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Guest yogafan

class="articletitle" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: none 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 33px; border: 0px none; line-height: 34px;"Who Are The Sexiest Idols? 'Dinosaur Face' Stars Top The List


July 3, 2013 2:35 PM EDT |6
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  • TOPBig BangSHINeeJonghyunSuper JuniorDonghaeYonghwaCNBLUEDonghyun,BoyfriendGong YooLee Min-kiKim Woo Bin

    Maybe it is just me, but recently it was suggested by a friend of mine that the sexiest men in the Korean entertainment industry are those with 'gong-ryong sang' or 'dinosaur faces.'

    When I first heard this, I wasn't exactly sure what it meant, but after being given several examples, it makes total sense.

    The below list of idols and actors are those whose appearances resemble dinosaurs, for lack of a better explanation.  While it is hard to describe what that means exactly, take a look at the images and see for yourselves.

    Gong Yoo (actor)


    more at http://bit.ly/10zSmO6

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    Guest aalhl

    Dear YOOgals,

    As we all know, our lovely Monster's birthday is coming up soon.
    Thus, we have a birthday project to prepare a little gift for him.
    If you are interested to be part of the project, head over to the link below and find out what you can do.
    Yes, you have to be a member of the group first before you can see the post.
    Looking forward to your participation.  ^^
    Closing date is 9-Jul-2013.  Closing time has been extended to 8PM KST.
    So hurry up before it's too late!


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    Guest aalhl


    For some of you who may not be aware, this was our little birthday gift for our Monster this year.  ^^

    Hi Lanie and jinkzz!  Good to see you both again!  ^^
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    Guest aalhl

    Translation by Nam Hee unnie @ GongYooLover.  ^^

    [12-July-2013 13:46] Message from Gong Yoo @ YOO&I

    [늘 고마운 친구들^^] 만 34세의 어른아이..
    [Always thankful to my friends] An adult child who turned 34 years old..

    보내주신 정성들 너무 고마워요.. 하나하나 감사히 소중히 잘 간직하겠습니다.
    Thank you so much for your gifts full of love... I will keep each one of them preciously with appreciation.

    언제부턴가 늘 여러분들의 정성어린 마음 덕에 "아..내일이 내 생일이구나..." 알아차리곤 했답니다.
    I do not know when did it start... Because of your concern (love), I tend to take note "Oh.. Tomorrow is my birthday...".

    나이가 들 수록 누군가로부터 무언가를 받는 것이 어색해지고 내가 이리 사랑 받을 자격이 있나 싶고...그래요.
    As I get older, I feel awkward receiving something from people and it made me think "Do I deserve to receive such big love?".

    오글거리지만 제 입으로 "어른아이" 라는 표현을 쓴 건...
    It's a little embarrassing to say, but the expression "adult child" is…

    30대 중반이 된 지금도 여전히 난 성장통을 앓고 있다라는 생각이 새삼 들어서..
    Even though I have reached the age of mid-30s, I still have the feeling of going through growing pains again...

    보다 빨리 내 적정 체온을 유지하려 노력했고 꽤나 굳건하다고 믿었는데..그것이 내 오만함이었다는 걸 깨닫는 요즘입니다.
    I tried to maintain a suitable temperature for myself (doing something that is suitable for himself), and had strongly believed it could be achieved... But these days, I realised that it was my arrogance.

    잊혀질 만 할때 찾아오는 불안함..흔들림...욕심들...
    Insecurity, shakiness (anxiety).... greed comes to me when I thought I had forgotten them.

    어쩌면 내 가슴은 여전히 어른이 되기 싫은건지도 모르겠네요..
    Maybe my heart still doesn’t want to become an adult...

    유달리 지긋지긋하게 느껴지는 이 비가 끝나면 다시 가라 앉을까요?
    I feel so tired these days, once this rainy season comes to an end, will my heart subside?

