though because I feel somehow inferior with the knowledge that I used to know them. Or was good at them. And of course, Korean and Dutch. Korean so that I can understand my K dramas without the help of subs and Dutch so I can one day communicate with my relatives in their language.

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My first language technically was Chinese; I did not speak a word of English until kindergarten. Luckily, I was in a bilingual school, so I had half a day in English and half a day in Mandarin for the first six years of school. I've now lost pretty much all of my Chinese accent when I speak English, although that's not completely the case the other way around.

I can speak, read, and write the two languages fluently, as well I am able to translate between the two quite well (at least in the standards of a CBC).

I lost most of my five years of French, which is a bit of a shame. I'm working on getting it back right now.

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First language = Mandarin.

I came to the US when I was 6 months old.. And yeah. My Chinese rocked.. until I started school.. probably kindergarten more than preschool.. Then slowly, my speaking skills just failed.

So English is my "first" language now, in a sense/main language..

I can still understand Chinese.. and I can speak it too.. I just.. dont @_@ (Its like if I do (with my family).. itll just be.. weird XDD; however D:! that shall change after I come back from Taiwan)

As for reading/writing. Fail =(.

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My first language was Vietnamese, and English as my second. I have to say, my Viet has gotten worse over the years. I've forgotten and mispronounce some words. =/ I also can't write in Viet, but I can read some words. :) English, on the other hand, is good because of school and talking to friends, haha. I speak Viet at home.

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Guest kiss_me

my first language is Filipino...so obviously i'm very fluent with it..

2nd language is english,,which is normal cuz it's taught in every school here...kinda fluent as well,i won't say i'm an expert though cuz sometimes i'm bad at grammmar :rolleyes: ...

3rd is mandarin..cuz i attended chinese school from nursery up to 1st year HS...but i'm not VERY good at it...

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I'm Chinese/Viet and I speak both of the languages. English was my third language. And right now I'm taking Spanish too. >.> I can speak Chinese and Viet fluenty and can hold a conversation but I can't write or read much in either languages. I'm very limited when it comes to reading and writing in Chinese and Viet. On the other hand, I can read, write, speak English like I've known it forever. I was born in HK, China and moved to America when I was around 4 or 5 so English has always been my main language really. Then comes Spanish... I can only speak to some degree in that language. I can read and write what my teacher teaches me. Lmao.

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Guest poofie

English was my first language,

as a baby i knews my second language very well.

Now I often get my second language confused with my third language

because they are very similar ^^; than I'm learning korean as my 4th language

without even studying my 2nd and third language properly. LOL i'm very mixed up xD

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My first language is Hmong, the second one is English. I can speak/understand/read/write in both but I'm more comfortable with English. I want to learn Korean so much!!! I also picked up a little Spanish but I've lost it now.

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Guest xl0v3juicy

My first language is cantonese. Second would be english. I am probably light years better in english than in cantonese. I can't even read OR write chinese, whereas I can read, write, understand, and speak english.

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Guest chewy_cookie

1st: Cantonese. I can speak it at a some-what fluent level. Can't write anything in Chinese now except for my name and some very simple words, same goes for my reading abilities.

2nd: English. Fluent - with some stupid grammatical mistakes now and then.

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