    세상에 무심한 만큼 단순하면 좋을텐데..어른도 아니고 아이도 아닌 정체성이 날 괴롭히는 듯 합니다.
    It would be nice to be as simple as indifferent world... It annoys me for being not a child nor an adult.

    만34세에 말이죠...ㅎㅎ
    You know I am 34 years old… heh heh

    흐린 대낮에 복잡하고 재미없는 소리해서 미안요!!
    I'm sorry to talk something serious on a cloudy day!

    그나저나 다음 작품은 언제 쯤 하게 될까요? 저도 궁금하네요.
    Anyway, when will I work on next project?  I also wonder...

    나한테 재밌는 거 하고 싶다...다시금 가슴이 쫀득쫀득 해질 수 있는...용의자처럼?!!ㅎㅎ
    I want to work on something funny for myself... I could feel the excitement as if it is like "Suspect"?! heh heh

    날씨도 꾸리꾸리한데 빗 길 조심하시고 다 들 화이팅하시고 좋은 하루 되길!!~
    During this bad weather, watch out (take care/be careful) on wet streets.. Fighting and have a good day everyone!!~

    늘 고마워요...
    Thank you always ...

    덧1) 어쩌다 태어난 날 밤에 박찬욱 감독의 "스토커" 를 봤더랬죠...각설하고 아름다웠습니다..멋진 "영감" 같으니라구!!ㅎ
    P.S 1) Somehow, on the night of my birthday, I watched director Park Chan-wook's movie "Stoker"... It was beautiful anyway.. Really nice, man. Heh

    덧2) 한 동안 음악을 멀리하다 다시 찾아듣게 만든 분들이 있어서리...끄적입니다..
    P.S 2) For once, I don't listen to music for quite some time, but there are people who made me find and listen to music...
    정은채님, 배영경님, 임헌일님, 권순관님...그리고 "잘 알지도 못하면서" 버닝 중..ㅎㅎ
    Jeongeunchae (actress and singer), Baeyounggyeong (singer), Limheonil (singer), Kwonsungwan (singer)... and I'm also currently listening repetitively to "Like You Know It All".. heh heh

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    Guest lionel1430292475

    aalhl said:
    Translation by Nam Hee unnie @ GongYooLover.  ^^

    [12-July-2013 13:46] Message from Gong Yoo @ YOO&I

    나한테 재밌는 거 하고 싶다...다시금 가슴이 쫀득쫀득 해질 수 있는...용의자처럼?!!ㅎㅎ
    I want to work on something funny for myself... I could feel the excitement as if it is like "Suspect"?! heh heh

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    Guest Lili Krist

    Gong Yoo-ssi nomineted for OUT STANDING ACTOR at Seoul International Drama Award 2013.

    Please kindly vote for his hardworking!!!

    Step by step:
    1st you must login to your Facebook account
    2nd open new tab this link :
    3rd just follow the steps
    Here the photo for Gong Yoo-ssi nominated for Outstanding Actor and his current vote result. Please kindly support him...


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    Guest yogafan

    class="articletitle" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: none 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 33px; border: 0px none; line-height: 34px;"K-pop, K-Drama and Abs: What It Takes To Achieve A Six-Pack

    With the obligatory shower or swimming pool scene featured in so many kdramas, actors have to work hard to stay in top shape. Here are a few kdrama actors whose workouts deserve a mention or maybe even applause:

    Gong Yoo: The "Coffee Prince" and "Big" star thinks its more effective to exercise before you eat, but he fits workouts in whenever his filming schedule permits. The star, who recently played a client on "Dating Agency: Cyrano," also diets if a role requires him to take his shirt off. He plays basketball for fun.

    full article at http://bit.ly/12FUsK0

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    Guest evez1430292869

    yay!..reminiscing gong yoo from 1st shop coffee prince..it's my 6th time watching this drama...hope to see him again in a full length rom-com genre... :x

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    Guest aalhl

    Drama's Top 5 Romantic and Sexy Kiss King

    Source: hgc.bestiz.net
    via yeonshin @ YOO&I

    Summary provided by Nam Hee unnie @ GongYooLover

    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

    The writeup describes the characters of each actor's kiss scenes. The character for Gong Yoo is described as sudden kiss which we can see in Coffee Prince and Big.

    About his lips:
    Gong Yoo has a diamond shaped, a little prominent and thick lips.  It's proper lips for kissing.

    The article also mentioned that he has experienced kiss scenes with many actresses. He doesn't take his eyes off the actress, and he softly hold actress' neck, not too chic/sophisticated when he kiss. It makes the kiss scenes more beautiful and natural.

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    Guest aalhl

    Source: http://enews24.interest.me/news/article.asp?nsID=211581
    Translated by Nam Hee unnie @ GYL

    [세얼간이]여심 사로잡은 '최고의 키스남' 공유 vs 이승기(동영상)
    [29-July-2013] [The 3 Jerks] The best kisser who captivate women's heart  - Gong Yoo vs Lee Seung Ki


    여심을 사로잡은 최고의 키스남은?
    Who is the best kisser to captivate women's heart?

    28일 생방송으로 진행된 케이블 채널 tvN '세얼간이-금주의 뜬 키워드'에서는 '당신의 마음을 사로잡은 최고의 키스남'이라는 주제로 시청자 실시간 문자투표를 진행했다.
    Live SMS voting was carried out during the broadcast of TVN's 'The 3 Jerks' on the 28th to determine "The best male kisser who captivate your heart".

    이날 총 5명의 스타가 후보에 오른 가운데 영화 '김종욱 찾기'에서 임수정과 박력 있는 키스신을 선보인 공유가 문자투표 34%라는 압도적인 지지율을 받으며 우승을 차지했다.
    That day, 5 actors were nominated for best kisser. Gong Yoo won the title by showing powerful kiss with Lim Soo Jung in the movie 'Finding Mr. Destiny' with overwhelming support.

    이 어 '국민첫사랑' 수지와 애절한 키스신을 선보인 '구가의서' 이승기는 30% 지지율로 2위를 차지했으며, 윤은혜와 눈물키스를 선보인 '보고싶다' 박유천가 3위에 올랐다. 4위에는 지난해 불면증을 유발했던 '응답하라 1997' 서인국, 입술먹방'이라는 신조어를 만들어낸 드라마 '나인'의 이진욱은 5위로 선정됐다.
    Result #1 Gong yoo - 34%, #2 Lee Seung Ki - 30%, #3 Park Yoo Chun #4, Su In Gook, #5 Lee Jin Wook

    한편 이날 '대국민 투표 얼간이 어워즈'에서는 여름방학 특집을 맞아 '아이디어 문구 TOP10'이 소개됐다.

    Related video

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    Guest goldysnowy

    Wowww..GY-shi is great actor..Acting kissing with beauty and natural isn't that easy thing...Two thumbs for Yoo...!!!..By the way..LSG and PYC's co star ever kissed well with GY too in drama...Maybe the two girls learned with him...Hehehehehhe...just kidding..

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    This is an old interview which a friend of mine had chosen to do English subtitles for it quite a while back. It's finally completed and she had specified to be invisible. Nevertheless, thanks to this dear dongsaeng we are now able to get a glimpse of our Monster's thoughts and feelings as an actor and a person.

    09-Oct-2011 tvN Paik Ji Yeon's People Inside - Interview with Gong Yoo

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    Summary provided by Nam Hee @ GYL

    [13-Aug-2013] E-News Episode 1690 : Tall height! Good figure! A man people like to share about. Gong Yoo!

    Basically, it highlights that Gong Yoo is a man people loves to talk/discuss about..
    he video mentioned that during "Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy" days, his body figure was somewhat muscular..
    But after "Coffee Prince" and military, his figure got better (even more muscular) as what we saw in "Big".

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